Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A new kind of startup - aastartup

Following is a collection of linearized slides. It is directed to healthy retired friends and acquaintances or those who can take early retirement. It believes that heathy  aging till 130 years is possible today, each elongation year healthy. Existing age effects  detrimental  to health can be stopped today!

Not every one gets US citizenship, then returns to their roots and try at business startup. My reason likely matches yours – escape inevitable old age. The singlularity 0f 1+ year extension per year happens in next 50 years, reachable by me.

My contribution and required from all else


    Me – money in full

    All else – 1 month of toil without pay. Full current pay + 20% for any mutually accepted period thereafter.

    Pay will come from money given by first patients.

    Obviously no one will pay unless convinced got full benefits.

    In any case, some percent of company given to new investors. 20% of amount to people who do not continue.

    Startup partner bioage determination is free ($300-$500).

Why do it so


    Every thuggery is based on paying cash to the thug.

    No one will pay money to any one but close friend, known in person many years.

    To lesser friends, people will contribute, risk time only. Every one will risk time if convinced! That requires upfront money to me.

    Paying upfront stock will work if company succeeds.

    If it does not work as expected then just a vacation trip to India and age data!

    Every startup person likes the capital to last long time!

Other methods


It is my claim that Dr. Sinclair has uniquely solved aging mechan ism and all others are subanimals.

    Every other method is subhuman – regardless of experience, knowledge, prestige, fame of the purveyor. Dr. Sinclair is polite, I am not, they are thugs.

    It is possible to objectively measure age benefits of any method, all the bastards can be caught, using Horvath clock, converting aging into science first time in 2019.

What is expected and why


    You must read and understand Dr. Sinclair of Harvard.

    At this time, only Metformin 1gm, Acarbose, Resveratrol 1gm and NMN 1gm per day work.

    NMN must be taken with betaine or vitamin B15.

    NMN must be protected from liver. Eating it fails. Sublingual, nasal drops or iv. In iv form, 500Mg may suffice. NMN is expensive and 95% suppliers are subanimal criminals.

    Iv is very hard unless a nurse – where you come in if a nurse. No iv solutions of NMN are sold or will. I know how to make it.

Expected of you


    If you know “not interested”, send me facebook mail with just “not interested"

    If not interested but lazy, read book first etc, you will get official invite whenever.

    If interested, read book first and decide afterwards. I do not promise another invite. I am going to do it anyway, possibly without a company. Will pay Indian nurse then.

Why start company


    Aging has unlimited patient supply.

    Convincing proof is now possible by externally done bioage.

    I believe hence will make self first victim.

    Benefit happens in one month. If you are convinced, only then offer yourself as beneficiary.

    USA doctors do it in Texas for $1000 per day. No one honestly working can afford it. Only startup persons.

What I bring to table


    Only thing that follows from here is something you can get by Reading Sinclair.The iv solutions of NMN are not sold!

    Like NMN are benficial salts NR, NAD+, NADH.

    Direct NAD+ is better foir ALZHEIMARS and other Brain disorders. So why NMN and not others. I know scientific reason (objective)!

    Aging avoid very new. So much that5 FDA doesnot call Aging a disease, meaningless improvement!

Measuring benefits objectively


    Salutatory bioage determination is by Horvath clock which measures methylation concentration of several thousand DNA points and reduces them to bioage.

    Determination is human difference free (race, exercise etc). It works for all DNA life like trees and animals!

    Bioage is 3.1 years within calendar age and predicts remaining life as well. Companies in USA do it. So measure before and after any procedure and any moron! You can know how old and years of life remaining! DNA comes from spit or blood lab.

making a business


I am starting an Aging undo company. I think  no doctors are taught about aging, in fact even FDA refuses to call Aging a disease. A dream since 5000 years came true in 2019.

10 years from now, aging will be called a disease and doctors will try to monopolise it. I will be there for grandfathering.

Horvath clock is NOT known  in India but common in USA. Going to USA for measuring it is ridiculous.

India based measureing makes "Aging undo" a self-sustained idea. I take all money risk - it is my company. I belive in it and drugs and Horvath clock and will be the first user! The company is formed and run if its cost is 50 % of 1 year plan I will do regardless! I have money, time and will.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Rest of my life


Proof-theoretic computing science brackets each statement between preconditions and postconditions. The preconditions to  following all require money, management, time,  technology, interest etc. Interest and Time are crucial and the technology for each below has life extension usages. Certain expectations below may be erroneous to accept needed in10 years into the future, but tech developed have life extension uses.

Grim reaper may act today crossing the street. Entire life had me so far planned and acted to make probabilities, not results, flow towards me. Based on that, given my father lived to be 88, and I have taken  steps for another 10 years of healthy life, I expect another 35 years, for making healthy entry into the decade of 2050. There are good facts to ground well the belief that SENS will infuse another 10-25 years to then. Time enogh for another career, for myself this time, and start with great hope that some of the following will succeed.


Common to all topics for self

Rationale for thinking so is basic ethics independent development that USA excels in and applies to humans too. It does not depend on ethics or religion! Why should one act ethically? It allows others to be ethical towards you. How does one establish law? By installing detection and punishment systems. Essential to politics is not the past stupidity of law presentation. No emfubar can claim to present a law without detailing detection, punishment and teaching! Otherwise, the politician is a subanimal, forbidden to be in human society without lifelong (hence no experimentation) Expulsion. Expulsion and living restriction are superior to prison and only today possible through face recognition software in public places.

What next

Why invent or develop? Because that is the only way to make money. Who can? Anyone since patent systems are considered stupid! Equally, good and better than patent restrictions is compulsory licensing. Every product is assumed to be made in use of legal steps, on some licence fee is due, to innovators and the government. Vat can be applied and collected. Among other things, the largely anti-competitive tricks to benefit from restrictions actually slow developments! The experience of shen-zen shows that. The number of billionaire in china is not lower. Apart from very fast growth and citizen abuses, the story of China is enormous benefits of compulsory license type of systems. Weak laws against piracy are fueling the rate of growth in India with mild doses of corruption and anti people set conflicts that can not survive for long in a democracy!

But why should anyone buy? Innovation is essentianeeded in some areas. Military is required to use most innovated weapons. Entertainment requires one to innovate in acting, writing, music etc. A copyright is really innovation by the author! Hence, compulsory licensing applies! Propagation of this truth which will make India great and catch up with USA by2050 in free, democratic manner is my politics to then, Prosparity of USA, despite concentrations is solely its intellectual property approach. Livibility springs from freedom and democracy. The unplanned greatness stems from waves of immigrants working for their share of the pie without foreign constraints. As lo

1 aalanguage

Within 10 years, people communication must be free of infrequent errors elided instead. Use is not only think but think well, Insertion of logic into language is required for gen-robot development.Given stress on simplicity, aalanguage will shine for simpler ease.

 It has simple syntax on table primitive, considered simpler than lisp. Semantics is simpler too, using natural language categories of noun, verb, adjective, adverb and names in positional forms. Easy vocabulary arises from reuse of identifier as different part of use `<part of speech> dot expression' syntax, like verb  v. rub, noun n.rub, adjective +.rub etc. Glow yields adverb a.glow etc. Note that dot has higher precedence than juxtaposition. `$.if' converts an identifier into system word. First letter of an identifier indicates the category of the word (a:argument, x:local, o:object, c:constant, t:type, n.noun. <type.texpr> Converts texpr into a value, constant.<expr> evaluates expr once per context.

Currying of a function is `$curry <function> 1+{. <argument name>}'.  The arguments can be set in many ways. So `redball := $curry ball(color:red)(material:steel)' constructs a new, possibly higher order, function which may take shape and size as still free arguments. Unlike lisp, parenthezation has embedded infix precedence with operator precedence identifiers with 1+{%.slash} encode decreasing precedence starting juxtaposition, only dotting higher.

2 voiced programming

Programs without API will c ease to exist as use of very high level API exposed to users will happen, which can be simply and transparently user programmed. Another step will be only voice programming. No language today can! For a simple language like aalanguage this will be quick. The vocabulary will be very contextual with some universal  words.

This is quite a dear subject to me. Mathematicization of languages is due to Chomsky (MIT) who classified and showed the different powers of grammars and introduced the words of context-sensitive and context-free to humans. Actual real formal grammars are simpler than context-free, but have important contextual components.

HARD part, addressed by me and few others lately, is to deal with attributes, the resulting attributed grammar is context sensitive but free of NP-completeness! Modern genetics too requires attributed grammars. Differention of cells is only possible in certain contexts. Magic of crispr cas-9 must limit replacements in some contexts, not everywhere in a DNA! So the goal is to use left-recursion-handling LL-1 parser generators. It can build voice translators into robot commands, do control of genetic translators, compactly encode html, as well as pictures. Givinng self 10 years is needed.

3 aacryption

It is central to my being, replaces (reasons quantum computers) normal encryption with quantum secure methods but efficient. I had painfully built a normal encryption system but if would fail shor capable quantum computers. Unless strongly proven, non-quantum safe is insufficient against even mildly forward looking consumers. However, most non-quantum, systems are quantum-safe if  the modulus of field is hidden and my perfect-prediction method is added. An  intermediary Trent exists now for doing computations. TRUST IS ACHIEVED THROUGH PERFECT-SIGN. THIS REMOVES any NEED FOR GENERATION OF KEYS FROM NAME! it is possible to survive well with records that can be hacked - hacking will always be detected.

This claim is too trivial to write a paper for. Given any tuple, one can get impossible to fake digest by usual means. Included is a length field and name field. Now the tuple [cosumer name, tuple digest] is signed.

Trent comes in for returning consumer 's request by a new encryption system installed on that link! Both asker and target, in their Trent code, are shipped the tuple specifying the new system.

 IBE encryption can be done on a link basis by generating a new system once per new user and a directory with signed entries. Signed entries are needed to prevent consumer targetting by man in the middle. Every user entry is individually signed by the responsible organization.

Quantum security happens by the idea that modulus numbers are not exposed (always greater than half of range) and so can not be factored. Apart from Alice and Bob, we assume exists Trent with whom every one has a private encrypted channel or easily constructed. There are no direct encryption computations but for private messages to Trent.

MY contribution is mainly to see how Trent concept fits into Internet with scheduled and random stoppages. Unlike current net of nets, additional hierarchical nets have to be imposed for not trusting programmers (given NSA and corruption) somewhere and strength against failures. The needs can be met by arranging for personal cloud in a hierarchyical fashion immune to programmers and stoppages somewhere. Personal, company, city, ... etc hierarchical clouds must be fully integrated into current internet, done by a common user level API!

The usage is clear on taking a break and allowing someone else to act for you temporarily, with some but not all powers delegated. We assume that each power is encryption channel to a virtual person . One constrains the acting person by not revealing some encryption keys. Now the acting-instead has a new private channel to which all messages are re-encrypted, the acting-instead does the delegated tasks too. This is what Trent does for any author. The encrypted manuscript is decrypted and re-encrypted for a consumer. This can not be shared with anyone if the machine number is a part checked with. Local key exists only as an internal value computed in a chain of one way arithmetic.

4 mushroom farming

Mushroom farming is deceptively easy - one way starts with the starter log, drills hole in known easy pattern, fill holes by purchased plugs, puts the log apart and cuts the mushrooms on the outside a few times for some part of life, reusing a log till it can and restarting with new log on ending the fertile period.

Difficulty is from making the log and maintaining 60-80 f around the log. It is hard in indo-gangetic planes, hence mushroom farming is not done in plains. Since mushrooms logs/fills can be placed in rundown buildings that trap weather, could a cheap way be found for refrigeration in Indian plains? Turns out that the atmosphere is mostly transparent to certain wavelengths and outer space is very cold, a fact usable in radiative cooling.

Ten years from now, water will be harder to get, number of mouths to feed much larger, vertical water-minimizing farming with mushrooms will be a national political solution. One reason for mushroom is cheap dense protein - no wonder it is called poor man's meat in the west.

5 ageing

Earthian life originated from evolution by natural selection over common DNA - plants, trees, microbes, animal, birds, fishes, even humans. When DNA ages, so do all the life forms. Modern survivors, all, have cellular structures derived from a pluripotent cell that divided and differentiated into specialized cells. Three critical contributions are from a bio-chemist Dr. Sinclair at  Harvard, statistician Dr. Horvath in University of California, and Dr. Yamanaka of Japan. Dr. Yamanaka discovered 4 factors OSKC that will convert any differentiated cell into pluripotent cell. Dr. horvath discovered bio-age to methyl group concentrations at Cp sites or a DNA, and showed that it correlates very well with calendar age. Also, the bio-age worked for all kinds of cells, and is species constant and predictable in species specific ways. Dr. Sinclair showed that ageing can be experimentally and artificially imparted to mice.

    My documentedd efforts have created a need of Horvath clock tests before and after aging interventions which seems to work some! My cuirrent recommendations are a similar test on me, two mehods Yamanaka based and parbiosis-based,  , an d apeing Dr. sinclair. 

Current  numbers for me are 2gm/day metmorphin. 1 gm/day of nmn, 1 gm/day of resveratrol , 1200mg of calcium salt (300 mg-Ca),  4000 IU d3 and 100 micro-gm k2. Last is after MD consult for vastly common oseopenia or more in Indians. I drink 2  fullspoons of Haldi and per week.

I have vastly experimented with self and can reliably distinguish between kholu and sensible doctors. By limiting to parbiosis and Yamanaka, on my own shows some maturity in aging. Aging is not considered a disease, supplement field is littered with sensible sounding sellors of used-car sales type, no oversight agency and method etc My scientific-restricted approach adds wait to my opinions whenever applicable and given my experience that approves of some intererventions, I consider  self capable of guiding equally convinced that interventions are no longer frauds but very difficult to be sane consumer without a practicioner like me.

Although NMN naturally occurs in many food sources, a study found that you would need to consume 100 kg of broccoli, 69 kg of avocado, or 416 kg of beef just to obtain 250 mg of NMN daily.  By restricting self to weekly iv infusion of nmn, I will greatly imrove totality of benefits of overage as opposed to single best gene that resveratrol does. It is by sheer self-experiment and voracious reading that oral nmn was supplemented by betaine, rather than nmn just another hype!

Even today, no one makes an iv solution of nmn since it will immediately attract ambulen chaser lawyers. I can, will and perhaps sell to some friends. It will be done through aaageing company. Prior to chasing parbiosis benefits through plasma insertion, reliable ageing interactions through annual bio-age tests in USA is my first service. Amazon India no longer does it, nor does any one else (and advertizes).

6 Miscellaneous software projects I need, so does possibly the world

Personal spelled English to standard EnglishRather than yell at the monstrosities, Better is spell/type using own phonemes and automatically respell as per standard English

Personal spelled English to standard English

Rather than yell at the english spelling monstrosities, better is spell/type using own phonemes and automatically respell as per standard English, less like error correction and more like learn rules of compounding and derivatives and construct words chosen from english - more semantics and less of syntax correction that ALL spelling checkers are.

Converting spoken transcripts into software macro code

People speak instruictions or may just speak to add to transcipot, Transcript can be broken into macros and varified (neologism) to make useful macros. Documentation can be spoken too. Wonderful use of my aaintuitive system!

Friday, September 25, 2020

undoing ageing


 These are truly unique wonderous times. For the first tme in human history, a true scientific path to undoing aging is within reach. Whine philosophy is minimized, scientific means within the capability of legal MD, irrelevant are belief systems of the beneficiary, like allopathic medicine effectiveness is the same for sinners, criminals and upright citizens.

There are many ideas on undoing ageing, referenced in past. I BRIEFLY MENTION THE ONES I WILL FOLLOW. There are other methods that may become more important in futute, so there is no total commitment on way to proceed, except lifelong commitment to evaluate. This attitude can be taken by me as a follower of research, not a researcher, but even here I have to restrict for saving time and reference lookup costs. I am smart enough to know my limitations and that certain references need to be followed, while others can be ignored for being support for simple things or similar or identical to ones already followed.

non-science methods?

All guru, tomes, witnesses are uniformly all bullshit. Have no time to waste even listening, leave interning!


Veins of mice  of distinct age are sugrically joined to a common circulatory system. The rates of elder mice and younger mice are compared to similar free mice. Recovery from injuries, disease, stress and digestion of the elder mice are found improved.

One does not have to resort to parbiosis ghoulish effects to benefit. The same effects can be obtained by inserting young plasma. Plasma recovery is twice as fast as blood donation, without the fatigue felt after blood donation. This happens because the donated blood is filtered to remove the red cells which are reinserted in the donee. Plasma donation is simpler as blood type distinctions are missing and plasma banking is easier. Plasma can be sold twice a week!

The reason why plasma suffices is that it carries hormones and dissolved organics. What they are,is not known and there is no reason but science, to know. Clearly, the plasma can be enriched, equal to iv add of the chemicals. The whole idea of parbiosis is to undoing ageing, not knowing what ageing is!

One of the most useful effects of Covid is to use plasma in a similar way by transferring anti-bodies to the patient! Delhi has recovery bank blessed by the government. Certainly, the government will not object to repurposing the technology developed!


While more developed (Columbia runs an age reduction trial, each member of test coughs up milion dollars), I will not follow because lab scientists have reported failures to now. Additionally, mice have perfect telomeres but live 3 years! The trial above, till results prove me wrong, is snake oil for the gullible!


Yamanaka factors?

Yamanaka-factors revolutionize and ethicize genetics. Determined by very hard experimental work, twenty five chemicals were very smartly  screened to 4 OSKC, which when applied to any DNA convert to its pluripotent form (that is prior to differentiation!)

Most exciting to me is Horvath clock demethylation of the epigenome. Horvath identified 373 sites in human genome DNA (experimentally) and showed that calendar age could be predicted from this biological age (bioage) to  within 3.6 years. You need to measure methyl concentrations at these points. Improvements by US companies has allowed them to claim within 1.6 years. Bioage is very important since it allows science of ageing. Epi-mark are better than DNA-marks! Most importantly, underlying DNA is fixed in the womb. This allows eventual scientific fountain-of-youth.

With proper schedule, the OSK (C only induces cancers) can be used at low amount which reduce ages of differentiated cells without losing the differentiation! Thus drugs can be made for avoiding ageing specific to differentiation.

One can even operate genitically in Cas-9 cuts and restore within the selected context of cas-9. The dajnger is lack of specificity of context which may appear many times. No one has implemented (to my knowledge) additional contexts by surgery. Idea is to remove small chunks through surgery, perform cas-9 updates and surgically replace the amount! The genetic manipulation is now surgically enhanced! This is not useful in the past but very possible in laproscopic surgery!

How Yamanaka factors are the best way.

There’s a preprint from David Sinclair’s Harvard laboratory, posted on BioRxiv but not yet published, with very encouraging news for those of us who think that resetting the epigenetic (methylation) clock is a path to anti-aging.

study from the University of Exeter in England focused on the reverse aging of human genes by focusing on senescent cells and what are called splicing factors. The latter is a type of protein involved helping genes express themselves normally, but as we age, the process of senescence, or a state in which cells stop dividing and slip into a state of growth arrest without dying, causes the cells to be inactive and essentially turn off.

Is Arun finally a mental gone case or harbinger of tidings that are essential to all friends. Answer is believability, in this case the top cetainly conservative science magzine the scientific American over 150 years! 

Aging Is Reversible—at Least in Human Cells and Live Mice https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/aging-is-reversible-at-least-in-human-cells-and-live-mice/

The researchers found that by applying a compound commonly found in wine and foods such as dark chocolate and blueberries called resveratrol, they can actually reverse senescence and cause the splicing factors to reactivate.

Research has indicated that aging is actually an epigenetic process, or in other words it is often fueled by nongenetic forces, such as the environment we live in. A 2016 study published in Cell found that by tweaking genes that turn adult cells back into embryoniclike cells (pluripotent), scientists were able to manipulate the behavior of human skin cells.

The researchers found that by applying a compound called resveratrol, they can actually reverse senescence and cause the splicing factors to reactivate.

One of things I do - 1gm reservatol per day, Rs. 6000 (thousand) for 6 month supply, copying Dr. Sinclaire (Harvard), discoverer of why we age! Redo nmn, nr, or nad when can get prescription for iv or injection form.

Can Science Reverse Aging? https://html.duckduckgo.com/html?q=yamanaka%20ageing

Sunday, September 6, 2020


What does a scientific theory mean? Absent a clear definition, every emfubar, while demonstrably an fubar, will claim science as part of a fubar belief system. Any statement becomes a scientific hypothesis only when it satisfies by negation the falsifiability test of Popper, and positively being a rational skeptic who never ceases a why. Ultimately the infinite regress leads to astronomical evolution which can be continued to about 10-21 second after big bang. What was before that, assumes there was a before, not necessary by any scientific theory. There are many cosmogenies that imply there was a before, but as a basic axiom. One of Cosmogonies in fact says that big bang is when time began. Note that time becomes infinitely slow at the speed of light and that spent by a photon despite coming from eons away is still zero. Neutrinos are matter traveling almost but not nearly light experience time, enough to change flavor in flight unlike photons which have same frequency fixed at creation time.

So what is the theory of Aging? It must be consistent with all known physics, chemistry and biology. It must be provable in the sense that some feature of the theory, on violation speeds up or reduces age. This must be simple enough to be allow performance in peer laboratories without requiring consultation with the author. In other words, experimental evidence can be collected and compared absent the author. This external repeatability is essential to science. I add another test peculiar to me - no external force (like God) may be invoked to explain all life on earth, this is not necessarily a denial of God, just the requirement God concept is not needed. All life can be explained (despite intelligent design pseudo-science) through evolution. This evolution-compatibility is my requirement and holds for Sinclair's theory. It even explains why all life on earth has a DNA basis, why fountain of youth is possible without time travel and why other forms of DNA do not exist. We might never encounter any other DNA.

It is a DNA based theory. The simplest form of consistent Circuits, despite other species based genes, is a fundamental requirement that the protein generated by a repair gene prevents the duplication of the DNA i.e. the cell. This exclusionary behavior is anti-simplistic understand of biology of evolution where replication is assumed to always be reason of existence of any lifeforms. True, but ageing is below a cell which has many species' dependent extra parts to the nucleus DNA molecule which is a giant double helix in all forms. Genes are simply small parts of the giant code. Operations are all done by allowing proteins to form by copying portions of DNA. The two cell level processes are duplicate and apoptosis. Duplication can be prevented internally by shutting of duplication gene while repair is in progress. The cell duplicates by unwind the double helix to 2 one strand parts, each of which forms a double helix by element duplication. The whole process takes time and exclusion circuit prevents duplication while unzip happens. This prevents error in the mother and daughter molecules.

Carefully note that any other DNA molecule, without the exclusion circuit, will fail after each coincidence of an error and replication. Errors happen all the time - x-ray, solar activity, stress, bad food etc. Unless DNA can recover some, the lifetime is milliseconds. Even with amelioration of errors, for animals, lifetime is few days to 300 years - cancers limiting life. EVEN TREES LIVE A FEW THOUSAND YEARS. Errors eventually add up and kill. The problem of ageing is too complicated to be solved by biology alone. But extending biological life can enable time for development of cyborg appendages to complete transfer to silicon life.

The fascinating corollaries to above are

1. The correctness of proof of above theory does not lead to any anti-ageing prescription

2. The systemic environmental interventions are all in the epigenome. underlying the epigenome is pristine DNA, as pristine as birth. Extending age and fountain of youth are the same thing.


Here are other possibilities.


Distinct, but scientific, is the proof in 2012 by Horvath in California that all DNA genome and epigenome has marker sites whose methylation is strictly increasing and correlates with calendar age. The prediction rules depend on the species but are remarkably stable on mesenchrymal cells. For an individual of a spies, a table can be used to predict bio age TO within about 3 years of the calendar age.  A table can be prepared in advance per species to predict bio age accurately.

The strictly increasing methylation pattern has very few marks at birth. Amazingly, cells sunjected to yamanaka factors become totiplurasl by shedding the epigenome and the methylation marks of the underlying pristine DNA. Even the mesenchymal changes are not preserved. The cell can begin li8ge anew. But it is rarely a single cell! All the cells revert in unison, and what you get is a ball of cancer.

Amazement follows subsequent research. Of the four Yamanaka factors OSKC , the C is always cancer-genic. Of the 3 others, the degree of specialization removed depends on frequency and degree of immersion, more meaning more reversion. This has immediate applications.

1. The degree of age removal can be judged by starting and ending bio age. There are for example telomere based methods which predict a longer life from telomere restoration, but in this case too, the methylation removal happens. One can not cheat the Horvath clock,

 2. A genetic age reversal process follows by OSK based foods and medicine, subjects of future research.

Thursday, August 27, 2020


 One reason that communism flourished is that it was built around Marx researches which had a critical difference from thinkers then, a long researched empirical work to couch in scientific theory but suffers from significant selective bias since many empirical truths were ignored and only supportive facts were retained. In my vernacular, hge was a semi-scientist, a person whose theory is explanatory but inextensible.

I am tired of nuts who consider only public and private as two modes, in between is public-private-partnership my style which interpolates between private models, that were a big failure in South America and Europe. Or the communist public model in the erstwhile Soviet union and satellites. Or offensively successful economically in china which escaped the very anti-progress of Mao to freedom less china today. Without shame for my upbringing, comfortable upper middle class in India with many achievements despite family, surviving as a refugee from the USA but only as a TBI and great oppression by a University to a mentally disabled person. But I gained some clarity after 30 years as a TBI and passage of my father. My parents accepted me after 25 years of escape to a new country and despite my status and illness to a self-chosen minimal  existence and divorce.
America or post-Mao china are examples of my PPP model. Reason underlying my hatred for China, despite great progress, is the simple extinction of liberty. Or non-republican America is a practice of socialism and likely definite extinction of liberty there. It is very common and wrong to advocate American exceptionalism and socialism as solutions in the USA. Even more stupid is libertarian view that US progress is in any way related to Laissez-faire  and weak government. The reason as per me is like this talk here - Well done state capitalism https://www.ted.com/talks/mariana_mazzucato_government_investor_risk_taker_innovator#t-828883 . Even the solution presented here is very good - government must retain a definite fraction of ALL companies and eliminate most taxes. All people without jobs must be paid by the government even as the government sells unemployed labor to companies. Competition must be required in all government jobs, removing all restriction on political membership, and formulate non-discrimination rules. At least 2 persons must be in all rules, one from each collection in politics.

It is wrong to argue privatization without a funding by the government. Clever investment must be needed in this model since the government will starve without taxes. Will enough be generated for the government? Think of the government 20% ownership of all US companies and no taxes! It can be done! Is that ethical - any day better than taxes! Taxes are evil ways and much likelier to be unfair, whoever you are. Note the included destruction of publicity based communists and religion based tax free religionists! You can not hide director level discussions or great corruptions without some director squealing.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Amelioration of Ageing

NAD+ is known miracle chemical. In all humans, it declines continuously in ageing. It is known to be very important in Krebs cycle, which has a circuit of  NAD+ and Na-DH.

Na-DH.  NAD+ And NAD Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage And Stacking

The intravenous application of NAD+ is currently the only recommended therapy.

Augmenting either is good enough. NAD+ is made two ways - de novo (from amino acids) and synthesized (from Na-DH) while Na-DH is not made, just a step in the cycle NMN and NR are two precursors, both are made in body from vitamin B3. 

Flushing and Non-flushing (amide) form s of B3 i.e (Niacin,Niacinamide) are equally good. B3 effects, if at all, take 2 years. NMN or NR takes days.
Now there is bio-availability caution. NAD+ is useful inside mitochondria. Getting it there is hard. First difficulty is stomach-blood barrier. Next is Liver barrier. Next is cell-wall barrier from blood. Finally is mitochondrial penetration. There is an extra hard barrier for me - blood-brain barrier to fix ageing error for me - pseudo-Pakinson essential tremor. Past each barrier penetrates a small amount, measure in single digit percent. As you can see, minuscule amounts 0.00000001  percent will reach! one can raise it enormously by eliminating first 2 barriers by directly getting it into blood. Sublingual is one (as heart med, under 5he tongue). I failed in that. Another is nasal spray. Much better is iv or injection. Requires convincing and cooperation of a doctor, even getting injection/iv product.


Injection/iv product is very hard to get.
Published experience says iv form of NAD+ is under a day, while NMN lasts a week. USA has a breed called bio-hackers who try things on themselves and often suffer. iv and injectiblke forms of Nad+ are not for sale. One can get them  as powder and make injection forms by sterile water.Very bad idea as clear from this hacker!

more methods

Watch these links, they reflect only two other independent kinown methods  not dependent on exclusion circuit. No other method is known, consistent with all known science, physics, chemistry, biology and evolution. Without mercy, such a method is a religious farce and from a criminal mind.

This independence is great - do all at once, since each is independent!


Parabiosis? https://aaqg-arunarya.blogspot.com/2020/08/to-be-done.html

Parabiosis is surgical joining of two mammals such that their blood systems are joined. Tried successfully on two mice - one young and other old. The repairs in old were like young. Don't get nightmares as the effect survives plasma infusion. A bad idea if just extracting young blood without replacement. Exchanging blood worsens the young. Now what?

Escape from bio-criminal scientists of Nazi Germany is possible by undone experiment that likely will be done eventually by me!  Plasma add is well developed technique where the blood is drawn from a young but distilled to plasma and red blood cells. All the cells are immediately returned to Donor. This technique allows the recovery of donor twice as fast! The red-cell-sans plasma has all the benefits of whole blood! Serum banks in Delhi are made to donations from recovered covid infected. The plasma technique works for most diseases, was in act routinely used before antibiotics.


Telomere? https://aaqg-arunarya.blogspot.com/2020/08/to-be-done.html

A telomere names the end of DNA like thin fluffy ends. There is progressive shortening on every rebirth of cell. After 30-40 doubling,the size becomes so small that cell wont double any more. The length of Telomere correlates well with bio-age of the species. It is governed by the chemical Telomerase.

Lengthening telomeres for humans correlates to lessening of methyl marks. This is another way developed even more than Sinclair ways. 

Lengthening fully makes cell immortal i.e. cancerous!
One of the largest studies to date on telomeres shed some light on telomeres’ effect on a person’s health. Researchers collected saliva samples and medical records of more than 100,000 participants. Their findings showed that shorter-than-average telomere length was associated with a boost in mortality risk — even after adjusting for lifestyle factors like smoking, alcohol consumption and education that are linked to telomere length.

It stands to reason that if science found a way to increase Telomerase production, telomeres would remain long, lengthening life spans and possibly reducing the risk of some diseases.

In fact, one 2010 study published in Nature performed on rodents seems to confirm that theory. Mice engineered to lack telomerase aged prematurely and became decrepit. But when the enzyme was replaced, they bounced back to health. By reawakening telomerase in human cells where it’s stopped working, normal human aging could be slowed. “This has implications for thinking about telomerase as a serious anti-aging intervention,” said Ronald DePinho, a cancer geneticist who led the study.

However, there are still serious doubts about whether reversing or slowing down aging via telomerase activity is the answer. Because while telomerase does lengthen telomeres, in humans with cancer, the enzyme helps existing tumors grow faster. At this stage, it doesn’t seem we know enough about safely harnessing telomerase to ensure that it works only to lengthen telomeres and doesn’t actually stimulate cancer. Somehow the DNA genome and epigenome lose methyl marks.


Sunday, August 16, 2020


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Aging products
pterostilbene better than resveratrol - more bioavailable from putting two methyl groups 200gm=1000gm of resveratrol
pterostilbene https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005ACNW5S
bad idea to qualFF nad+, must take in iv form, or nasal spray to bypass liver
nad+ and nmn do same thing - nmn becomes nad+, but nmn injections every week WHILE nad+ every day!
NO iv/injection products BUT atulji sister has agreed to help. Prefer nad+ way because it crosses into brain, will/must improve my parkinson-like shakes now quite bad. Important test for me,  will know after 6 months.
Some references