Sunday, April 24, 2022

Rejuvenation overview

 At first view, undo aging and rejuvenation look the same. A very important distinction in my mind is the number of times the procedure work even though both deliver the fountain of youth. A technology delivering either must reduce your bio-age less than what you had before starting. It need not work a second time. or a small number of times. This is captured by my neologisms which attach a version number to rejuvenation to indication of upgraded definitely superior version.

Rejuvenation-1.0 only improves health span, life-extension is marginal. This may lead to next rejuvenation only in improved health span.

Rejuvenation-2.0 improves life-span, extend life-span, at least once. Life extension is seen in reduction of bio-age and increment in grimAge that measures expected demise interval. However the improvement may happen justice or small number of times.

Rejuvenation-3.0 allows significant number of reuses.

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