Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Beacon net, not GPRS – a Considered policy alternative

The Honorable Prime Minister Modi of India

There is a need for either a car borne, carriage-borne or feet-borne people to know the path to any destination. This can be done in two ways – satellite-borne telemetry or beacon net. I argue that beacon net is superior for India.
  1. Rather than few commie-infested unions in centralized plants, beacons depend on local jobs to annually replace beacon transmitter batteries
  2. Beacons are secure against cyber or satellite killer attacks. Given that, even for USA, a second beacon-net makes sense, since it only degraded by niclear attack. The beacon are perfect "make in India" add, and will cost 100 million dollars for all USA, installed!
  3. India is basically non-offensive country. A statelite based GPRS can be used offensively but not beacon net! In national strategy, the question of intent is secondary to the question of capability.
  4. India is uniquely positioned to provide ad-supported decentralized apps.
  5. Restaurant, museums etc can set up beacons decentralizes without any license raj.
  6. Consumers don't have to spend $60-$600 ((~1000-36,00) rs for another GPRS! Unlikely to be mobile, carried by guests to new city!
  7. Smaller less advanced countries like Nepal can benefit from India-supplied but locally installed and operated beacons.
The idea is very simple. Each intersection point provides a beacon. Simple software can plot a course and beacons encountered. As progress is made (even erroneous), it is simply drawing a route from where you are.

  1. Sri Baldev, old beacon argument to Sri Modi is strengthened by this application.

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