Friday, June 22, 2018

Aging characteristics of NMN

Who knows in detail! What will convince me that my money is not being wasted on a supplement without FDA testing? It can be done!

1 calorie-restriction works thru m-Tor molecular pathway

2 Anything that reduces Insulin, but also sugar, is good for you if done without insulin or making the pancreas make more by suphonyl-urea drugs! These include metformin acting on liver and acarbose type drugs interfering in sugar absorption in stomach. Both have claims to improving longevity. I happen to believe (unlike most existing doctors fully complacent of new research, dependent on studies on big samples).

There is one reason to explain lack of studies, NMN around for ages, the users at 500 mg per day paid $2000 per month!  Sinclair MD did, himself and father! Reportsenergy-level for both is 20 years lower age. He could, being a billionaire. Empirically proved it on mice. Fountain of youth for mice. Safe for humans.

Apart from being diabetic, I am also an exercise freak, excellent with NMN. What is more, even better than Dr. Sinclair, the sublingualroute is as good as injecting, possible for NMN. 500 mg is like 1000 mg dose!

90% of my fasting sugars are within 100-110. If they are 90% within 90-100, NMN has proven graceful aging properties for me after 3 months. Exercise route for this is estimated to 400 cal per day (1.5 hours of brutal exercise). I test every day and meter zero errors are irrelevant! Three months later, post experiences! NMN is advertised on eBay for Rs. 20,000 per month for 500 mg but only edible, as capsules!

 In a novel experment in mice, MitoQ was shown to protect against insulin resistance.  All these studies were reviewed in a 2011 paper by Smith and Murphy.  Historically, there is a strong correlation of life extension drugs and the ability to enhance stress resistance.  “Together these findings show that MitoQ is protective against pathological changes in a number of animal models of mitochondrial oxidative damage that are relevant to human diseases.”

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