Monday, January 2, 2017

Overlay of geographical data

A new capability exists that can emfubar politicians and OIE babu. It is called geographical overlay. What causes road accidents in US? The correct answer impacts how-much spent on various factors and even driving tests, required inspections etc. One can highlight regional disparities and very serious regional discrimination charges, political, by interestingly overlaid geoimage compositions. If statistics if for rogues, geoimage mapping all-the-more!

The link next gives statistic of driving deaths in US.

Computer can make into a geoimage correlating color with amount. So can be done on factors. Even a moron like me, non-OIE can judge the degree of map. The data is strongly related to age and alcohol – high in Florida but few alcohol deaths, high elsewhere, simply by making map on transparencies. Then, overlay is plotting sums! An expert AI type would have computer fast enough to plot, but an Aroon-AI person will have one fast computer per dept. and people emitting transparency maps and doing el-cheapo analysis.

It also works for X-Ray, MRI etc images.

It even works for self-driving taxi layout – whatever their base rate, they will shine most in high fatality areas.

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