Thursday, May 11, 2017

Big bang common misconceptions

If you need big bang science info, you are stupid anyway and waste of following effort. Assume you understand science reasons andare  normal human. In that case you certainly have misconceptions clarified today.  But first “why care?”, a philosophy-science reason why it matters.

So now you know why cosmology is so important to me – the very purpose to agnostic science life. Misconceptions next, summarizing the source.

Reason why certain you have misconception is because the red shift essential to astronomy has two parts – Doppler effect and general theory of relativity,

1.       Space routinely spreads apart at velocities greater than light! That means that two distant points visible to us are moving apart at super luminous speeds in an effect NOT forbidden by special relativity!

2.       If we draw a sphere of points velocity of light away, we get the Hubble sphere. Yet we can see universe outside! This is because the points outside were in Hubble-sphere of the past! Due to super luminous spread of space, can be still visible!

3.       The red-shift of galaxies receding at light speed is about 1.5. There are thousands of objects with red shift more than that! The redshift of a disappearing object is infinity, happens in reducing infinite  time series that terminates in finite time!

4.       The big bang was not a bomb that went off in the center of the universe and hurled matter outward into a pre-existing void. Rather it was an explosion of space itself that happened everywhere, similar to the way the expansion of the surface of a balloon happens everywhere on the surface. But the bomb model is one of the many! Similarly, time could have a beginning or continuous existence.
5.       In my aqgs-model, time extends to –ve infinity, with big-bang-big-crunch devastations to reset the qubit-information and entropy, till an infinite universe is reached, hopefully with at least one seed of life, technologically capable of crushing entropy in the infinite phase. It may be our destiny to spawn such gods.

6.       People often assume that as space expands, everything in it expands as well. But this is not true. Expansion by itself—that is, a coasting expansion neither accelerating nor decelerating—produces no force. Photon wavelengths expand with the universe because, unlike atoms and cities, photons are not coherent objects whose size has been set by a compromise among forces. A changing rate of expansion does add a new force to the mix, but even this new force does not make objects expand or contract.

7.       WRONG: The universe is 14 billion years old, so the radius of the observable part is 14 billion light-years. RIGHT: Because space is expanding, the observable part of our universe has a radius of more than 14 billion light-years. 

8.       WRONG: Yes. Expansion causes the universe and everything in it to grow. Consider galaxies in a cluster. As the universe gets bigger, so do the galaxies and the overall cluster. The edge of the moves outward. RIGHT: No. The universe grows, but coherent objects inside it do not.

Astrophysics is very counter-intuitive challenging fun subject. These are just from general relativity. Next throw-in quantum mechanics!

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