Saturday, March 4, 2023

2023 anti-aging

Latest self-link [DNA aging +]

Anti-aging so far: must understand Dr. Sinclair's style aging fix, this is more. Death can come in many ways covered in my hyperfunction theory. The earliest death is enough. That you are protected from most subsequent deaths is irrelevant.

The problem?

Anti-aging is not a genuine modern medicine subject but a true engineering subject. I have designed and used on myself a cocktail of supplements. These are mostly non-medicine, FDA has no business regulating me. My self-clinical experience has decompressed some claims by poking holes in these claims but by some honest doctors, as well as some fraudulent supplement companies and sellers. Why are some honest doctors on the line? Just true age reduction is pointless if the same effects are achieved, even somewhat slower, by other supplements being taken which have other positive effects as well! This is very controversial, in that honest doctors with guaranteed clinical tests are declared unnecessary! The essence of Dr. Sinclair's method is that most aging fix methods of the venerable "Hallmarks of Aging" are achieved by fixing the DNA, and [have been validated differently by me]!


Based on extensive biological knowledge over two decades, the essential technique I use to step around this crucial problem is to admit only supplements whose mechanism has been established. If the additional supplement has no additional benefits then the supplement is not used anymore unless a later study conclusively establishes a benefit beyond the period tried. Also, supplements with chemicals not needing a catalyst are not used since they are likely to interfere with some future medication. That is the primary reason for dropping quercetin.

Extension of what?

The principal benefit of Dr. Sinclair's theory of aging of Epigenetic repair is that most other ideas can be ignored because epigenetic repair will activate paths that will fix whatever damage is being fixed by most other claims, and worst case somewhat slower fix.

Dr. Sinclair's theory of aging is simple and short. Human DNA is overlain by epigenetic material that shows only some codons that correspond to codons turned on. The rest of the DNA is tightly coiled shut. Cells can fix their DNA breaks by shutting off reproduction during the fix. Aging (time) statistically causes failure in error correction. Broken cells lose identity and even cause CD38 protein damage to neighbors, eventually killing them. Old age is from this progressive positive feedback process. There are four fixes not fixed by epigenetic means. These make this departure from Dr. Sinclair, included as germane essential fixes after Sinclair, strictly chosen for mechanistic reasons, and are brain support, mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) damage,  immune system loss,  and telomere shortening. These issues have been addressed already by literature, including by idiots who view their fix as complete-anti-aging.

How fix the brain?

Brain fix is what psychiatry is in general. It is challenging because of the censorship of blood-carried chemicals by the Blood-brain barrier. Also called Nootropic supplements use. I limit myself to fixes generally available as equivalent Ayurveda solutions for cost reasons and for additional non-modern medicine testing, especially brain chemicals. Only Ramdev solutions are sought for trust in the formulation and manufacture reasons only - never have or will trust Ayurveda.

Most chemicals are modern with known Ayurvedic equals. For example, Bacopa Monnieri is recommended, it same as Brahmi. The second essential is Ashvagandha

This is a broad subject with issues like Alzheimer's, Parkinson, etc, and will be dealt with in detail later. Another subject is forgetfulness believed to be caused in part by reducing short-term memory.

What happens with mtDNA loss?

Fixing mtDNA is for boosting strength, a common loss with age. All chemicals below are not needed. Choose a subset with physician help. Some NMN helps.

    MtDNA fixes are by many methods. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is distinct from Human DNA and faces the universal challenges of genome maintenance: the accurate replication, transmission, and preservation of its integrity throughout the life of the organism. Although mtDNA was originally thought to be fixed in DNA repair activity, four decades of research on mitochondria have revealed multiple mtDNA repair pathways, including base excision repair, single-strand break repair, mismatch repair, and possibly homologous recombination. These mtDNA repair pathways are mediated by enzymes that are similar in activity to those operating in the nucleus, and in all cases identified so far in mammals, they are encoded by nuclear genes.

    The immune system?

    It declines due to Thymus involution - it means progressive replacement by fat, complete by age 60. Some immune responses die by age 80 from the death of white cells still alive in the bloodstream to then. Life beyond to witnessed year 112 is Poisson distributed as expected.

    The only good solution now is a vaccine whenever the expectant bacteria or virus is known. Best known are the flu vaccine and covid series vaccines. However, all system vaccines fail to novel evolutionary changes in pathogens and must be periodically retaken.

    There are many advertised (no comment) solutions based on anti-oxidants, that may help (or not) sufferers but all have no effect like vaccines.

    I have a new unicorn(!) method derived from CAR T cells like replacements for white cells by growing them in a hospital lab and later refusion, guaranteed free from rejection. In annual health checkups, sensible for all over 60. Another approach is through Dr. Fahy's methods.

    How fix Telomere?

    HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy), an aging application pioneered by Israel is the best. Old medicine wrongly believed that this alone was aging! Every cell division reduces cell telomere length within 2 years. 50-60 times later, all telomere is gone and the cell stop dividing. Telomerase enhances the length and is coded in DNA, made only in male eggs and discovered by all cancers, giving cancer cells bio-immortality. HBOT is useful for injuries and Film-artist looks, etc. Service centers already exist. A patented form increases telomere length akin to professional divers. I consider it another Unicorn startup in India with Israeli collaboration.

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