Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Graceful aging: aaquantum scholarly research

What are prospects of fountain of youth in near future?

Yes, Sinclair told his audience, “We can turn an old mouse into a healthy young mouse.”

The Fountain of Rodent Youth feat, outlined in March in the scientific journal Cell, hasn’t been replicated with humans. But researchers, who have long scoffed at the anti-aging claims made by companies pitching dubious products, are warming to the idea that serious science can be deployed to increase human longevity.

Ambitious efforts are underway in Massachusetts and beyond to develop the first government-approved drugs to stretch healthy life spans. Some researchers are scrambling to repurpose a diabetes medicine to target age-related diseases. Others are working to boost levels of a key protein to increase blood flow and endurance, or to find a way to kill “zombie cells” that can send out toxins that cause age-related maladies.

Arun aaquantum notes
repurpose a diabetes medicine
metformin. Remember latest research says insulin, very useful to 35 turns bad after 45! Most current mm doc were taught wrong!

How long can humans live – some feel not very long!

In the 1960s, Hayflick found that human cells divide only 40 to 60 times, after which they stop — even when their division is paused and then allowed to resume. This discovery, called the Hayflick Limit, indicates that even if a drug like metformin were effective at suspending aging, the end game stays the same.

Shouldn’t someone, likely to die, be allowed treatment wished?
So say conservatives and Trump and US just passed a bill. But it is’nt a simple issue! Other side has good arguments. It is similar to suicide by suffering hopeless terminally ill!

Isn’t aging alleviation in near future by crispr driven gene therapies?

There is no question that if scientists aren’t careful, CRISPR can induce substantial off-target mutations. In another study Joung’s lab submitted to a journal, they show that when “promiscuous” forms of CRISPR were slipped into mice’s livers, as some genome-editing companies hope to do for some human metabolic diseases, it edited hundreds of spots in the mouse genome that it wasn’t supposed to.

by crispr driven gene therapies?

Elementary CS has the answer as I learned in 1976 studying L_systems. Lindenmeyer systems are parallel context sensitive grammars made type-2 by passage of time which can be viewed in onary notation. Problem is simple – crispr allows one to edit-replace sequence of letters of genetic code say CATG to CCAT by changing CAT to CCA, but it does it everywhere even unintended. Not simple but progress made.

Arun aaquantum view
even if a drug like metformin were effective at suspending aging, the end game stays the same
True but error is in assuming that there is no stem cell! Tree cells have shown the way past - a stem cell also divides and the stronger cell lives! That is what transfection does!! I, Arya aaquantum, am still very hopeful of transfection driven anti-aging.

Explored and used interventions?

supplementation of three subcycles of krebs cycle
Preventative supplements for gross body objects

Explored, india has advantages

low labor cost
posses real estate
simple operation

Hence 2 week to 2 month medical tourism makes sense - I provide equipment, operator, living, food from dedicated chef - full tour package, turn key basis

Meaningful aging interventions

The three procedures referenced next are
- uniquely addable by me as a non-doctor for upper middle class
- Have existing documented benefits
- Unlikely to have negative effects. Worst is mild benefits!
Thus flooring lazy nincompoops.

- ECP External counterpulsation used to escape stent surgery. My add is reducing costs to enable upper middle class.

- HOT Hyperbaric oxygen therapy - Mayo Clinic commonly used by aging film stars. My add is reducing costs to enable upper middle class.

- Human Parabiosis - Wikipedia but legally - Doable by upper middle class.

Collectively, the mechanisms are disjoint - improved blood flow through angiogenesis, high pressure yoga-like and stem cells. Doing all three should benefit me visibly and empirically documentable. 99.99 readers will view it skeptically and move on! Tough luck!

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