Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Arun Arya on Languages 2017

If epistemology=GIT(=linus Torvold) then
  3. JAVA
  4. RUBY
  5. PHP
  6. C++
  7. CSS
  8. C#
  9. GO
  10. C
  12. SHELL
  13. SWIFT
  14. SCALA
Are the most popular 15 languages in usage-popularity order in 2017. I say learn 2 (Python, Go) and idea behind angular js and win in 2018. Other experts are ancients!

This kind of statement is very deep and can be made by experts in PL only – I am one. 9 out of 10 in m tech CS from IITK became ancients long ago. I did not because I spend time in predicting then learning.

1977 - I started before internet, when structured programming reigned.
1980 – Wonders of object oriented programming. the vtable. Natural extension in inheritance
1985 – (Waste) Latex
1990 – PGP, poor fucked up MI in C++
1994 – HTML and ability to attach handlers to image objects and render images without fixed aspect ratio.
2000 – Approximate searches – Google
2008 – Emails as automatic events – Facebook. Fat pointers in Go.
2014 – Bit coin, mining implementation of distributed contention. cheap type checked threads in c#
2018 – aalan = privacy preserving blockchain, fat variables, non-deterministic ll-1 programs = expanded Go

Go has already surpassed C. It has right idea of fat pointers (rare), expanded to fat variables in aalan. Python does shell well. Idea from angular JS, central to aalan, independently discovered is scope as a first class value. Many modern languages have made new kinds of first class values – ancientifying great painful innovations of their time!

Object oriented – modules as 1st-class
Javascript – functions as 1st-class, eliminates inheritance

Angular js – scope as 1st-class, like smart staging, ancientifies Go

Aalan – privacy preserving blockchain, fat variables, non-deterministic ll-1, fights Go and python
Fat variables allows multiple inheritance (essential primitive in aalan, ancientifying c++, c#, java, and friends).

Privacy preserving blockchain by library calls to components implementable in hardware
ll-1 – reason why new syntax needed eventually, declarative statement of intentions, let computer figure out how to implement semantics

Monday, December 25, 2017

Hardware blockchain

Su in our class-of-75 group wrote about Dubai doing blockchain by 2020 and motherfucking beasts I despise most – lawyers and government servants. I am very comfortable with blockchain as it is rejuvenation of supermedium of my thesis – done well with Ethernet based public contention secretaries. Bell labs, sandy Fraser and ken Thompson were no fools to hire me in 1980, or when they fired me in 1986 for non-delivery for all networks.

That happened because I never could imagine lovely mining method of distributed contention resolution. Yet it is a beautiful method with built-in method for incentives, paid for in currency controlled! Bitcoin for you.

Great for all including NSA. Perhaps Dubai will be the first state fully fuck able by NSA by 2020. Or my war-cry to sell my privacy-enforcing hardware! Cryptonote with ring signatures and zcash have two other algorithms. Both and more like them in future have a problem I don’t – failure happens on breach of security by a miner! It could be fully secure and private from outside, but NSA is expert in targeting and subverting key guys and gals!

My solution is simple – encryption is maintained whenever outside hardware! Let AAP and Hardik yell about hacked EVM machines. My solution – punitive responsibility! Lock up chief honcho, picked hackers and machines for 2 hours. At the end either successful or not or excuses (like we would have but we were missing x). Punitive means excuses ignored. Yes or NO.  Election commission fucked or AAP? HARDIK (10 years labour prison, nothing to fix)!

My solution open to experts. But done in protected hardware! Like  inside batteries with mechanical wire switches in TEMPEST protection shells, dynamic temperature circuits bathed in oil etc. Several such facilities on clouds ok.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Mad New direction

Commenting on  http://nayidisha.com/

This is long painful reply to the publication by an accomplished senior of mine who has gone mad! The reason is simple – there are political imperatives why congress and bjp are united – the only way to accomplish Sir nai disha (Sir new direction) is extreme undemocracy – totalitarianism. In the unlikely case of win, by this platform hidden, Sir nai disha will face massive mid-term losses and true pathetic defeat!

Frontispiece is my changes which might survive. Here is why –

Full supports to GST rates is dumb and anti-economic
Elimination (minus flaws) of right to education is criminally stupid
Upfront elimination of reservations, price caps, retrospective taxation and anti-mnrega is criminal political hara-kiri i.e. suicide

This fellow is certainly a buffoon after great accomplishments!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

ArunArya Augmented Shared Virtual Reality AASVR

AASVR is my invention, natural from AR and VR, were SVR is pronounced as if SCR was spoken but the k became a V. It names 4 important characterizing components –

A – Augmented reality which inputs reality but augments it by removing certain colours by making the objects transparent, somewhat like a GIF. The transparent objects only are filled by VR. Suppose one were to mark a rectangle on a wall blue. Now one can view scene through my instrument in which blue is marked transparent. VR will paint only the transparent portions. The consumer can paint a TV there! Project slides! Remains a blue rectangle for all others

S – Shared. Others MAY look at what the first does. Or see another channel, fool the principal! The principal may be elsewhere dressed howsoever. May even be dead only a software playing! Even pretending to be alive – differently to different people. Or perhaps missing only, not dead!

V – Virtual reality from real video shots with blue screen overlay like burning buildings – of toy scenes, enlarged and blue screen merged. Somewhat like dragons in game of thrones! One can so simple applications and import the complex already done!

R – Reality

Characteristics of AASVR , claimed by me, of AASVR is double chromatic subtraction - both AR and VR layers. In fact, the VR layer could be another AR layer (blue chair on green screen, green subtracted, overlayed on reality with no subtraction). A computer tether is NOT needed!

There is the interesting issue of perspective. 3D pictures are only possible by fusing two images. Two individuals are at different location only with different perspective. Continuous deformations allow a finite small representation of any object recovered from many 3D pairs/ Then the object can be examined in 3D from any perspective.

Unlike complex VR or AR, AASVR can be implemented in cheap mobiles. So it will not compete with occulus rift. It will blow other similar cost phones out of water!

None of this is sci-fi but cutting edge 2018! That’s exponential curves for you! If Amdahl’s law holds to 2020 (very likely), you have seen nothing yet!

Synchronized vision

Virtual reality VR is allowing people to see their choice. That is where my imagination ended, even though VR is on precipice of realization. I EVEN DREAMT OF STOIC HEAVEN WHEN AVATAR WOULD BEGIN TO TRANSMIT INFORMATION BACK. On all channels – sight, sound, smell, taste. Even that is on precipice of realization. Time to expand and start looking at “so what?”

1.       Heaven for kids and adult kid-like – Be that person or object! An actor, actress, formula driver, sports figure etc. could carry the instruments to broadcast the feelings. So would space craft, LHC etc. (virtual feelings).

Smart business would differentiate in prices between vision, vision + audio, vision+ audio+ acceleration (possible with customer strapped into a ferris-wheel) etc.

2.       The BBC brainwave control could be generalized, like some new US toys from star wars and Jedi emulation.

But Time to expand and start looking at “so what?”

1.       Empathy amplification – nothing like imagining in other’s shoe, except even better share the experience virtually – handicaps, race, struggle etc.

2.       An object is real if many people see it same (perspective different). That is particularly easy for VR to synchronize! Entire family may share a virtual house with objects. Family may meet each other in rooms.

3.       Family could be friends. Leaders etc. Modi would present his dream Bharat, Rahul would too. Then it falls on voters as to who to believe!

4.       Dresses, locations, diseases etc. do not matter! That is how class-of-75 reunion 2030 happens! Then IITK director etc. can be invited in the meet. We (avatars) can go to sports ground for joint pic.

5.       No worry of deceased colleagues. The reunion can be held till the last one lives. The avatars are immortal. They may be attached to software post death. Transparent unknown switch!

6.       And who will the last one be? The reunion will likely not be held thereafter! unless the alumni section is instructed to have a virtual meet after first 100 then 1000, then 10000 etc years, Virtually. We will not ce around. But IITK will be. So will its alumni department, called whatever, then.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Remarkable strides to aaquantum

I have tried to get approximate understanding of Universe I live in all my life and concluded long ago that ALL known religions (ALL major once) are criminal and the remainder of scientists don't know enough.  Where do I live? And Who am I?

Aaquantum, my dynamic belief system has one major pro and one major con – It is dynamic allied with the latest science and beyond (epistemologically possible). The major con had been “don’t know” answer to many century old questions. But in 2017, the fog is lifting in physics, as the basis of many sciences becomes clear even as we remain totally ignorant of mathematics underlying machine learning. Coherent belief, science way, is possible.

The understanding of physical basis of reality springs from increasing understanding of quantum mechanics that not only improves the ubertheories of very large of cosmology and speculative coherent cosmogeny and very small – have no known exceptions - but have not been unified despite effort by hundreds of Nobel laureates and likes for century. I even can see why the effort failed.

First better quantum mechanics. There are 4 quantum fields - three force and one mass – Higgs. Everything is a wave in one of the fields - electro-magnetics. These wavelets are emergent as particles if Higg’s is in play, or as a photon if not. Gravity is also emergent from Higg’s from entanglement!

This emergent gravity approximates Newton’s law but is different (Einstein) for speeds near light, or subtly different for astronomical events – gravitational lensing, mercury perihelion, or GPS signals. But Einstein has still a very subtle shift that evaporates with dark matter and dark energy.

Classic reason for dark matter was speed of stars in galactic rotation. In both Newton and Einstein, the force drops inversely as the area of sphere. Further away from centre a star is, slower its speed. But that is NOT what one measures! After a certain distance, the velocities become constant!

Wrong answer was dark matter, useful otherwise too.

Then the intergalactic accelerations were found increasing. Answer is dark energy of course! Has to be different than dark matter as it remained the same despite space expansion. Only possible if it were property of space itself!

Enter Verlinde and his brand of string theory. Suddenly, the idea of qubit (quantum bits) enters gravity. Verlinde casts gravity as a by-product of quantum interactions and suggests that the extra gravity attributed to dark matter is an effect of “dark energy”—the background energy woven into the space-time fabric of the universe.

Instead of hordes of invisible particles, “dark matter is an interplay between ordinary matter and dark energy,” Verlinde said. To make his case, Verlinde has adopted a radical perspective on the origin of gravity that is currently in vogue among leading theoretical physicists. Einstein defined gravity as the effect of curves in space-time created by the presence of matter. According to the new approach, gravity is an emergent phenomenon. Space-time and the matter within it are treated as a hologram that arises from an underlying network of quantum bits.
In his calculations, Verlinde rediscovered the equations of “modified Newtonian dynamics,” or MOND. This 30-year-old theory makes an ad hoc tweak to the famous “inverse-square” law of gravity in Newton’s and Einstein’s theories in order to explain some of the phenomena attributed to dark matter. That this ugly fix works at all has long puzzled physicists. “I have a way of understanding the MOND success from a more fundamental perspective,” Verlinde said.
So goes dark energy as a qubit property of space and dark matter as interaction between qubits and matter through gravity which is emergent entanglement! Amazing thing is it hangs together and brings together two hitherto unconnected concepts of entanglement and gravity together in peculiar but compelling way. Gone are the flights of fancy of the reason gravity is unlike any other force and crosses universes in the multiverse.
And why the fail in unifying three forces with gravity over last 100 years? How can you unify three quantum field with non-existent non-required quantum field for gravity! Even graviton concept is bad, explaining why it was never found.
So there is just one quantum field that became 3 due to energy – unification requires energy vastly more than TEV. Gravity is just emergent phenomenon like emergent space-time by holographic principle applied to the ultimate reality of space-time! Ultimate reality is qubits and entanglement with neutrinos, electrons, quarks and gluons. No known conflicts. Not all are explained, or can be. Why 4 fields, not 3 or 5? Why obey any laws? Plenty of research questions. Still I have reached a stable plateau! I HAVE to listen to NO religious bullshit to answer questions about my Universe!
Mark my words – Dutch Verlinde gets the Nobel Prize and will be celebrated as the new Einstein!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Evolution and emergence

These are two truths for coming million years. Evolution is how high-anti-entropy life increases complexity locally while shedding entropy elsewhere. Emergence is some statistical properties of ensembles that assign definite invariant properties where there are none in the components.
Classic example is Pressure, volume and Temperatures. No concept of P, V, T applies to particles at molecular level. Nevertheless, these are meaningful invariant concepts at gas, liquid and solid levels. We say that P,V,T are properties that are emergent. Time is not involved, as it is in evolution.
Energy and Entropy are not emergent concepts. All else are. Energy can be energetic as in photon, or as matter. 100 years after birth, quantum mechanics makes some sense and the reason for difficulty in quantum gravity has started to make sense.

QFT or Quantum Field Theory

New image of matter and forces is that they are quantum fields in space. A quantum particle is a wave in the field. There are three corresponding to three forces – electro-magnetic, weak field and strong field. The fourth is least known and most interesting, the Higg’s field that allows chemistry and imparts the very concept of mass – matter is simply photon-waves that excite the Higg’s field.
Now the most interesting speculation by me – gravity is simple emergent entanglement over Higg’s field! One can view entanglement as fifth dimension timeless connection between two space-time points. Now one can see why gravity is Universal from “Higg’s field”. Gravity falls as square (surface area of the enclosing sphere).
Together with non-merge of Black holes with any matter, this completes exciting speculations in astro-physics and cosmology!
One can think of emergence as evolution over numbers! Or evolution as emergence over time!

Encryption ideas

Evolution of my encryption ideas is yet to be seen. Emergence is the orthogonal to thinking of executives and politicians! It is the tool of small timers like me, to whom the dictum applies, “persons looking for applications for their invention”. Nevertheless, it is achievable with low capital and laces many small emergences into one big can be big! One can view my work 1995-2005 as shift into simple asymmetric and classic symmetric encryptions.

Emerged from that new identity based encryption IBE based on huge discrete square roots in next ten years. I sat through encryption class from Stanford professor and gave up as train-accident grandfather. But numerical evolution has probably blessed me most. Next seven years were chasing quantum computers and QC-safe IBE.

The basic concept is encryption composition of two systems S1 and S2. To use the composed system, one starts  with a message M, applies encryption of S1 and then of S2, sending the result. To decrypt, s2 first then S1.

Why would one do this?

The composed system may have desirable qualities of S1 and S2 in provable manner.

Why is your encryption one always?

It is based on squaring. X^2 can be done as x*x! So one can implement it in very simple manner, regardless of integer size. One can compete with much smaller elliptical encryption! The circuit size for the sender can be very small.

Best way is to trust huge digest functions from NIST. Regardless of length, one can digest a string. Repeated squaring of the digest, using only logsize bits, produces truly random sequence to which the message is xored for encryption and decryption. The digest is sent by my IBE!
My IBE simply square the digest, symmetrically encrypt it with my published encryption function and key and send it by RSA. In effect composition RSA o oaep+-cryption o my-IBE is used. To escape quantum computers QC-method o My-IBE is enough. One decrypts the top word of the message. If it does not decrypt to 11..11, the message if not for you! Quantum-IBE is not needed.
If one considers just RSA o My-IBE, just RSA is insufficient as IBE form does not work, while my-IBE admits adaptive attacks, the joint form avoids both. QC-method o My-IBE avoid QC_IBE but protects my_IBE from QC!

Standard way old RSA was used is RSA o symmetric. Given strengths of symmetric, many extensions can be used to make 2000 bit long RSA key!

So IBE emerges from my straight encryption. Doing it distributed ledger fashion emerges a privacy-preserving bit-coin. Quantum-computer-proof-my-IBE yields unbreakable bit-coin. Deducting a percent transaction-tax per IBE transaction yield a tax-fair system!

Quite an emergence! A million-year truth!