Thursday, January 5, 2017

Mixed Reality

One knows AR or augmented reality and VR or virtual reality. AR extends current reality so is essentially a transparent screen on which images are projected at real time. VR is an opaque screen on which the reality is projected. MR varies the translucence of the screen so that reality is some what in between. Of course, I think easily done if use for it, can be computer controlled translucence. Note that composition of picture in VR can be by some sort of AR, in which case VR subsumes AR. Also the VR screen can be split, or AR can have a VR portion, which allows VR users to have some environment sense even while busy with VR image.

Given that, billion dollar question is what is next windows? Current windows can be considered to be a software executive with a graphical shell. The GUI technology has no windows requirement and various Linux systems with guise are even better than windows. Not generally known is the git model done as successor to Linux. Even though strictly code management system, very technical and hence boring, there are some exciting ideas I derived from it, relevant to MR and aaqgs-shell which I think is next after windows, although very less likely. To fire me up is the application to prove or disprove – 3D paint. People could build their own GUI commands (not needed later) using paint-2D and also there own active images and sketches. HTML-5 allows people to build clever compositions. What is needed is clever ways to sketch the 3D atoms and photograph them. Then the composition play happens on fresh background (VR), overlaid (AR) or computer-controlled MR.

Roping-in Responsibility-free life

Responsibility-free is possible ONLY after tenure in Academia and retirement in life. Roughly, the goal of quality production is internally driven desire for excellence, not the impact on affected people or systems. That impact consideration is central to a responsible person and every aaqgs-responslity free must consider this and express genuine admiration for both the responsible-person and the implementation difficulties, sometimes resulting from laughable oversight.

The best aaqgs-practices are derived from aaqgs view of practices known at bell labs. It is incorrect to seek more management role for the brightest – compensate them without management titles. Ideally, the same pattern as management but absent numerical groups being managed. Responsible-oversight is a certain art unfamiliar with. Basic advantages of many titles is progressive experience based advancement of many people managed but not titular. In an ideal monetized management, the non-responsible people can be compensated by some fraction of development from their efforts viewed like new company formation.

In other words, the silicon-valley style venture capitalists in the newer angle investor form becomes reasonable, with 1% stake of all the responsibility-free including travel and administrative costs with a more detailed project report due to explicitly designated responsible person.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

A very important Aaqgs-discovery of summary or slogan

One can define existing-civilization by the golden rule is "not do to else what may happen to you".   I think a more realistic aaqgs-policy would be based on violent enlightened self-interest without love but surprisingly often coincides with civilized. The realist violent enlightened self-interest is "do not harm the other when it reduces their efficiency in working for you". It is superior, I think, because you can't replace else by animal (non-veg, drugs etc) and robots! That I making progress is the highest principle in me – why ain't I more aaqgs! Also no other-world are necessary, they are optional, not required for belief, ethics or law. Its application is self-defence to a legal level and organized professional defence thereafter.

Aaqgs-religion explicitly forbids conversion activity – you are aaqgs-person if you have questions that have been given stupid answers, wrapped in unpenetrable languages by emfubar who abuse your essential divineness by doing absolutely waste of prayer and live off you by soliciting contributions in various forms in lieu of their absurd teachings or visits to various sites designated holy, often in self-flagellation modes.

Having strongly denounced the conversion and exploiter subhumans, what is aaqgs and why should I spend time on it? No matter how stupid the answers, no question ever.!

It may be provably impossible to answer, but that itself is an answer. Deductive logic is considered perfect in the sense that all conclusions from it have exactly the truth value of the axioms. However, computibility imposes limits on deductions. Every second order statement is suspect (implies quantification over sets, not just elements of a universe). But beyond, you need inductive logic that is a science, and moral logic, that is law. Very careful pronunciations have be made here since we are treading on the domain of deepest philosophers ever and future here. Fortunately, a lot of research has already been done.

By limiting to first order, no surprises like liar sentence or “set of sets not members of self” remain is not to imply that all second order are not logic, aaqgs considers some as logic on case bycase basis.

By only considering falsifiable sentences as science, one can purge all religions. It is not to imply that all non-falsifiable are not science, aaqgs considers some as science on case by case basis. HTTP://

Science goes beyond and uses Kuhn described paradigm model. Note thatsurvival of progress in memetic evolution is not violated in paradigmshift mode since scientists have a small life..

Fundamental question in philosophy of law is application. All issues of ethics are subsumed here. Note that aaqgs distinguishes between law and ethics – as laid by rulers and individual.

It is quite moral to have felony-misdemeanor distinctions in law and cessation of prevention of recidivism efforts after a threshold.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Last-mile-connectivity for things

As a successful shopper from online, can one emfubar shops? They provide Last-mile-connectivity for things, for safe disbursal and return. Assuming the new tech that can change India selling 80%! Trick is about one use key, possible using card locks, operational just once. Imagine a safe metal box to which the customer has key always, but also a second key, card down loaded on net, some central location where packets come. The delivery box has a beacon. Order is on net. Delivery is to strong box, where return items are picked from. Majority of shopkeepers are emfubarred! Safety is provided by the strong box.

There is a cone time install cost which can be recovered from sellers on item-sold amount basis. Cost to consumer is nil. No orders, box moved away.
In US, box can be buried under po box. Or garage or cat-opening. India on the front door, in a raised position. Make it a plan and send to Delhi online companies. Fair amount of busy work involved, they might not wish to do it self. Government is giving out loansAny Delhi-boy interested? Age is just a number!

All you want to know re delivery.

A company that does it, no one in India now

Home Parcel Delivery Box
For most of the year the parcel delivery companies all appear to have plenty of capacity and competition between them to win business is fierce. Christmas time though often sorts the boys from the men. It’s then that many of us start to feel stress as delays build up in the system and we’re frantically shopping online trying to complete our Christmas shopping before the big day. As November moves to December, as Black Friday and Manic Monday come and go, stress can start to become panic. Many of the people we speak to say that this is the time when they would really appreciate the value of a product such as PinPod, the new home parcel delivery box for internet shoppers.

But actually when you think about it, home parcel delivery boxes make sense at any time of the year. If you treat it as an investment in your property, as a long term solution to managing deliveries and collections at home then the true value starts to become clear. The inescapable truth is that online shopping is here to stay and will continue to grow. Most of the difficulties with internet shopping that we experienced in the early days have disappeared. Most retailers have now adopted an e-commerce platform. Security issues around shopping online are now much better understood by people. Website design has improved and navigating through sites has become second nature, especially to the younger generation – even the “silver surfers” are finding it easier and easier to move seamlessly from shopping cart to checkout. Consumer legislation gives internet shoppers the right to return anything bought online almost without having to give a reason. Over the past 7 years even during the worst recession the world has ever known, growth in online shopping has continued to soar.

And it’s showing no sign of slowing down. It’s not just internet shopping. Mail order and TV shopping are also booming. The truth is we moan about the decline of the High Street but we all love the convenience and the lower prices shopping from our PC or laptop at home or on our tablets or smart phones when out and about. But there’s still one major problem, isn’t there?

Being there. Being at home to receive your parcel or package. That’s the problem.

Soon, as remote shopping becomes the main way in which we buy our goods, the stresses and hassles that most of us currently experience predominantly at Christmas time will become the norm throughout the whole year.

Investing in a PinPod home parcel delivery box really is the long term answer to this growing problem. PinPod is a secure, intelligent parcel delivery box designed for people who conduct their shopping at home by mail order or online.

Some of the benefits are as follows:

- PinPod uses a different PIN number for each delivery

- PinPod actually "signs" for the goods with a unique POD code

- it works for all carriers and all retailers

- available in two sizes and a range of colours

- a simple DIY installation - bolts securely to the wall or floor from the inside

- battery powered with optional mains power supply unit

- it also works for collections

With PinPod you need never miss another delivery. Couriers love it because they can be sure to deliver parcels and packages directly to your home first time, every time - it saves them time and fuel. Online retailers love it because they can be sure of a 100% perfect shopping experience for their customers and it also makes arranging returns a lot easier.

Now for the first time, enjoy a 100% perfect shopping experience, when you buy online
No more "Sorry We Missed You" cards
The PinPod home parcel delivery box is always in, even when you're out!

Tough powder coated steel construction
Intuitive, user-friendly operation with waterproof keypad
Multipoint electronic locking system with manual key operated over-ride facility

A PinPod home delivery box is particularly suitable for disabled or mobility impaired people. And here’s why –

Disabled people shop online more because of the difficulties in getting to the shops.
Some disabled people have medications delivered very frequently.
It can often be difficult to get to the door in time. For some, it can be hard to hear the doorbell ring.
With the wall-mounted PinPod Hi a disabled person in a wheelchair can have it fixed at just the right height.
The larger floor standing PinPod Lo is relatively easy to access with a wheelchair.
Imagine a future where every home has a parcel delivery box outside. How much easier would life be. But with PinPod you don’t need to wait – the solution to the problem is here now. PinPod … what are you waiting for?

Beacon net, not GPRS – a Considered policy alternative

The Honorable Prime Minister Modi of India

There is a need for either a car borne, carriage-borne or feet-borne people to know the path to any destination. This can be done in two ways – satellite-borne telemetry or beacon net. I argue that beacon net is superior for India.
  1. Rather than few commie-infested unions in centralized plants, beacons depend on local jobs to annually replace beacon transmitter batteries
  2. Beacons are secure against cyber or satellite killer attacks. Given that, even for USA, a second beacon-net makes sense, since it only degraded by niclear attack. The beacon are perfect "make in India" add, and will cost 100 million dollars for all USA, installed!
  3. India is basically non-offensive country. A statelite based GPRS can be used offensively but not beacon net! In national strategy, the question of intent is secondary to the question of capability.
  4. India is uniquely positioned to provide ad-supported decentralized apps.
  5. Restaurant, museums etc can set up beacons decentralizes without any license raj.
  6. Consumers don't have to spend $60-$600 ((~1000-36,00) rs for another GPRS! Unlikely to be mobile, carried by guests to new city!
  7. Smaller less advanced countries like Nepal can benefit from India-supplied but locally installed and operated beacons.
The idea is very simple. Each intersection point provides a beacon. Simple software can plot a course and beacons encountered. As progress is made (even erroneous), it is simply drawing a route from where you are.

  1. Sri Baldev, old beacon argument to Sri Modi is strengthened by this application.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Overlay of geographical data

A new capability exists that can emfubar politicians and OIE babu. It is called geographical overlay. What causes road accidents in US? The correct answer impacts how-much spent on various factors and even driving tests, required inspections etc. One can highlight regional disparities and very serious regional discrimination charges, political, by interestingly overlaid geoimage compositions. If statistics if for rogues, geoimage mapping all-the-more!

The link next gives statistic of driving deaths in US.

Computer can make into a geoimage correlating color with amount. So can be done on factors. Even a moron like me, non-OIE can judge the degree of map. The data is strongly related to age and alcohol – high in Florida but few alcohol deaths, high elsewhere, simply by making map on transparencies. Then, overlay is plotting sums! An expert AI type would have computer fast enough to plot, but an Aroon-AI person will have one fast computer per dept. and people emitting transparency maps and doing el-cheapo analysis.

It also works for X-Ray, MRI etc images.

It even works for self-driving taxi layout – whatever their base rate, they will shine most in high fatality areas.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Taxi-driver to MIT Physics professor

No one knew what time was in physics before Seth Lloyd  who did PhD in 2000, Claimed that one could describe pure states and mixed states by 0 and 1 and simple mixing was time through entanglement, thus fathered quantum information theory, but had a thesis that fell on deaf year, reducing him to cab-driver, before it became fashionable through work in Bristol, UK. I can relate, for many early years in 1990's after sub humanness of University of Massachusetts, I spent time in Minneapolis going to camera shops and computer shops, way before rich video companies shot ahead in this game solely because of money.

I decided then after that disaster to do science in obscure field where money does not matter, it was physics for my hero and cryptography for me. All my friends collapsed or became managers ahead of juggernaut of changing technology, top-down, bottom up, object-oriented bottom-up and event-oriented functional distributed.

They retired or were fired. but I fight on, last of technologists on cryptography. Being research professor means can bootstrap into new internet programming and now android programming. Never master of latest security products.

 All will die before Distributed IBE, secret backdoor inverting exponentiation, squaring (me), coding etc. Idea of irreversible encryption is a simple one-way trapdoor function, crypt-impossible to invert unless trapdoor is known! My case is squaring, sqrting (crypt-impossible unless sqrt of name known) and on earth only I can do it. From it come three I do, and two dozen when I am done. BIBE means not requiring knowledge of target key! They are free encrypted email, free encrypted telephone, and paid responsible conversations.

Paid responsible conversations are new and essential to progress of earth. Just any lie can be stated in print or speech. So easy in fact that escape from criminals is first thing taught and learned life-long, including how to lie. Very inefficient for humans and robots.

You must decide what requires proof, evaluate proof offered (certificates – some as special paper, some written, some spoken) and what more to ask. Privacy means not offering asked proof, if irrelevant or improper to offer. That it can even be formalized in general is hard, Doing it with IBE is very very major!