Sunday, August 5, 2018


Philosophically, I am not satisfied by the doctor saying, no Parkinson yet, pointless to worry about a disease with no medicine, only symptomatic medicine! I am not like 99.9% who take it lying down! At the same time, I chase only philosophically valid (have untested but possible rationale) wind mills and never mills that defy current medicine. In other words, attribute innovations filling completeness only. Parkinson is better than similar Alzheimer’s being more visible, even then an elderly disease.
Why believe US MRI and MRA?
Taking sections of my brain images, specially the substia-nigra part, normal people have dopamine cells appearing black. These are progressively reduced. That is what has happened to me, even though current symptoms are not debilitating. Why? Don’t care yet!
How do doctors handle it?
Symptomatic. There are 3 steps on any disease.
1.      Stop the damage.
2.      Restore the chemicals not being produced.
3.      Restore the damaged part.
The doctors are helpless in 1 and 3. L-dopa is given for 2. It works for 5 years. By then the body gets used and low effective even as disease progresses. Switch to others for another 5 years. By then the patient has progressed to dementia!
So how do you expect to be different?
Parkinson’s disease involves gradually worsening tremors and movement problems. It is thought to be caused by a protein called synuclein found in nerve cells folding into the wrong shape, which triggers a chain reaction of misfolding in nearby synuclein molecules. This leads to a build-up of long strands or “fibrils” of the protein, killing neurons.

By nature I consider homeopathy criminal, Ayurveda rarely applicable, allopathy dumb half the time. The applicable part is modern medicine, mm. Most doctors don’t educate themselves in modern practices and are routinely dumb, especially against diseases on elderly and aging. Not surprisingly, Parkinson and Alzheimers resemble Aging, may have common solutions outside the comprehension of mm doctors. I believe we have discovered anti-aging in nmn, anti-debilitation in Mitoq and metformin for pseudo-diabetes from aging. Time will tell. I do believe that my anti-aging program will make me first human to attack Parkinson and Alzheimer’s and make survival to age 150 worthwhile, awaiting transfaction based extension to tghousands of years!
What differences in your routine?
Parkinson is basically mitochondria based disease. For it to be helped, you must essentially do to brain-cells what is done for anti-aging outside, namely nmn. That crosses the blood-brain barrier. Neither ECP or HOT will help. How can one do ECP on brain fluids?One great opportunity is in quantum dots in brain, possible in 5 years! Note that elderly diseases of Alzheimer's (amyloids)and Parkinson's (synclein) are both caused by protein aggegates, attacked by the quantum dots.
Nature Nanotechnology (2018) 
Though emerging evidence indicates that the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease is strongly correlated to the accumulation1,2 and transmission3,4 of α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregates in the midbrain, no anti-aggregation agents have been successful at treating the disease in the clinic. Here, we show that graphene quantum dots (GQDs) inhibit fibrillization of α-syn and interact directly with mature fibrils, triggering their disaggregation. Moreover, GQDs can rescue neuronal death and synaptic loss, reduce Lewy body and Lewy neurite formation, ameliorate mitochondrial dysfunctions, and prevent neuron-to-neuron transmission of α-syn pathology provoked by α-syn preformed fibrils5,6. We observe, in vivo, that GQDs penetrate the blood–brain barrier and protect against dopamine neuron loss induced by α-syn preformed fibrils, Lewy body/Lewy neurite pathology and behavioural deficits.

1 comment:

  1. My husband was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 68. His symptoms were shuffling of feet, slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle. Things were tough for me, I too was diagnosed of COPD but now we both finally free from these diseases with the help of total cure herbal foundation, He now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed. He had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult. Getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible. We had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,The biggest helped we had was totalcureherbsfoundation. com They walked us through the proper steps, im highly recommending this herbal formula to anyone who needs help.
