Monday, August 13, 2018

Arun investigation into safety of c60

I love and respect SENS. They like “Immortality Institute” and Longecity. Last even has an Indian chapter.

Exploring life extension

Medicinal applications of fullerenes - NCBI - NIH

1                     The fullerene C60 is used in consumer products such as cosmetics owing to its antioxidative effects and is being developed for nanomedical applications. However, knowledge regarding the safety of fullerene C60, especially after oral administration, is sparse. Here, we examined the safety of fullerene C60 in mice after 7 d of exposure to orally administered polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-wrapped fullerene C60 (PVP-fullerene C60). Mice treated with PVP-fullerene C60 showed few changes in the plasma levels of various markers of kidney and liver injury and experienced no significant hematologic effects. Furthermore, the histology of the colon of PVP-fullerene C60-treated mice was indistinguishable from that of control mice. These results suggest that PVP-fullerene C60 lacks toxicity after high-dose oral administration and indicate that PVPfullerene C60 can be considered safe for oral medication. These data provide basic information that likely will facilitate the production of safe and effective forms of fullerene C60.

Epistemological note: Refereed in prestigious journal. Dated 2012, way before business-types got into act. Also from Japan, with low business-abuse of academic scientists.
            2.  Water-soluble form of fullerene C60 is a promising tool for the control of ROS-dependent inflammation including allergic diseases. Anti-inflammatory effects of C60 (nC60) aqueous dispersion were evaluated in the mouse models of atopic dermatitis using subcutaneous (SC) and epicutaneous (EC) applications during 50 days period. A highly stable nC60 was prepared by exhaustive dialysis of water-organic C60 solution against water, where the size and ζ-potential of fullerene nanoparticles are about 100 nm and −30 mV, respectively.


To induce skin inflammation, female BALB/c mice were EC sensitized with ovalbumin three times during one-weekly exposures. The nC60 solution was administrated in mice subcutaneously (SC) (0.1 mg/kg) and epicutaneously (EC) (1 mg/kg). Significant suppression of IgE and Th2 cytokines production and a concomitant rise in concentrations of Th1 cytokines were observed in nC60-treated groups. In addition, a significant increase in the levels of Foxp3+ and filaggrin mRNA expression was observed at EC application. Histological examination of skin samples indicated that therapeutic effect was achieved by both EC and SC treatment, but it was more effective with EC. Pronounced reduction of the eosinophil and leukocyte infiltration in treated skin samples was observed.


We suppose that nC60 treatment shifts immune response from Th2 to Th1 and restores to some extent the function of the skin barrier. This approach can be a good alternative to the treatment of allergic and other inflammatory diseases.
Epistemological note ncbi paper which is refereed and no evident conflict of interest.

                3. The fullerene C60 is used in consumer products such as cosmetics owing to its antioxidative effects and is being developed for nanomedical applications. However, knowledge regarding the safety of fullerene C60, especially after oral administration, is sparse. Here, we examined the safety of fullerene C60 in mice after 7 d of exposure to orally administered polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-wrapped fullerene C60 (PVP-fullerene C60). Mice treated with PVP-fullerene C60 showed few changes in the plasma levels of various markers of kidney and liver injury and experienced no significant hematologic effects. Furthermore, the histology of the colon of PVP-fullerene C60-treated mice was indistinguishable from that of control mice. These results suggest that PVP-fullerene C60 lacks toxicity after high-dose oral administration and indicate that PVPfullerene C60 can be considered safe for oral medication. These data provide basic information that likely will facilitate the production of safe and effective forms of fullerene C60.

Epistemological note Refereed in prestigious journal. Dated 2012, way before business-types got into act. Also from Japan, with low business-abuse of academic scientists.

It means that if needed, will start on C60 therapy, much by epistemological filters, not by any MD advice. I think my problems, Aging and Parkinson, have no mm solutions.

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