Thursday, January 5, 2017

Roping-in Responsibility-free life

Responsibility-free is possible ONLY after tenure in Academia and retirement in life. Roughly, the goal of quality production is internally driven desire for excellence, not the impact on affected people or systems. That impact consideration is central to a responsible person and every aaqgs-responslity free must consider this and express genuine admiration for both the responsible-person and the implementation difficulties, sometimes resulting from laughable oversight.

The best aaqgs-practices are derived from aaqgs view of practices known at bell labs. It is incorrect to seek more management role for the brightest – compensate them without management titles. Ideally, the same pattern as management but absent numerical groups being managed. Responsible-oversight is a certain art unfamiliar with. Basic advantages of many titles is progressive experience based advancement of many people managed but not titular. In an ideal monetized management, the non-responsible people can be compensated by some fraction of development from their efforts viewed like new company formation.

In other words, the silicon-valley style venture capitalists in the newer angle investor form becomes reasonable, with 1% stake of all the responsibility-free including travel and administrative costs with a more detailed project report due to explicitly designated responsible person.

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