Monday, January 1, 2018


Means scientific theory of big bang. What is this Universe I was born in? I distrust all but science! It uses my extended semantics of science – falsifiable now or expected or derives science. If-now, it is classic definition of science. If-expected then my extension, admits NO religion, but allows me to consider pre-big bang and multi-verse theories as science and still label others not discussed here to be pseudo-science.

Only falsifiable cosmogony and issues it raises are here. Knowing it solves the problem of fine tuning of constants of physics. However it does not yield any new prediction.

This references six video that are collectively six hours. They are fun and educative. If you have the time, excellent material. In each case, I provide a brief preview. The loveliest of all is that all point to difficulties in others that are always answered. Collectively, ALL the six are considered legitimate alternatives and they are mutually non-unify able! 5 are wrong, and I can’t decide which one!
Cosmology is answers about our Universe. Scientists agree that universe began in big bang. (if you disbelieve, POINTLESS CONTINUE). What is it? What was before? What is the expected falsifiability? For these, you turn to cosmogony, somewhat like religion but not, with none but  (conventionally identified) scientists as pathfinders.

The questions I had were

1.       Mass - Where did the mass come from? Space came from growth expansion.
2.       Explosion - What caused the big bang?
3.       Science - What will falsifiable consequences be?
4.       Derivation - What falsifiable derivations happen?
5.       Entropy – of the past. What happened to it (second law)
Machine nary - Laws, constants, math-effectiveness,. time-in variance.

The references are mildly dated I have two extra vital references.

1.       Big bang is no longer an excellent derivation.The imprint of spectral lines from quantum particles are present in CMB! That can happen only if the entire universe was atom size once!

2.       Entropy can be lost by quantum particles at once high energy and low (QM needed!). The loss of entropy is not necessary through horizon point of Ashtekar in LQG or weak mechanism of CCC! In my model, singularities are not needed as matter crunches down to maximum density before exploding. Same happens to black holes which evaporate till the final explosion.

After the big bang is cosmology. Was there a before?

The order is deliberate – order of my belief.

Cyclic model to infinity, repeated big crunch then big bang. Escape crunch/bang neck by beyond science. Predict circles in CMB – controversial seen or not –in B-modes i.e. CMB with polarization, from gravity waves from large black holes merging in previous edition of universe. eLisa can tell when she flies in 30’s. I am fearful that it will be European glory, and not American, like internet!

Cyclic model to infinity, repeated big crunch then big bang. Only logical way out for mass, crunch and explosion – mass from previous edition, crunch down not to singularity but maximum density of plank scale cube with side like 10 plank length, explosion to bang once maximal density of space. Entropy lost by quantum particles, not horizon.

3 string theory variants
Loveliest of the lot, most comprehensive, known and greatest admirers and workes. Still in the middle because it predicts super-partners, not seen. A piece of matter or photon-likes are strings at the deepest levels. Simply integer number of waves means quantize d. But where are the super-partners? Silent about black matter and energy, which I believe does not exist - black energy is a constant term in Einstein, black matter is explained by Linde's work.

4 Guth’s eternal inflation theory – compatible with my method crunch/bang. Post bang inflation starts dying by half lives. Inflation image possible in past too!

The classical model, time itself starting at bang, no idea why bang happened or size of universe mass.

The most amazing model which imagines closed time loops (IE travel to past) and escapes grandfather paradox (ie killed) by alternate reality.

My philosophy
Constants - ratios of properties of geometric objects

Thursday, December 28, 2017

The aalan weltanschaung - height of crypt-dream

The following is height of crypt-dream outline of becoming the richest man in world, profoundest intellectual so far on earth, and how to bootstrap to it. It is believable but provably useless for anything but belief test! It is long, logical, absurd but fun imagination. I sincerely believe in it.

My generic blockchain world has consumers (or consumer agents) and Miners, A pair of consumers called the giver Alice and getter Bob wish transmission of entity product through some miner representative agent who interacts with other miners and maintains a distributed ledger. It is assumed that there is allies that wish to ensure taxes are paid and can do warrantful decryption by force. There is also many evil easvesdropper Eve and evil modifiers Malloy who might subvert arbitrary miners. For understanding, consider coins from giver to getter.


Unlike other languages, syntax is not a matter of choice but existing inadequacies. Eventually it is designed to win compulsorily – it provides the best of all others and is currently the only way to get these

1.       Library primitives to privacy preserving blockchain
2.       System-level efficient multiple inheritance
3.       Non-deterministic programming

As well as ideas from other contemporary great efforts of

1.       Concurrency from Go
2.       No linguistic garbage collection from Rust
3.       First class scope from angular js
4.       Functional operations from shell
5.       First class function values from javascript
6.       Multiple simultaneous error returns from Go

And small but crucial syntactic sugars of

1.       () versus {}
2.       Arguments by category
3.       Meaningful compaction

Rest is overview of the implementation goals and why!

Doubt 1 – As stated, there is NO solution!

Reply 1 – For NO one on earth but me. Think of practical cases. Suppose a Canadian firm allowed undecodable encryptions. Indian police would be rightfully upset as it would be also used by every criminal! So they would demand forced decryption with proper warrants. Possible if the secrets of the encryption field were given. Such a doing by Canadian company gives India police enormous powers of forced decryption of all else, no Canadian need later, never mind corrupt folks in Indian police later! So Canadian company says no. So Indian police convinces GOI to banish products of this company!

Similar scenarios have happened. No police can allow unbreakable encryption. Feds v. Apple was so. Enormous number of users can be mis-decrypted by state or an enemy using one turncoat. China USA is big battle. How can I do it, uniquely bypass the lacuna?! By having nearly as many encryption fields as the number of some multiple of consumers! By changing every field every year or month or week!

Doubt 2 – There are plenty of smart encryption fellows!

Reply 2 – One must consider security and privacy, a tension throughout human history. No privacy leads to big brother and tyrants of one kind; while total privacy leads to crime, underage sexuality, cannibalism, destability and tyrants of other kind. The USA solution is greatest approximation with strict warrant-ful control on breach of privacy! One can never allow unbreakable encryption. But every exposure of the field parameters leads to turncoats and destruction of other people privacy.

The only solution to this conundrum is as many IBE encryption fields as members or more. It is easy for me, impossible for others! And no one on earth can do what I can!
Among other applications, I can build unlie-able trademarks, untappable phone conversations, guaranteed secure mail, unusable if pirated video etc.

Doubt 3 – There is no way to bootstrap!

Reply 3 - Beyond some point, my empire will grow from money raised internally from products sold. How does one get to self-growth point? Especially if I have deep doubts about business acumen of self! The answer is venture capitalists, who must have a convincing demo. So that is job1. But how?
If I gave away my root extraction, that is crown jewels! But wait a minute! A toy implementation on 16 bit bignums can be made that does only operations on 16 bits now, but can work for 1000 bit primitives directly!

This simulation is not done yet! What about square root which will leak even from toy implementation! However for 16 bits, one can do something impossible for 1000 bits – make a table of square roots! There are 64K numbers. So one can make them for 1-9 people in the world for half a million element tables. Anyone can ask for square root of any number in family semi-prime and it is just a table lookup!

In fact, I solve the problem of impossible bugs in my 1000 bit arithmetic! The toy requires simple 32 bit operations. In fact, difficulty for evil in my world can be appreciated by 64 bit arithmetic!

Enormous development

One utterly remarkable upshot of this documentation is that not only does it present very simple and convincing outline to blockchain that is central to new-21, along with many other encryptions, it is all based on a problem only I can solve on earth! What is more, demonstration programs can be built that simulate this primitive and all essential user code can be open source without empowering competitors in any way! Even this property can be demonstrated! So let me expose nearly everything, also nothing!

Only secret, earth-wide, that I have is computation of square roots of 1000 to 10,000 bit integers, modulo semi-prime. Computation of squares is easy and requires very little hardware. Hence checking a square root is cheap. But computing it is exponentially hard.. Simulation for a small integer, 16 bit, is easy as all the squares can be enumerated. One can make all things discussed here, except root calculations, open source. In turn, the software can be built using copy-left. The square root extraction can be done secretly inside protected hardware. The results can be checked.
Nearly half the numbers to a (semi-prime n : a/log n) are modulo squares. For 1024 bit integers, 1013 bit numbers are. This means 1013 bit keys are available!

TO USE ENCRYPTION THAT IS IMMUNE TO ADAPTIVE AND QUANTUM ATTACKS, one uses a double encryption – outer-quantum-computer-proof-inner-my-IBE. Knowledge-able will correctly guess the details. For all else

Encryption (Message-1gb, key-1024, Alice-private-data, Bob-public-data) => eMessage-1gb+10%, key-square-1024, more-3000
Decryption (eMessage-1gb+, sqrt-key-1024, Bob-private-data, Alice-public-data) => message

To send encrypted to bob, encrypt message using consumer-choice- key and send the encrypted with key material. Provided I secretly send back the sqrt (after authentication) decryption happens. Bob does not care about how I did, sends me asked square encrypted and I answer sqrt encrypted.
The sqrt is required in this scheme! It can be cheaply checked. But NOT extracted. The quantum computer enclosure is needed. Much smaller key-material can replace it with OAEP+ RSA. However New-Hope-Simple is fast enough.

Two semi-prime protocol aa2

I have built my IBE around two semi-prime, one whose factors I know and one I don’t! This allows messages undecode-able by me to be passed. Imagine a nation where Alice resides. It may require key escrow deposit before the semi-prime can be used. The message is still secret to me. Associated with any allowed semi-prime is a signature which must be attached by any sender. False attachment is Warrant-evade crime! Police permit properly escrowed semi-prime, fail only with warrants, detected reliably and receiver punished without further cause. False entrapment fixable. My semi-prime only eliminates man-in-the-middle by providing identity proof!

Let us call escrow deposit and signature process registration. Sender needs to register in the destination, while the destination must be registered in own nation. The sender might be required to send copy to self of all external mail. This allows warrant in send and receive jurisdictions. Eve and Malloy are useless.

The aa2 allows the destruction of any address without exposing any previous mails! It is done causelessly to automatically destroy any leaks every year or faster. Any address may be destroyed at once for cause. In one application, locks are changed whenever an employee e leaves in all locations where e might have a key!


Trademarks are essential but enter extra costs. Clearly, provider is interested in enforcing trademarks while consumer wants the quality but not have the extra cost. Legal method is attaching symbols and distinctive containers to products. Breach is done by false copies of marks to malicious smuggling.
It may be to goods, even money. Suppose every nation had a semi-prime. All the notes would have a field from which a uni1que serial number was extracted. It would be followed by square root. A local check can be made that the serial number is genuine and that the square root squared reproduces the serial. This is a fool-proof local check to devastate Pakistan! Same works for Gucci making bags. Trademarks in general. What can be better than eliminating the criminal PTO of USA!

Another is automatic fee payment to continue encryption address beyond current year.
In one application, banknotes lose value fully every year – they must be exchanged in banks every year after a record is made. The record itself may be encrypted to allow signatured recorded permitted access only. One can reap demonetization benefits without one!

Apart from becoming the richest, a number of warrant-ful applications can only be possible in my encryption! USA judges complain incessantly about use/abuse of privacy by suspect’s lawyers! Civilization forward is the continuous battle between privacy and security. Only I have technological not legal ideas – one you can breach, others you cannot!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The modi school student

Beyond the painful attack by my illustrious senior on Modi and my total discount of his goals as only possible in extreme totalitarianism, following is a positive note on how India will move forward and avoid the coming pandemic disease of century-21 of unemployable multitudes that will devastate western populations. If anything, green level control of pollution is the only true universal public service in India. One must really believe that blockchain technology will eliminate the middlemen – equals middle class and not for criminality or inefficiency, but competing against vastly less criminal and vastly more efficient machines!

These are 4-pillars already launched and more in my mind.  Launched are digital payments, Make In India, Start-Up India and Skill India. Start-up India and skill-India are the basic essential weapons against joblessness. Make-in-India, also on swap basis is absolutely essential protection against higher efficiency elsewhere. Digital payments as absolutely essential to cut parallel economy and devastate state enemies.

It is possible with almost no honest pain to do annual demonetization!

One may do symmetric-swap Make-in-india&x .Asymmetric fine where tech is imported but not jobs-value-added.

Skill-India gets a massive boost from my incentives with 1-level pyramid marketing – government shares a part of taxes collected from the skilled with the instructor! In fact, no reason NOT to make it for all education!

Start-up India, the best tonic is ease in taxation at early stage.

Reservations are neither entitlements nor caste based but atonement by the capable for the sins of our forefathers. Two critical changes to devastate behenji and hardik the monster – reservations NOT based on caste but income (Bottom 50%) and timebound move from caste based to income based. Fuck the creamy layer reservations and Hardik!

Education rights (Fuck the commie based distance based admissions) essential. Why?

1.      Todays unemployed are tomorrow voters
2.      Society without exploitation possible only then
3.      Proper education essential to fight western pandemic shaping up

4.      I can extremely confidently say that every skill-India scheme by ALL government servants will be fucked –up, only superior to Janata ideas. So fucked are AAP, Congress and BJP models. Who next? Market! Incentives! Mother-fuck every wise guy!

Arun Arya on Languages 2017

If epistemology=GIT(=linus Torvold) then
  3. JAVA
  4. RUBY
  5. PHP
  6. C++
  7. CSS
  8. C#
  9. GO
  10. C
  12. SHELL
  13. SWIFT
  14. SCALA
Are the most popular 15 languages in usage-popularity order in 2017. I say learn 2 (Python, Go) and idea behind angular js and win in 2018. Other experts are ancients!

This kind of statement is very deep and can be made by experts in PL only – I am one. 9 out of 10 in m tech CS from IITK became ancients long ago. I did not because I spend time in predicting then learning.

1977 - I started before internet, when structured programming reigned.
1980 – Wonders of object oriented programming. the vtable. Natural extension in inheritance
1985 – (Waste) Latex
1990 – PGP, poor fucked up MI in C++
1994 – HTML and ability to attach handlers to image objects and render images without fixed aspect ratio.
2000 – Approximate searches – Google
2008 – Emails as automatic events – Facebook. Fat pointers in Go.
2014 – Bit coin, mining implementation of distributed contention. cheap type checked threads in c#
2018 – aalan = privacy preserving blockchain, fat variables, non-deterministic ll-1 programs = expanded Go

Go has already surpassed C. It has right idea of fat pointers (rare), expanded to fat variables in aalan. Python does shell well. Idea from angular JS, central to aalan, independently discovered is scope as a first class value. Many modern languages have made new kinds of first class values – ancientifying great painful innovations of their time!

Object oriented – modules as 1st-class
Javascript – functions as 1st-class, eliminates inheritance

Angular js – scope as 1st-class, like smart staging, ancientifies Go

Aalan – privacy preserving blockchain, fat variables, non-deterministic ll-1, fights Go and python
Fat variables allows multiple inheritance (essential primitive in aalan, ancientifying c++, c#, java, and friends).

Privacy preserving blockchain by library calls to components implementable in hardware
ll-1 – reason why new syntax needed eventually, declarative statement of intentions, let computer figure out how to implement semantics

Monday, December 25, 2017

Hardware blockchain

Su in our class-of-75 group wrote about Dubai doing blockchain by 2020 and motherfucking beasts I despise most – lawyers and government servants. I am very comfortable with blockchain as it is rejuvenation of supermedium of my thesis – done well with Ethernet based public contention secretaries. Bell labs, sandy Fraser and ken Thompson were no fools to hire me in 1980, or when they fired me in 1986 for non-delivery for all networks.

That happened because I never could imagine lovely mining method of distributed contention resolution. Yet it is a beautiful method with built-in method for incentives, paid for in currency controlled! Bitcoin for you.

Great for all including NSA. Perhaps Dubai will be the first state fully fuck able by NSA by 2020. Or my war-cry to sell my privacy-enforcing hardware! Cryptonote with ring signatures and zcash have two other algorithms. Both and more like them in future have a problem I don’t – failure happens on breach of security by a miner! It could be fully secure and private from outside, but NSA is expert in targeting and subverting key guys and gals!

My solution is simple – encryption is maintained whenever outside hardware! Let AAP and Hardik yell about hacked EVM machines. My solution – punitive responsibility! Lock up chief honcho, picked hackers and machines for 2 hours. At the end either successful or not or excuses (like we would have but we were missing x). Punitive means excuses ignored. Yes or NO.  Election commission fucked or AAP? HARDIK (10 years labour prison, nothing to fix)!

My solution open to experts. But done in protected hardware! Like  inside batteries with mechanical wire switches in TEMPEST protection shells, dynamic temperature circuits bathed in oil etc. Several such facilities on clouds ok.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Mad New direction

Commenting on

This is long painful reply to the publication by an accomplished senior of mine who has gone mad! The reason is simple – there are political imperatives why congress and bjp are united – the only way to accomplish Sir nai disha (Sir new direction) is extreme undemocracy – totalitarianism. In the unlikely case of win, by this platform hidden, Sir nai disha will face massive mid-term losses and true pathetic defeat!

Frontispiece is my changes which might survive. Here is why –

Full supports to GST rates is dumb and anti-economic
Elimination (minus flaws) of right to education is criminally stupid
Upfront elimination of reservations, price caps, retrospective taxation and anti-mnrega is criminal political hara-kiri i.e. suicide

This fellow is certainly a buffoon after great accomplishments!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

ArunArya Augmented Shared Virtual Reality AASVR

AASVR is my invention, natural from AR and VR, were SVR is pronounced as if SCR was spoken but the k became a V. It names 4 important characterizing components –

A – Augmented reality which inputs reality but augments it by removing certain colours by making the objects transparent, somewhat like a GIF. The transparent objects only are filled by VR. Suppose one were to mark a rectangle on a wall blue. Now one can view scene through my instrument in which blue is marked transparent. VR will paint only the transparent portions. The consumer can paint a TV there! Project slides! Remains a blue rectangle for all others

S – Shared. Others MAY look at what the first does. Or see another channel, fool the principal! The principal may be elsewhere dressed howsoever. May even be dead only a software playing! Even pretending to be alive – differently to different people. Or perhaps missing only, not dead!

V – Virtual reality from real video shots with blue screen overlay like burning buildings – of toy scenes, enlarged and blue screen merged. Somewhat like dragons in game of thrones! One can so simple applications and import the complex already done!

R – Reality

Characteristics of AASVR , claimed by me, of AASVR is double chromatic subtraction - both AR and VR layers. In fact, the VR layer could be another AR layer (blue chair on green screen, green subtracted, overlayed on reality with no subtraction). A computer tether is NOT needed!

There is the interesting issue of perspective. 3D pictures are only possible by fusing two images. Two individuals are at different location only with different perspective. Continuous deformations allow a finite small representation of any object recovered from many 3D pairs/ Then the object can be examined in 3D from any perspective.

Unlike complex VR or AR, AASVR can be implemented in cheap mobiles. So it will not compete with occulus rift. It will blow other similar cost phones out of water!

None of this is sci-fi but cutting edge 2018! That’s exponential curves for you! If Amdahl’s law holds to 2020 (very likely), you have seen nothing yet!