Friday, February 3, 2017


1. There are expected to be three effects of this – greatly fanned enmity, true madness imprint and yawn. True friends are not just admirers but point to deficits – implied nonsense (self-contradictions)  and incompleteness , as well as pointers to unmarked references. My own response is humor for critics and friends. True friends are those who I listen and incorporate.
2. In terms of timing, I do believe that I have reached a plateau in thinking when prescriptions can be rolled out. Clearly, 1919 is the target. Unlike OIE morons, I do not have administrative experience. Unlike Sir Trump, I do not have vast business experience either. What I will have, by then, is the fastest financial exponential rise in history. And vast experience in technologies that will matter then – quantum processes, veracity through modular arithmetic safe against hacking, and business formation.
3. My square root form got a massive boost, for the NSA hurt itself massively by making my equally good competition untrustworthy! Poor NIST, IETF and UNO!

IBE wiki
Has listed generic drawbacks of all known IBE, but not mine, except that 4.. Quantum computers are not-available doing Shor!
1 If a Private Key Generator (PKG) is compromised, all messages protected over the entire lifetime of the public-private key pair used by that server are also compromised. This makes the PKG a high-value target to adversaries. Me: No center, even distributed. Can retract keys.
2 Because the Private Key Generator (PKG) generates private keys for users, it may decrypt and/or sign any message without authorization. This implies that IBE systems cannot be used for non-repudiation.  Untrue wiki! Me: No center, even distributed.

3 A secure channel between a user and the Private Key Generator (PKG) is required for transmitting the private key on joining the system. Can build personal RSA, keys never known. No implied escrow.

4 IBE solutions may rely on cryptographic techniques that are insecure against code breaking quantum computer attacks (see Shor's algorithm). Only irrelevant adiabatic QC on horizon without Shor capability!

Personal points

1 No one (terrorist) can abuse a nations communication system even with foreign help.
2 Provable safety against other nations.
3 Police with legitimate warrant can decrypt messages of any one only for warrant period, and no one else gets effected by a surveillance.

When ready (end of year), now that Bugs have been overcome for long, sq-rt encryption will be partnered for free (ad) magic- checksum, one-year-long-safe-email, my-telephone-set-safe-call aquas-responsible-letter. Then my company will develop aaqgs-must-pay-producer, PTO
-detrademarker, iot-process-safe-messaging  and  aaqgs-safe-banknote.

First Field Medal winner woman

Stanford's Maryam Mirzakhani wins Fields Medal. Bigger than nobel (four years).

I vainly tried to understand her work for two reasons – how the universe came to be, and top flight prime numbers and cryptography. I gave up – it makes some sense why string theory on 26 dimensions makes sense and all why zeta(1) = lim(natural n) Sum(n) = -1/12 as per rieman and ramanujan and even why this sounding absurdity is basis of 26 dimensions in quantum field theory!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2017 – Great Year at last

Disclaimer: Only words with aaqgs semantics are used and aaqgs is the sole responsible owner. aaqgs-Artificial-evolution is related to biological and memetic evolution and refers to the claim that ONLY advantage nature had over human quantum computations has been billions of years of natural selection evolution that can be modeled in years and computed in hours. You-tube and vimeo links, unless so marked, are considered free link.
This looks like ad, is, but summarized my statement well
1. The point is 2017-2020 is when many companies fail, become laggers and marked for fail.
2. Not new, MANY large retail houses have died already.
3. OIE fuck you, inexperienced in digital world, all the experience before is irrelevant hot air.
4. The big shots have exactly my TBI madness – fucked if cautious and fucked differently if not.
5. I have exactly the unignored niceness shown to me as sick. It is possible to enter entire family line of enemies in computer and revenge by simple technique – ignoration boycott. Only need is great for me – be very successful. More successful, faster revenge. Allows me to be anywhere, pass on secrets, keep revenge alive to dooms day.
6. Three products jump at me from research, only I can do on earth – Quadratic factoring in a discrete field. No magic here – any moron can multiply in Field i.e. compute x*x. What is undo able except negligible integers is compute the square root.
7. Given any string s, I provide free digest(s). Given any numbers a and b, modulo any M, I provide free a*b%M
8. Now sq-rt is not practical. Hence if given, can be checked i.e. claim(x is sq-rt of y) checked bu x*x = y.
9. Cant change text s – prefix it with sq-rt(digest(s))
10. send MSG to some one – encrypt(MSG) with k and publish k*k. Only target can decode.
11. I solve 2 difficult problems – money making and reverse engineering.
12. money making is easy, M has life of rest of year. It dies henceforth but all previous uses remain secret!
13. Prevention of reverse engineering by abusing my code is easy – 95% of code can be safely published by FSF code, since the algorithms known. Only new thing is sq-rt knowing some magic of M. That computation only in protected centers and results communicated in net by rsa! Can use rsa since only one sender and one receiver!
14. First is never encrypted, but secure broadcast. By add of sq-rt.
15. Next use is secure email, free for rest of year.
16. Next is untappable secret phone call, free but have to use my phones.
17. Finally, paid responsible text, that allows sender to bury private secrets in sent mail and recipient to auto-check the secrets, both sides fully free of knowledge of cryptography. Makes 21 century sense for marriage sites, employment application, etc, even general mail, particularly to opposite sex! strictly better than paper certificates (easy forging), paper banknotes (easy color xerography), taping (easy rerecording), photo (easy remixing) and video (colorization and blue screens).

Aging foods

Disclaimer: because my advice is non-Ayurveda, positively non-homeopathic (criminal) not-like-friends, be warned. Only tolerated are modern medicine with belief that 80% mm are honest OIE cunts and require extensive internet research to believe. They are Widely abusively (to consumer) penetrated by evil adsters and subhuman incentivizaion that makes every story suspect if not

Cochrane | Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health, only trustworthy advice on planet earth.

The most sensible ways to do well is high anti-oxidant bio-available foods. Using them, exercise, ecp; I believe can push my life to 95, past the sweet zone of cyborg transition.

The golden aaaqgs-rule for serious believability in any chemical is
  1. checked publication in high quality journal
  2. Highest concentration in healthy adults
  3. lower in healthy older
  4. level lower in sick elderly
  5. Lowest in hospitalized elderly
  6. Has well defined mechanism i.e. Anti-oxidant
  7. Passes the aaqgs-test of “why only now”
  8. Tested by others to escape new-subject syndrome
  9. Why not widely prescribed
  10. Cant-hurt attitude
  11. Reasonable bio-ability as food or no reaction direct injection

So far over 30 years, statins, Stevia and ECP have passed these tests. Independent of doctor belief, I practice them. Now a fourth Glutathione. Starting on it, making wife and parents follow it. One part is testable within a month – wife loves it! Glutathione interferes in melanin production ie people get fairer! Within a month! So she was photographed at start and again after a month – compare then objectively. She has eaten it a week now and every day looks at the mirror! Not that I can see – still three weeks!

Glutathione has been labeled master anti-oxidant.

Don't be carried away. Remember that Sir Pauling himself believed Macro-dosages of Vitamin-C (1000% daily needs) and had conspiracy-theory-explain of doctors! Nevertheless, Glutathione praises as anti-oxidant are common, first 5 points are from Lancet in UK. Warning – expensive as typical self-nutrition-joker-consumers have discovered it. You can even get soaps and creams – never mind how it works - most idiots respond to word Glutathione - love to emfubar an objecting adster subhuman!

It supplements guava, sharifa (custard apple) and mangos! With it, no Shortage of anti-oxidant. Incidently, if you see US returned gora (Sir white) as an entrant to 50th graduation anniversary celebration, don't be surprised!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Mixed Reality

One knows AR or augmented reality and VR or virtual reality. AR extends current reality so is essentially a transparent screen on which images are projected at real time. VR is an opaque screen on which the reality is projected. MR varies the translucence of the screen so that reality is some what in between. Of course, I think easily done if use for it, can be computer controlled translucence. Note that composition of picture in VR can be by some sort of AR, in which case VR subsumes AR. Also the VR screen can be split, or AR can have a VR portion, which allows VR users to have some environment sense even while busy with VR image.

Given that, billion dollar question is what is next windows? Current windows can be considered to be a software executive with a graphical shell. The GUI technology has no windows requirement and various Linux systems with guise are even better than windows. Not generally known is the git model done as successor to Linux. Even though strictly code management system, very technical and hence boring, there are some exciting ideas I derived from it, relevant to MR and aaqgs-shell which I think is next after windows, although very less likely. To fire me up is the application to prove or disprove – 3D paint. People could build their own GUI commands (not needed later) using paint-2D and also there own active images and sketches. HTML-5 allows people to build clever compositions. What is needed is clever ways to sketch the 3D atoms and photograph them. Then the composition play happens on fresh background (VR), overlaid (AR) or computer-controlled MR.

Roping-in Responsibility-free life

Responsibility-free is possible ONLY after tenure in Academia and retirement in life. Roughly, the goal of quality production is internally driven desire for excellence, not the impact on affected people or systems. That impact consideration is central to a responsible person and every aaqgs-responslity free must consider this and express genuine admiration for both the responsible-person and the implementation difficulties, sometimes resulting from laughable oversight.

The best aaqgs-practices are derived from aaqgs view of practices known at bell labs. It is incorrect to seek more management role for the brightest – compensate them without management titles. Ideally, the same pattern as management but absent numerical groups being managed. Responsible-oversight is a certain art unfamiliar with. Basic advantages of many titles is progressive experience based advancement of many people managed but not titular. In an ideal monetized management, the non-responsible people can be compensated by some fraction of development from their efforts viewed like new company formation.

In other words, the silicon-valley style venture capitalists in the newer angle investor form becomes reasonable, with 1% stake of all the responsibility-free including travel and administrative costs with a more detailed project report due to explicitly designated responsible person.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

A very important Aaqgs-discovery of summary or slogan

One can define existing-civilization by the golden rule is "not do to else what may happen to you".   I think a more realistic aaqgs-policy would be based on violent enlightened self-interest without love but surprisingly often coincides with civilized. The realist violent enlightened self-interest is "do not harm the other when it reduces their efficiency in working for you". It is superior, I think, because you can't replace else by animal (non-veg, drugs etc) and robots! That I making progress is the highest principle in me – why ain't I more aaqgs! Also no other-world are necessary, they are optional, not required for belief, ethics or law. Its application is self-defence to a legal level and organized professional defence thereafter.

Aaqgs-religion explicitly forbids conversion activity – you are aaqgs-person if you have questions that have been given stupid answers, wrapped in unpenetrable languages by emfubar who abuse your essential divineness by doing absolutely waste of prayer and live off you by soliciting contributions in various forms in lieu of their absurd teachings or visits to various sites designated holy, often in self-flagellation modes.

Having strongly denounced the conversion and exploiter subhumans, what is aaqgs and why should I spend time on it? No matter how stupid the answers, no question ever.!

It may be provably impossible to answer, but that itself is an answer. Deductive logic is considered perfect in the sense that all conclusions from it have exactly the truth value of the axioms. However, computibility imposes limits on deductions. Every second order statement is suspect (implies quantification over sets, not just elements of a universe). But beyond, you need inductive logic that is a science, and moral logic, that is law. Very careful pronunciations have be made here since we are treading on the domain of deepest philosophers ever and future here. Fortunately, a lot of research has already been done.

By limiting to first order, no surprises like liar sentence or “set of sets not members of self” remain is not to imply that all second order are not logic, aaqgs considers some as logic on case bycase basis.

By only considering falsifiable sentences as science, one can purge all religions. It is not to imply that all non-falsifiable are not science, aaqgs considers some as science on case by case basis. HTTP://

Science goes beyond and uses Kuhn described paradigm model. Note thatsurvival of progress in memetic evolution is not violated in paradigmshift mode since scientists have a small life..

Fundamental question in philosophy of law is application. All issues of ethics are subsumed here. Note that aaqgs distinguishes between law and ethics – as laid by rulers and individual.

It is quite moral to have felony-misdemeanor distinctions in law and cessation of prevention of recidivism efforts after a threshold.