Tuesday, July 3, 2018

5G- 21st century revolution begins

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I have talked about NMN + metformin, the joint revolution to human ageing, NMN is already at prices affordable to upper middle class around the world and metformin is dirt cheap everywhere. 5G is new tech, available advanced countries by 2019, extensive by 2020 and world wide by 2021. If you guessed ‘successor to 4G’ in phones, faster than 4G, you are right. So what? Better phones for sure. But 5K is like internet, say I! At most 2 years from start of another internet! So far, to me, Internet defines 21st – business, communication etc.

It is what else that happens, is why 21st century revolution begins. Basically, 5G is communication at 10 gigabit range. What can happen at that speed?

All local information becomes pointless. Much worse for libraries, photo-albums, CD etc.! Large TB level USB solid state only will remain.

Essential for self-driving cars, virtual reality, smart cities and networked robots.
Enables remote weapons. Why build expensive local computation in each fire and forget weapon? Just do computation remotely and communicate with bomb encrypted!

A surgeon with virtual reality equipment and haptic gloves, which sense motion and pressure, could operate on a patient on the other side of the world via a robot.
Remote surgery has been possible for a while, but 5G speeds should eliminate all delays and lag. That means the surgeon could get instant feedback via the gloves.

Dohler, who moonlights as a composer and pianist, also plans to digitize his piano skills and teach people remotely to master the instrument. Why record the music when can record and reproduce the play? You can already modulate your voice as per another singer, so as to sound as good! (Expensive but doable, I intend to buy a unit and make it available as cloud connected franchise!) Within 3 years, one can make citizen-movie – substituting only one character in movie to the buyer! I can imagine vast sales with just the heroine replaced by the lady-buyer and my franchisee providing blue frame acting studio and post-acting integration on the cloud (otherwise very expensive)!
Like Netflicks and Amazon, one can consider self-production of replacement films (Shot with few blue-clad replaceable characters!)

I am ready with great ideas – use 0f 5G and low-cost start. A Bangalore techie started flipkart in 2012! 2020 here I come. Can even enjoy the wealth!

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