Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Dr. Arya self-imposed copyright laws

1 It is free, I say what I like. No incentives or disincentives.
2. Hope brief (certain) useful (to me at least) researched (references)
3 I don’t distinguish between charging adster help, product sellers, donation seekers, product sellers, criminals and thugs. ANY law agency that seeks to impose that distinction by necessity is a criminal violator of my natural rights and will be searched for unnatural punishment for life, everywhere.
4 Only legitimate way to charge for information is to sell the key to an encrypted copy that works only on one copy and forbid availability in any other key or none. I will accept the copyright of my jurisdiction and forced armed neutrality to avoid all other personal cases in all other jurisdictions.

A legitimate copy can be referenced, requiring a veracity-checker to obtain a copy somehow.

The information on this page and in the book, and the references cited are for information purposes only, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. For your specific diagnosis and treatment, consult with your doctor or health care provider. Only a Legally recognized Doctor can take responsibility!

The information on this page and in the book, and the references cited are for information purposes only, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. For your specific diagnosis and treatment, consult with your doctor or health care provider. Only a Legally recognized Doctor can take responsibility!

Disclaimer: The information on this page and in the book, and the references cited are for information purposes only, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. For your specific diagnosis and treatment, consult with your doctor or health care provider. Only a Legally recognized Doctor can take responsibility!

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