Wednesday, March 1, 2023



The latest link

Let’s not go before 2000. At that time, I was determined to find out what JWST-telescope in 2011 at L2 reveals about the Universe, for I am then an agnostic Hindu who only accepts atheistic science stories. Then a British computer scientist who then did MD and was chairman of the medical department at Cambridge for old visited MIT and spoke about scientific 1000-year life and was given a tough time by kid students. Did not faze him and replied logically. This piqued my interest in biology. Then in 2005 funded magic medical research 2005 that performed the first parabiosis surgery that showed age reduction with the surgical joining of old to young. Simple blood transfusion of young blood was useless and Spanish work showed that simple blood thinning was sufficient by 2015, the door was shut further in 2120 tests by the same couple. 

This was subsequent to another great thread that found great synergy between AI-interpolated Cp islands in DNA and bio-age that also correlated with time to death. 

The third great thread was the OSKM conversion of any DNA by Yamanaka into pluripotent DNA by 2014, the established science date. Since then, just OSK is found sufficient without M, which does not start cancers. Some more things can speed up OSK. Intermittent OSK slowly fixes DNA only somewhat without causing DNA memory breach beyond whatever DNA is now. There are no evil side effects long-term. Dr. Sinclair at Harvard medical school has used OSK to move the age of mice back and forth at will in a paper published in 2023. I happen to be 99% confident that they will work in humans same way,

 By 2025, human clinical tests will be done to allow rational-danger persons like me to start using them. Good bio-immortality will keep me alive until then. Even a 2027 date looks reasonable.

Some degree of age fix can be done by NMN and forced elimination of apoptosis-avoid cells. This does not address other one-shot methods based on top-down organ and stem cell aging and immunology losses from thymus aging, etc. Or the critical telomere shortening, erroneously considered actual aging fic by medical schools and manifest by failure to reproduce beyond 50-60 times. 

The fourth great thread is the HBOT method to fix and refix telomere issues. This was pioneered in 2022.

The point is that OSK methods are likely to be for repeated use. Once basic losses are solved by NMN and Spermdine/Fisetin solutions, OSK solutions can wait. OSK methods will not fix all interventions needed and usual medication and strength methods will continue.

Almost all chemicals needed are available today in India. Still not liposome. I am warm on aging startup, Starting after 3 months.  Expenses are 3-4 lakh rupees or $4-5 THOUSAND! per year for a guaranteed 1 year or more reduction in age. Expect it from proper life and exercise alone! Why trust me? Used my treatment on myself, look in my fifties when seventy, USA bio-age (whatever). How much 1 year worth to you!! Will register AAQ, and patent its use inside a word, soon. Note that the use of the LIPOSOME form for all medicines is new, if can do it by a straight-forward machine means unicorn status is guaranteed. Not essential but useful.

It is wrong to believe that once chemicals are known, all else follows. Morning/lunch/dinner, before or after meals and gap, how many grams, who to buy from, etc. cannot be answered! Even one small error in medication amount or small failure deviating from the doctor's explained schedule can be life-threatening or FATAL. NMN and apoptosis-force drugs are all you need, but Caakg and glycine are being tested. They are a dozen drugs I have tried, every 4 months, whether made a significant difference or not. Readers, basing trust on any method using any advertisement except my error-prone method, are emfubar idiots.

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