Thursday, February 3, 2022

Overview of my 3-month experience

 My final report is due in November this year. I am excited enough to wait for that day. Based on my experience so far, things are way better in portions and disappointing in others, no worsening. But disappointing of my expectations despite good immediate results elsewhere, perhaps additional things must be done in conjunction, there has been no worsening of decline.

De-aging was never the central reason, even though my entire effort is so structured, lifespan is not the issue but healthspan is, ie running it to measure the improvement in decrepitude. I am very concerned about my future from comorbidities of diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and creeping senility beyond bipolar-ness and suicidal thoughts. A Reformed loving family has solved mental problems to a less-concerned state. My de-aging regime has had similar preliminary effects on diabetes and heart problems. These are personal views buttressed with some data,

I learned in the USA that scientific attitude extends to entire life. To health it means spending money and effort to measure the body response, even normal humans can rise to what is required by empirical tests. The stupidest things to do to self suffer from the consequences of doable things above criminal negligence. Not knowing can be deadly. Regardless of your views on my philosophy possible like error minute, believe that self-applied empiricism drives human motivation. And also that knowledge finds strange applications. The forced course in calligraphy by apple's founder STEVE jobs was instrumental in Lisa's interface. My adventures in encryption are basic to my secret in defeating the crypto chain. My care of self is basic to my self-clinical tests and extraordinarily dangerous as my MIT-published Bits topper brother-in-law discovered. One can only proceed to really understand anything by NASA design approach. If it can go wrong, it will. Marry it to my teaching summary -Understand reasons even of the obvious. Research is very hard and time consuming except in new fields. Even pioneers are not divine.



 I believe, without question, the efficacy of recommendations made by my expert panel. Currently, they include only doctors that have performed one Nobel prize deserving research and have still continued work to another Nobel deserving research.

This leads to the next question - what is my role? It has been chosen by aaa-panel expert Dr. Aubrey de Grey as the second point in his talk - how to compose reliably, the recommendations of individual doctors. It can only be done, say I, by empirical clinical tests, perhaps by FDA or a sister organization, but I refuse to wait. It will likely take over from me, ethical organizations, consumer-created organizations immune to lawyers, but capable of and experimenting with lawyer-induced total mother-fuck of animals who would illegally abuse our trust to whatever ends without written permission.

Every doctor has the right to think they performed Nobel quality work but none to claim aaa-panel without our written permission. No permission has been sought or is necessary from initial members. They are

1.    Dr de Grey, for introducing/developing an engineering approach to the aging problem and senolytics

2.    Dr. Sinclair, for NMN and 2019 theory of Aging

3.    Dr. Yamanaka for inventing Yamanaka factors and iPSC.

4.    Dr.Horvath for DNAm/GrimAge and Eutherian  applicability of methylation

5.    Drs. Conboys for initial hetronic parabiosis and not young blood  but plain protein works

6.    Dr. Fahi for TRIIM and TRIIM-X

There are many single Nobel like yet including Dr. Barzilai (TAME), Dr. Katcher(E5), Dr. Malone (mRNA), ...

The aaa-panel greats can disagree and in this case, the consumer is on their own. To escape lawyers, every recommendation by me must belong to aaa-trusted components, available as supplements, and require no MD service. Only registered consumers, tracked by registered Doctors of the country transparently knowable of all. including non-recommended edibles, must be known. Only the registered doctor can upload the data to me. I shall collect data, compile them with other medicine too, and publish the data to benefit all self-testers. No, but annual charges, devoted to the communication of results too, will be levied beyond the first applicable to Dec 31.

English Book

  Overview 2022


My colleagues and their loved ones continue to die, no one has reported, despite their attempts to apply, cutting-edge technology. It must mean one or more of


1.     Unfamiliarity with modern aging science

2.     Knowledge but conscious decision to escape likely useless expense

3.     Lack of belief from some kind of fatalism, luck, religion, etc.


About #3, everyone has the right to be stupid, except our civilization will advance to a state where such morons will be charged with murder of responsibility. The same applies to greedy of #2. People in #1 will be charged with negligent homicide, exactly like the accident-involved driver.


The only tolerated defense is I tried in this way (of top scientist) after reading and still failed.


Who are these top scientists and why?


Every person who argues anything not empirical is a meta-moron. All in the top list did Nobel quality work (acknowledged in the aging community by the overwhelming majority) and followed by delivering another such research.


There are only a few, found by continuous work of 20 years


The whole top field of Aging

1. Dr de Grey, for introducing/developing an engineering approach to the aging problem and senolytics

2. Dr. Sinclair, for NMN and 2019 theory of Aging

3. Dr. Yamanaka for inventing Yamanaka factors and iPSC.

4. Dr.Horvath for DNAm/GrimAge and Eutherian applicability of methylation

5. Drs. Conboys for initial heterochronic parabiosis and not young blood but plain albumin works

6. Dr. Greg Fahy for TRIIM and TRIIM-X


Unlike. any normal human, A scientist, to me, is one who keeps his religion strictly out of the propounded theory. It can not matter what their belief system is, I only believe in empirical theory everywhere, It matters not what he divines for his beliefs from empirical theories. God is NOR dead but irrelevant to my science. This means empirical facts remain independent of their theories. You have to prove everything from empirically constructed theories. Next is personal despite excellent folks who believe otherwise, they remain meta-morons and vulnerable to sophisticated thugs exploiting their stupidity.

The aging theory has been the essential goal for 4000 years since the dawn of written language in Mesopotamia through empirical novels of Gilgamesh. Since that time many fraus have arisen. How can you decide I am not one too? Because I only state this story on empirical proofs by Dr. Sinclair at Harvard. Any mistakes are mine and will be corrected once pointed out.

How can one provide proof empirically for any theory of aging? First, you have to accept evolution. Then you demonstrate the correctness of your theory on mice, doable much faster given their small lifespan. Also, it is ethical to sacrifice mice.

The mice have their optic nerve destroyed by crushing. Next, mice in this experiment prove mice have gone blind. How in mice? Mice stare at lines. If not blind, then their throat moves their head to the side the lines move. All crushed optic nerve mice prove they have become blind, Now the NAD+ boost is done. All the mice so treated get back eye-sight after treatment. Their eyes act like genuine eyes for the rest of their life. Note that I skip over treatment which is done by triggering genes.

So aging is understood in mice. Same works in other animals. By evolution, also applies to humans. The experiment has a human analog, for whatever reason, people end up with diseased optic nerve and become blind. They can be cured with an analog NAD+ boost.

A full life of the human-animal?

A human or any sexual evolution animal starts from a single cell called a zygote that fuses the mother and father DNA halves. The DNA of the zygote divides repeatedly over the birth intervals. The DNA has an epigenomic layer that modifies the cell by context. Eventually, the birth-human is produced. It keeps growing till adulthood. This happens with a continued division of stem cells. The body is repeatedly attacked by useful microbes and pathogens. There is a full-fledged immune system for inbuilt and adaptive immunity.

Humans and similar animals have 3 classes of enzymes that control the stem cells. The stems do not wither away. They stop their growth activity as a consequence of chemical signals. They are needed badly in wound repair till death!

The classes are Sirtuins, AMPk, and mTOR  Keeping them occupied is how aging will be intervened in Singularity 1.0. There are 7 Sirtuins, which only Sirt1 will be focused on. AMPk and NAD+ improvements are sought. mTOR signals abundance and increases with proteins signaling body no longer be in an alert state, shutting down repair machinery deployed for fears of starvation. This is counteracted by fasting, exercise, low sugars, low proteins, etc. These are excellent ways to fool the body which responds by hunkering down for adversity!

Roughly, NAD+ boosters (sirt1), metformin (AMPk), and low dosage rapamycin (mTOR) affect the growth genes. One has no dangers of body growth because the stem cells are halted by independent chemicals.

Very brief cell biology required to understand Aging and mRNA vaccines?

A cell has many compartments. Interest to us are

1. Nucleolus sack containing the DNA

2. zero plus mitochondria sub-cells

3. Ribosomes

How does a cell work? Two top important processes are making a protein and making energy.

To make a protein, it is somehow included as query protein, which enters the nucleolus and matches the short-chain in DNA which produces mRNA with one new sugar, enough to mark the molecule as mRNA that now exits the nucleolus. Once in the cell, it unites with a ribosome and makes the needed protein. The mRNA is still there and can not reenter the nucleolus. It dies as programmed to die quickly. Sometimes it exits the cell but is then eaten by an immune cell.

Or the signal might make energy, then ends up in a mitochondria subcell. They have their own small DNA. In any case, the signal causes production from ATP by Krebs using NAD+.

Why does NAD+ decline and what if it does?

NAD+ catalyzes many Krebs subcycles. It is basic to convert to energy, autophagy, and apoptosis. NAD+ is slowly, and with difficulty made from vitamin B3 in each cell, and is used in many sub-cycles in the Krebs cycle in so many animals and human cells. Its loss hurts by lack of energy, weakened immunity, more cancers, and many chronic diseases.

It declines because it bothers dead senescent cells which accumulate because of autophagy and apoptosis decline. To adulthood and near beyond, bad cells are garbage collected and replaced by new daughter cells from division. But that does not happen with age. The dead cells accumulate. They take to producing SASP. Some make neighbor cells senescent too. Others simply neutralize NAD+ which bothers dead cells. Each dead cell not removed is a big problem.

Hallmarks of Aging?

Aging is characterized by a progressive loss of physiological integrity, leading to impaired function and increased vulnerability to death. This deterioration is the primary risk factor for major human pathologies including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases. Aging research has experienced an unprecedented advance over recent years, particularly with the discovery that the rate of aging is controlled, at least to some extent, by genetic pathways and biochemical processes conserved in evolution. This review enumerates nine tentative hallmarks that represent common denominators of aging in different organisms, with special emphasis on mammalian aging. These hallmarks are genomic instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic alterations, loss of proteostasis, deregulated nutrient-sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion, and altered intercellular communication. A major challenge is to dissect the interconnectedness between the candidate hallmarks and their relative contribution to aging, with the final goal of identifying pharmaceutical targets to improve human health during aging with minimal side effects.

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Spanish interventions

 Toda la razón detrás del libro hasta ahora es señalar la simplicidad esencial de la intervención del envejecimiento, una vez que se comprende la ciencia. Se puede dibujar un diagrama de proteína muy complejo como esta imagen.

Diagrama de intervención

El envejecimiento está en la parte inferior En la parte superior hay dos procesos: la hormona del crecimiento y la restricción calórica. En singularity1.0, no lo hará mucho mejor que las personas muy cuidadosas con una ingesta de alimentos estricta y ejercicio sólido. Sin embargo, puede obtener los beneficios de la restricción calórica y el ejercicio, no por una actitud sibarita total, sino sin pagar por la evitación intermitente de la restricción calórica (innecesariamente difícil para ser religiosamente honesto) y el ejercicio. No se puede ayudar a los cuidadores de escritorio completamente inmóviles, pero tampoco es necesario correr todos los días.

El brazo dietético tiene 3 cosas: Sirt1, AMPk y mTOR, aprende estos 3 nombres.

R. Las correcciones de Sirt1 también se denominan NAD+ boost y ya sea por NMN o NR, prueba contundente de que cualquiera de las dos funciona, incluso con consumidores con mucho dinero. Creo en el Dr. Sinclair, que piensa que NMN es mejor y, en lugar de ambos, ¡doblaría en NMN! El liposoma NMN es mucho más efectivo (supongo que 4 veces), por lo que la dieta del Dr. Sinclar de 1 g/día es mi liposoma de 250 mg/día. Ahora, mi complemento, ¡solo el aumento de NAD + no es suficiente! Hay 4 agujeros.

1. Los depósitos de calcio en los vasos sanguíneos conducen a algún tipo de artritis y se necesita alguna forma de fortalecer los vasos sanguíneos y limpiar los vasos. Cuando mib626 esté listo por el Dr. Sinclair, eliminará NMN y resveratrol. Ambos necesitaban ese día. Los usuarios que no son liposomas deben preferir el pterostilbeno al resveratrol. Este compuesto agrega óxido nítrico a las paredes de los vasos.

2. No es necesario comer alimentos de soya, que pueden empeorar y te dan vitamina K2, llamada superalimento en los EE. UU. Escapé de Corona a pesar de 25 años en EE. UU. porque bebí (a través de la leche) comino para aumentar la inmunidad y 6000 UI/día de vitamina D3. Solo se necesitan 600 UI para escapar del raquitismo. Pero es una hormona y lo hace. muchas otras cosas como mover el calcio a los huesos y reducir la inflamación, lo mejor es encontrar el liposoma D3/K2.

3. NMN consume metilos y, para la mayoría de las personas, trata la sensación de depresión. Para este propósito, se necesita TMG, aunque no como un liposoma.

4. El Dr. Kennedy sugiere CaAKG. Parece compatible, pregúntame en septiembre cómo me fue. Se cree en el Dr. Kennedy porque D. Sinclair lo respeta y fue director del Instituto Buck durante muchos años.

B. La metformina fija la AMPk, incluso para los no diabéticos. Si la prescripción de metformina es un problema, entonces se puede usar berberina.

C. mTOR fix es lo contrario de He = hombres que lo aumentan para hacer músculo. Para el envejecimiento, desea reducirlo. Todos los médicos que envejecen se ven delgados y hambrientos, excepto que se ven más largos. mTOR fix significa que renuncias a un aspecto musculoso o muy proteinado. ¿Por qué reducir mTOR? Un valor más bajo alerta a los sistemas corporales sobre la escasez de proteínas y protege las opciones para sobrevivir bien a la escasez. Esa es una gran configuración para el antienvejecimiento. Tenga en cuenta que un brazo de la hormona del crecimiento también va a mTOR. Lo que es bueno para los 30 años (mOR potenciado para una gran apariencia) es un desastre de envejecimiento. Ningún musculoso ha cruzado los 100.

¿Cómo se puede reducir mTOR? Impulsar NAD+ o AMPk soluciona algunos problemas de mTOR. La rapamicina en dosis bajas tiene pruebas clínicas solo ahora.

D. Una solución obvia ahora. pero no hace 10 años sino para el Dr. Aubrey de Grey, quien en realidad desarrolló senolíticos, es eliminar con fuerza las células muertas, lo que sucedió automáticamente en la juventud y antes a través de la autofagia y la apoptosis. Las células muertas que se comportan bien muestran una etiqueta y son cortadas por el sistema inmunológico y los riñones transportan las piezas de desecho. Pero con la edad, quedan células muertas, con la grave consecuencia de SASP (cientos de productos químicos nocivos). SASP produce inflamación, causando así problemas cardíacos. Las células senescentes también matan a sus vecinas. SASP también odia NAD+ porque molesta a las células senescentes. Con todo, SASP no produce una disminución temporal sino de por vida. Y la edad plantea células senescentes.

 Claramente, los senolitos no solo reducen los efectos negativos de SASP, sino que incluso pueden reducir las pérdidas de NAD+ y, por lo tanto, ser un impulso de NAD+. SASP es demasiado amplio, contiene diferentes sustancias químicas de la especialización de las células muertas, y el aumento de NAD+ es dudoso pero necesario, ya que solo aumentar NAD+ fallará con el aumento de SASP. Diferentes senolitos fijan diferentes células. Hay muchos senolitos, hacen cosas algo diferentes y no se pueden reemplazar a menos que uno sea efectivo por algún tiempo.

Muchos senolitos cumplen con mis criterios de composición, ya sean orgánicos o nombres. Estos son espermidina, fisetina, apigenina y quertecina. La espermidina se aisló por primera vez del esperma, pero se produce a partir del germen de trigo. Hay toda una clase de compuestos orgánicos llamados flavonoides que son senolitos seguros pero útiles. ¡Una vez que pase mi dosis de envejecimiento, fabricaré muchos combinados que serán ampliamente efectivos como senolito!

E. Otra dicción de la hormona del crecimiento a través de IGF es el crecimiento similar a la insulina factor. Podrías pasar de IGF1 a FOXO sin pasar por mTOR. En cualquier caso, los médicos clínicos de California aprendieron dolorosamente que el igf-1 causa directamente el efecto secundario de la diabetes. ¿Qué tal una mezcla de IGF-1 y DHEA para la diabetes en una proporción desconocida? El Dr. Fahy lo demostró posible y útil en el ensayo TRIIM. Luego, se corrigieron las deficiencias para lanzar TRIIM-X aún no completo. Dados los buenos resultados en TRIIM, los resultados de -X tendrán que ser bastante malos.

La dominación completa del árbol de envejecimiento es una buena indicación de integridad para mí. Las afirmaciones arbitrarias de éxito en el envejecimiento pueden ignorarse a pesar de los abusos del libre mercado y las mejoras reales probablemente recaerán en uno de los cinco brazos A-E. E5 se basa en moléculas de señalización y será diferente. Pero aún no está en el mercado e incluso puede competir con los factores de Yamanaka por la singularidad 2.0.

Intervention - the meat at last


The whole reason behind the book so far is to point out the essential simplicity of aging intervention, once the science is understood, A very complex protein diagram can be drawn as this picture.

Intervention diagram

Aging is at the bottom At the top are two processes - growth hormone and calorie restriction. In singularity1.0, you will not do much better than very careful people with tight food intake and solid exercise. However, you can get benefits of calorie restriction and exercise, not by total sybarite attitude, but without paying for intermittent avoidance of calorie restriction (unnecessarily hard to be religiously honest) and exercise. Fully immobile desk sitters can not be helped but no need to run every day either.

The Dietary arm has 3 things - Sirt1, AMPk, and mTOR, learn these 3 names. 

A. Sirt1 fixes are also called NAD+ boost and either by NMN or NR, strong proof that either work, even both with consumers with lots of money. I believe Dr. Sinclair who thinks NMN is better and rather than both, I would double on NMN! Liposome NMN is way more effective (I guess 4 times) so Dr. Sinclar's diet of 1gm/day is my 250 mg/day liposome. Now my add, just NAD+ boost is not enough! There are 4 holes.

1. Calcium Deposits in blood vessels lead to arthritis of some kind and some way of strengthening blood vessels as well cleaning up vessels is needed. When mib626 is ready by Dr. Sinclair, it will eliminate NMN and resveratrol. Both needed that day. Non-liposome users should prefer pterostilbene over resveratrol. This compound adds nitric oxide to vessel walls.

2. Unnecessary to eat soya foods, which can grow worse and give you vitamin K2, called a superfood in the US. I escaped Corona despite 25 years in the USA because I drank (through milk) cumin to boost immunity and 6000 IU/day of vitamin D3. Only 600 IU is needed to escape rickets. But it is a  hormone and does. many other things like moving calcium to bones and reducing inflammation, Best is to find Liposome D3/K2.

3. NMN consumes methyls and for a majority of people, treats down feeling. For this purpose, TMG is needed though not as a Liposome.

4. Dr. Kennedy suggests CaAKG. It seems compatible, ask me in September how I fared. Dr. Kennedy is believed since D. Sinclair respects him and he was chief of Buck Institute for many years.

B. AMPk is fixed by Metformin, even for non-diabetics. If metformin prescription is a problem then berberine can be used.

C. mTOR fix is reverse of He=men who increase it to make muscle. For Aging you want to reduce it, All aging Doctors look thin and starving except they look longer. mTOR fix means you give up a muscle-bound or very proteinateded look. Why reduce mTOR? Lower value alerts body systems to shortage of proteins and hunkers down options to survive the shortages well. That is a great setup for anti-aging. Note that an arm from growth hormone also goes to mTOR. What is good to Age 30 (mOR boosted to great looks) is an aging disaster. No muscle-bound has crossed 100.

How can mTOR be reduced? Boosting NAD+ or AMPk fixes mTOR some. Low-dose rapamycin has clinical tests only now.

D. An obvious solution now. but not 10 years ago but for Dr. Aubrey de Grey, who actually developed senolytics, is to forcefully remove the dead cells, which happened automatically in youth and before through autophagy and apoptosis. Well-behaved dead cells display a tag and are cut up by the immune system and waste pieces are carted by kidneys. But with age, dead cells remain, with the severe consequence of SASP (hundreds of bad chemicals). SASP produces inflammation, thus causing heart problems. Senescent cells also kill their neighbors. SASP also hates NAD+ because it bothers senescent cells. All in all, SASP produces not temporary but lifelong decline. And age raises senescent cells.

 Clearly senolytes not only reduce the bad effects of SASP but can even reduce the NAD+ losses and thus be NAD+ boost. SASP is too wide, contains different chemicals from the specialization of dead cells, and the NAD+ boost is iffy but required as just boosting NAD+ will fail with rising SASP. Different senolyte fix different cells. There are many senolytes, do somewhat different things and can not be replaced unless one is effective for some time.

Many senolytes meet my composing criteria, being organic or names. These are spermidine, Fisetin, apigenine and quertecin. Spermidine was first isolated from sperm but gets produced from wheat germ. There is a whole class of organics called flavonoids which are safe but useful senolytes. Once past my aging fix, I will manufacture many mixed to one which will be widely effective as senolyte!

E. Another diction of growth hormone through IGF is the insulin-like growth factor. You could go from IGF1 through FOXO bypassing mTOR. In any case, painfully learned by clinical California doctors is that igf-1 directly causes the side-effect of diabetes. What about a mix of IGF-1 and diabetes medicine DHEA in an unknown ratio! Dr. Fahy proved it possible and useful in the TRIIM trial. Then corrected shortcomings to launch TRIIM-X not yet complete’ Given the nice results in TRIIM, the -X results will have to be fairly obviously bad.

The complete domination of the aging tree is a good completeness indication to me. Arbitrary claims of aging success can be ignored despite free market abuses and real improvements will likely fall in one to the five arms A-E. E5 is based on signaling molecules and will be different. But is not in the market yet and may even compete with Yamanaka factors for singularity2.0.