Monday, March 13, 2023

Ever believable engineering for immortality and purpose


First, existing humans must achieve bio-immortality through negligible senescence NS doable through non-medical chemicals derived from a deep study of evolution and derivation of all DNA elements from Yamanaka factors OSKM which can be consumed as OSK triples in interrupted form. The proof is so published in a peer-reviewed paper in nature by mice experiments of Dr. Sinclair of Harvard medical school in Boston on Jan 23, who could increase and decrease age in mice at will. Humans are next by 1925, my time estimate.

After getting bio-immortality, the job is not done yet for death can come from several other physical scientific processes operational at once, the earliest is fatal. Bio-immortality is unusual for humans but common in some animals as called NS-like lobsters, some frogs, alligators, sharks, whales, etc. There is no such thing as aging for them. Cancers are escaped by dense cells. All the long-life NS species live for 10-500 years and die from cancers, predation, etc. Rather than old-age. In fact, I believe in the programmed theory of aging.

The programmed theory of humans is a blessing in evolution because much smaller life allowed fruitful replacements to the species 10 times faster than other animals and 100 times faster than trees. Technical evolution Techev has happened in 4000 years, 100 times faster than human species separation in evolution life, hence Techev is an ignorable period in evolution history relevant to aging.

Technological evolution proceeds exponentially. It has allowed just the human animals to attack, over all other animals, cancer, negligible senescence or natural aging and cancers, and will engineer all others. Unfortunately, positive outcomes are most commonly comfortable and all increase age as mTOR, adversely affecting age-boosting all others. Eventually, all causes can be protected against by photon-achieved life and redundancy, and reanimated by cyborg download.

 Timeless travel in the universe is possible as photons, despite long distances of 10 light years between the nearest stars and millions of light years between the nearest galaxies. Only after a quadrillion years will an LGO be needed to allow multi-verse bridging. Then perhaps more than quadrillion years will be needed to explore a suitable universe in the multi-verse. Or the search can proceed with exponentially growing cyborg counts in a massively parallel style.

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