Saturday, November 26, 2016


If you select any entire http link in this document, right click it, then a menu opens with go to in it. Aaqqs is pronouned as aux and stands for aroon-aryan-quantum-gravity-stoicism. Phrases joined by - have unspefied further semantics contained in the phrase which serves as universal extension.

Three critical components are required in aaqgs-view for an adoptable religion, a trifurcation of content offered by any religion that seeks to be propagated today without violence – a philosophy of universe, a philosophy of life and a philosophy that analyzes and answers current recognized controversies. Aaqgs-religion has chosen pure science for generation of it's universe dogma, stoicism for answering spiritual, behavioral and legal issues and a series of philosophical treatise on some of the recognised controversies. No long term benefit to authors are planned, in addition to my own, reference to and discussion of work without extra recognition will be to alien interesting authors.

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