Me culpa means I am guilty. In empirical, hence unassailable tests, 20% of American Doctor diagnoses (best on earth) say that we prescribe the wrong medicine, repeatedly, hence a meta-moron in my language. It is not intentional, hence finding the guilty is ill-advised, yet the victims suffer and some responsibility lies on perpetrators.
The reason is trivial for me to understand as a computer scientist as is the solutions - patients are multi-typed, one size fits all approach to medicine is stupid, best type patients and then do as c++ i.e. invent class diagnosis or precision medicine; or go to delegate typing or personalized medicine. The doctor will be better served if biomarkers of various diseases are listed and the medicine, as well as frequency, environment ( like an empty stomach, or full, etc), and expected effects, are so derived for each disease biomarkers. One can start c++ typing (precision) and proceed to personal. The idea of different drugs to the same disease is likely to be unintuitive and wrong, and all such doctors are best expelled by non-inclusion is new mm
FDA is American and voters there can fix medicine, but I live in India with a gleam of hope beyond license raj, sifarish, and Hindu victimization (so much so I called myself agnostic, not naastik Hindu) in a truly secular fashion (minus tushtikaran). I am proud to be for upliftment through reservation and assigned political seats, even a minority position in RSS for long. The troika of Modi-Yogi-Ramdev will lift India to the next level without violence. And in Gadkari, Piyush, and Sarma of Assam, etc, BJP has depth beyond the troika.
A very great, presumably capitalist guilt and likes were extinguished recently. Kasi corridor cost 332 crores, better used for removal of ill-nutrition of children of UP, said an Akhilesh moron. Telling reply was that if the corridor attracted just Tourists, 3 crore tourists who spent 1000 bucks each, the investment in Kashi will generate 3 billion per year. The malnutrition for many years in all of UP will be solved forever just by 10% taxes! Provided that copy-cat (alleged) morons never studied with Sir Akhilesh!
They will come to Modi projects, unlikely to come in Jinnah projects. Mark my words for 4naths, Badri, Kedar, Gangotri, and Yamnotri.
FSSAI is Indian and must be ramped up to apply Bayesian statistics, FSSAI-approved cross-effects, and approved supplements. It should not be a replacement of FDA but a complement with equally respected trials.
Return to precision and personalized medicine. Hopefully, readers understand the difference between them, of both with current mm (Modern Medicine), and their superiority and inevitability in century 21.