Thursday, August 27, 2020


 One reason that communism flourished is that it was built around Marx researches which had a critical difference from thinkers then, a long researched empirical work to couch in scientific theory but suffers from significant selective bias since many empirical truths were ignored and only supportive facts were retained. In my vernacular, hge was a semi-scientist, a person whose theory is explanatory but inextensible.

I am tired of nuts who consider only public and private as two modes, in between is public-private-partnership my style which interpolates between private models, that were a big failure in South America and Europe. Or the communist public model in the erstwhile Soviet union and satellites. Or offensively successful economically in china which escaped the very anti-progress of Mao to freedom less china today. Without shame for my upbringing, comfortable upper middle class in India with many achievements despite family, surviving as a refugee from the USA but only as a TBI and great oppression by a University to a mentally disabled person. But I gained some clarity after 30 years as a TBI and passage of my father. My parents accepted me after 25 years of escape to a new country and despite my status and illness to a self-chosen minimal  existence and divorce.
America or post-Mao china are examples of my PPP model. Reason underlying my hatred for China, despite great progress, is the simple extinction of liberty. Or non-republican America is a practice of socialism and likely definite extinction of liberty there. It is very common and wrong to advocate American exceptionalism and socialism as solutions in the USA. Even more stupid is libertarian view that US progress is in any way related to Laissez-faire  and weak government. The reason as per me is like this talk here - Well done state capitalism . Even the solution presented here is very good - government must retain a definite fraction of ALL companies and eliminate most taxes. All people without jobs must be paid by the government even as the government sells unemployed labor to companies. Competition must be required in all government jobs, removing all restriction on political membership, and formulate non-discrimination rules. At least 2 persons must be in all rules, one from each collection in politics.

It is wrong to argue privatization without a funding by the government. Clever investment must be needed in this model since the government will starve without taxes. Will enough be generated for the government? Think of the government 20% ownership of all US companies and no taxes! It can be done! Is that ethical - any day better than taxes! Taxes are evil ways and much likelier to be unfair, whoever you are. Note the included destruction of publicity based communists and religion based tax free religionists! You can not hide director level discussions or great corruptions without some director squealing.

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