Monday, April 11, 2022

Usable Anti-aging


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After 20 year side interest and major extensive interest in Aging for last 10 as I age, its biology and chemistry, blessed with sharp intellect that took me to the Unix group at Bell labs as colleague to Dennis Ritchie and two computer science seminars at Harvard, I can state as a self-styled expert in Aging that unlike my past, there are five methods of Aging reduction that are likely independent and hence composable. It is not known how effective each is, nor is needed in composing method of mine sensitive to scientific answers, enough anecdotal evidence exists for some effectiveness of each, benefits may exist that are varying for each client, still my composition is not sensitive to such variations. It is the value in parallel composition. Each addresses a responsible utterly visibly competent Est doctor!

What are the possible ways to indefinite healthy life


 B Bio-evolution with limitless rejuvenation/growth of limbs and organs.

2. Bio-evolution with periodic reversion to womb-state

3. Download of Brain

4. Permanent periodic refix of stem cells and immune system


Only sub animals will wish you long but unhealthy life. My goal is to extend to maximum my health span, even if the resulting is life span increment is zero! The methods above will extend my healthy life, have been detailed elsewhere but may not work for me as the technology is not there. Only one method applies today  - by medicine. The technologies will be developed and I call it the singularity, Once 1year postponement of death per calendar year is achieved, I will partake in appropriate Indefinite life.


What any sane person will desire in Usable Anti-ageing

The questions are

1. Why should you believe me?

2. How does one know Dr. X theory is not right for some Moron x!?

3. How does one know the recommendations are safe?

4. How do you know my recommendations are effective?

5. How should you compose?

6. How should you determine the dosage schedule?

Compatible theory unifying their methods to make them suggestions of the Arya theory

Following very dense next paragraph covers the entire field of aging.

From Hallmarks of Aging represented as a directed acyclic graph or dag one can isolate a dominating subgraph that covers activation and inhibition edges. Two methods suffice to cover 3 (Sirt, AMPK and mTOR) addressed by Dr. Sinclair and 1 by Dr. Fahy. Now one can imagine other forms of age reversion. Not doing Fahy (suggests igf-1 fix) and Sinclair (suggests NMN for Sirts, Metformin for AMPk and rapamycin for mTOR) yields senescent cells which hurt by bad chemicals and by induced senescence in neighbors. This immediately leads to senolytes and Dr. Aubrey de Grey (Spermidine, Fisetin, Quercitin, apigenin etc depending on senescent cell source). How is bioage measured? . These are not just marker but residue of DNA operation and specialization of the cell! Fixing the process not only improves the epigenome but manipulates age! Dr. Kennedy AKG comes here.  How come the senescent bother the old but not youth? Because of active immune system that declines with age. Fix it by cancer developed methods like car-t fix. Finally, cells have DNA overlain by two plugs on each end that shorten in every division until the cell turns senescent from inability of division past this Hayflick limit. One can fix this by two methods - extending the limit to infinity by cell developed enzyme that uses the DNA sequence that encodes the ligase DNA present but deactivated giving rise to deathless cell line also called cancer. Or by diver-like HBOT use. Last is the famous Israel method. The manipulation of telomere length seems to have aging reduction applications. Intermittent brief Yamanaka factors arena-toxic and refresh the cell without losing specialization assuming only OSK are used. E5 likely uses exosomes and depends on the fact that these serve to be like hormones without using generation organs!


Why should you believe me?

The link of this essay can be shortened to last slash. That gives you the linkfarm of several hundred links  devoted to essays relevant to this question and answers in detail why you should believe me. The main point is my glorious fact that I have only collected facts and all your objections are likely handled better by the doctor referenced.

I do provide a completeness by developing a paragraph that will likely cover every future method which will simply be a further development of some method already referenced. This kind of completeness is like Dr. de Grey style seven aging modes or 9 Hallmarks of Aging.

How does one know Dr. X theory is not right for some Moron x!?

No one is likely capable of brand new anti-aging methods and hence likely a charlatan, especially if majority of Arya-standard greats expressing opinion do consider him genuine. E5 was an unexpected add to my internal unpublished list, but was added after Dr. Horvath and Dr. Sinclair supported Dr. Katcher. It looks like cell-age is governed by external signals and not internal cell DNA only. E5 methods may use Stem cells and may be fundamentally different from and independent of Dr Sinclair aging explanation as theory of information internal to cell not dependent on external events.

Stretching my neck, I think the anti-aging modes are different, one can talk of Sinclair aging related to DNA and Katcher aging of the DNA in mitochondria.

How does one know the recommendations are safe?

I consider Self-application SA and USA FDA test  FDA/Test to be gold standard. SA because FDA test may be too expensive or slow, requires consumption by recommender and family. Dr. Sinclair does that, Dr. de Grey follows FDA/Test. And I do SAI eat medicines  recommended by me since All my recos are Arya-safe and no unexpected interaction has occurred with many aging chemicals in between or with my heart medicine or brain medicine so far.

Arya-safe: increased concentrations of chemical names of contents of fruits and vegetables, chemical names of stuff already in the body,  GRAS status in the USA law, doctor managed medication available OTC in some major country without prescription but requiring prescription in others, or vitamins. No concentrations are suggested to known poison levels. 


How do you know my recommendations are effective?

Not my issue at all, talk to the doctor. I feel good and Aging well but that feeling can be placebo effect,  full  blood tests show everything measured is in limits and best will be known before November 2022 by when an aging test is due.

How should you compose?  How should you determine the dosage schedule?

Depends on you and your aging doctor, to be picked from attached list here. I am  committed to provide a “drug application review” and “excellent supplier” list to all members at the year mark every year you are a member, based on averages reported by all aging doctors to me for silent aggregation. In return to Dr. submitted reports, in addition to listing, they will also get the review in addition to aging drugs, doses, and schedule recommended to start  with new patients. Neither patient or doctor names will ever be reported.

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