Monday, October 19, 2020

Rest of my life


Proof-theoretic computing science brackets each statement between preconditions and postconditions. The preconditions to  following all require money, management, time,  technology, interest etc. Interest and Time are crucial and the technology for each below has life extension usages. Certain expectations below may be erroneous to accept needed in10 years into the future, but tech developed have life extension uses.

Grim reaper may act today crossing the street. Entire life had me so far planned and acted to make probabilities, not results, flow towards me. Based on that, given my father lived to be 88, and I have taken  steps for another 10 years of healthy life, I expect another 35 years, for making healthy entry into the decade of 2050. There are good facts to ground well the belief that SENS will infuse another 10-25 years to then. Time enogh for another career, for myself this time, and start with great hope that some of the following will succeed.


Common to all topics for self

Rationale for thinking so is basic ethics independent development that USA excels in and applies to humans too. It does not depend on ethics or religion! Why should one act ethically? It allows others to be ethical towards you. How does one establish law? By installing detection and punishment systems. Essential to politics is not the past stupidity of law presentation. No emfubar can claim to present a law without detailing detection, punishment and teaching! Otherwise, the politician is a subanimal, forbidden to be in human society without lifelong (hence no experimentation) Expulsion. Expulsion and living restriction are superior to prison and only today possible through face recognition software in public places.

What next

Why invent or develop? Because that is the only way to make money. Who can? Anyone since patent systems are considered stupid! Equally, good and better than patent restrictions is compulsory licensing. Every product is assumed to be made in use of legal steps, on some licence fee is due, to innovators and the government. Vat can be applied and collected. Among other things, the largely anti-competitive tricks to benefit from restrictions actually slow developments! The experience of shen-zen shows that. The number of billionaire in china is not lower. Apart from very fast growth and citizen abuses, the story of China is enormous benefits of compulsory license type of systems. Weak laws against piracy are fueling the rate of growth in India with mild doses of corruption and anti people set conflicts that can not survive for long in a democracy!

But why should anyone buy? Innovation is essentianeeded in some areas. Military is required to use most innovated weapons. Entertainment requires one to innovate in acting, writing, music etc. A copyright is really innovation by the author! Hence, compulsory licensing applies! Propagation of this truth which will make India great and catch up with USA by2050 in free, democratic manner is my politics to then, Prosparity of USA, despite concentrations is solely its intellectual property approach. Livibility springs from freedom and democracy. The unplanned greatness stems from waves of immigrants working for their share of the pie without foreign constraints. As lo

1 aalanguage

Within 10 years, people communication must be free of infrequent errors elided instead. Use is not only think but think well, Insertion of logic into language is required for gen-robot development.Given stress on simplicity, aalanguage will shine for simpler ease.

 It has simple syntax on table primitive, considered simpler than lisp. Semantics is simpler too, using natural language categories of noun, verb, adjective, adverb and names in positional forms. Easy vocabulary arises from reuse of identifier as different part of use `<part of speech> dot expression' syntax, like verb  v. rub, noun n.rub, adjective +.rub etc. Glow yields adverb a.glow etc. Note that dot has higher precedence than juxtaposition. `$.if' converts an identifier into system word. First letter of an identifier indicates the category of the word (a:argument, x:local, o:object, c:constant, t:type, n.noun. <type.texpr> Converts texpr into a value, constant.<expr> evaluates expr once per context.

Currying of a function is `$curry <function> 1+{. <argument name>}'.  The arguments can be set in many ways. So `redball := $curry ball(color:red)(material:steel)' constructs a new, possibly higher order, function which may take shape and size as still free arguments. Unlike lisp, parenthezation has embedded infix precedence with operator precedence identifiers with 1+{%.slash} encode decreasing precedence starting juxtaposition, only dotting higher.

2 voiced programming

Programs without API will c ease to exist as use of very high level API exposed to users will happen, which can be simply and transparently user programmed. Another step will be only voice programming. No language today can! For a simple language like aalanguage this will be quick. The vocabulary will be very contextual with some universal  words.

This is quite a dear subject to me. Mathematicization of languages is due to Chomsky (MIT) who classified and showed the different powers of grammars and introduced the words of context-sensitive and context-free to humans. Actual real formal grammars are simpler than context-free, but have important contextual components.

HARD part, addressed by me and few others lately, is to deal with attributes, the resulting attributed grammar is context sensitive but free of NP-completeness! Modern genetics too requires attributed grammars. Differention of cells is only possible in certain contexts. Magic of crispr cas-9 must limit replacements in some contexts, not everywhere in a DNA! So the goal is to use left-recursion-handling LL-1 parser generators. It can build voice translators into robot commands, do control of genetic translators, compactly encode html, as well as pictures. Givinng self 10 years is needed.

3 aacryption

It is central to my being, replaces (reasons quantum computers) normal encryption with quantum secure methods but efficient. I had painfully built a normal encryption system but if would fail shor capable quantum computers. Unless strongly proven, non-quantum safe is insufficient against even mildly forward looking consumers. However, most non-quantum, systems are quantum-safe if  the modulus of field is hidden and my perfect-prediction method is added. An  intermediary Trent exists now for doing computations. TRUST IS ACHIEVED THROUGH PERFECT-SIGN. THIS REMOVES any NEED FOR GENERATION OF KEYS FROM NAME! it is possible to survive well with records that can be hacked - hacking will always be detected.

This claim is too trivial to write a paper for. Given any tuple, one can get impossible to fake digest by usual means. Included is a length field and name field. Now the tuple [cosumer name, tuple digest] is signed.

Trent comes in for returning consumer 's request by a new encryption system installed on that link! Both asker and target, in their Trent code, are shipped the tuple specifying the new system.

 IBE encryption can be done on a link basis by generating a new system once per new user and a directory with signed entries. Signed entries are needed to prevent consumer targetting by man in the middle. Every user entry is individually signed by the responsible organization.

Quantum security happens by the idea that modulus numbers are not exposed (always greater than half of range) and so can not be factored. Apart from Alice and Bob, we assume exists Trent with whom every one has a private encrypted channel or easily constructed. There are no direct encryption computations but for private messages to Trent.

MY contribution is mainly to see how Trent concept fits into Internet with scheduled and random stoppages. Unlike current net of nets, additional hierarchical nets have to be imposed for not trusting programmers (given NSA and corruption) somewhere and strength against failures. The needs can be met by arranging for personal cloud in a hierarchyical fashion immune to programmers and stoppages somewhere. Personal, company, city, ... etc hierarchical clouds must be fully integrated into current internet, done by a common user level API!

The usage is clear on taking a break and allowing someone else to act for you temporarily, with some but not all powers delegated. We assume that each power is encryption channel to a virtual person . One constrains the acting person by not revealing some encryption keys. Now the acting-instead has a new private channel to which all messages are re-encrypted, the acting-instead does the delegated tasks too. This is what Trent does for any author. The encrypted manuscript is decrypted and re-encrypted for a consumer. This can not be shared with anyone if the machine number is a part checked with. Local key exists only as an internal value computed in a chain of one way arithmetic.

4 mushroom farming

Mushroom farming is deceptively easy - one way starts with the starter log, drills hole in known easy pattern, fill holes by purchased plugs, puts the log apart and cuts the mushrooms on the outside a few times for some part of life, reusing a log till it can and restarting with new log on ending the fertile period.

Difficulty is from making the log and maintaining 60-80 f around the log. It is hard in indo-gangetic planes, hence mushroom farming is not done in plains. Since mushrooms logs/fills can be placed in rundown buildings that trap weather, could a cheap way be found for refrigeration in Indian plains? Turns out that the atmosphere is mostly transparent to certain wavelengths and outer space is very cold, a fact usable in radiative cooling.

Ten years from now, water will be harder to get, number of mouths to feed much larger, vertical water-minimizing farming with mushrooms will be a national political solution. One reason for mushroom is cheap dense protein - no wonder it is called poor man's meat in the west.

5 ageing

Earthian life originated from evolution by natural selection over common DNA - plants, trees, microbes, animal, birds, fishes, even humans. When DNA ages, so do all the life forms. Modern survivors, all, have cellular structures derived from a pluripotent cell that divided and differentiated into specialized cells. Three critical contributions are from a bio-chemist Dr. Sinclair at  Harvard, statistician Dr. Horvath in University of California, and Dr. Yamanaka of Japan. Dr. Yamanaka discovered 4 factors OSKC that will convert any differentiated cell into pluripotent cell. Dr. horvath discovered bio-age to methyl group concentrations at Cp sites or a DNA, and showed that it correlates very well with calendar age. Also, the bio-age worked for all kinds of cells, and is species constant and predictable in species specific ways. Dr. Sinclair showed that ageing can be experimentally and artificially imparted to mice.

    My documentedd efforts have created a need of Horvath clock tests before and after aging interventions which seems to work some! My cuirrent recommendations are a similar test on me, two mehods Yamanaka based and parbiosis-based,  , an d apeing Dr. sinclair. 

Current  numbers for me are 2gm/day metmorphin. 1 gm/day of nmn, 1 gm/day of resveratrol , 1200mg of calcium salt (300 mg-Ca),  4000 IU d3 and 100 micro-gm k2. Last is after MD consult for vastly common oseopenia or more in Indians. I drink 2  fullspoons of Haldi and per week.

I have vastly experimented with self and can reliably distinguish between kholu and sensible doctors. By limiting to parbiosis and Yamanaka, on my own shows some maturity in aging. Aging is not considered a disease, supplement field is littered with sensible sounding sellors of used-car sales type, no oversight agency and method etc My scientific-restricted approach adds wait to my opinions whenever applicable and given my experience that approves of some intererventions, I consider  self capable of guiding equally convinced that interventions are no longer frauds but very difficult to be sane consumer without a practicioner like me.

Although NMN naturally occurs in many food sources, a study found that you would need to consume 100 kg of broccoli, 69 kg of avocado, or 416 kg of beef just to obtain 250 mg of NMN daily.  By restricting self to weekly iv infusion of nmn, I will greatly imrove totality of benefits of overage as opposed to single best gene that resveratrol does. It is by sheer self-experiment and voracious reading that oral nmn was supplemented by betaine, rather than nmn just another hype!

Even today, no one makes an iv solution of nmn since it will immediately attract ambulen chaser lawyers. I can, will and perhaps sell to some friends. It will be done through aaageing company. Prior to chasing parbiosis benefits through plasma insertion, reliable ageing interactions through annual bio-age tests in USA is my first service. Amazon India no longer does it, nor does any one else (and advertizes).

6 Miscellaneous software projects I need, so does possibly the world

Personal spelled English to standard EnglishRather than yell at the monstrosities, Better is spell/type using own phonemes and automatically respell as per standard English

Personal spelled English to standard English

Rather than yell at the english spelling monstrosities, better is spell/type using own phonemes and automatically respell as per standard English, less like error correction and more like learn rules of compounding and derivatives and construct words chosen from english - more semantics and less of syntax correction that ALL spelling checkers are.

Converting spoken transcripts into software macro code

People speak instruictions or may just speak to add to transcipot, Transcript can be broken into macros and varified (neologism) to make useful macros. Documentation can be spoken too. Wonderful use of my aaintuitive system!

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