Thursday, December 22, 2016

Longevity aspects of ECP

Clearly, I am not a physician and age-effect-control is the life-blood of many gerontology physicians. It is clear that if the procedure was straight-forward on extension of their practice, they would have discovered it. What is my add – a procedure considered as out of box thinking and still not so far away that its effectiveness require major departure from practice. Best would be a procedure that increased the quality of life even while life-extension was being researched and debated. At that point, the newly advanced procedure has pragmatic value independent of the effectiveness of procedure.

This is not the first time I have tried to influence my own care. As a heart patient, I kept a sharp watch on medical chemistry of drugs related to heart disease. Strong support for statin class, including members of my own university UMN where I was visiting scholar. I talked to medical faculty, collected reference, used software to build a strong presentation and went to my cardiac specialist. He was taken aback by prep of a non-medico and consented on the grounds it cannot hurt! Of course now every moron prescribes to every moron, even dogs!
To keep fit, I must keep LDL low, HDL high, no fats, vit K high. Empirically found were improvements from less stress. By 2015, it was found that diet had no relation to heart events or severity, attacks, angina or strokes. Eliminated Niacin's. Also loosened food restrictions. Safe view was same as diabetes – fat is the tell-tale sign.

Another tell-tale sign of many diseases, paricularly heart and gerontological is density of blood flow. Even on bypass operation, I was warned on thin India racial arteries and advised medical non-surgical method when bypasses finnished 20-25 year life. From regular exercise regimen, I have survived well do far. 20 years elapsed in 2013. 25 will in 2018, already tiring out fast. Need a second procedure now.

I don't trust drugs and side-effects they will bring. ECP beckons, either at place or my own machine.
In the birth lottery, I drew bad diabetes genes, but crushing them is my responsibility. They have caused bad teeth (two multi-implants), eyes (operated twice for cataract), liver (med), pancreas and soles(bagbaum). Still I live, one conquest at a time and deal with hand as dealt. Some times you discover things which will help you everywhere in background. Cessation of smoking was one, 25 years ago. Exercise was 10 years ago, also red meat. Now the latest – blood flow. Idea in angina-genesis is growth of new blood channel – heart also every where including brain. Its my cardiac-doc again – can't hurt! Symptomatic or not! Improvement if any measurable. People age and lack of flow means slowdown in muscles and brain. Better flow can't hurt! No symptomatic patient's will be taken! Get a certification from a heart doc prior to start – catch cheaters and some dawdling patients so! Hospitals and EECP lose to my competition. Plenty of scope to ethical grow. Post-doc settles the improvement, if any, medically, not just our tests.

Data we collect is primarily on increase in stamina. A count of number of steps measures 1 kind. Run/walk another. For a level chosen by the customer mentally, we can objectively measure the achievements. It is not hard to see some benefits will arise from sheer regularity of exercise, but more dramatic effects are expected, especially if initial is poor. A 100% improvement is expected fairly common.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Nurse/principal call

I am US citizen, ex-wife US doctor, back in India and 10 years later free from physical effects of auto-accident, but not psychic.
I believe that ECP machines are good for heart patients because of angio-genesis, just being made mandatory before heart surgery US/China, not in India yet, benefit Most 50 to 60, cans be offered non-medico centers at 25% price at hospitals.
Willing to buy a machine and space. Thinking of using apartment I own for stay and feed 6 patients and a nurse. Don't need a nurse long term - great way to start. Idea is to collect data for future FDA, and advertising use.
Willing to negotiate sweat capital percent, salary, or mix, If interested - willing to provide one room in a furnished apartment, Cook+driver and E-rickshaw to the nurse - ferrying in people from the air port and back.
If interested, write up requirements resume and deal interested in, I am only interested in fired up new nurses(no needed experience, get on job, ready to manange, apply to own later)..

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Roman history relevant to stoics

Current art of history and I are deadly enemies, only when historians are largely unanimous does it count, all involved in controversies are emfubar. Fortunately, the deadliest enemy of mine are pea-brained stupid grossly subanimal historians who interpret history for they are routinely caught in controversies, are not distinct animals, and can be safely ignored.

Stoic history introduces Cato the younger, denounced by Cicero himself. Rome had a senate of aristocrats after this just before Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon (ie point of no return) and eliminated the popular democratic senate for 1500 years. After Nero, Romans had 5 great emperors, last was the greatest stoic ever – Marcus Aurelius himself. The five great had strange democracy thrust on them – never had sons and were forced to look in family for the wisest! Aurelius was unlucky, his son survived and lost the empire. Secret democracy brings on the worst but even they are forced to appear good and people recall by election loss. There is no legal definition of lying in the extreme and democracy is a blunt weapon that works.

O tempora o mores , the famous oratorical phrase is Cicero on First Oration against Catiline, means Oh the times! Oh the customs! Interesting because Catiline was a stoic, all against aristocratic Cicero and charged with conspiracy, flew, caught and died fighting with his body and soldiers wounds only on front. He was the last citizen of Rome which led to aristocratic lamp on Italy for 1500 years till Galileo. Another person was Cato the younger, true libertarian.

Today USA has think tank for Cato. I launch one today dedicated to Catiline, with membership of 1. To it, I dedicate my work on proper demonetization. It will be one the many aaqgs-groups on social media dedicated to aaqgs-economics. It is our goal to consider economics consistent with aaqgs-religion, a market-dead-hand vibrant Scylla and Charybdis compromise between self-interest ethics and democratic law a la aaqgs-recognised dilemma..

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Contemptuous attitude to modern medicine

I begin by saying that mm is considered foolish and less effective , but unconventional medicine is positively criminal! Never let unconventional doctor or shaman treat you beyond emergency medicine and clear prohibition on all procedures of any long duration. Hold your horses though.

Our Distrust Of Modern Medicine Is Making Us Sick

What is wrong with mm that I consider them absolutely efficient at some things and disaster in others? Even more important than the different philosophies is discrimination IE. One but not other. Basic issue is modified FDA. I am asking the FDA role to be expanded in many area, curtail in others, massive changes in how it functions, and its powers.

The expertise in medicine is increasing from experience, decreasing with education of procedures, medicine and patient knowledge. In the ideal world, the patient knowledge will exceed that of Physician leading to self-medication and correctness-debates. Failing this ideal, another achievable one is physician-less model where the statistics of cures are in a cloud, which instructs a number of symptom taker robots of what to do next, including procedures to do and medicine to give. It is silly to have a robot play the role of a wise doctor.

For coming centuries, a number of tasks, related to law and medicine will move away from centralization to cloud based distribution. It is NOT likely to be cost effective to automate all tasks, particularly those involving intelligent quizzing to extract the meaning. It them makes sense to automate the upper class tasks as well as middle class tasks. There is one particular task where human will always excel, namely trust. Every machine performs identically for a thug as for a saint, without discrimination, and hacking is always possible. Even in the cyborg scenario, no opinion but that of another cyborg can count!

The number of task requiring a minimum trust is enormous and current systems work in advanced societies because moral discipline is installed and encouraged life long, not because people are any more just! Singapore success is shining proof of that.

It is a consequence of this that wealth developed, if so, will be used
  1. Fund an FDA test of non-usual practices like stevia, cur cumin (haldi) and neem etc.
  2. Support politician that promise to have FDA judges like legal judges. They will be paid to do own tests, especially in non-drug company areas. A proper FDA, free of all politician influences, is vastly MORE useful than a supreme court, which will be converted to administrative court, farming out ALL individual cases to a sub-supreme court.
  3. Process of elections is vastly more important than current supreme court and deserves its own special court.

Sir Father's brain MRI

He underwent it. Along withe MRI images, the attending physician gave his quick opinion in the form of a dense letter. Clearly it will be interpreted properly by Sir Father's doctor when he sets up appointment. I suspect that is 3 days away. So till then me+internet is the interpreter.
I can reduce the dense document to three phrases
  1. diffuse cerebral atrophy
  2. (local) suggestive of periventricular ischemic demyelination
  3. (local) suggestive of non-specific chronic small-vessel ischemic changes

#1 does not surprise me. An 85 year old man without that deserves to be a medical exhibit! #3 goes with age – blood supply to the brain suffers from ravages of time hence ischemic changes are to be expected and explains the lack of senility. #2 is hard.

Wiki - A demyelinating disease is any disease of the nervous system in which the myelin sheath of neurons is damaged.[1] This damage impairs the conduction of signals in the affected nerves. In turn, the reduction in conduction ability causes deficiency in sensation, movement, cognition, or other functions depending on which nerves are involved.

Wiki - The ventricular system is a set of four interconnected cavities (ventricles) in the brain, where the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced. Within each ventricle is a region of choroid plexus, a network of ependymal cells involved in the production of CSF. The ventricular system is continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord (from the fourth ventricle) allowing for the flow of CSF to circulate. All of the ventricular system and the central canal of the spinal cord is lined with ependyma, a specialised form of epithelium.
With these #2 can be decoded as demyelination seen in  ventricular system and likely ischemic in nature. 

Overall it seems that no new problems have been located and current dosages of medicine are working fine. So I would be very surprised if any changes were made.

It does not end for me, unlike Sir Father. It goes to ischemic nature of aging. Human cells are in 3 dimensions and very rarely in the field of just one blood vessel. If one becomes blocked for some reason, oxygen is carried in and waste ported out in another vessel which may become larger. But that is exactly what ECP does!! It creates new small vessels. And why pump only in legs? Also hands can be collared! Not done, Big deal, I consider medicos as past driven Morons shying away from even ethical experiments. What is the worst that can happen – nothing! So it makes sense for me to ask many heart doctors and get a useless certificate from them of nothing happening - likely, but you can blame a bad result predicting a loser but also no care stoic!! If they see any dangers clearly they will tell me re it. If I encounter any in test run, I will surely stop. After all, I am NOT funded by anyone, nor doing it for any degree. Doing it solely for self and Dad! Fuck benefits to any one else. If nothing happens, may be I discover why not. In any case, I feel good for having tried to cheat aging by scientific engineering!

Greatly speed up ECP install. Let winds take away the discarded caution.

LikeReply3 mins
Aroon Aryan Sir Father basic problem's are heart and Parkinson's. He was sick, admitted to Max, released, but on next visit, doc took me aside at end and told me his Parkinson's unlikely to improve. Very frustrating for father, can't even sign from shakes. Morose me cheered some today, may be useless but can try something for him and me, slowly my parkinson increases. Its only 50 lakh gambit, scared coz my TBI makes me too Indian now. That's 6 month US pay!
LikeReply9 mins
Pradeep Kumar Bhattacharya  But what is ECP?
LikeReply3 mins
Aroon Aryan ECP is External Counter Pulsation. Basic idea is to put pump strips on legs and pump them opposite to heart. In effect 2 hearts working in turns. About 80% people advised stenting or surgery don't need to after 40 sessions 1 hr each. Why does it work? Turns out same reason as exercise - angiogenesis i.e. small-vessel creation in heart and everywhere, including brain!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

AAQGS-fiction view of end of 21 century

Entanglement is the magic ingredient from from Quantum Physics that is certain to make all the engineering and medicine so far dated and irrelevant and push humanity to a change greatly larger than industrial revolution. Humanity is unlikely to escape the entaglement revolution bigger than industrial revoluton emerging as cyborgs.

Quantum discord begins where classical quantum entanglement ends. Certain physical processes create counterintuitive entangled particles. Fundamental to engineering entanglement and using it as resource like any other and hence running rings around the 3000 year old classical physics, is the ability to engineer the transmission of entanglement using quantum discord, so that hitherto independent particles become entangled and hence can be magically impacted by remote actions! Already this sentence is pregnant with million to trillion narratives, all physically realizable. Not even abracadabra or some magic incantation is needed; operations on magic remote entangled objects are instantaneously done on image object even a galaxy away! One can't even argue on the impossibility of bringing so many QE pairs together to form discrete objects far apart! The particles of already constructed can be entangled by QD.

Far more important is that only once does light speed limited communication seems to be needed to get related MZ interferometers in place. Thereafter, forever, they can create entangled particles for instantaneous communication. What is more, repeated QD allows multiple entanglement creation, thus broadcast. One can imagine a galaxy full of cyborgs watching historic reruns of “I love lucy”, even while Sir QTV goes happily to Qbank!

Assuming 22 century ships can go at 90% light speed. Higher speeds rapidly require huge burn mass. At that, alpha century B takes manageable 10 years to go, stay a while, and return. There a fuel dump can be made. So one can set propagation speed of light speed limited humans to about 5 light years per 10 years. That is 100,000 years for a galaxy. What is the hurry for cyborgs? All sci fi absent cyborg is pure fantasy! Cyborg conquest of death using anti-fragility is far more valuable as goal over exploration. And there will never be one world government, nor should there be. By the end of 21, only USA, India and China will remain any way.

Backing up above is this (bolds mine) - To date, all schemes for entanglement distribution needed to send entangled particles or a separable mediating particle among distant participants. Here, we propose a counterfactual protocol for entanglement distribution against the traditional forms, that is, two distant particles can be entangled with no physical particles travel between the two remote participants. We also present an alternative scheme for realizing the counterfactual photonic entangled state distribution using Michelson-type interferometer and self-assembled GaAs/InAs quantum dot embedded in a optical microcavity. The numerical analysis about the effect of experimental imperfections on the performance of the scheme shows that the entanglement distribution may be implementable with high fidelity.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Quantum discord

It is more general then entanglement and magical, though still physical and hence free of mystical theories of senility-equivalent Alzheimer-study recommended OIE scientists. The big reason for adopting this position and seriously studying this new subject is this

  1. Entanglement became a serious study to understand quantum information theory which unites and expands encryption; physical wonders explained come later
  2. Quantum information theory is compatible with and expands even more than entanglement
  3. Some impossible, I think, become possible beyond entanglement which includes one essential to AAQGS, namely communication faster than light. This is, in my judgement, only possible using no material representation of information, no material faster than light can travel, such sci fi is really fantasy since no particle motion faster than light is a theorem which can only be breached with denying a lot of physics. If at all possible, it will follow from light speed being inconsistent and much higher in past, hinted by how universe became so homogenous right after big bang in regions exceeding reachability with current velocity of light.
  4. QD is magical, it allows Mach-Zehnder interferometers to be used for communication without an entangled photon getting to the destination first somehow!

      Experimental Distribution of Entanglement with Separable Carriers

    Above is a peer-reviewed reference. It is NOT another em-drive!
  5. Here is another -

    Counterfactual entanglement distribution without transmitting any particles

  1. Latest is Oct 2016. I am not too late!