Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Welcome Singularity

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The golden paper


After writing: Judged erroneous, not amrit, coz extension of telomeres does not reduce age! BUT Katcher E5, under tests, amazed the greats by actually reducing age, hence real amrit when a product.

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In Hindi, they call it amrit. In 2021, knowledgeable know it as singularity. It came a few days ago, unheralded. All alive and rich today can live forever, and die only by accident or malice. After they get smart! Historically inclined may call it successful end of Gilgamesh quest after 4000 years.


Science recommendations play into the common narrative that science is an objective means of identifying a single truth. On Aug 27, 2021, Singularity arrived unheralded. Medical means exist for extending human health span to 2050 for the rich who can extend life in 2050 if you can afford Israeli AVIV. There are no commercial disclaimers.


Aging undo has been the most crucial AND fraud-prone demand of human for last 4000 years of recorded history and even mummy discoveries. A tv channel of repute broke the story 2 days earlier THAT An Israel company had provably done aging undo, measured by telomere lengthening of 20-40 percent in age of 75 of 35 people free from diseases of the aged, agreed to by wonderful feeling in lucky patients, had written a research paper just accepted by a top peer reviewed journal Aging and published.


            This is an amazing paper, studies here.

    There was little reporting of this maximally interesting story in print media. It is probably an interesting medical story, nothing more. Like statin use, I started in 1998 for heart, 5 years later, it was prescribed even to US dogs, It hit India in big way in 2008. I got my medicine cheap being on wife’s family policy. Then the patent expired. Companies worked on developments, storvas or atorvastatin for me. This is 2021. People should start early, as the external looks do not become those of 25 years yet. It may never happen,


What is aging? Can be captured in hallmarks. Simply, a biological process with these hallmarks. Definition so can focus on alleviation. These are sufficient to cover all the aging disabilities and accepted by all doctors.


            Armed with just TV story, I applied my aging readings to chase the story in internet. The medical team claiming to do so is AVIV company of Israel, also in Florida in USA and UAE in Asia They use HBOT to achieve it.  Their protocol needs 5 daily sessions of 2 hour each for 12 weeks. Difference to normal protocol is several on-off convention periods. Blind/approximate work can be life threatening. Exact details are not disclosed. The patients are exposed to important psychological training and body workout.


            The exact method is not known. Of the many methods for healthy life extension, I do not believe this can be repeated indefinitely, essential but no promise of indefinite life. It happened too quickly but I do believe in print that it is the singularity. It will help me and my patients to avail themselves of non-cutting-edge technologies to introduce some experience in methods. There are two early provable measurable benefits – lengthening of telomere and garbage-collection of senescent cells.


            How do I know? Dr. Aubrey de Grey (saint of Aging Undo) appreciates the method and considers it plausible. That plus acceptance in a top peer viewed journal removes my skepticism. HBOT machines were investigated by me as a useful patient diversion when doing ECP, reason of why they exist and have a market – they are famed for glowing skin and used by aging film stars and high-end ladies. Their usefulness in Aging undo is an added benefit that makes investment in them a no-brainer, for ne who intends to recreate the protocol with Modi or Yogi, in case AVIV refuses a joint venture in India, like UAE and Florida. India can afford to benefit upper classes throughout Asia and Africa. Work will also benefit middle and lower classes in 5years. But this essay is preliminary to a business plan.


A business cannot be started unless there is technology, exploratory and tracking companies only make sense by already established great using Government funding, Consider the difficulty in setting up clinical test for metformin! No one has found a way yet of advocating that as a way to damage ISIS, Alqaida or Taliban! Basic to my lament is Einstein urging Roosevelt to set up and fund LANL, and continued funding given German effort in WW2. No credible enmity to Soviet Union, now reduced to Russia. But then China is there.


Israeli know this protocol can not be kept confidential for long. India is a natural country to do joint ventures with, doing with each state separately makes sense – miss one and you have a competitor soon!


Copies of the essay for Yogi, Modi, Bihar and via Baldev to Joey. Also to AIIMS Delhi and Rishicase, medical college in M.Nagar and Meerut, all for a possible PP model funded. Ramdev and other Godmen. Healthy life extension Institute in India. Certainly, the known great doctors. People recommended by my batch mates.


My recommended method changes some. A triangular face mask machine can be bought within 10 lakh, and HBOT machines can be rented. All that means Liposome NMN and Liposome resveratrol are likely supplements. They can be supplanted with some Doctor suggested HBOT protocol. 12 weeks later, I will test myself. Telomere lengtj will be measured at start and end. May keep the numbers to self, maybe. Subjectively measure mood and feelings. Only on significant improvements will I suggest to mother. Else vary protocol and try again, 4 times. Buying makes sense for me. Not just mother, but sisters and husbands all can use my HBOT on success. Only on success will proceed for 12 weeks without NMN.


The telomere-based protocol


I deliberately suppressed this method because people I consider frauds were using this method and Dr. Sinclair had another very effective theory of aging the never mentions Telomere. Even if there is no change in mood, only telomere length benefit, all other methods will benefit. Now I consider telomere-based aging to be orthogonal to Dr. Sinclair and equally valid but distinct. Mind you, it makes sense to apply distinct methods in series and not in parallel. Also, I will be a guinea-pig breaking uncharted grounds as I have aging disabilities. Surprisingly, my TBI may benefit too.


To repeat, only method known to increase healthy age of vertebrates is calorie restriction. The benefits can be expanded and improved by analogous chemicals. Point is that benefits vanish if senescent cells intervene. Senolytics fight that. Cells have reducing telomeres for a very simple evolutionary reason; fixed size telomere are of cancer cells! The gene for elongation is part of DNA, in fact cancer-s-cells discover its use and make themselves infinite lived cancer cells. Best you can do is repeated elongation and natural shortening. How many times? No one knows, don’t assume indefinite life!


A Telomere is the end of DNA in the nucleus. Every division of cells cause daughter cells with shortened telomere. When they become too small, the Hayflick limit is reached and the cell becomes senescent. This limit is part of aging. Remember that NAD+ troubles senescent cells who emit SASP to reduce it. NAD+ increment using NMN and Resveratrol must be tied to senescent cells garbage collection to reduce SASP. HBOT protocol does that with 10-40 percent efficiency. Quertecin does that, I hope to improve on that.


So, the telomere method is a clean add. Given my description of journalist as a proven failure of cleverness, I do not consider the method to be repeatable forever. It is new and can be repeated once in 20 years, it is not amrit, just booster-amrit to wonders of 2050.


HBOT is simple to administer, limited expense, if you know what to do! Quite independent of executives, failure to help wider use of AVIV style technology will hurt the company, avoidable with government joint ventures in capable regions like India. Get ready for medical tourism, particularly Delhi based NCR region.

            Concentrations of disparate sciences is excellent for ground breaking research. Through discussion, other researchers ask questions derived from their curiosity, taking the research in a new direction, landing on a very interesting question, which has an even more interesting answer. Computer science and biology is so. It created SENS and me.

    In conclusion, their study [paper linked] indicates that HBOT may significantly increase telomere length and do clearance of senescent cells in the aging populations.


Others (so few!)

The Beacons of Light ~ Welcome to the Singularity

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