Wednesday, November 30, 2016

aaqgs-recognized distinctions

Following manifestations are not a complete list. Similar dilemma subject-wise are

  • Chicken or egg: which is first of two things, each of which presupposes the other
  • Double bind: conflicting requirements ensure that the victim will automatically be wrong.
  • Ethical dilemma: a choice between moral imperatives.
  • Extortion: the choice between paying the extortionist and suffering an unpleasant action.
  • Hedgehog's dilemma: the desire for intimacy going unfulfilled due to accompanying substantial mutual harm.
  • Fairness dilemmas: when groups are faced with making decisions about how to share their resources, rewards, or payoffs.
  • Hobson's choice: a choice between something and nothing; "take it or leave it".
  • Mesh Fencer: relates to a difficult commercial choice where neither option is cost effective but a decision has to be made.
  • Morton's fork: choices yield equivalent, often undesirable, results.
  • Prisoner's dilemma: an inability to coordinate makes cooperation difficult and defection tempting.
  • Samaritan's dilemma: the choice between providing charity and improving another's condition, and withholding it to prevent them from becoming dependent.
  • Sophie's choice: a choice between two persons or things that will result in the death or destruction of the person or thing not chosen.
  • Traveler's dilemma: you could make the best move possible to win the game according to its rules. But in doing so, you forfeit almost the entire value of a lost suitcase full of antiques of which you are the owner.
  • Zugzwang: one must move and incur harm when one would prefer to make no move (esp. in chess).

However, it is designed to be elite and editable ist where the editor may accept in toto, decline or commission a related version without any  non-legal rights of the author.

The cadets, in startrek universe, receives a distress signal stating that the civilian freighter Kobayashi Maru has struck a gravitic mine in the Klingon Neutral Zone and is rapidly losing power, hull integrity and life support. Sensor readings are indeterminate and there is no way to verify the distress signal. There are no other vessels nearby. The cadet must quickly make a decision:
  • Attempt to rescue the Kobayashi Maru's crew and passengers, which involves violating the Neutral Zone and thereby provoking the Klingons into hostile action or possibly an all-out war; or
  • Abandon the Kobayashi Maru, preventing war with the Klingons but leaving the crew and passengers of the freighter to probable death.
If the cadet chooses to rescue the Kobayashi Maru the scenario progresses quickly. The bridge officers notify the cadet that they are in violation of the treaty, giving the cadet a chance to turn back before finally committing to this dangerous action. As the starship enters the Neutral Zone, the communications officer loses contact with the crippled vessel. Klingon warships then quickly appear on an intercept course. Attempts to contact them are met with radio silence; indeed, their only response is to open fire with devastating results. No defense is sufficient against the Klingons and the cadet's ship is eventually defeated (and destroyed if the scenario plays out fully).

Randy Pausch, of Last Lecture fame, had the childhood dream of "being Captain Kirk". After being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (which proved fatal nearly two years later) he received a signed autographed picture of Kirk with the inscription, "I don't believe in the no-win scenario. My Best, Bill Shatner"

epistemic versus ontic

aaqgs-recognised dilemma – Public and private



Comparing power of aacqgs-philosophy with Marxian class view

Aaqgs-recognized-dilemma opt-in versus opt-out

aqgs-recognized-dilemma – Law versus ethics

Dilemma controled by deadhand-market MUST underlie law for ethican citizen's to choose.

It is our goal to consider economics consistent with aaqgs-religion, a market-dead-hand vibrant Scylla and Charybdis compromise between self-interest ethics and democratic law a la aaqgs-recognised dilemma..

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