Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Better Know terms 2017

From a forbes article comes this survey. It is useful for it filters useful things from a meaningful empirical perspective and saves on googling.

Not just 3, I think all are important to ANYONE claiming to be literate in 2017, and a discardible OIE, if a politician!
IoT: It has started. Intuitively internet of things, likely even more revolutionary than internet. Needs me to finish so that hacking criminality can be killed. On it, you can quiz appliances at home, start and stop them, chest surgical add can talk to doctor device , operate car entry remotely etc.

The Internet of Things: Evolution or Revolution?


API: a set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of applications which access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service.

Application programming interface - Wikipedia

AI: Artificial intelligence - Wikipedia

AR: Augmented reality - Wikipedia

VR: Virtual reality - Wikipedia

MR: Mixed reality = VR/AR Part of AR is opaque and used as a screen for VR.
Machine learning: same as deep Learning.
Deep learning: Learning without being taught, no low level algorithms! Deep learning algorithms transform their inputs through more layers than shallow learning algorithms. At each layer, the signal is transformed by a processing unit, like an artificial neuron, whose parameters are 'learned' through training. Revolution in AI!

Deep learning - Wikipedia

Neural nets: Architecture for deep learning.
NVIDEA marvel:
Intel Xeon Phi processor: Intel reply to Nvidea.
Microsoft FPGA: for deep learning.
Block chain: Distributed self-organizing database, right now currencies and coupons, As revolutionary as deep learning, a m ajor new concept.

Bots: Internet bot - Wikipedia

An Internet Bot, also known as web robot, WWW robot or simply bot, is a software application that runs automated tasks (scripts) over the Internet. 

Drones:       The Best Drones of 2017 |

A high-quality drone is a serious investment. We've flown them all, and these are the top performers in our tests.

Autonomous vehicles:

An autonomous car (also known as a driverless car, auto, self-driving car, robotic car) is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. Many such vehicles are being developed, but as of May 2017 automated carspermitted on public roads are not yet fullyautonomous.

Autonomous car - Wikipedia

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