Sunday, August 12, 2018

Arun on Aging/Parkinson: c60 buckyballs

So far I have explained

2.      The rationale behind my choice of Metformin/mitoq/NMN – just these. More research on SKQ1,c60 and rapamycin.

2.       Reasons for irrelevance of modern medicine (awake allopathy), let alone discounted Ayurveda or criminal Homeopathy. Very few mm have any interest in rational life-extension (if possible), very new things (reasonable NMN is 2018, never human tested but anecdotal, only mice). Perhaps all my notes are destined to waste paper in best of worst case (worst of worst case means lots of money too).

3.       Mice make reasonable human model. This means that safety and dosage (mg per kg wt.)can be extrapolated. Reason why for me is belief in anecdotal pronouncements by Dr. Sinclair! Note that it does not apply to 99.99% human MD, institute, experience etc. The reason why this Doc satisfies my rational scepticism is

a.       He became a billionaire by past efforts (invention) of resveratrol, abandoned on account of bio-availability
b.      He claims to have been on it when unreasonable expensive ($2000 Per month)
c.       Claims to feed his father too
d.      Claims benefits
e.      Mice verified
f.        Has developed the idea of Sirtuins (1-7) that explain the anti-aging

Point is that it is unlikely he suffers judgment lapses from benefits – the Elysium recommendations are different and latter is staffed even better reputation! Alas, all of them are regular research professors who COULD (no reason to doubt their word) be bought by conflict of interest. No amount of proof by them can convince, my simple response is “Show and pass Dr. Sinclair filter first”! NASA has chosen him for health of its astronauts to Mars and not only is he likely without conflict of interest but likely to follow genuine developments in aging!

4.       Not only does above satisfy my urge to extreme caution in difficult areas like aging, when most of my friends are advised to await empirical studies (phase 2 have started, take 2 years). Not followed by me after Parkinson damage is ongoing, NMN likely to help as it can cross blood-brain).

5.       I am a chicken when it comes to C60! It is known that quantum dots can cross the blood-brain barrier and destroy unholy protein clumps (Parkinson and Alzheimer’s). However the dots are not available in mg quantities! One can use C-60 that is Buckminster fullerene from C. It is also nano-medicine form of C that also crosses blood-brain barrier. Here I will wait for others because we have no mice results on safety of C60.

Why does mitoq work?

Mitoq is wittigified version of coQ10. It allows coQ10 molecule to tunnel through mitochondrial wall without losses. It is explained by greatly positive form of the molecule and negatively charged mitochondria! Adding the alkene group through wittig ,makes coQ10 very positive. Same can be done to c60, Let us add a COOH group. The new form has some better properties

The proposed mechanism indicates that C60 has the ability to acquire positive charge by absorbing protons (positively charged hydrogen atoms) and this complex could enter the mitochondria, leading to a decrease in reactive oxygen species production.

Computer simulations have shown that C60 has the ability the pass through lipid membranes, enter the cell, and alter its functions.

FDA Compliance: The consumption of C60 and the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to treat any disease.

6.       Note that FDA does not prevent self-tests. I will go to c60 if and when my condition deteriorates. It may turn out that c60 products are better used in early stages. That is a risk I knowingly take. Better mice safety studies will unchicken me.

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