Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Evolution under one year

Capsule summary: Metaphysics: Scientific Reality; Epistemology: logic+empricism; Ethics: Stoicism; Politics: Conservatism+safety net.

STOICISM is basic to aaqgs (pronounced aux) hence a logic (algorithms with semantics => language),  science (theories and speculation => pragmatics) and ethics (virtue and involvement => life). "Beyond the standard model" or loop quantum gravity is our science. Traditional stoicism strengthened with (logic) Taleb and my list of distinctions is my ethics. Mathematics, physics and computer sciences is my language. Nature is my God, I am a part of it, was born from it, return to it, and reversal of entropy is my or some descendant's objective, for only after that, time can be conquered. 2016 was the first time an experiment showed this statistical property was reversed in quantum experiments near absolute zero; don't have to await reversal by natural way of big bounce. Or one can imagine closed system refrigerators revitalizing some descendant for ever. Fortunately there is black energy, hence no big crunch in this universe.

Correct merging of uber-theories (perfect in their domain) of Einstein relativities and Bohr augmented with quantum field theory and gravity can be done two ways: tensor algebraic extension of Einstein to quantize it as in Loop Quantum Gravity, or extend Calculus particle physics to include gravity, the string theory approach. Both have the problem of no testable predictions!

In aaqgs, Unlike Epictetus, I deviate from traditional stoicism and consider honest praise a virtue. In my brand of stoicism, only the -ve emotions are to be purged, not all. It is possible to slowly develop the discrimination.

It all began with a math trick to sum huge number of Feynman diagrams using essentially an amplituhedron as the basis that made time-space as emergent properties of the amplituhedron basis. Turns out even Quantum Mechanics is emergent from Loop Quantum Gravity, a clever way to unify the uber-theories of quantum mechanics, special relativity and general relativity, which in coming years will show the emergence of cosmos from nothing but a big bounce to naturally reverse entropy. Making devices to conquer time by reversing entropy and reversing gravity to conquer distances are two central billion year research problems of aaqgs that will happen. Only faith required in aaqgs is to believe that all problems will either be solved, or proved impossible to solve, or prove such a proof can not exist, ...

Sep 25, 2016 – Even the questions make sense only if science has been rightly followed in the narrative so far!

On the Missing Universe: CERN Has Started Searching for “Dark Photons” - We, Particle & Theoretical Physics community, Have Been Skeptical and Careful but in The Same Time Studying and Taking Seriously The Possibility of A "Fifth Fundamental Force" of Nature For Two Years [If it turns out to be true then my career on Supersymmetry will go to garbage, but we will also mourn String Theory]
In brief:
Dark matter seems to outweigh visible matter roughly six to one, making up about 27% of the universe.
Physicists from CERN now believe there's a fifth universal force that rules the behavior of dark matter, and is transmitted by a particle called the dark photon.

Beyond the basics
I imagined my quest was ultimate – how something came from nothing. But one has legitimate questions on why there are physical laws, constants, obey  the laws, space, time. They don’t need creation, they were always so. Except not if all started in the big bang. Or the first time, even in a cyclic world! Surely these can not be emergent properties from something else! But they are highly likely so, from amplituhedron!
Even quantum nature and finiteness of Universe come from totally a barbarous assault on remaining sanity in quantum mechanics, called unitarity. Quantum mechanics arose from a barbarous attack on the intuition of locality human had for 3000 years – no magic, the only way to influence anything is to be in contact or exchange something. Quantum mechanics has entanglement where a system may influence another even faster than light if they are entangled Even quantum mechanics is sane,  says amplituhedron! Even amplituhedron mechanics are sane, says quantum gravity.

Beyond mystical designer scientists. Only in science does evolution happen faster than generation change.

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