Friday, May 25, 2018

Why deaths – road, medical, crime etc – aaquantum scholarly research

There are commonalities deducible from hard statistics, not chosen. First rod then medicine Finally crime. Suggest from statistics is that causes can be divided into controllable and uncontrollable factors; different degrees of loss of liberty in remedial steps is involved; politicians, lawyers and law enforcement and philosophers who do not consider liberty-loss in suggestions upfront and fail to identify this consequence of trade-off up front are motherfucker criminals.

They must be severally punished in my ideology which only respects limited “no law, no crime” i.e. forbid of retroactive crime, not prohibited but subject to “prohibited, unless necessary” like “guilty, unless innocent” philosophy. This allows criminalization of slave-owners, tax-cheats, cigarette companies, nazi, apartheiders etc.

Deaths happen in road accidents for many reasons. Following is 2018 report on Yamuna expressway to agra (HT may 25, delhi). Sleep drivers = 45%. Drinking = 14%. Speeding = 19%. Traffic rules violations = 11% Mechanical 11%. Aaquantum style human = 90%, mechanical 10% (tyre burst, bad mechanics, damaged warning, highway layout,…). Sleepy drivers, speeding, violators and drunk are easy to fix and catch, difficult to enforce. Mechanical are difficult to catch, easy to fix but are only 10 % of total. They also are 90% of intellectual conversations. This is a simple example from many of why I consider intellectuals pointless! That is 90% of class-of-75 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone has unique risk factors and causes of demise. Risks do not add as they come with inner correlation. Risks are divide-able into fixed and fixable. Factors like age, sex, genetics etc. are fixed.
Fixable (me) are divisible into two – measurable and statistical. There are varying costs, pain and error rates of measures. The proper investigation method is Very subjective and experience+SKILL dependent with inverted-U (quality vs. experience). Perfect for AI robot or my current mehod od scepticism unless confirmed by sens or Cochrane collaboration (not even mm doctors say so) or journals sceptically, only if peer reviewed.

These methods work for diabetes treatment as death analysis as buying-decisions and indicate an underlying epistemology certainly shared as it evolves.

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