Tuesday, April 5, 2022

mTOR puzzle remedy


mTOR is the kinase that determines the overall body state into 2 categories – comfort and adversity. It is a very important discovery of evolution and plays similar role in all animals, including yeast. On adversity, it signals autophagy and reuse signals – destroy unfixable garbage proteins that can not be repaired. In effect, it decreases age. When it determines comfort, there are no evil events to comfort of body, food is plentiful, enough sleep is missing, it loves the comfort and proceeds to shut adversity pathways, i.e.  declares comfort, feels and looks healthy, but is bad for age! Unlike animals, we are the top of food chain, are not cannibals, and developed environment improving technological evolution, so are no longer subject to biological evolution because tech-evolution outpaces bio-evolution by a factor of 1000 and I think that tech-evolution products make bio-evolution based success definitions easily targeted by tech-evolution products. I include vrain developments given the successes in AI which render man-machine systems or cyborgs distinctly superior.


The mTOR puzzle is all comforts weaken aging processes. So, how can full-grown adults ramp up autophagy, cool the mTOR jets a bit – and ultimately age better and more slowly? Here are a few simple natural ways to get into the groove:


1.   Eat a bit less: To tame mTOR activity and trigger more autophagy, simply restrict calorie intake. One safe way to do that (absolutely no starvation allowed!) is with brief periods of caloric restriction (we’re talking hours at a time, not days). You can try approaches like intermittent fasting (IF), time-restricted eating (TRE), alternate-day or modified alternate day fasting or the 5:2 approach.


2.   Pile on plants: Animal proteins, especially red meat, contain high amounts of branched chain amino acids like leucine, which stimulate mTOR. Plant proteins contain considerably less, so they won’t stimulate mTOR nearly as much. No need to swear off all animal protein (as in, meat, dairy, chicken, fish, eggs), but, in middle age, the average person would be wise to eat a lot less of it, ideally keeping daily protein intake in the 55 gram range, with most or even all of it coming from sources like almonds; broccoli; chickpeas; cruciferous veggies; hemp powder; lentils; onions; pea protein; nut butters; sunflower seeds; tempeh; turmeric, etc. For the 65-and-over set, it’s fine to ramp back up a bit to 70 grams daily to help minimize age-related muscle wasting or sarcopenia. 



3.   Add a little stress: As in the healthy, physical kind. In small doses, the healthy stress of moderate exercise – think walking or light jogging versus Ironman competitions or climbing Mt. Everest – encourages better aging via “hormesis.” Hormesis is your body’s response to small stresses—think fasting or caloric restriction for short periods; biking up a short, steep hill; or brief bouts of cold exposure. These bursts of adversity toughen up the cells, and the body’s defenses against aging. 


4. Embrace mTOR tamers: To help tame the mTOR beast, you may also wish to augment your plant-based diet with a few supplements that can keep it – and aging – in check. Among my favorites: 

  • Alpha-lipoic acid – Dosage: 300 to 600 milligrams per day (non-meat-eaters should aim for the higher end).
  • Curcumin – Dosage: 500 to 1,000 milligrams twice a day. Take it with good fats, like avocado, so it can be properly absorbed. Add turmeric to your cooking too.
  • Quercetin – Dosage: 500 to 1,000 milligrams per day. Best when paired with vitamin C or digestive enzymes like bromelain to aid absorption.
  • Resveratrol – Dosage: 200 to 300 milligrams per day.
  • Fish oil – Dosage: 1 to 3 grams per day.


5. Get your sleep on:  Getting high-quality shut-eye, think 7 – 8 hours a night, to help stoke your autophagy engine. Studies show that sleep deprivation encourages increased mTOR, so don’t skimp on this health-maintaining activity.

6. Adjust the temperature up and down: Swim in a cool pool, then dip in the hot tub or sauna (or vice versa); add a brief cold finish to your hot shower; or simply or spend a few minutes outdoors in the cold lightly dressed. Swinging back and forth between cold and hot will lightly stress your cells enough to encourage autophagy and keep mTOR at bay.

Common to all these methods is precisely join a monk in some religion! Why bother with creature comforts, great food, temperature likeness, sleep devoted comfort, when you can please the angels and increase life!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Spanish mTOR puzzle


Mi trabajo ha identificado 4 genes que subyacen en el dígrafo completo de las marcas de Hall del envejecimiento. Estos son Sirt1, AMPk, mTOR e igf-1. De estos, todos menos mTOR deben potenciarse para reducir/revertir el envejecimiento. La mTOR es fundamental para la comodidad humana y la evolución tecnológica para mejorar la vida humana a través de la comodidad. Todas menos la mTOR se potencian con la restricción de la dieta. El mejor envejecimiento es común en la naturopatía: tome a la pareja y sométala a una restricción dietética extrema sin piedad. Después de 3 meses, la restricción de alimentos está en niveles normales, pero la mayoría de los sobrevivientes comen menos que eso. De todos modos, los humanos se reducen a casi esqueletos. La restricción extrema de alimentos mata cualquier diabetes y estimula los genes. Este método funciona, pero no lo recomiendo: muy pocos sobreviven.


El mTOR (objetivo de rapamicina en mamíferos) es un rompecabezas. Cada avance tecnológico en nutrición y comodidad de la tecnología lo potencia. ¡Comer proteínas aumenta la mTOR! Si te ves genial, tu mTOR se ha potenciado, Cada comodidad lo potencia. Pero devasta el envejecimiento. Cualquiera que apueste por la longevidad debe detener su crecimiento. Hay un enlace boost de igf-1. Impulsarlo mejora la edad pero la reduce desde el enlace mTOR. En palabras, la hormona de crecimiento GH aumenta la edad pero también la reduce al provocar diabetes. El Dr. Fahy lo arregló con GH+ metmorfina+ DHEA, y yo lo haré con GH+ DHEA+Low-rapamicina en autoprueba. El punto es la dificultad extrema de la restricción dietética y mi deseo de lucir en forma, no debilucho delgado como todos los maestros del envejecimiento (Sinclair, De Grey, Fahy). mTOR es el centro del rompecabezas. Cada buena consecuencia de la evolución tecnológica {comida, músculo, comodidad contrarreloj, comunicación mejorada ahorrando no solo esfuerzo sino también tiempo). Un maestro Sinclair habla muy bien del frío (todas las mañanas de caminata en la nieve sin camisa, con el pecho desnudo), baño combinado Sauna/agua helada, una comida/día, etc. Estas no son mi razón para vivir mucho tiempo. Soy un animal elaborado por la evolución biológica seleccionado principalmente por la evolución biológica para escapar de la depredación antes de la multiplicación fructífera. No importa que los mismos procesos de crecimiento de los primeros 20 años se hayan vuelto en mi contra. Creo en los miméticos químicos. Sinclair utiliza la vieja falta de conocimiento.


La inhibición de TOR aumenta el potencial regenerativo de los tejidos adultos

La rapamicina previene la pérdida de células madre relacionada con la edad



Las células madre adultas reponen las células moribundas y regeneran los tejidos dañados a lo largo de nuestra vida. Perdemos muchas de esas células madre, junto con su capacidad regenerativa, a medida que envejecemos. Trabajando en moscas y ratones, los investigadores descubrieron que TOR, una vía de detección de nutrientes que es fundamental para el proceso de envejecimiento, impulsa la pérdida de células madre adultas. El tratamiento de ratones con el inhibidor de TOR rapamicina previno esta pérdida y podría revertir la pérdida de células madre relacionada con la edad en la tráquea del ratón.

Es un gran paso para mí: ¡criticar al Dr. Sinclair! La falta de conocimiento a la hora de los hábitos hace que aumente los productos químicos con restricciones dietéticas comprobadas. Su última mejora mediante la adición de senolito de espermidina. Todavía toma ALA. Habla de miméticos de la adversidad evolutiva biológica para la supervivencia en períodos de escasez que conducen a los genes necesarios para los períodos de escasez. Nuestra revolución tecnológica (= evolución tecnológica) significa que no habrá más períodos de escasez.


Interruptor maestro


Hay un cambio de paradigma en mi forma de pensar:

En lugar de estudiar animales que envejecen rápidamente, el profesor Steven Austad cree que los animales que envejecen lentamente pueden tener las respuestas a la longevidad humana.

En particular, amplía la idea de que miles de millones de años de evolución ya pueden haber resuelto muchos de los desafíos del envejecimiento y la longevidad en algunas células de algún animal en la parte superior de su cadena alimenticia o muy difícil de cazar que actualmente estamos tratando de entender. y superar


Centrarse en los animales de envejecimiento más lento

Después de trabajar con zarigüeyas y otros animales durante algunos años, Austad decidió que lo que realmente necesitaba el campo del envejecimiento era estudiar animales que envejecieran lentamente, en lugar de aquellos que envejecieran rápidamente.

Austad cita el ejemplo de los murciélagos, criaturas que a menudo son incluso más pequeñas que los ratones y, sin embargo, viven durante décadas en buen estado de salud. Si bien no se consideran "exóticos" desde la perspectiva de un zoólogo, los murciélagos son ciertamente un espectáculo desconocido para la mayoría de los científicos de laboratorio.


“Ahora tenemos la tecnología de secuenciación del genoma y todo tipo de cosas para observar qué genes se activan y desactivan, y en qué tejidos”, dice. “Lo que creo que necesitamos es una especie de Proyecto Manhattan para centrarnos en algunas de estas especies que no envejecen, o envejecen muy lentamente, y descubrir cómo lo hacen”.


"También está Calico, a quien no le gusta hablar de lo que está haciendo, pero tiene una gran inversión en ratas topo desnudas, que también creo que es un animal muy interesante".


Brik febrero 18, 2022 a las 9:37 pm

Aquí hay datos aún más emocionantes para agregar: las ballenas de Groenlandia (Balaena mysticetus) son los mamíferos más longevos. Las ballenas árticas y subárticas viven cómodamente más de 100 años y pueden vivir más de 200 años, según la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA). Las ballenas tienen mutaciones en un gen llamado ERCC1, que está involucrado en la reparación del ADN dañado, que puede ayudar a proteger a las ballenas del cáncer, una posible causa de muerte. Además, otro gen, llamado PCNA, tiene una sección que se ha duplicado. Este gen está involucrado en el crecimiento y la reparación celular, y la duplicación podría retrasar el envejecimiento, informó anteriormente Live Science.

El pez roca de ojo rugoso (Sebastes aleutianus) es uno de los peces más longevos y tiene una vida útil máxima de al menos 205 años, según el Departamento de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de Washington. Estos peces rosados ​​o marrones viven en el Océano Pacífico desde California hasta Japón. Crecen hasta 38 pulgadas (97 centímetros) de largo

Los tiburones de Groenlandia (Somniosus microcephalus) viven en las profundidades de los océanos Ártico y Atlántico Norte. Pueden llegar a medir 7,3 metros (24 pies) de largo y tienen una dieta que incluye una variedad de otros animales, incluidos peces y mamíferos marinos como las focas, según el Observatorio de Tiburones de St. Lawrence en Canadá.

Un estudio de 2016 del tejido ocular de tiburón de Groenlandia, publicado en la revista Science, estimó que estos tiburones pueden tener una vida útil máxima de al menos 272 años. Se estimó que el tiburón más grande en ese estudio tenía alrededor de 392 años, y los investigadores sugirieron que los tiburones posiblemente podrían haber tenido hasta 512 años, informó Live Science anteriormente. Las estimaciones de edad llegaron con cierto grado de incertidumbre, pero incluso la estimación más baja de 272 años todavía hace que estos tiburones sean los vertebrados más longevos de la Tierra.

Las Turritopsis dohrnii se llaman medusas inmortales porque potencialmente pueden vivir para siempre. Las medusas comienzan su vida como larvas, antes de establecerse en el lecho marino y transformarse en pólipos. Estos pólipos luego producen medusas o medusas que nadan libremente. Las Turritopsis dohrnii maduras son especiales porque pueden volver a convertirse en pólipos si están físicamente dañadas o mueren de hambre, según el Museo Americano de Historia Natural, y luego regresan a su estado de medusa.

Las medusas, que son nativas del mar Mediterráneo, pueden repetir esta hazaña de revertir su ciclo de vida varias veces y, por lo tanto, es posible que nunca mueran de viejas en las condiciones adecuadas, según el Museo de Historia Natural de Londres. Los Turritopsis dohrnii son diminutos, de menos de 0,2 pulgadas (4,5 milímetros) de ancho, y son comidos por otros animales, como los peces, o pueden morir por otros medios, lo que les impide alcanzar la inmortalidad.


Rompementes febrero 19, 2022 a las 7:44 pm

No tenemos que elegir entre especies longevas y especies efímeras, ambas tienen utilidad. Al igual que el estudio de humanos de corta y larga vida e incluso el estudio de los grandes simios y el ADN de los neandertales, los denisovanos y otros humanos primitivos. Simplemente estudiar una gran cantidad de medicamentos y suplementos que ya tenemos en estudios de tejidos puede ser fácilmente útil. O incluso soluciones de ingeniería que no están presentes en la naturaleza.
No hemos estado estudiando ninguna de estas áreas lo suficiente como para justificar favorecer un enfoque sobre los demás.

También es probable que tengamos que encontrar soluciones para todas las formas en que envejecemos en lugar de solo mirar la metilación, los telómeros o el tálamo. O una docena de otros temas. Luego está la prevención y la reparación, que, por supuesto, no son lo mismo.

El rompecabezas mTOR

 Hay 3 formas independientes de reducción del envejecimiento independientes entre sí y, por lo tanto, se pueden realizar en paralelo: reducción de mTOR (rapamicina en dosis bajas), alargamiento de los telómeros (oxígeno hiperbárico) y reactivación del timo (reducción de la involución repetida). Cualquier persona inteligente puede comenzar desde aquí y buscar en mi conocimiento.

mTOR es básico para los miméticos químicos que nos permiten las comodidades de la evolución tecnológica dentro de las limitaciones de la bioevolución. Dado el ritmo y la calidad de los científicos en Neuralink de Ed Musk, espero descargas cerebrales antes de que termine el siglo y estar vivo para entonces. No importa el período de salud de 512 años de los tiburones.


¡El cambio de paradigma notable está en cómo obtener una vida sin fin!


1. Bioevolución con rejuvenecimiento/crecimiento ilimitado de extremidades y órganos.

2. Bioevolución con reversión periódica al estado de matriz

3. Descarga de Cerebro

4. Refacción periódica permanente de células madre y sistema inmunitario


¡En espera de mi fértil imaginación de ciencia ficción!

The mTOR puzzle



A remarkable paradigm shift is in how to get end-less life, to 6 independent paradigm, only one showing any progress!

1.    1.  With demonstrable progress, Bottom-up DNA methods with limitless rejuvenation.  There are five distinct, independent (now) approaches to aging consistent with bio-evolution, the rejuvenation arm of 6 ways to live for ever, meaning they are statistically independent, hence composable with effects that add and composable howsoever in parallel and sequential modes. These are mTOR based, telomere based, immune refresh, Yamanaka factors, and E5. [The last 2 are in the future within 2-20 years. At this time, no method has been shown to be reapplicable, leave apart indefinite times!]. Even 1 shot or small number of repeat is useful for transit to singularity.

2.     2. Bio-evolution with periodic reversion to womb-state as in jelly fish.

3.    3. Download of Brain to silicon and commanded robot bodies.

4.    4. Permanent periodic refix of stem cells and immune system. Thymus regeneration.

 5. With demonstrable progress, DNA methods with Yamanaka factors

6. With demonstrable progress, Top Down Stem cell E5 exosomes methods

end Abstract

My work has identified 4 genes that underlie the full digraph of Hallmarks of Aging. These are Sirt1, AMPk, mTOR, and igf-1. Of these, all but mTOR must be boosted for reducing/reversing aging. The mTOR is central to human comfort and technological evolution to improve human life through comfort. All, but mTOR, are boosted with diet restriction, mTOR reduces, all reducing aging. Best Aging is common in Indian Naturopathy – take the aged couple and subject them to extreme diet restrictions without mercy. After 3 months, food restriction is to normal levels, but most survivors eat less than even that. Humans are reduced to near skeletons anyway. Extreme food restriction kills any diabetes and boosts the genes. This method works but I recommend against it – very few survive to end. 

All modern conveniences increase mTOR, hence reduce age! Hence the puzzle. Even better food increases mTOR. Human progress reduces lifespan, though not health span always. People have shorter lifespans but longer health span in advanced countries. Technological evolution can lead to better longer health spans by some calorie restriction and chemical mimetics - fooling the body to believe shortages of calorie restriction are likely.

The mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin ) is hence a puzzle. Every technological advance in nutrition and comfort from technology boosts it. Eating proteins boost mTOR! If you look great, your mTOR has been boosted. Every comfort boosts it. But it devastates aging. Anyone shooting for long life must stop its growth. There is a boost link from igf-1 to mTOR. Boosting gif-1 improves age but reduces it also from the mTOR link in Akt pathway. In words, Growth Hormone GH boosts age but also reduces it by instantiating diabetes. Dr. Fahy fixed it by GH+ metformin+ DHEA, and I will GH+ DHEA+L ow-rapamycin in the self trial. The point is the extreme difficulty of dietary restriction and my desire to look fit, not thin weakling as all aging masters (Sinclair, De Grey, Fahy} look. mTOR is the center of the puzzle. Every good consequence of technological evolution {food, muscle, comfort against time, improved communication saving not just effort but time as well}. A master Sinclair speaks great things for cold (all morning treks in the snow without a shirt, chest bare), combination bath Sauna/ice-water, one food/day, etc. These are not my reason for living long. I am an animal crafted by biological evolution primarily selected by biological evolution for escape from predation before fruitful multiplication. 

It matters not that the very growth processes of the first 20 years have turned against me. I believe in Chemical mimetics.  I believe in some aerobic exercise. I believe in some anerobic (weight lifting)  to fight sarcopenia. Both reduce mTOR. No mimetics. Sinclair uses an old lack of knowledge. I refuse to look weakling like the masters. 


Inhibiting TOR boosts regenerative potential of adult tissues

Rapamycin prevents age-related loss of stem cells



Adult stem cells replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues throughout our lifetime. We lose many of those stem cells, along with their regenerative capacity, as we age. Working in flies and mice, researchers discovered that TOR, a nutrient-sensing pathway that is central to the aging process, drives the loss of adult stem cells. Treating mice with the TOR-inhibitor rapamycin prevented this loss and could reverse age-related loss of stem cells in mouse trachea.

It is a very big step for me – criticizing Dr. Sinclair! Lack of knowledge at the time of habits means he boosts chemicals with proven dietary restrictions. His latest improves by adding spermidine senolyte. He still takes ALA. He talks of biological evolutionary adversity mimetics for survival in lean periods leading to genes necessary for lean periods. Our technological revolution (= tech-evolution) means no more lean periods.


Master switch


There is a paradigm shift in my thinking – 

Rather than study animals that age quickly, Prof Steven Austad believes animals that age slowly may hold the answers to human longevity.

In particular, it expands on the idea that billions of years of evolution may have already solved many of the challenges of aging and longevity in some cells in some animal at top of its food chain or very difficult to hunt that we are currently trying to understand and overcome.

Focus on slower aging animals

After working on opossums and other animals for a few years, Austad decided that what the aging field really needed was to study animals that age slowly, rather than those that age rapidly.

Austad cites the example of bats – creatures that are often even smaller than mice and yet live for decadesin a state of good healthWhile not considered “exotic” from a zoologist’s perspective, bats are certainly an unfamiliar sight for most laboratory scientists.

“Now we have the genome sequencing technology and all kinds of things to look at which genes are turned off and on, and in which tissues,” he says. “What I think we need is a kind of Manhattan Project to focus on a few of these species that don’t age, or age very slowly, and figure out how they do it.”

 “There’s also Calico, who don’t like to talk about what they’re doing, but they have a big investment in naked mole-rats, which I also think is a very interesting animal.”


Here’s even more exciting facts to add: Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) are the longest living mammals. The Arctic and subarctic whales comfortably live over 100 years, and may live more than 200 years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).The whales have mutations in a gene called ERCC1, which is involved with repairing damaged DNA, that may help protect the whales from cancer, a potential cause of death. Furthermore, another gene, called PCNA, has a section that has been duplicated. This gene is involved in cell growth and repair, and the duplication could slow aging, Live Science previously reported.

Rough eye rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus) are one of the longest living fish and have a maximum lifespan of at least 205 years, according to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. These pink or brownish fish live in the Pacific Ocean from California to Japan. They grow up to 38 inches (97 centimeters) long

Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) live deep in the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. They can grow to be 24 feet (7.3 meters) long and have a diet that includes a variety of other animals, including fish and marine mammals such as seals, according to the St. Lawrence Shark Observatory in Canada.

A 2016 study of Greenland shark eye tissue, published in the journal Science, estimated that these sharks can have a maximum lifespan of at least 272 years. The biggest shark in that study was estimated to be about 392 years old, and the researchers suggested that the sharks could possibly have been as much as 512 years old, Live Science previously reported. The age estimates came with a degree of uncertainty, but even the lowest estimate of 272 years still makes these sharks the longest living vertebrates on Earth.

Turritopsis dohrnii are called immortal jellyfish because they can potentially live forever. Jellyfish start life as larvae, before establishing themselves on the seafloor and transforming into polyps. These polyps then produce free-swimming medusas, or jellyfish. Mature Turritopsis dohrnii are special in that they can turn back into polyps if they are physically damaged or starving, according to the American Museum of Natural History, and then later return to their jellyfish state.

The jellyfish, which are native to the Mediterranean Sea, can repeat this feat of reversing their life cycle multiple times and therefore may never die of old age under the right conditions, according to the Natural History Museum in London. Turritopsis dohrnii are tiny — less than 0.2 inches (4.5 millimeters) across — and are eaten by other animals such as fish or may die by other means, thus preventing them from actually achieving immortality.




We don’t have to choose between long-lived and short-lived species, both have utility. As does studying short and long-lived humans and even studying the great apes and the DNA of Neanderthals, Denisovans, and other early humans. Just studying a large number of drugs and supplements we already have in tissue studies can easily be helpful. Or even engineering solutions not present in nature.

We haven’t been studying any of these areas long enough to justify favouring one approach over the others.

We also likely have to find solutions for all the ways we age rather than just looking at methylation, or telomeres, or the thalamus. Or a dozen other topics. Then there is prevention and repair, which, of course, are not the same.


The mTOR puzzle

mTOR is basic to chemical mimetics that allows us comforts of tech-evolution within the limitations of bio-evolution. Given the pace and quality of scientists at Musk’s neuralink, I expect brain downloads before the century is out and be alive to then! Never mind the 512-year health span of sharks. Maybe, humanity will go beyond Dr. Sinclair and not do mTOR reduction methods.

A remarkable paradigm shift is in how to get end-less life!

1. Standby for fertile sci-fi imagination from me!


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Spanish Sinclair Links


Este es, según mi propia estimación, el segundo conjunto más importante de vínculos en la vida de ahora y después, ya que habla de cómo vivir para participar en nuevas maravillas. Esto es después de "Las tecnologías exponenciales" por mí sobre la ciencia ficción realista de hoy para apenas entender dónde estamos hoy en los EE. UU., cómo trasladarlas a la India y los próximos 2 o 3 años.

Necesitas 10 horas para verlos ellos mismos. ¡La mejor inversión en su propia salud y longevidad que puede hacer! Se trata de lo que es factible hoy en los Estados Unidos, aunque suene a ciencia ficción. Me lo aplico como puedo, tengo desprecio por un emigrante extranjero o ciudadanos extranjeros que pueden pero no.

Muchas cosas, incluida la educación, se pueden importar y usar en India con localización y eventuales nuevas investigaciones. Es un país Modi+Yogi+Ramdev durante los próximos 5 años al menos, probablemente Modi regrese en 2024. Independientemente de las caras exactas, AAP asciende en lugar del Congreso, la corrupción y el nepotismo disminuyen, me sometí con éxito a 3 pruebas médicas difíciles, mis enfermedades crónicas han caído en picada, probablemente estén activos cinco años y tengan el dinero. Si no persigo mi llamado a la mejora de la edad en la India para todos es mi fracaso, después de todo, el costo de DNAm age se ha reducido con éxito en 1000 veces por el Dr. Sinclair a menos de Rs. 500, no 40.000 a 60.000 ahora. Los precios de NMN se hunden. Los jugos de semilla de uva son senolyte 2.0. Los suplementos para gemelos son suficientes para aumentar la fuerza en la vejez y el aumento de la edad por menos de 50 000 por año. Es probable que caiga a 10.000 en 2-3 años. No solo tengo la suerte de estar vivo hoy, sino que también tengo la suerte de vivir en la sociedad Modi & Yogi, libre de nepotismo y baja corrupción. Puedo, debo, lo haré.

Los enlaces están todos en inglés. ¡Quizás alguien encuentre enlaces en español y envíe la actualización para autoría conjunta!

Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair #8

Sinclair links

 This is, by my own estimation, the second most important set of links in life to now and after, for it tells of how to live to partake in new wonders. This is after "The exponential technologies" by me on realistic science fiction today to barely understand where we are today in the USA, how to shift them to India, and the next 2 or 3 years.

You need 10 hours to watch these themselves. The best investment in your own health and longevity you can make! It is about what is doable today in the USA, even if it sounds like science fiction. I apply it to myself as I can, have contempt for a foreign emigrant or foreign citizens who can but don't. 

Many things, including education, can be imported and used in India with localization and eventual new research. It is a Modi+Yogi+Ramdev country for the next 5 years at least, likely Modi returns in 2024. Regardless of exact faces, AAP rises instead of Congress, corruption and nepotism decline, I successfully underwent tough 3 doctor tests, my chronic diseases have nosedived, likely get active five years and have the money. If I don't pursue my calling to Age improvement in India for all is my failure, after all, DNAm age has been successfully reduced in cost by 1000 times by Dr. Sinclair to under Rs. 500, not 40,000 to 60,000 now. NMN prices sink. Grapeseed juices are senolyte 2.0. Twin supplements are enough to boost old age strength and age increment for under 50,000 per year. It likely falls to 10,000 in 2-3 years. I am not only blessed to be alive today but I am also blessed to live in Modi & Yogi society, free of nepotism and low corruption. I can, I must, I will.

Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair #8

Friday, March 11, 2022

vaccine way to dealing


Long but very informative, including not just simple non-chemical means to avoid chronic diseases but how to bring down a procedure of heart (low LDL fix by PKCS gene fix) rom $14000 to $100. As I have always believed, mRNA vaccines can do most in-vivo genetherapy at very low price, Rather than per week injection, 1 year injection will work. Simple computation says one can do n10 fixes per lakh. These solutions happen in 10-15 years later. By then, Indian government will be ready in PPP model to spend $1000 per patient.

Modi wins, then Yogi will win. BJP has Gadkari, etc 5 top people can replace if needed. There is no challenge in 10-15 years. Enough time to raise India to $10,000 per head GDP country. MY is no longer muslim+yadav, is is now Modi-Yogi. My great dream is to defeat my chronics by end of this year to launch my style clinical evidence to Roorkee center for age-count by DNAm, years left in life by GrimAge, NAD+ boost by MIB-626, Recruit military soldiers in Roorkee for clinical evidence for whole Indian Army. arrest aging and chronic diseases using Aging chemicals, and work on exosome and Yamanaka based start of first phase of longevity escape velocity to first singularity. Not only ideas and cash needed, I will hopefully have he strength to implement my dreams. I am 4 months into my self clinical test, one year long.

I visited my heart doctor for history and latest ECG and ECHO. Passed with flying covers although my isosorbide gain was written off as my luck, not impossible in other patients. No change in medicines, supplements are forgotten as psychological self-boost.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

elementary and full interventions

  Dr. Arya is a PH.D. and not MD (Medical doctor). None of what follows is Medical advice, or gives any company advice, despite using registered words in the reader's jurisdiction.

Elementary Interventions

EI is those that consider NAD+ sole determinant of Aging. It decrements from CD38 that opposes NAD+. CD38 increases with age as it is produced by SASP of senescent cells. CD38 is principal of SASP, senescents cleared when young by immune system, which declines by age. The immune may decline, senescent cells by definition ignore apoptosis, but can be cleared by senolytes of which fisetin was best in senolyte1.0 but grape seed extract is new best senolyte2.0. SASP names hundreds of chemicals depending on what senescent was prior to senescence. Senolytes clear only a few senescents.

EI then is NAD+ boost and CD38 inhibition. Recommend NMN for boost, helped by pterostilbene if non-liposome or resveratrol if liposome. NR can be used instead of NMN, even part-substitute okay. Half&half  bypasses business fight. Grape seed extract is recommended as senolyte.

Full Interventions

Beyond EI are other interventions based on my principles, generally applicable age 65 onwards. Starting this age, white cells produced by now inactive immune system begin to reduce to negligible populations by 80. Beyond,  the body is without significant defenses to opportunistic infections. NAD+ has declined, cd38 increases to death, unceasingly stengthless with no NAD+ and old weak skin and under with loss of hyaluronic acid.

EI gives some help, slows strength decline and limits some but not all kinds, of SASP generators. How does one measure bio-age and why do senescent cells arise? Cell turn into senescent ignoring apoptosis when there is a failure in protein selection to cure DNA breaks which keep happening from radiation  like sun, chemicals like bad parts of foods, etc. Cells lose their identity. Age randomness causes methylation of DNA between C and G sugars in DNA connected by phosphate, called CpG islands, the on/off switch is stuck. This is a random but synchronized process in trillions of body cells. This methylation is not just an indicator but true age determinant in that reversing the stickiness of it in many cells reduces age! CaAKG is a good recent cure. 

My style domination of Hallmarks of Aging suggests igf-1 improvement that effects mTOR badly. Dr. Fahi has controlled the major evil side-effect of diabetes by mixture of igf-1/DHEA which works in clinical tests. A good, better than Dr. Fahi, theoretically safe, intervention by me is igf-1/metformin/low-rapamycin.

SASP has many chemicals, and fisetin and Grape-seed-extract work on a few only. Qurtecin/apigenin is another combination. So are others. 30-50 cleanup is generally enough, raises NAD+ even without boosting it. Another point is that Fisetin is a flavonoid, and almost all combinations have senolytes properties! But the extra killed senescents is small. Sticking to Grape-seed-extract is sufficient. Another gain comes from cache administration from solubility in fat. Mice indicate 20 mg/kg, it is 1400 mg for me per fortnight or two days per month as in mayo protocol for fisetin (I take 350 mg liposome, 2 days each/month).

Another great senolyte is Spermidine. It also selectively improves cardio-aging. I will switch to spermidine/grape-seed half/half this October. By then I expect liposome spermidine to become a product.