Friday, December 17, 2021

Medicine me culpa and Computing new medicine

 Me culpa means I am guilty. In empirical, hence unassailable tests, 20% of American Doctor diagnoses (best on earth) say that we prescribe the wrong medicine, repeatedly, hence a meta-moron in my language. It is not intentional, hence finding the guilty is ill-advised, yet the victims suffer and some responsibility lies on perpetrators.

The reason is trivial for me to understand as a computer scientist as is the solutions - patients are multi-typed, one size fits all approach to medicine is stupid, best type patients and then do as c++ i.e. invent class diagnosis or precision medicine; or go to delegate typing or personalized medicine. The doctor will be better served if biomarkers of various diseases are listed and the medicine, as well as frequency, environment ( like an empty stomach, or full, etc), and expected effects, are so derived for each disease biomarkers. One can start c++ typing (precision) and proceed to personal. The idea of different drugs to the same disease is likely to be unintuitive and wrong, and all such doctors are best expelled by non-inclusion is new mm

FDA is American and voters there can fix medicine, but I live in India with a gleam of hope beyond license raj, sifarish, and Hindu victimization (so much so I called myself agnostic, not naastik Hindu) in a truly secular fashion (minus tushtikaran). I am proud to be for upliftment through reservation and assigned political seats, even a minority position in RSS for long. The troika of Modi-Yogi-Ramdev will lift India to the next level without violence. And in Gadkari, Piyush, and Sarma of Assam, etc, BJP has depth beyond the troika. 

A very great, presumably capitalist guilt and likes were extinguished recently. Kasi corridor cost 332 crores, better used for removal of ill-nutrition of children of UP, said an Akhilesh moron. Telling reply was that if the corridor attracted just Tourists, 3 crore tourists who spent 1000 bucks each, the investment in Kashi will generate 3 billion per year. The malnutrition for many years in all of UP will be solved forever just by 10% taxes! Provided that copy-cat (alleged) morons never studied with Sir Akhilesh! 

They will come to Modi projects, unlikely to come in Jinnah projects. Mark my words for 4naths, Badri, Kedar, Gangotri, and Yamnotri. 

FSSAI is Indian and must be ramped up to apply Bayesian statistics, FSSAI-approved cross-effects, and approved supplements. It should not be a replacement of FDA but a complement with equally respected trials.

Return to precision and personalized medicine. Hopefully, readers understand the difference between them, of both with current mm (Modern Medicine), and their superiority and inevitability in century 21.

spanish morality

Thursday, December 16, 2021

On Morality of life-extension


Non-genetic negligible senescence-based Life-extension being proposed for life extension is new non-medicine-based technology that should and does drive doctors fearful and advised to be limited to medicine. This novelty is the discovery of DNA specialization by epigenetics and plasticity of every human, even Eutherian animals, age by epigenetic expression.


My method makes doctors irrelevant to age fixing by using liposomes for all products used, better than injections due to fixing of additional cell entry problems. By restricting To GRAS supplements, the need for Doctors is eliminated as is interference with off-aging drugs for normal illnesses. Opposition from doctors can and should be quelled for this special purpose


Since DSNA is not modified, every Hitler-like fears are baseless. Any modifications are to epigenome.


The reverse aging possibilities are a tremendous unexpected benefit of aging prevention research. It has a few amazing consequences.


1.    Idea of age-reset and thus wish-death. No one is required to live on, even a decrepitude life!

2.    Superior new medicines that not only cure beyond modern-medicine treatments but address cancers and aging,


I figure on 2 at least even if there is no proven aging reset. The point is that I do believe in plastic aging slows down which makes proven reset in extended years very useful. I consider cure possible but unproven at this point and my own risk under that of continued debilitation from chronic diseases and willingly undergo self-test by self-designed composition. I am 2 months into the 12-month test, my sugar levels have dropped below 120, have no episode of osteoarthritic pain, no need for nearly monthly isosorbide but no improvement in instability, which may require exercises in the gym, but feel better enough to try.


This is stupid once.

Elon Musk's Fears of Longevity





Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Repurpose drugs

There are existing applications of these ideas. The trick is to use them for different drugs and tests. Can be done by the state as well. Given the troika of Modi-yogi-Ramdev, India is no longer backward for reasons of entrepreneurship or corruption. For Covid-19, as example

Dr. Arya repurpose-Algorithm by smart-search

1. For each FDA medicine, a table of proteins and genes impacted is made, where each entry gives the degree of effect.

2. The target disease is converted into the impacted proteins and genes.

3. The table is sorted by impacts. Partial impacts are ok, the result can be used to derive drug admixtures.

4. Top chemicals are further refined on basis of side-effects of an unwelcome kind.

5. Remaining chemicals are tested against human cells.

6. Safety of chemicals does not have to be done since repurpose. FDA1 and FDA3 can be elided. Let us call it the FSSAI test.

7. FDA tests can be pursued later at their pace.

Expect way cheaper and faster. Can and should be extended to supplements, which makes Indian FSSAI superior to FDA for two reasons - cross-dangers and supplements.

Dr. Arya repurpose-Algorithm by smart-parallel-test

Many pathology tests can be performed in parallel by using a quasi-test-tube, in which multiple test tubes are used at once, loaded by different samples in stoppered- test-tubes. Equipment like centrifuges can be purchased that work on quasi-tube. All elements can be loaded at once.

Strange repurpose of viagras:

 Fang, J., Zhang, P., Zhou, Y. et al. Endophenotype-based in silico network medicine discovery combined with insurance record data mining identifies sildenafil as a candidate drug for Alzheimer’s disease. Nat Aging (2021).

  • Received

  • Accepted

  • Published

  • DOI[ medicalese ][ English ] Sinclairc affordable cheek-swab DNAm aging-tests

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Torn between India and the USA

Why torn between them?

None of the below are 7 ancient wonders, but they are Indian wonders. Can I repay the debt I feel, India for IIT, then second life, and the USA for a doctorate, post criminal TBI professorship, and ma social security?

I can try by gifting post-quantum NSA-proof encryption and signature system, undecidable by foreign powers. To both, I shall gift the world's best age-reduction system, likely so for a decade.

I hate some people in the USA but only a few, and these few have not done any violent act, so my retribution has to be within the law. But have convinced me it was not intended but circumstances of fears and economic hardship, that led to horrible life for 31 years for this TBI, who could not be cowed, now ending. There is no forgetting in my world view but the non-violent pursuit of justice in this life and beyond shall be done.

Do I have a prescription for others innocently wronged?

Yes, I do, close to Gandhiji. Retribution in kind, never initiate. Non-violent if inferior. Let unattached others return in kind. See me apply my prescription to myself. I have a Longevity protocol. Better than any FDA is self-application to myself and my family! I refuse to get old, or be a dead hero!

Retribution does not bother Nature. Many developments are dual-use. Applies easily to encryption. Harder but easy to see is aging reduction, considering my demise possibilities, why should any opponents escape justice or post-demise friendlies be justice-loving investigators?

What is the genesis of touted self/family applied aging protocol?

Take recommendations of the top 3 aging doctors; Dr. Sinclair. Gr. de Grey and Dr. Kennedy. Analyze them to suggested chemicals. Reduce them to the top few, ensure they are not-active, safe, and independent,  compose them for family, more for self. Comprehensive blood-test self/family after 1 month (me done, all okay), after 1 year, and also age-determination test after 1 year (I hope Sinclair swab done, many $300 otherwise).

Why in India and why torn?

Two top civilized countries in the world (at least while Modi/Yogi is in power). Both will benefit equally no matter where I am. India is better for now. Who knows when I become a dollar millionaire.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Entry for lifespan add funding

 The latest link

Given this invite

Following is a small test I will fund myself anyway. The results are likely targeted at everyone. However, it makes for a substantial increase in size to make the results far more appealing due to more than single-digit applications being affordable now.

This project makes enormous sense because of the very low cost without any comprise on quality and handspun supervision by funding individuals for the benefitting individuals who would be required to submit monthly e-reports.

I have designed a clinical test with as many subjects as economically possible with three thread aging tests of Dr'.Sinclair, Dr de Grey, and Dr. Kennedy. As the page shows, joint testing is possible and any interference is correctable and useful to know.

A small part has already been done successfully. Assuming six months to Dr.Sinclair swab test, much better results than blood tests are likely.

Super-intelligent me?

 The latest link

How can I be that bombastic and stupid to sincerely say that? Well, I have considered Dr. Sinclair and Dr de Grey to be worthy of 2 Nobel Prizes each! What will you call a person who intelligently understood and self-applied three theories if these two and also Dr. Kenedy to reduce self-age and proceed with self-test and on the family after expanding, improving, and first comprehensive blood test results? Still await Dr. Sinclair's swab test for age.

The number of vouched for ageing supplements increases every day. One stupid way is to try random permutation subset of the supplements, hoping for no interaction. That is done by many in India, who treat illnesses and cures as buying a product, typically independent in effects. I have contempt for these consumers and call them meta-morons, not only once stupid but repeatedly so. Two cures or medicines can be composed only if the prescriber is a single registered doctor or interactions are precisely thought about and person runs a self-imposed clinical test, critical for fssai/2012 to know! There is unfortunately no credible data like that, side effect web sites indications are not reliable, and if written assurances are sought, most doctors are smart enough to use lawyer language that can include every known/unknown side effects so extensive that any rational patient will never try that drug or supplement! Between lawyers and doctors, the patient is fucked! 

Composing ageing recommendations rationally is my mission and explains why I look for a doctor/Nurse in my team to argue on effects as a devil’s advocate to my research. Beyond the three here and metformin even without TAME (4th), I await TRIIM-X end as 5, low dose rapamycin as 6, lot more like E5 not public yet. The stupidest idea is composing best of each, or try them all sequentially, singly, like 5 Pandavas or six wives.

The three theories, determined by me to be independent, hence composable, are NAD+ boost by NMN and NO from resveratrol as per Dr. Sinclair (and argnin by self); Senolysis through fisetin as per Dr. de Grey; and CaAKG (+ayurveda +vitamins) as per Dr. Kennedy.  FDA essentially monitors the safety and efficacy of chemicals, salutary for drugs but useless for drugs and supplements me - critical chemicals like new all ageing related chemicals. For these alone, I do derivations differently, by ethics not law.

My principal improvement is to sidestep bio-availability and drug delivery questions by using liposome forms of all chemicals (except NAD+ for BBB entry). Liposomes eliminate needed medical services and do even better than injections as they sidestep cell entry.

Safety is assumed due to low concentration safety from

1    Element of many fruits and vegetables with no credible known dangers

2    At least 20-30 year safe history as a drug or supplement

3    GRAS status in US law

4    Chemical name for a body compound or intermediate

Thus NMN follows from #4, Fisetin from #1, CaAKG from #4, argnin, and resveratrol from #2. This is personal safety and not community safety, for which alone, such arguments can be advanced. For random community, I recommend wait for FDA, unless inaction risk greater than ageing composition.

Efficacy arises from the fact that I consider these three developers to be like double Noble prize winners who advocate this thread.

Joint efficacy happens from apparent independence of the threads, NAD+ boosts is needed and empirically decreases. The de Grey thread arises from eliminating harmful senescent cells producing SASP and CD38 in particular, buy cancer immunity as side benefit. The AKG thread is unclear, may work due to effective bookkeeping of methylation marks, thus prolonging cell life. Safety does not end here. 

There are unknown dangers from dose size and interactions with other parts of these threads,  and wholly different drugs prescribed for other illnesses coincident with aging fixes. These are precisely circumstances when the patient is on their own anyway! Common sense says if the chemicals are safe in low doses and edible, they are likely so in higher doses, unless not natural or so recorded.

I strongly believe in Bayesian statistics and hence am suspicious of FDA clinical tests on new chemicals without a history of use. Most drugs approved post-2000 are cancer suspects! I believe a doctor or a vaccine solves a problem by instantiating more and hence is better avoided unless really needed and healthy disrespect to new chemicals but not foods.

With my thinking, a particular load was lifted after 1 month of self-test. Now I can advise the family to try if as upset with chronic diseases as me provided the risks are more anyway. My work and risks recorded did not crash so far. People who see no death hanging there anyway, or not a decrepitude life should await FDA blessings.