Thursday, June 17, 2021



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My essay on cell medicine as distinct from Allopathy and more dealing with senescent cells for cancers and aging gave me a tremendous boost to understand liposome. It is worth knowing and doing to increment massively the powers of vitamins and age improving NAD+ supplements. I am sure you know nothing about it. It is a manifold of many many hollow phospholipids, each appropriate for coating some medicine in a phospholipid layer and the coat is used for many things including targeting, protection (stomach acid and liver), improving (by a lot) the bio availability, reduced toxicity and increased permeability across membranes etc. The material can be bought separately, or in some cases made at home. I now do have a calling beyond cell medicine, really included in it, to encourage buy only liposomal medicine or do the procedure at home with simple mixie type machines and espresso coffee maker. Liposome is somewhat new,  1964. It has taken 57 years to today's applications, major recent success in the USA of kitchen making. The only block in Universal application is ignorance.

Intuitively, the idea is to milkify powders. Milk is like an impossible solution of oil and water in the cheese liposome. This mixing gives tremendous power to cream (to fatten). It is really sandwiching insolvent into solvent by constructing a phospholipid layers by two surfaces - a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic bilayer and inserting nanoparticles of insoluble, the whole is then soluble. Within the human body, the medicine is protected from stomach acid and liver but easily bared in right internal tissue which digests the layers. It is a good way to eat insoluble vitamins, glutathiones, aging chemicals like NMN or NR etc. It looks like nanoparticle technology is needed, but that can be achieved easily.

Phospholipids, also known as phosphatides, are a class of lipids whose molecule has a hydrophilic "head" containing a phosphate group, and two hydrophobic "tails" derived from fatty acids, joined by a glycerol molecule. Marine phospholipids typically have choline, ethanolamine or serine. Phospholipids are a key component of all cell membranes. The phospholipids are amphiphilic. The hydrophilic end usually contains a negatively charged phosphate group, and the hydrophobic end usually consists of two "tails" that are long fatty acid residues.

Milk exists despite what it is – a suspension of oil (ghee) in water, not normally possible but possible due to cheese part of milk, which acts like a liposome. Now think of suspension of a non-bio available molecule like a vitamin which does not mix well with water as K2 or NMN. Even bigger, like Glutathione. While not bio available in powder form, it will be easily up to 100 times more available in liposome form! Such a material is difficult to survive extended periods in a shop, but the liposome former can be sold separate and special mixie like churning can create an acceptable liposomal variant at home. People don’t, but can in a method I will launch to make liposomal vitamins and drugs at home. Why pay 30-100% increase in cost for a product with suspect goodness. IN A LIPOSOMAL NMN IN AMAZON USA PAGE. MANY CUSTOMERS WERE WORRIED THAT SOME TIMES WHAT THEY BOUGHT WAS CLOUDY, SOME PRODUCTS WERE CLEAR AND SOME CHANGED IN DIFFERENT SAMPLES OF SAME BOTTLE. Helps to understand Liposome semantically! Best form Liposomal form at home to prevent precipitation over time.

What is needed? A utensil and commercially sold liposome precursors like LipoSorb. The utensil is a vacuum driven mixie like. The idea is to use regular mixie for 5 minutes and the advanced for about the same time. Consume liposomal form in a day to, often within a weak. You can get more homie by making own liposomal media from milk!


1. Never have I seen a technology, new and experimented in the USA, but missing  and required even more in India. There is a small hassle-factor in kitchen liposome, but the situation is like tailoring, one can buy ready-made, but the art of stitching is taught to all women and unlike the USA, THE ENTIRE GARMENT IS NOT DISCARDED after minor functional defects. Of course, one further this thread in thought and imagine all kinds of self diagnosis appliances and vehicles with a diagnostic port into which the diagnoster is inserted and that determines what to replace to get a target functionality. End of caste of mechanics in shops and workshops! In fact, one can allow internet add-on, which connects to remote mechanics for remote diagnosis, a perfect port for your car.

2. Liposome is excellent for bioavailability and protection from two enemies of all drugs - stomach acid and liver. In most cases, what matters is concentration in circulating blood. One way to get that is intravenous or correctly injected drugs. Other way is under the tongue - sub-lingual method. Third is nasal drops. Even better is Liposomal, the material faces stomach and liver in liposome shield of phospholipids that transparently dissolve in blood circulation. THE METHOD WORKS FOR ALL KIDS OF THINGS AND REQUIRES NANOPARTICLES to be surrounded by phospholipid. It is virtually impossible to do it but for high temperature draw of phospholipids drug powder doable at home with espresso coffee maker! Of course, one can freeze-dry the solution for ready-made liposomal powders! The cavity in liposome must allow one molecule of drug, and different drugs have different ideal liposome. However, somewhat bigger cavities are ok,  perfect mix-match research for, perhaps cranky dreamer, retired like me.

3. Even if I fail generally, singular successes in SUPPLEMENTS AND OTC are usable. I can safely use self body as tester, for the worst case is no different from direct ingestion! Ideal time to test psyllium is constipation and cough powders is when  coughing! Why just take drugs when science and bank balance can benefit?

 (To be continued)

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Decentralized democracy for all in all

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Given that lot of what follows attack political comment, true for some, false for others, something else for some, I invent the notation <x> for every x, whose truth value is uncertain for political reasons. Given the universal nature of the essay, it will never complete. Decentralization is considered superior, but sometimes inefficient and then an adoptable centralisation, with unease and checks and balances, and programmed to self-destruct at some democratic point. Both visions of George Orwell were not about left and right, but left/right denunciations of centralisation. Best  think of this a series of independent adoptable ideas.

The best democratic system of all is in the USA. That is not the opinion in less developed world, Vietnam, Chili etc. It will be wrong to even try to transplant the system. Yet the largest democracy in the world is India and likely to dethrone even USA in cumulative economy size, output by 2050, per capita by 2100. That is because there are systemic problems, shared everywhere, but unsolved in US. India is on rolling path under Modi,  the BJP has a depth of competent leader,  opposition indulges in <stupider than thou>. All the deficit of the USA are also unsolved and unaddressed here, too.

Top deficit is the uneducated public, wrongly considered to be adequately educated to take serious decisions. Anyone can raise this point, and any effort to make people more in line with that anyone, immediately lose freedom. Today's India and USA have some freedom, which is the envy of other models. Still I write of freer citizenry in these too, free to commit suicide, what is the ideologue's problem! People make better decisions in groups, the essential justification for democracy. Problems of the commons justifies individual wealth despite the old philosopher cry of "all wealth is by stealing". How can a believer in freedom, democracy and private property talk of a better system? Not just for less developed, but developed as well?

One idea is "educated benefits for uneducated". For every decision identified as important by the government of the day, citizens are required to find one in the educated class recognized by political parliament by consensus votes that eliminates dictatorship of the majority, restores freedom. The citizen is inconvenienced to find a concurrent thinker, but finding one is nearly always possible. The effort in finding one, and of ensuring his solution is similar, will force all voters to discuss issues. Have someone to blame. The educated are periodically relicensed and controlled by votes, also examination both. The exam may be biased, but that will only force the licensed to answer biased and later advise in freedom.

Democracy is restricted by USA type checks and balances, hence do not need further ink.

A very novel idea is "consensus voting". Every significance beating elected can vote the cast vote percentage. This is done in some cases to prevent dictatorship of the majority. I believe in careful drafting of idea, expressed in call for investigation, use of police powers etc. Every winner can invoke police protection, legal investigation etc. The votes once used can never be reused. The reuse of votes, if successful, is forbidden because a political definition of successful is dangerous, although a legally decided determination of success may work. Best forbid it, complainers now have to find sympathetic elected. Many political abuses will happen, <wasting powers> But the bias in defeat of majority dictatorship, can not go beyond launching <useless> investigations. Many political issues can be silenced by consensus note. Every <moron politicin> in India, can ask for <sit> for every matter, solution is consensus vote sit formation. The limits apply to majority also, use up limited supply in investigation of opponents! Every <idiot> politician can waste useful powers for <useless> investigation. Consensus voting can act as a powerful "checks and balances" in all democratic ideas. Autonomy of police must happen like law and election commission.

A basic health difference is in treatment versus cure. Every cure is a treatment that eliminates the root cause such that there is no relapse. Allopathy has no cures for persistent or cellular diseases (cancer or aging), but is very good at treatment. From the viewpoint of public health, a government must provide treatment for all situations, irrespective of remit-relapse situation. It leads to ethically difficult triage situations. Every development level must have instituted triage committees which control health expenses and can be invoked on any patient by any citizen in "anonymous yet consensus voting limited" manner. That is a fundamental improvement in all investigations.

A basic difference is in untriaged hurry (time or cost) and importance/usefulness. By construction, human are intrinsic incapable of differentiating between two, leading to<exploitation|intelligent use> in selling, auction, product placement in stores, online blurbs, advertisement etc. To make money, you can raise the price, or sell more. Price depends on competition and quality-perception. Amount sold depends on need-perception, availability etc. Amount sold depends on price, service, advertisement etc. I thought I had become a smarter buyer in the USA. Not really, USA companies deal with Amount sold method of more money. Indian stores depend on rates, never mind amount, and suffer from no repeat sales, possible in decentralized markets. Advertisement is harder and Balkanized. All USA companies are considered evil. Politics is, like selling, a matter of perception. Perception is by greasing the journalist. Most are smart enough to avoid instant gratification, but honest enough to remember the feeder in the long run. Here is suggested great friendly Press - Feed good stories to chosen journalist by policy leaks and tight-lipped government. To avoid this, all leaks must be investigated, benefits in market of relevant information required, transparent secret communication needed. That can only be done by my encryption that can allow nation-specific open encryption (jointly op enable solely by sender nation only on enforced need for warrant for some time only). Complaints are stronger centralized.

Requirement for all systems - money

Every moron can describe an ideal system. Continuous funding is needed, and I describe every finance less system as dream idealistic system not-worthy/beyond my interest. Tolerable democratic systems are product manufacture and advertisement/selling, dedicated taxes, insurance or charity.All other income can be pooled and allocated by legislative groups. The new idea is dedicated taxes, deliberately away from politician allocation. Nothing short of nationwide referendum tied to elections can instantiate or retire them, and must identify the fraction of taxed activity or income. The reason is to remove the income from politicians without triage with other taxed activities.

Basic to democracy is a period as tax on all mass-media. It is some multiple/fraction of income bearing periods. I predict united squeal from all media when it becomes a serious proposal. It is like a tax, although demonetized. This time is allocated to all significant ideologies represented in Parliament above significance level, numerical population basis. I suspect tremendous cleanup of democracy. It is advisable to limit the time only to expenditure limiting parties, completely elimination for unlimited expense characters. Evolution can be used to determine exact rules.

The goal in above is to encourage politicians to believe without corruptions of money and time-saving in collection. Despite any court judgments, they can be effectuated by expanding free minutes of deficient candidates against well-funded.  The financial interests force non-balkanized politics (non-party candidates get nothing). A party is better off doing concentrated local, not diffuse wide-spread performance.

I believe in nationalized, but decentralized food and and eating powders. I have the practical experience of inevitable natural corruption in edibles by corrupt inspectors, under religious figures in belief that corruption will be lower despite stiff competition between figures! The domains are drawn up with overlap.

Impossibility of inspector management should be accepted. The corruption rates with be lower in services manned by time-bound foreigners with post-service interval, somewhat like IAS in non-resident state. Neither belief in goodness (perception matters more than reality) nor foreigner honesty is the cause. Difficulty of relations is the cause for lower corruption. All inspectors are not same. Qualitative judgment inspections can only be done with multiple overlapping qualitative situations, the totality smaller, factoring out foreigner inspected and quantitative inspections.

Monday, June 14, 2021

What I take and recommend

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Abstract: A menu of things I take for indefinite life. Missing are three vital information, company, marketeer and dosage schedule. Until this information is given, the reader is at the mercy of marker, and manipulation by sub human marketeers, advertisers, companies and dangers of too little or too much dose, too frequent or too small dosing. It does provide a basis for further study by intelligent googling. So don't use it construct own menu, only on doctor advice.

Over the past decade, a growing number of studies have revealed that progressive changes to epigenetic information accompany aging in both dividing and nondividing cells. Functional studies in model organisms and humans indicate that epigenetic changes have a huge influence on the aging process. These epigenetic changes occur at various levels, including reduced bulk levels of the core histones, altered patterns of histone posttranslational modifications and DNA methylation, replacement of canonical histones with histone variants, and altered noncoding RNA expression, during both organismal aging and replicative senescence. The end result of epigenetic changes during aging is altered local accessibility to the genetic material, leading to aberrant gene expression, reactivation of transposable elements, and genomic instability. Strikingly, certain types of epigenetic information can function in a transgenerational manner to influence the life span of the offspring. Several important conclusions emerge from these studies: rather than being genetically predetermined, our life span is largely epigenetically determined; diet and other environmental influences can influence our life span by changing the epigenetic information; and inhibitors of epigenetic enzymes can influence life span of model organisms. These new findings provide better understanding of the mechanisms involved in aging. Given the reversible nature of epigenetic information, these studies highlight exciting avenues for therapeutic intervention in aging and age-associated diseases, including cancer.

This is an essential reference to the totality of the program. Sole purpose is to learn on chemicals involved and totality. I expect 20 years Horvath age gain, post 2030, by which time, some clinics will offer Drs. Conboy and my procedures commercially and likely hold FDA or FSSAI license.

While there is ample evidence to indicate the health benefits of diets rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts, no specific food has been acknowledged by scientists and government regulatory authorities as providing a health benefit. This applies to all phytochemicals considered useful.

Another severe problem with almost all plants or fruits is a fundamental problem in English of being able to fool people by trace amount as containers of desired chemical, which invariably requires tons of foodstuff to be medically useful, consider this abuse sub human and warn my readers as reading all ad very carefully to ensure enough dose beyond low price.

Every one, suggests 1gm of metformin in divided doses every day, important even if not diabetic. Expect 5-8 years just from this. I am one and also take acarbose with age extension properties.

From Dr. de Grey, I recommend quercetin for senolysis and dhaniya (CORIANDER) for apigenin.

From Dr. Sinclair, mib-626 or NMN, pterostilbene and TMG.

From Drs. Conboy, dilution aging dialysis when done. To eliminate CD38 and TGF-beta1.

From Dr. Arun Arya. mRNA drugs and vaccines when done.

There is a reason for selecting the model pic as cover - since overall food for graceful aging must reduce calories. Best 3 interventions in order of importance are fruits+vegetable, exercise and fasting (calorie restriction better).

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Patient directed distributed control

This is the case in civilized world today, but shamefully used by most patients. Can I postulate  a better system and defend it? Yes, solution is here intermixed with defense. Who are the sub human enemies? Sick-unprofessional advertisers, makers and dependent media. Despite current immunity, I advocate later-age prosecution like Nazi and women-rights-enemies of the past along with post-disclosure cigarette companies. The system I advocate, open to improvements, is patient-centric in that some advisor professional must concur with the patient and only that destination is allowed. Controlled by checks and balance democracy. The first point is stupidity of asking or replying to the question of comparison  of any two systems of medicine. The key point to incomparibility agnosticism is comparisons based on evidence and experience for specific ailments. The purpose of requirement of concurrence to a such advocate professional is to force the patient to search for matching opinion in the class of better qualified persons, without constraining the citizen. Advocate professionals are controlled by periodic exams and delicensing.

Now my own choices based on what I know. Open to improvements in stating or choices. Ayurveda or better Allopathized Ayurveda for ignorable minor ailments and exercise. Strict allopathy for all event based medicine. Strict cellular medicine for cell directed ailments, definitely aging. Agreeing with Allopathy distinction, treatment by Allopathy, cure by any method is as good. A system in which tired old sick looking can submit and receive FDA clearance for Aging supplements is not acceptable. Evidence-based only if some agency finds definite group parameters improved.

Baba Ramdev is an advertiser doctor who is controversial stating the advocacy of Ayurveda over Allopathy, correctly criticized by Allopathy professionals. He is however practitioner of Allopathicised Ayurveda in that he uses evidence-based methods, but was shamefully caught in the coronil anti-covid-19 for using a self-beneficial notion of evidence in which all corona-patients ever and aged-over 65 were excluded and could not convince the government of efficacy. Some later version did pass. Should he be believed? For some things, yes. Just as good for cure of persistent diseases. No, for treatments and cell medicine ailments. Use cell medicine when it starts, Allopathy only till then. In many cases, supplements and OTC can be used. Use aggressive Allopathy for cancers.

Clearly, the benefit of and educated proxy, funded by he government, is not to be restricted to medicine. It is an essential part of my "education benefits without education" theory. My belief is a properly educated required proxy for all important decisions. Defined by percent of estimated income, offers vastly improved citizen actions with no problems other than some costs, payable by all developed countries and universally for less developed with my ideas on democracy.

Clarifications + my definitions


Controlled by checks and balance democracy:

The list of such professionals, licensed by the government on the basis of some recognized body, which can be removed too, on cause with the concurrence of court system. Laws by transparent checks and balances with forced agreement with supreme court.

Senescence cell doctors


Abstract: I believe that Senescence cell doctors are basically distinct from other doctors because they do not need to become jack of all trades and because their fundamental treatment is only related to problems within cells, fundamentally different from physicians who need to understand body function in all random organs effected by differently random diseases, often more than one. Limiting the specialty to cells and strong ties to genetics community and molecular biologists enables Senescence doctors to deal with all eukaryotes. The subject of aging applies to dog, cats, mice etc. as well. The nucleus sack is the basic unification that allows the development and treatment with mRNA drugs and vaccinations to attack cancers of all kinds and aging of all eukaryotes. We must allow all the great scientists mentioned, Dr. de Grey, Dr Sinclair,Drs. Conby and Dr. Horvath as fundamental scientist with MD like opinion value and ability to practice cell medicine’ applied to cancers and aging even though in most cases, they do not have MD credentials. The invited will themselves act responsibly.

Advanced cancers are often considered untreatable anymore, and the focus shifts to control of pain in hospice setting and permission to use any weird technology by the care-givers routinely exploited by moron criminals. This might be acceptable behavior in MD community, but will not be of any senescence cell doctors. That is because both cancers and aging have a cellular basis, and the effort to control ailment in the patient must extend to the very last, even trying theoretically good novel chemicals. Death is no longer a necessary natural event but an admitted shame on the doctors on the state of recuperative art of the time. The ailment must be cellular and that distinction has to be continually refined.

Both aging and cancers are ailments of the cell. Cancers can be researched as one, based on genetic mutation of the effected cells. There is a generalization, which converts remit, post the drugs causing remit fail. THIS MAY BE FOR THE VIRUS TO MUTATE OR TOLERANCE DEVELOPMENT. Only true cancers here.

There is no discovered unification of aging. Certain defects in cells are called hallmarks, with Balkanized work on each. Cell medicine depends on molecular biology and genetics. The unification is mRNA drugs and vaccines, with training the immune system central. There is a hallmark, cell diseases, treatable by mRNA drugs or cousins and vaccines fixing patient immunity. Alternatively, treatment and cure by strengthening immune therapy. The treatment and cure is not by external magic drugs, but by inherent immunity training. Immunotherapy is removed from Allopathy. Some professional organization admits cell medicine professionals, by examination, unless invited.

The persistent diseases of diabetes, heart, osteo-whatsoever etc. are divided into treatment and cure. For cure, all legal systems. For treatment, only Allopathy.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Vaccination against Cancers and for undoing Aging

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A completely different disruptive new paradigm path is proposed here to use the machinery (IE mechanism) for mRNA for this purpose. I call it a hypothesis for fails my notion of science theory. But there are arguments to believe it represents likely path to undoing aging. First reference (Follows this) is to learn trivial underlying biology.

Increment to NAD+ is crucial to undoing aging. One basic goal of undoing aging is to increment NAD+ levels to what are in adults. NAD+ declines continuously with age.Synthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) decreases during aging, which is thought to limit the activity of enzymes that require it for their catalytic activity. Studies in animals indicate that replenishment of cellular NAD+ can have beneficial effects on aging and age-related diseases, but the situation in humans is less clear. Yoshino et al. report the effects of supplementation with the NAD+ precursor nicotinamide mononucleotide in overweight or obese postmenopausal women with prediabetes (see the Perspective by Hepler and Bass). The treatment improved insulin sensitivity in muscle, although a change in NAD+ content was not detected. The treatment also increased the expression of platelet-derived growth factor b. The results support potential therapeutic action of NAD+ supplementation in humans, but how various NAD+ precursors are processed in specific tissues remains to be fully explored.(science

NAD+ is a basic material used in Krebs cycle. It decrements because senescent cells, hallmarks of aging, are inflamed by NAD+ and generate CD38 poison to reduce NAD+. Every trick to boost NAD+ will fail because eventually CD38, whose concentration increases with age, will overwhelm the trick. Clearly, CD38 levels must be reduced periodically.

One direction being pursued by Group led by Drs. Conboy at UCB is to use Blood dilution and chemical metering to reduce any evil proteins by dialysis type machine. This method will expand graciously with research expanding the evil list to include TGF-beta etc.

The current state of the art is here.

I state a new disruptive paradigm here - use mRNA vaccination idea to remove nonliving proteins much smaller than viruses. The idea here is to train the immune system to recognize the evil proteins and eliminate them in the usual way. For this purpose, we use two properties of biological evolution of DNA and cells of DNA repair and sanctity of DNA by nucleus membrane. This method applies to cancers even when not caused by virus type of things, The paradigm where vaccines work without viruses is novel to all western modern medicine, away from germ theory of causation so strongly tied to it, instead of older systems missing the theory of germs. The idea of vaccinating for cancers and undoing aging seems opposed to modern medicine, since no new germs are postulated.

First, that every evil is legislated against by preventing any direct contact with DNA molecule inside the nucleus sack in eukaryote. All other methods will be destroyed by future evolution interlopers. It is like Dr. Sinclair idea of only surviving DNA to achieve exclusion of repair and replication by making them the opposite sides of logic of epi-gene, shut or not! The signal molecules cause the copy of some part of DNA into mRNA. It is this molecule that exits the eukaryote nucleus sac and can never go back. This mRNA unites with ribosomes of the cell external to the sack, constructs the encoded protein that then exits the cell. The mRNA self-destruct for important proteins to in few hours. They can never reenter the sack, like the perfect surviving solution of Sinclair! Most subsequent evolutionary products can not penetrate and hijack the DNA! 

Somehow, horizontal gene transfer happens, although I state and believe in the theory of lost intermediate eukaryote species sexually compatible with both now incompatible species. This alternate explanation is possible given the low frequency of apparent horizontal transfer, despite the similarities of neighboring sequences in sexually incompatible species. Alternatively, there is still viral transmission theory with symbiotic role.

Second, if mRNA exit the cell, immune system kills them by eating.  But it has to kill only a few that survive self-destruction. The mRNA are copied segments that have a different sugar, becoming Uracil on transcription!

Now comes an irrelevant point as to the recognition by immune system of improper cells - it may be because of memory of all the mRNA. Or any molecule with U is bad. The difference is on the attachment freedom to the evil protein. Whichever, the point is that any molecule that resembles mRNA in part is bad. The immune system killers destroy mRNA analogs and are also trained to consider the rest of the molecule bad too.

This makes the functioning of mRNA vaccines easy to follow. Consider one hypothetical vaccine for Covid-19. The virus feature selected is the spike protein.  A molecule is constructed that joins one mRNA with the protein that

a) is easy to manufacture

b) looks non-toxic

Set of these molecules are tested on mice, human cells or both. The set is reduced usefulness and improved non-toxicity and triaged to a list of candidate for first small human trials. It takes weeks to prepare the candidates, but year to test to convincing levels of safety and efficacy.

My idea is to treat the bad proteins like CD38 to be an expanding list of chemicals of evil for which mRNA vaccines are built and treat cancers as mRNA vaccine for 1 patient! This is possible since building the molecule is measured in weeks and the real time will go in identifying the evil proteins, which will become easier with data per patient helped by recent use principality.

Specifically, knowing the molecule considered evil is smaller than a virus and is assumed small enough to not look for expressed features, which may be shared with useful proteins not to be targeted, An mRNA/evil mix is considered for safety. It will be used for cure, hoping that theoretical predictions are sufficient. Data for several trials is saved on per-patient basis and hopefully will be reusable soon. The data can be exchanged with similar programs.

Immunity period depends on per-protein basis and per-patient basis. It may vary from once a century basis to once-year basis. In any case, some patients will have a very long immune memory. Aged have another severe problem with vaccines - their immunity system is too weak (numerically)  to eat the foreign objects. Hand-in-hand with vaccine solution must be an  immune multiplier. Till that time, the vaccination solutions are for younger cancers and infections.

To summarize, treating by vaccine approach is possible since I fail to see the difference between surface expressed proteins to full proteins in most cases. Sites visited by immune cells exceed that are blood connected. BBB barriers don't exist.