The latest Link
It ends with CaAKG. Only mm Allopathy is recommended, people propagating, but not practicing, are considered criminal, using any non-science methods is stupid. There is no FDA or FSSAI recommended form for undoing aging, a doctor advocating is a criminal. I have identified enzymes that targetted, removal of senescent cells. I provide support for the heart (no duplicate), and bones (weakness kills by fracture). My recommendations are nutraceuticals of phytochemical kind or forms of vitamins, I call them cell medicine, fully vegan, extends orthocellular medicine, will likely not have effects on any prescription medicine, can be and should be told to any prescriber. In many cases, the prescriber himself will be in the dark about some and in that case only, one can look up the internet.
You only live once and a reasonable small risk to avoid death, permanent or any case forgetful of you, is worth taking. I am willing to answer questions or point to a paper for now. Who knows my future, neither written, not forecastable, only guessable. I consider predictable believers to be meta-morons, my Freewill is from quantum physics, there is no God, life is re throwing dice. Interestingly, cell medicine is an agnostic work that adds to whatever you believe in, far more than Allopathy full of animal extracted and tested medicine.
Must look up and understand this short link.
Why do I consider and adopt this Chemical? The issue is belief in the video, which references Dr. Brian Kennedy. This guy was a classmate (to the extent Ph.D. guys can be) of Dr. Sinclair at MIT, director of Buck institute (only aging), and now a prof in Singapore. I consider everyone talking about aging (not trying on self) a suspect! Apart from the veracity of research, I must prove to my satisfaction the safety and effectiveness of the chemical (unless vouched by my fellow) and cross safety to my medicine and already taken chemicals, bumping less effective if needed, If Dr. Kenedy vouches for research, which removes safety and effectiveness concerns. Cross safety is hard, but my argument to myself is this - CaAKG works by mTOR, no chemical but Rapamycin does that pathway (others SIRT and AMPk) and there is no reported interaction between CaAKG and Rapamycin. Not proof but suggested by the evidence, within the dangers with Death a certainty. Danger will be known from my hurt.
What is Fat?
There is two orthogonal dimension - nutrition ( saturated (saturated: saturated, trans) unsaturated (poly, mono)), and anatomical (White WAT, brown BAT, beige). Trans is very bad, saturated less bad, polyunsaturated is less good, monounsaturated best. WAT is ok elsewhere but bad on the belly, though children need it. BAT occurs mostly in the back and is good, Beige is new anatomy, made from WAT, but acts like BAT. Allows one to decode (adipogenesis is fat cell genesis)
The key point is - In summary, AKG supplementation promotes beige adipogenesis and alleviates HFD‐induced obesity in middle‐aged mice, which is associated with enhanced DNA demethylation of the Prdm16 gene. CaAKY reduces methylation and reduces age markers! I believe, based on extensive reading, that turning off these markers improves error in cells and hence actually exceeds just a marker but actually reduces age! A bad test by a company still implies an 8.5 year age reduction in clinical tests on humans, better in the works! And improvements every reset (postulated)! Looks like a fix for my osteoarthritis, diabetes, heart, essential tremors, even if no lifespan benefits, resets coming by other chemicals!
CaAKG benefits are important to me, I am far less concerned by lifespan than healthspan, the defeat of my incurable chronic diseases in mm Allopathy, and very low opinion of AYUSH. So I risk beyond mm, try aging drugs, but cautiously, have a very small panel of two noble-quality types of research. Such a person did not stop to enjoy the fruits of work. Note that there have been only 4 people with real double Nobel prizes, Madam Curie(physics and chemistry, Radium/polonium, Radioactive), Sengar (Medicine, Insulin, Read DNA), Bardeen (Physics, transistor, and superconductivity), and my master Linus Pauling (chemistry, peace(also orthomolecular medicine)). Deserving likes are Dr. Sinclair (Resveratrol, NMN), Dr. de Grey (7 hallmarks/Aging, Medical Tourism, SENS), Drs. Conboy (parabiosis, kill blood exchange), Dr. Horvath (DNAm, grim Age), Dr. Yamanaka (OSKM, slow OSK).
My theory of undoing Aging postulates that failure of DNA repair is likely aging but useless for undoing. Instead one focuses on undoing damage (removing senescent cells and thus reducing SASP by senolytes) prosper by improving 3 targets (SIRT, AMPk, and mTOR) by (increasing Krebs i.e. NAD+ and Resveratrol path), improving heart and bones (K2/D3), various paths (including the heart)(CoQ10), many paths (including the heart and Krebs) (CaAKG), metformin for insulin control including asymptomatics.
This means Dr. de Grey exhortation to senolytes (apigenin, quercetin, fisetin) and stemcells by Dr. Sinclair (Resveratrol, NMN, NAD+) and my collection (Coq10, K2/D3, Calcium, metformin, CaAKG). The senolytes safety is from the fact they are widely found in fruits and vegetables, Sinclair list from red wine and vitamin B3 form, my collection CoQ10, D3/K2 common improvement, Calcium safe levels only, CaAKG MTOR, metformin AMPk, Sinclair on SIRTs. Liposome all but Calcium and metformin.