Both are distinct and current-included forms of medicine. Cell medicine is inclusive of ortho-molecular medicine and limits itself to the use of vitamins and proteins all delivered by liposome, sublingual, powder drug delivery systems in order of sequence. Only certain patients are addressed, the rest are sent to modern medical practitioners. Ortho-molecular medicine is used (very high vitamin usage only in patients considered hopeless by at least 3 mm doctors}.
Use only drugs with 30+ year history, until life-threatened?
Current modern medicine has too many history-less chemical Drugs. The effects of many chemicals are not known long term, 30+ years later they may lead to cancer, and I refuse to believe in naysayers based on whatever theory. This is a practice followed only recently after a TBI level accident 31 years ago. I quit smoking and changed my life. I have many chronic diseases now, most from aging. I have drawn the inference from the last 60 years of my sir father, who passed away at age 88. All my uncles and aunts are dead, naturally dead with passing away ages of 70-80. My father lived 8 years longer than the best (top 88) and I attribute it to Yoga 30-60 minutes per day, starting at age 33 when he visited the USA, returning in 1960. I was a child then, and remember reading a book by Jack LaLane he brought back earlier. Jack lived to 95 and surprised everyone in his family. A rare American, who I never met, who brought a tear to my eyes. So did the passage of Shannon and Linus Pauling. The only ones who I am sure will live on, more than me, are Dr. Sinclair and saint Dr. Aubrey de Grey.
My philosophy on death?
Top are vitamins, Stevia, penicillin, metformin. What I say will be (or should be) criticized by drug companies and doctors, both groups that benefit from current FDA rules. Aging drugs are going to be wrongly hit but do not from life-threatening exceptions. I believe that once a person is dead, the civilized use of the body passes to the state, usable for lessons and organs. The rest can be stitched and restored back to whatever ceremonies need to be performed, restoration costs paid by the state.
Why liposome?
The rationale is economy of use limited to civilized use and conservative medicine while alive unless life-threatening. Drug companies and most have antagonistic interests in conservative medicine being proposed for reasons of unknown dangers. It extends to law because the USA does not recognize, as in the case of Stevia, the 1500-year use in Peru, and practices of Ayurveda, accepted by modern medicine. In many cases, the explanations and use guidelines are wrong but the compound and its safety can be measured. Bayesian clinical tests with safety profiles and benefits can be used to strengthening FDA without dangers. One cannot/should-not allow patents on many Ayurveda recommendations but clinical test passage by FDA has essentially the same effect!
The rationale behind the restriction on injection?
There is a particular reason for the inclusion of sublingual drug delivery systems, if injection methods are prohibited, then how does one do any urgent services? It is done by powder under the tongue in case of a possible heart attack! Such patients are best diagnosed by full-fledged doctors in emergency departments and sublingual methods in this case are just first aid. Of course, liposomal drugs are best taken by nose or tongue sublingual methods. In fact, many medicines in pill form work better in a sublingual manner. In fact, I suggest the method for all tasteless, even bad-tasting if pre-food is needed. One example is acarbose or Linagliptin diabetes medicine. Also, it makes sense to mask the evil taste by liposomal encapsulation. Injections are neither needed nor should be used unless absolutely needed.
Why use vitamins as in orthomolecular medicine?
In blood concentrations much larger than those achieved by powders, vitamin molecules have different effects than RDA levels. The post-utilization effects are usually nothing more than RDA level wastes, except a lot more of them. They are not toxic, except by concentration amount, and often testable in models. In many cases are not toxic and that can be pre-done on models. This is the case with others as well.
It is basic to any medicine, you will not further damage the patient. The last use of violation was in Nazi Germany. Strangest ways have to be employed by medical science to achieve this For Cell medicine, the goal is to try hugest concentrations of known safe (30-year use) chemicals, In “hail Mary” try to patients destined to die (3 doctors certify) when theoretically plausible, following success in models.
Which vitamins?
The B-vitamin has many forms with amazing consequences and unexplored consequences of large amounts. B3 for example leads to NR and NMN, both precursors of NAD+ and central to modern life sciences. C-vitamin in large concentrations is central to cancers control through greatly magnified oxidation effects. While the best blood concentration from six doses of 3gm each per day is 200 mg, even 100gm per day liposome per day is safe and uses researched now. D-vitamin is really a hormone that passes as a minor cure for scurvy but is central to calcium shepherding. Not understood are E-vitamin mega doses. It is known to go well with C. K1 is about closing wounds, while K2 is a required cohort of D3 for bones, osteoarthritis, and stones. Interestingly the role of mega-c and stones is controversial. Large concentrations and co-use may be helpful in age extension or decrement of the cause of deadly ailment.