Sunday, July 1, 2018

Start of Anti-aging revolution

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Everything that follows is based on hard biology, without any apology to those influenced at all by religion or spiritualism, even if my presentation attacks their belief. Don’t then read-on.

A human robot is managed by brain. All feelings are either converted to nerve signals, or generate hormones. Biology is by evolution by punctuated natural selection. The being is constructed by epigenetic envelope over DNA.

Aging is by cellular damage accumulation in all life – plant or human. Wrongly I believed that compensation of missing DNA products would lead to better age. Old belief leads to healthier life but has no age extension benefits. Dr. Sinclair changed my paradigm. To extend age, one starts from proven methods, determine their molecular pathways, identify the molecules one tries to help, find the genes helped by the helper and thus consider the effects. Metformin and NMN are anti-insulin perhaps, effecting the mTor molecular pathway!

This summary of why think so, explains to me why Ayurveda is unlikely to help! If there was ANY herb/combination, I view our continuous history of several thousand years and say to self – if there was any plant or combination that had +ve aging effects, it would safely be discovered by now! Our ancestors even discovered the good effects of Shilajit by unscientific blind empiricism since it has +ve strength properties and no –ve side effects! Clearly then NMN is not a plant or animal product as it was discovered in west with several thousand year old non-vegetarian history over all kinds of animals or in Africa with cannibalism in past!

Why does it work?

It increases NAD+, better than NR which suffers from NAMPT bottleneck.


Here means who to believe! Bastard criminal sellers (i.e. most US Marketeers) means that there is NO way to discover truth – if there were, it would already be abused elsewhere! What then? My esteemed brother-in-law had the same question in 1998 when I sang re Java, writing me off as victim of Clever US Marketeers! So I was forced to examine my own epistemology. I claim general scientific view. Which means rational skepticism! In other ords, ALL the excellent reviews were bull shit, simply extensive ads. All the endorsers could be liars. Videos photo-shopped. So on. The devil was not ordinary but US sellers, who have to be respected for their bull-shit!

My belief is twofold – try it on self-first for 3 months, and try only because Dr. Sinclair has been followed by me since 1998, discovered Reservetrol, sold his company for billion dollars, hence has NO economic reason to lie, sells nothing and consults to NASA re HEALTH of astronaut going to mars, has PhD from MIT, tenured MD faculty at Harvard! He looks 30 and claims to feed his father, living proof of small trial, NMN behind $2000 per month cost till 6 months ago, tolerable only to motivated billionaire.

One thing all agree on – no ill-effects. Only thing I lose 3 months from now is NMN has NO benefit!

Aging properties of NMN?

Big question is – how do know after 3 months (no death needed) that NMN indeed helped aging. Interestingly, I can!

What if NMN works?

Living to 150 or more as a vegetable is not my goal! There are 3techniques to enable me to a worthwhile life – ECP, HOT, parabiosis! These are extra to NMN vitality. I can usefully chase women for next 100 years! By then transfection would develop for 1000 year boost!

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