Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The telomere approach to Aging


There are five distinct, independent (now) approaches to aging, meaning they are statistically independent, hence composable with effects that add and composable howsoever in parallel and sequential modes. These are mTOR, telomere, immune refresh, Yamanaka factors, and E5. The last 2 are in the future within 2-20 years.

Beyond mTor with several Approaches to Aging, there is the telomere lengthening approach, lengthened by the diver approach or hyperbaric oxygen. When I approached it six months ago after the method being there for about a year, telomere extensions were known as in professional divers, but not referenced with guisto and soon very negative things by Dr. Aubrey de Grey who I respect most. It was unclear whether the elongation reduced age, the latest says it does, a reputed Israeli scientist writes. The method is the best of the lot since HBOT short term has another well-known use by film stars to enhance their beauty and properly done. one can find many marriage applications. In fact, the Glutathione chemical has anti-aging and skin-whitening applications! I desisted as intravenous use was needed but now have discovered liposome suppliers, thus going beyond intravenous use only!

One of the more spectacular uses of HBOT, recognized even by conventional American medicine, is its powerful detoxification benefit. Thus, given that your skin is not only your single largest organ but also plays a major role in detoxification, and given that toxins in your body definitely show up as skin blemishes and discolorations. Thus removing toxins and the aesthetic benefits to your skin are shown outwardly.

Hyperbaric enhances beauty and finds applications post plastic surgery. According to Wu Jianhua, a famous Chinese doctor in the field of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on beauty has three aspects.

    1. Repair after cosmetic surgery: cell tissue promotes wound healing in a high-oxygen environment; leukocyte phagocytosis under hyperbaric oxygen is enhanced, which can prevent infection, repair necrotic cell tissue after surgery, and make wounds heal faster in hyperbaric oxygen after surgery, Better, so as to achieve the purpose of beauty

      2. Promote skin cell metabolism: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment promotes the synthesis of skin collagen, which can increase the elasticity of the skin; it makes the skin capillaries richer in blood oxygen, which can achieve better nourishment of the skin cells, Isreal Hyperbaric making the complexion ruddy; it is the blood and skin The nutrient exchange between tissues is sufficient, and the skin is more moisturized, smooth.   

      3. Fight against UV damage: A study by the University of Connecticut found that hyperbaric oxygen therapy has a very significant inhibitory effect on skin cell proliferation, cell death, and apoptosis caused by UV rays, and can significantly reduce skin wrinkles caused by UV rays. The depth and quantity increase, increasing skin elasticity. It is necessary that hyperbaric oxygen may have the effect of preventing and curing skin damage caused by ultraviolet rays, which means that hyperbaric oxygen may have cosmetic effects. Researchers believe that the root cause of UV damage is the preconditioning effect of hyperbaric oxygen.

It is available in India !!!! India. Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy (HBOT). A Natural Therapy for Anti aging, Wellness, Cosmetic Clinics & Spa.

It will cost 10-20 lakhs, I don't have it, but my mother is interested in family applications. Whether or not commercial applications fly is secondary, great if so,  ok without. That is the best approach to a business, can be very strictly honest! If my aging clinical test works  (looks great mid-term), completed by bio-age test before November, it is another very strict honesty and perhaps one can find synergy between two simultaneous independent anti-aging methods. So I start today on "Anti-aging and enhanced beauty shop". Delhi/Ghaziabad area. Will become global when Modi/Yogi Zaver airport is done in 2 years. Starting rentals in Greater Noida next to the airport site close to the airport ASAP. 

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