Friday, March 11, 2022

vaccine way to dealing

Long but very informative, including not just simple non-chemical means to avoid chronic diseases but how to bring down a procedure of heart (low LDL fix by PKCS gene fix) rom $14000 to $100. As I have always believed, mRNA vaccines can do most in-vivo genetherapy at very low price, Rather than per week injection, 1 year injection will work. Simple computation says one can do n10 fixes per lakh. These solutions happen in 10-15 years later. By then, Indian government will be ready in PPP model to spend $1000 per patient.

Modi wins, then Yogi will win. BJP has Gadkari, etc 5 top people can replace if needed. There is no challenge in 10-15 years. Enough time to raise India to $10,000 per head GDP country. MY is no longer muslim+yadav, is is now Modi-Yogi. My great dream is to defeat my chronics by end of this year to launch my style clinical evidence to Roorkee center for age-count by DNAm, years left in life by GrimAge, NAD+ boost by MIB-626, Recruit military soldiers in Roorkee for clinical evidence for whole Indian Army. arrest aging and chronic diseases using Aging chemicals, and work on exosome and Yamanaka based start of first phase of longevity escape velocity to first singularity. Not only ideas and cash needed, I will hopefully have he strength to implement my dreams. I am 4 months into my self clinical test, one year long.

I visited my heart doctor for history and latest ECG and ECHO. Passed with flying covers although my isosorbide gain was written off as my luck, not impossible in other patients. No change in medicines, supplements are forgotten as psychological self-boost.

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