Monday, February 8, 2021

Can we ever beome truly immortal?


Can we ever become truly immortal?

 I consider every organized religion to be a fraud and every private religion to be strictly private! Yes, otherwise I will not waste my and reader time, hence strictly in experimental sense. No scientist has ever speculate and all sci-fi have referenced fictional techniques. Hence, this. Science rational Speculation SRS instead. Eventually all rational speculation becomes reality!

Repeated biological age reversal won't work. Reason is accumulation of damage and probability of failure simultaneously of DNA and epigenome. No mater how low the product is made, it is still finite.

There is a technique in the science of opto-genetics that looks to digital readout of the human brain. That can be duplicated without limit and recreated any number of times. Assuming a limit on the magnitude of danger and some way to escape this universe when it ends to a quasi-universe through sufficiently powerful laser spot, true immortality may happen. Otherwise, the stoicism principal holds - what is the difference between he who lives a few years or few generations. You always face death in finite time in  any biological pattern including rebirth by Yamanaka factors! But Repeated biological age reversal gives you tme. Only a Cyborg can have true immortality.

But now, broken biological immortality gives enough research time. A truly immortal life may walk the population today!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Recent links on application of Paradigming

 There are some links.

It is an intellectual watershed for me to understand how I think and how to convince people that your belief are worth a second look. With it, I construct a system opposite to Marx - just as applicable - but celebratory of private property and rational democratic skepticism RDS, the base of all scientists that might become essential for asserting knowledge in the greatest civilization today of the USA.

Only learned today that tea thrown in Boston was of East India company (thank you) and British then were using rockets used against them, technology extracted, by Tipu Sultan of Mysore, India. Our relations go back very far!



The Paradigm theory and RDS are shown here.

Unlimited Medical Tourism




Paradigm-ism application - aaging


This gives compact scientific application of my Paradigming/RDS to aaging. There is no attempt made to explain reason behind my work and how to think like me. Assuming you are limited to my result and what it entails. The subject seems outside science, it is not, and I will provide a recipe to evaluate your Guru, your friends advice and doctors suggestions or recommendations and its worth and its sanity. Finally, try mine. If you are dead by then, too bad!

Scientification of any procedure from any aging theory is to use 2 applications of some bio-age clock before and after the procedure. Dr. Sinclair has 15-ear bio-age less than calendar age and father has gained 10-years at 80 in three years! No published science measurable method has been experimentally validated.

The paradigm shift here is that one can actually do something as opposed to advice of all, including many you respect that something can be done beyond healthier old age. More is the claim that the fountain of youth exists and is reachable repeatedly. Even the most attractive daydream on the fountain of youth I have heard, people don't seem to realize that one gets old again after such a fountain and repeated trips are needed!

THE PARADIGM IS SIMPLE - THERE WAS NO METHOD BEFORE. A New claim is that there is a method. Inversion is there is no such method. How then to explain lab results on mice, speculate on why Horvath marks, why does himself Dr. Sinclair look 10 year younger 20 years younger, why does his father have so much energy at 80 and look in 60s.

To remove subtle forms of consumer-trickery, FDA exists. Why not its results? FDA's tests are ongoing in ,many universities. I can't wait for results, willing to accept being financially hurt. But so much that I will better FDA proven NR/Pterostilbene instead of NMN/resveratrol which has same Target i.e. NAD+. This company is better staffed, with blessings of 6 Nobel laureates but more expensive. I will use NMN/Pterostilbene. NR is monopoly-expensive but Ptero form of Stilbene is more bio-avail than the resveratrol form. Monopoly-expensive form is unlikely to have reasonably priced Indian maker. For 1-2 years I am ready to pay USA prices.

The second big issue is RDS. There are 3 intervention that affect aging. They are

1. Aping Dr. Sinclair. He takes 1 gm each of NMN, resveratrol, Metformin and also unspecified dose of K2/D3. RDS inversion: Why take them and why in those amounts. K2/D3 has nothing to do with aging but for bone strength and immunity (I have quaffed Haldi and Daalchini) and have not been Corona victim and will get vaccination in March. Bone supplementation blessed by MD. On his advice, I also take bio-phosphate every week for osteoarthritis. Three amounts of others are aping based. Except I will take Pterostilbene instead of resveratrol. Big concern is safety not efficacy. Efficacy is that it improves Dr. Sinclair and family,

Safety is that NMN or NR are vitamin B3 forms in body conversion of energy by NAD+ in Krebs cycle other being sub-cycle using ATP-ADP. You can use NAD+ direct or NaDH but prohibited for engineering reasons. They are there any way made as both are steps making Vitamin B3 to NAD+.

2. Plasma-update: As early as Jan 28. 2021, the results of plasma update on mice improved their life by making bio-age 54% less. It works on mice! Experimenters will go to humans next. There is no reason it will work there except a weak argument of similarity between mice aging and human aging.

Safety issue is minor, given blood transfusion is about 100 years old. Plasma infusion will be safer, both on me and donator as all the cells will be returned. Even more interesting is that Delhi government has created many facilities for Covid-19 solve by plasma update from cured patients. What objection is to use them for my purpose as long as I am the victim, ready to pay the commercial price of blood?!

3. Yamanaka factors: this is the returnable fountain of youth. Since Yamanaka got his Nobel Prize in 2012, illegalization of morons who doubt new aging as any in last 5000-year history or like or beyond the current examined. Like evolution, it is the application of periodic low concentration of some Yamanaka factors (Evolution with punctuated equilibrium). Magic unspecified are some (which), low concentration (from what) and periodic (how often, how long).

The answers return analysis of negation of Paradigm and RDS. Being scientifically inclined, any source but experiment or write up referencing such experiments are accepted unknowing counter tests. All other reasons are stupid and waste of my time. It requires genuine intelligence to generate great Paradigms and RDS. My claim is that Paradigm/RDS produces convincing answers and are the way to attack intractable problems.

Of Yamanaka factors OSKM, m is cancer-genic. OSK are absorbed in vivo with different absorption within different specializations. They have proven safe in small quantities. Better treatment than any modern medicine that is symptomatic is possible with Yamanaka factors - it is better than any medicine of heart, to reduce the age of heart cells!

I have a new term generated by me aage-cure versus mm! Clearly mm interventions are best for short term illnesses. But aaging-cures will be superior for long-term illnesses. There is a paradigm shift and statements against by every mm pass-out in the past are stupid! This is also callable as genetic-medicine. Old mm is best called allopathy! All medical schools that do not focus on robotic care and genetic-medicine will become progressively ancient and irrelevant! Stem cells will not define new medicine missing aage/genetic component. I feel sorry for non-AIMMS doctors screwed by stem-cell Paradigm, now even AIMMS faces a new Paradigm! They are unlikely to know re aging chemicals and when/how to use them.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Paradigmism application - Farmer agitation


This gives compact scientific application of my Paradigming to Farmer agitation. More, it gives a reason for all else to oppose strongly the so called and punish so called and their foreign supporters back to the slits they have emerged from, after the abuse of national symbols in Delhi on Jan 26. Paradigm thinking is from aping the great professor Dr. Jerome Feldman.

The Basic to the application of Paradigming is to invert the solution and think about the issues, as well as examine why the participants face a Paradigm shift. The paradigm that is shifting in India farmers is from several hundred years of shortages (all of British Raj and congress littered post independence.). Producing more but selling the produce! Well-to-do farmers are in Punjab and Haryana. Hence, the Sikh-Jat unity.

The fight is between 95% annadata kisans and 5% rich so called, who happen to be physically and historically stronger. Yet they are scared and clueless against UP Yogi! Remember CAA. So-called AAM admi of Delhi was involved for agitators then and now. Brutality on Delhiites and Haryana but never in UP! Yogi punishes, liberals and commies give respect.

Well, now the days of scarcity are over. Benefits in Punjab (Sikh) Haryana+Western UP (Jat) have to be shared to other 95% and that scares them! While Modi exists, not much happens. Even if center accedes to 3-laws and MSP, detractors in jail for Delhi violence, evil riots in Delhi, treason in anti-CAA, the attacks on CAA, then 370 abolition. Finally, Modi!

Let us invert propositions. The 3-laws are bad. Unlimited MSP is good. What happens? 3-laws benefit 95%, irrelevant to 5%, force-fed wrong commie lies on mandi vanish, benefits to usual commie villains free market icons (Ambani+Adani say they were not interested and now will not enter!), bad world trade. Point is no benefits to 5%, perhaps to 95%, laws try but cannot control world price. The money comes from my and all else development funds! N ow farmer and opposition has united it is not scare-mongering.

What happens in MSP law? Evil villains are smart enough keeping out of mandi, government can not buy and has no storage (inefficient as all government work (mice love it), Capital government does not have). So govt stops at current MSP But all other farmers demand procurement like Sikh+Jat, meaning share goes down! Only loser are current well-to-do farmers. MSP is zero-sum game. Govt. can't sell since MSP is more than price! Look at the USA. Farmers have strong-armed govt early 20th century. Average income of farmer is 1.5 times national average! Every Indian and 95% farmer lose if current strong-arm wins. While Modi there, MSP will not increase, 95% farmers remain fucked.

Hence, all us are screwed if strong-arm works. Every time people escape market discipline, others lose. When all escape, soviet Russia happens, even with Russian ingenuity.

As a scientist, I am particularly offended by Punjab farmers growing a lot of RICE these days for MSP! It fucks their kids as water table has dropped fast, This when they have a lot of water that Jat farmers of Haryana need.

There are two solutions. My old one was dumping the problem on states, doable because farming in the constitution is a joint subject. Sir S Swami has independently advocated that with proper political finesse. My new one is tie MSP to acreage. Start with current, rationalizing with time. There is a third,

I like because it implies opposition decimation. Post Bengal elections use real force. Stalemate losses to nation have to stop, even if well-to-do will survive till then with no losses till then VIEWED AS INVESTMENTS. Stop MSP procurement from Punjab and Haryana to give rights to every one else. Then shoot in defense!

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Feb 5, 2021

Paradigmism: Brand-new theory as expansive as


Probably most bombastic ever for class, some referenced yet but use of many posted lessons.

What is aaging so far?

The basics is Sinclair 2019. Then the basis is as described here. Current research is on what I do.

Is there any semantic logic to what you state and live by?

Yes RDS and paradigm which are basic to my life and think. Paradigm thinking is from aping the great professor Dr. Jerome Feldman. The fundamental truths must be emergent, they can not be determined by successive process of refinement due to the well known process of impossibility of answering repeated 'why?' for any theory. For example, strong classic engineering uses viscosity, temperature, resistance etc but these mean nothing to molecules, these are emergent truths, from statistical behavior of molecules.

RDS expands on RS rational skepticism essential to all science which must be falsifiable and accepted because of RS examined experiments and observations. The critical improvement is D for double skepticism which accepts, wrong in current belief, but nevertheless equal, detractors of two kinds, one who are unaware of some relevant fact, and the other created by ideology or propaganda who pretend or can't accept a correction for intellectual or cost reasons. Preferred ways are democratic, but secession and violence are two other alternatives in extreme. A historian must add claim to failures that lead to these extreme steps.

Paradigm theory?

Paradigm divides the world into those who feel it and those that don't, including its introduction in 1963. When a (scientific (Kuhn restriction), social, political etc) theory changes in paradigm sense, it is difficult for seniors of old to see or appreciate the change and accept equality with neophytes. In politics, one can not accept the victory of the opposition. In India, it happened in 2000, in 2005, and 2014. About farming, one can talk of zamindari abolition, green revolution and current shortage versus plentiful farming. One must add white revolution (dairy) to it.

Class theory is Marxism, although Marx never invented the term class conflict, (it is how he views history). It views every process dialectic-ally.

If you want to name me, I prefer the term Paradigm theory with RDS for process functioning and truth. There are two critical areas I wish to apply it for non-intellectual personal reasons - aging (for I grow old) and robot-ese (voice commands are here. How do I use robots without logical errors (black box transcripts for inevitable disasters) but not knowing logic or rigidly applying it)!


Who are the morons?

Non-believers in evolution. Most existing doctors without genetics knowledge.

What lays the biological foundations?

Sinclair genetic correction of DNA damage. Same works in all cellular life forms, series based on size of bacteria to human to whales; and series based on complexity of plants, animals to humans. The remarkable benefit of theory is that aging hurts the epigenome, thus reversion to lower age (and even looks) and potential quasi-immortality is a by product of killing aging. That is because birth DNA is preserved pristine. Read it in conjunction of opto-genetics, even my TBI deficits are engineer-able and digital brain readout is possible, essential for true immortality.

What lays the biological correction procedures?

One is genetic, derived from some Yamanaka factors applied by repeated punctuation. Two is evolution based technique of Dr. Sinclair aped. Three is plasma update. Excluded are telomere length based techniques. Benefits of aping and plasma are likely 1 shot and 10-20 years. Yamanaka factor derived techniques are likely always repeatable, or at least have unknown repeat limit based on say entropy.

Making anything a science, in particular, aging!

RDS means RS and treatment of other people opinions. To make procedure scientific, you need something objectively measurable. It is measured before and after an experiment. That measure must objectively change by the procedure. To make AAging scientific, the bioage must change (reduction) and bioage must be correlated with rest of life to death. Horvath pioneered bio-age, there are now other measures too. The clock applies to many species, on a species basis. So any random guru can make any claim. The procedure can be falsified! The only other subrule of D is on burden of proof. It lies on the maker of any claim! No one is allowed to make any unfalsifiable or unprovable (at least referenced to an objective test).


RDS is a philosophy, one of many!

But unequal and objectively superior. It is implementable to believable letters made in online letters using my encryption technology. That is what mean by objective in this case! Soon, you will be able to RDS test it - try to lie to a friend or not, By putting the letter in a program, the friend will be able to discover your lie! But that is not the reason for RDS, which is safe efficacious robot control.

What about the future of RDS?

Scientific people will dispute while there are two or more. Can there be a resolution ever? In three categories - solved (RDS), unsolvable (proved) or open (research needed if useful). RDS will be a solution for RDS can prove itself applying RDS! People encountering Gödel work are nonplussed but won't be once one realizes how few they are in the real practical world even if some simple ones in theory are!


 Aaging: the book

Understanding the person?

RDS for Rational double skepticism where one inverts the proposition to examine and asks why not. One must also examine the reasoning likely to be advanced by the opponents and prepare believable answers to all likely supports for the contrary. It extends RS essential for science to defender of a position.

Paradigm shift is the likely reason for men as good as you, or better, will argue opponent side. Consider the farmer agitation in India. Paradigm shift has happened because food products have moved from shortages to excess produce with no buyers, no storage and no international  buyers at internal prices! If milk is produced, there ar5e few markets making sweets and milk powder etc, depressing prices in markets to unbearable levels. It was visible in dumped milk and destroyed ghobi vegetables. The government has no reasonable storage post buying. The easy way is to strong-arm the government to buy anyway, damaging to all non-farmers and poor farmers. My answer emerged from why not just buy from the farmer and guarantee MSP prices to all!

These are how I view the world and how people considered equally intelligent to me think. There is no guru benefits as reasons ever. People musty think so be considered garbage.


aaging: Arun Arya paradigm on Aging


When a paradigm changes, the new is rarely even comprehensible to the old, it is a restart which demolishes seniority. (Paradigm is used generally). It swings to the young new. Historically, it changes because all believers in the old paradigm grow old and die, while professors teach the new! It is not unusual for the paradigm changer to be sensible and to transfer real power to a semi-senior young, rather than the old guard.

Since I use this word so much, let me introduce the sub-paradigm concept motivated by programming. Use of procedures and functions was a very successful sub-paaradigm that persisted unchanged even while structured programming, object orientation and api-based sub-paradigm rose. Now comes a true paradigm change of functional programming! Old style programmers were not confused by sub-paradigms but will be devastated by functional programming.

Politics example?

This happened with Modi who became CM of Gujarat, primarily at that point to solve infra-party conflicts. He won, prospered his state and prospers the country today. He represents a paradigm just as Nehru did. Rahul does not understand and never will.

Medicine example?

The germ theory of disease underlies modern medicine. Also called allopathy to raise Ayurveda etc as equal alternatives (they are not and homeopathy is criminal). Most diseases of century 20 were bacteria based and mm theory prospered. Now we must deal with virus based diseases and likes of heart and brain diseases. Further is Aging, also considered a disease. The reasons are subtle changes in cells, mitochondria and DNA. It is more genetics based. New medicine will deal with stem cells and cell fixing. New mm is a new paradigm. In old, causation was bacterial. Lot of effort has gone into identification and killing off suspected agents. FDA was a golden way to evaluate medicine. New efforts are on in-vivo genetic changes, strengthening of white cells, reinsertion of cells after extraction and processing and infusion of plasma. The greatest challenge is to extract and reinsert brains. It can be done with heart. Current FDA and its interpolations are stupid for evaluating new agents

Arya test?

It is like a Turing test. Can any organism achieve biological immortality, if isolated from all other life forms? Perhaps for lower life. Cancer cells are immortal. Higher animals like jelly fish are immortal. It has a massive advantage of being able to revert to child form. This is death of the old form and not included since memories are not preserved, and it is more like rebirth, not included.

If at all awake, there is new technology which can enable a digital brain readout in the next few hundred years (channel rhodopsin . TED, This is from MIT) and will fund its own growth through mental and brain disease alleviation. If so, immortality can be achieved through robot life. Is the new robot the same as old? Is the person after quantum gates transfer the same? There is a philosophical argument possible. I skip that, since I know that death is like endless sleep that I was in pre-birth, one every day without dreams and one I was in while TBI. It is a boring philosophical topic.

Physics example

There was pre-newton understanding, representing a paradigm. Several thousand years of seniority. There was a paradigm change that the Christian church has not gone over. This was followed by the Einsteinian paradigm. Confluent was quantum physic's paradigm change with Planck. Now the church is screwed and has bowed out of reality, evolution and all. This was supplanted by Feynman/Dirac paradigm change. Suddenly one could make sense of particle zoo!


The Universe was understandable to church till Galileo paradigm. This was changed in the American astronomer Hubble paradigm. It forced belief into the big bang model. I believe (minority) that Galactic rotation curves indicate that the theory of gravity follows Dutch physicist Erik Verlinde's Gravity and also independent observation to indicate that dark matter is real. Or it might happen that the bullet cluster is special. BUT consider the fate of two shining examples of dark matter!


What does it mean to understand anything? The paradigm theory provides a barometer. Paradigms change with time as new technology allows finer data that may well conflict with current paradigm Or the current theory is found to fit experiment in worse ways. Can a paradigm be inviolate. My thoughts since no thinker has asked this question. It means something that opposes science a big way - unless something is falsifiable, it is not science. No wonder doctors keep changing their mind, they can only tell a patient the current results. Lack of change prohibits new experiments! Yet one thing can seem to be certain - mathematics. It matters not what current belief or experiments are. Even that fails in quantum physics. Things can happen without any classical (read logical) reason. There are two things in particular that can behave as quantum resources. One is entanglement and the other is simultaneous states.

Many states is that if a particle goes right, it will also go left with some probability at the same time, there is no way to prevent going left. You can not prevent a particle in a well of energy, with some it will go out with some probability, It is how photosynthesis works, any leaves can, but best chemical engineers can't. Entanglement can be used to build tamper-proof internet. This is how tomorrow works, no sci-fi involved. These are only two uses.

The protein folding problem is fundamental to new medicine, Existing computers, no matter how much faster, can not solve it. But quantum computers can. Google has claimed quantum supremacy. The protein folding problem is solvable for them with more qubits.

So even understanding is a difficult problem. Is general P solvable? Can't, but quantum computers may, but they can't. There is no way to tell the answer in general. Don't feel bad because same was even before, undecidability is itself undecidable on deterministic ordinary computers!

… when you’ve solved biology, and you know how it all works, will that be disappointing at all? To have no more mystery about the mind, or why we do things?

The premise of the question is that the mystery would go away. But I don’t know if the premise is correct.

We know lots and lots about water, but does that erase the meditative quality of sitting on a beach and watching the waves? We know a heck of a lot about how stars work, through fusion of hydrogen and the creation of all the elements and so forth. But does that make it so nobody wants to look at the night sky? I think there are many kinds of wonder. And some are untouched, if not enhanced, by science.


It seems that 'creatures age without tampering' except that jellyfishes are immortal but for useful point of no memories transmitted. Suppose I could be immortal jellyfish style. Record all memories preservable. Then proceed to renew my body, set up the environment so that the recording is available to renewed me, am I immortal? Why should I leave bad memories for next me? Perhaps some mine and others obtained. Or all as sold? Or just enough to be me! All kind of questions disappear with Yamanaka factor based renew. Done every dozen years, I go to renew self, spending say a month in a company hospital. Since robotics is everywhere, I get government dole. The Government sets up a tribunal for each death (only accidental). Lessons are learned and implemented to avoid a repeat, research if tribunal can't decide.

What will hospitals do?

They will use RNA based selections of right DNA cells. Then OSK factors will be administered to pull back age of some cells. Same repeated for all cells. The brain part is different. The neurons form undecidable analog circuits. So no engineering is done. Something much better is done. Like body parts, independent neural net governed extensions are available for direct brain control. The control is fused to the brain, useless till some commands become part of the brain. The rest are picked with time. All this before download happens, in a few hundred years.

Why will they do it?

To earn money per procedure from the government.

Will private property live?

It will because of tragedy of commons.

So how will this come about?

Increasing free time to workers, decided between unions and the government for employers. Consolidation of unions to two - free enterprise and socialist. Brutal firing of commies and long imprisonment.


Don't know or care. Competition between at least two raised to constitution and made part of checks and balances. Strong anti-monopoly checks and balances. The government must be minimal, with less the role as possible. Strong support for son-of-soil employment. Poor states have no dole provision. State parts have the right to secede and join on unanimous wish (seceder and absorber). No uniform laws in family matters except number of husbands and wives, marriage and divorce and other population count matters.