Thursday, May 4, 2017

Acute and chronic diseases

I have always wondered why application of scientific method fails in medicine for chronic diseases. Essentially, the trust in advice of allopaths in chronic diseases is low. Scientific methodology i.e. measurement and animal models are employed by Ramdev in state-of-the-art facility to position Ayurveda successfully as cutting edge plantation based medicine. But why will he & modern medicine practitioners get poor results?
There are at least two flaws, applicable to mm and Ramdev both – short term positives and placebo-nocebo effects.
  1. Episodic versus historical statistics.
  2. 1.The failure is systemic and will require CHANGE in methods of data collection and analysis (historical not episodic statistics). Placebo is curing from believed proper care and nocebo is reporting expected side-effects! It is particularly true in transient diseases – very common in acute care requirement. The number of patients who THINK homeopath-criminals are particularly good at curing colds is legion! Further cleverer studies can usually remove the effect. Another famous homeopath-exposure-method is for a group to drink the most potent medicine of a system by liters!
  3. Short term positives – well known to addiction therapists. If you feed an alcoholic wine to one trying to quit, addict feels better for a short time, even though very injurious long term! Same is likely in insulin in diabetes-2. A standard prescription across many religions is periodic fasting. Under doctor care, does it work? Trying, detox diet is much easier and may work – fasting with green tea, stevia lemonade and watermelon. Goal is crushing of hunger pang, not speed since it looks like this periodic fasting benefits many systems and can be continued for life. There are many pain-suppressing medicines and drugs. It is common for physician at border to prescribe alleviations in guise of cures. Patient feels better, praises the doctor, moves away from border, continues the prescriptions, and the disease returns! Can blame the moving away, lost contact, even medicine admixtures! But not the motherfucker thug! I call it short term positives. A drug may prove to be short-term beneficial but long-term cancerous. Hence very important to suffer whenever medicine that fixes is under 50 years old, unlessokayed by a physician with enormous practice and reputation od being conservative; or rquired for emergency purposes.
    Ayurveda has the concept of kiaya-kalpa where fasting is carried out with one thing allowed – lemonade, skim-milk etc. Since total disrespect to Ayurveda, why only one? May be my kaya-kalpa will happen with these, more than 1, we shall see!
    So I am original nut not following strict mm or Ayurveda solely widely read rational skeptic conservatively experimenting with self. Unreasoned detractors, please lay off for your own good.

In other words, hundreds of empirical flawed experiments, published in peer-reviewed journals, likely mean nothing!

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