Tuesday, May 22, 2018

aaquantum scholarly research

This page is intended to be the end-product of evolutionary developments, imagined to be very substantial but not even penned yet. To be a scientist means to me to be rational skeptic

First requirement is integrity and it will happen as soon as my IBE is done.

Next is skeptic nature of enquiry into decompositions. The whole may be an AND of components or an OR or a NOT. If an OR, single failure does not demolish the theory. Skeptic enquiry may sharpen the region of applicability.  Second order paradoxes are removed without eliminating recursion by requiring that all dependents range over previously defined elements only! Goedel is automatically eliminated - consistency and completeness of a language can not be constructed within! In other words (all x)F and (exist x)F are illegal, one must say (all x in X)F and (exist x in X)F where X are predefined! I call it aaquantum typed logic.

By goal, completeness in not an objective or perhaps even possible. Nor is full consistency - a mechanical way to test arbitrary derivations as being consistent. However, one can define consistency as those sentences derived by consistent applications of consistent axioms. Similarly complete. Skeptical enquiry is required for all statements independent of accepted sets.

This pragmatic outline suffices to constrain my behavior to an aaquantum stoic, free from all known paradoxes, unconstrained but rationally accepting stoic, pragmatic to live, with limited shared effort. The tools are finally here - internet, IBE, middle class comfort. Fuck the legal stupids, entirely new ideology can be constructed, as subset of current law till the end. The goal is simple enough - an aaquantum-stoic can not be cheated - politically, seller, friend, colleague, law etc!

aaquantum means discussed evolution, enforcement without appeal to good nature, responsible crime abatement etc. Different laws of 'guilty unless proved innocent' apply to specified minority: repeat offenders, celebrities and inspectors where honey traps can be officially used.

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