Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Another way to start

Standard business processes are risk/return based. Being circumstantially very risk averse, question is “can I launch a business”? Even clouds businesses imply risk. But there is one very narrow business that I am uniquely suited to, that can give me a risk less start and generate money to the level that standard risk/return analysis will apply. What is wonderful that same can be used to start a number of ventures and truly one can live with a string of failures. That itself is an overwhelming advantage over ALL capitalists no matter how rich or advanced they are now or later.

It is based on Internet of Things. Within one year, IoT will begin sweeping even advanced world like BLE is over USA today. Point is that I can expect IoT based entrepreneur emfubarring big shots earth-wide starting 2018. Every one of these aaqgs-postulates will have a common problem – how to trademark their production. And there is NO political or Legal solution, only aaqgs-solution! Matters not if you believe in my uniqueness, widespread of problems etc. The key point is that it is email based problems and solution. I can start without capital and grow at business speed. All sent to me are integers generated by a process in the entrepreneur, All I do is in return mail, give you uncomputable but hackable response. Using this pair, IoT things can talk securely, any one to any one. Simple capability based things prevent cross-site-scripting and confused-deputy attacks.

What the ‘Internet of Things’ Means for Entrepreneurs

It seems that everything can connect to the internet now – your computer, your smartphone, your watch, your TV, and even your car. The internet is quickly becoming a system of “things”. How does the idea of the Internet of Things translate for entrepreneurs? Opens up numerous opportunities that were not always an option. Extension disrupting disruptors of social media or e-mail to the phone, or via fax or snail mail. You need me bad to prevent mass hack witho0ut enabling NSA! Criminals and Terrorist will eat nations like India alive.
Streamline the Hiring Process Did you know that technology can actually help pick between candidates for a job position from  hundreds to thousands of applications each day, with emfubar politicians finding outrageous discrimination claims!
Cut Down on Team Size
Think of how much easier things can be around the office when everything is automated. Minus chaprasi and corrupt babu.. Even your coffee maker can be set to come on at a certain time. create a more digitized work-space. You may even be able to operate your full business from a small, one-room work-space.
Manage Your Health the Techie Way
Digital health products are everywhere. You can track your daily steps through watch-like devices, log of everything you ate through the day and the number of calories you , count more glasses of , monitor your heart rate and blood pressure through your smartphone.
Better Manufacturing Processes
Think of an assembly line where a product has to pass through several stations until it becomes one whole product. IOT same - allow different facilities to communicate with each other.
Different Industries Will Connect
Business owners will be able to see a connection between their industry and others. revolutionary for future innovation opportunities. product safety test results with its consumers via the web or smartphone app. Or, it can share the same results to a higher-intelligence division of the company for suggestions to improve the results. having immediate access to your insights is incredibly important to maintaining customer trust, learning what marketing strategies work, and expanding your business to new customers.


Above is a beautiful example of naive emfubar head-in-clouds moronic Humanities authors. I tell you harsher realty!

1.       Above is heaven description. You need 2 criminal per hundred to make EVERYONE demand privacy. Best way to fuck business emfubars – have an annual identity. Only let government security use aadhaar data. Emfubar every one else.

2.       It is aaqgs-possible to have uncomputable business identities which allow single use id and check,, but will make correlation aaqgs-impossible (i.e. strong-crypto-impossible including NSA but not to nation-security).

3.       I am COUNTING on every free nation to forbid unbreakable encryption communication, but still enough to emfubar NSA. Very very hard, but I can, even better PROVE, under suitable non-disclose non-compete non-use.

The forced delay from impossible bugs has had one useful side-effect – a proof on paper!

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