Saturday, October 30, 2021

Tech-fi, not sci-fi

The latest link


The difference is in relation to physics, tech-fi if existing laws only are used, otherwise sci-fi. Star Trek, all preserving corpse to avoid death finality, most labeled sci-fi are usually not tech-fi which can only ignore costs and engineering. Such a world is not impossible.

Up to now, I have listened to the spiel of the overt or subconscious religious types, mentally waiting for a nonsense statement that I knew would come, and it always did. How can anyone know except by reading about or listening, or watching a movie, and hence non-science? The following is a beauty that collects the thoughts of many atheists.


None of them talk about semantic games. They at most describe the religious nonsense as a pitiful cover for the immature. Not one talks of cheating death and circumstances for living on despite mathematical certainty of continuously increasing vulnerability as age stretches longer, the probability of death approaches 1. Can I advance a rational scheme to live forever?


I can provided the probability of death by any physical object approaches a limit, no matter how long you live, this limit must exist in most real universes because the devastation must be limited by volume and size of threat – it cannot increase without limit.


Within a thousand years, download of the brain becomes routine, essential in my thinking to enable lightspeed zero lag movement between stars. Useful even within a solar system with almost a day delay between planets. Multiple copies can exist with a separation exceeding the estimated largest devastated volume, Also, the strategy of surviving the largest possible devastation can be used.


It is tech-fi, not sci-fi. Downloads happen with MIT technology development. Light travels fast, but does not age the photons! A simple reset cycle with very little age suppression is enough to give 1000 years. There are a huge number of chronic diseases, cancers, and aging. But I believe De-age methods will allow victory even on them and am testing them on myself.


What underlies my efforts is not bravado – I only test with phytochemicals and vitamins, they do have anti-aging effects, which makes the risk tolerable. As my stoicism says – what is the difference between a life of a day or three generations, both are sandwiched between infinities. At least I tried intelligently, fast death now means less to me than overcoming my ailments.


Thursday, October 28, 2021



The latest Link

It ends with CaAKG. Only mm Allopathy is recommended, people propagating, but not practicing, are considered criminal, using any non-science methods is stupid. There is no FDA or FSSAI recommended form for undoing aging, a doctor advocating is a criminal. I have identified enzymes that targetted, removal of senescent cells. I provide support for the heart (no duplicate), and bones (weakness kills by fracture). My recommendations are nutraceuticals of phytochemical kind or forms of vitamins, I call them cell medicine, fully vegan, extends orthocellular medicine, will likely not have effects on any prescription medicine, can be and should be told to any prescriber. In many cases, the prescriber himself will be in the dark about some and in that case only, one can look up the internet.

You only live once and a reasonable small risk to avoid death, permanent or any case forgetful of you, is worth taking. I am willing to answer questions or point to a paper for now. Who knows my future, neither written, not forecastable, only guessable. I consider predictable believers to be meta-morons, my Freewill is from quantum physics, there is no God, life is re throwing dice. Interestingly, cell medicine is an agnostic work that adds to whatever you believe in, far more than Allopathy full of animal extracted and tested medicine.

 Must look up and understand this short link.

Why do I consider and adopt this Chemical? The issue is belief in the video, which references Dr. Brian Kennedy. This guy was a classmate (to the extent Ph.D. guys can be) of Dr. Sinclair at MIT, director of Buck institute (only aging), and now a prof in Singapore. I consider everyone talking about aging (not trying on self) a suspect! Apart from the veracity of research, I must prove to my satisfaction the safety and effectiveness of the chemical (unless vouched by my fellow) and cross safety to my medicine and already taken chemicals, bumping less effective if needed, If Dr. Kenedy vouches for research, which removes safety and effectiveness concerns. Cross safety is hard, but my argument to myself is this - CaAKG works by mTOR, no chemical but  Rapamycin does that pathway (others SIRT and AMPk) and there is no reported interaction between CaAKG and Rapamycin. Not proof but suggested by the evidence, within the dangers with Death a certainty. Danger will be known from my hurt.

What is Fat?

There is two orthogonal dimension - nutrition ( saturated (saturated: saturated, trans) unsaturated  (poly, mono)), and anatomical (White WAT, brown BAT, beige). Trans is very bad, saturated less bad, polyunsaturated is less good, monounsaturated best. WAT is ok elsewhere but bad on the belly, though children need it. BAT occurs mostly in the back and is good, Beige is new anatomy, made from WAT, but acts like BAT. Allows one to decode (adipogenesis is fat cell genesis)

The key point is - In summary, AKG supplementation promotes beige adipogenesis and alleviates HFD‐induced obesity in middle‐aged mice, which is associated with enhanced DNA demethylation of the Prdm16 gene. CaAKY reduces methylation and reduces age markers! I believe, based on extensive reading, that turning off these markers improves error in cells and hence actually exceeds just a marker but actually reduces age! A bad test by a company still implies an 8.5 year age reduction in clinical tests on humans, better in the works! And improvements every reset (postulated)! Looks like a fix for my osteoarthritis, diabetes, heart, essential tremors, even if no lifespan benefits, resets coming by other chemicals!

CaAKG benefits are important to me, I am far less concerned by lifespan than healthspan, the defeat of my incurable chronic diseases in mm Allopathy, and very low opinion of AYUSH. So I risk beyond mm, try aging drugs, but cautiously, have a very small panel of two noble-quality types of research. Such a person did not stop to enjoy the fruits of work. Note that there have been only 4 people with real double Nobel prizes, Madam Curie(physics and chemistry, Radium/polonium,  Radioactive), Sengar (Medicine, Insulin, Read DNA), Bardeen (Physics, transistor, and superconductivity), and my master Linus Pauling (chemistry, peace(also orthomolecular medicine)). Deserving likes are Dr. Sinclair (Resveratrol, NMN), Dr. de Grey (7 hallmarks/Aging, Medical Tourism, SENS), Drs. Conboy (parabiosis,  kill blood exchange), Dr. Horvath (DNAm, grim Age), Dr. Yamanaka (OSKM, slow OSK).

My theory of undoing Aging postulates that failure of DNA repair is likely aging but useless for undoing. Instead one focuses on undoing damage (removing senescent cells and thus reducing SASP by senolytes) prosper by improving 3 targets (SIRT, AMPk, and mTOR)  by (increasing Krebs i.e. NAD+ and Resveratrol path), improving heart and bones (K2/D3), various paths (including the heart)(CoQ10), many paths (including the heart and Krebs) (CaAKG), metformin for insulin control including asymptomatics.

This means Dr. de Grey exhortation to senolytes (apigenin, quercetin, fisetin) and stemcells by Dr. Sinclair (Resveratrol, NMN, NAD+) and my collection (Coq10, K2/D3, Calcium, metformin, CaAKG). The senolytes safety is from the fact they are widely found in fruits and vegetables, Sinclair list from red wine and vitamin B3 form, my collection CoQ10, D3/K2 common improvement, Calcium safe levels only, CaAKG MTOR, metformin AMPk, Sinclair on SIRTs. Liposome all but Calcium and metformin.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Benefits of my chemical list


Of course, I don't take them all. In boost group is resveratrol,  In senolytes group are fisetin, quercetin and apigenin.  Also, take D3/K2, CaAKG. Not seen here are NAD+/ boost, NMN/boost, CoQ10, vitamin C, and Rapamycin. Extreme care is needed with not-in-table above!

Boost group is a subset of Dr. Sinclair's diet estimate. Senolytes group is a subset of Dr. de Grey's senolytes recommendation estimate. Not used are berberine, Glutathione, hyaluronic acid, Curcumin, or AMPK activator. Note that I reject ROS or oxidation as key aging drivers.

vitamin c liposome

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Recent Aging things


The latest link


Aging overview


Can We Live 200 Years? 

Gives a simple overview.

WHO has declared Aging a disease!

Hence researcher funding is easier.

Impact on new aging on pensions.

One year more life means a 3.5% increase.

Extra life means an end early retirement, 1-year work extra adds 38.5 trillion income to the government. 10 years is 365 trillion in the USA!

Arguing for India ratio, why is this not top India priority, given that childish fears of an enormous population are precisely a stupid joke? The only sane answer is that the overwhelming majority of Indian doctors consider aging a natural inevitable process, regardless of mice experiments at Harvard actually reversing age, kept to new natural death. Mice whose optic nerve was crushed, reverted to young age, the eye regrew, uneventfully eye kept in the new full life! I think that my experiment, never mind lifespan benefits, will cure my chronic diseases! Square my age curve of fragility versus age, short decline at death. That motivates me to self-test using my own protocol (dosage, schedules, which chemicals, who to buy from, drug delivery system) sharpened by 20 years of doctor following.

Eliminating all cancers adds 2.5 years to life only.

Synthesis of related diseases sharply reduces cost.

Non-commie economies benefit.

Important not life but healthspan!


93% of health events are from your life doings and only 7% are genetic. This is true for 99% of humans. Cursing bad luck in genetics is likely a meta-moron!

Will wealth inequality increase. Can’t allow only capitalists to invest.

Developed world 1970 3.5%, 2.7%  in 1980’s, decline to under 2% last 20 years.


Second career everyone. Sinclair's father started onde at 78, now 82!

Welcomes 100-year anniversary, half what I take, other half senolytes.

Money saved from health into education.

A second career means no learning.

Get one mentor career1, be one in career2.

The USA has more 70+ oldies than kids 5- and sells more adult diapers than kid diapers! Will happen in India on my health span!


Philosophical view, Dr. Arya?


Aging relief is there, only a few more years to deny it.

Smart believers like me invest money, time, and effort into it. Fuck you the late entrants! How to invest? Who knows but certainly not pointed by advertisement legends! Go for the science and management sweat.


Professor Jhun (honored to have as class mate) talks about the 10x plan. I believe my interventions will work on me.  1000 million Indians, 500 million older is my market size. Maybe 6000 million in the world. He wants 1000 crore companies. I will be there, both by quantum computer proof encryption and also by health-based, two not one. I need the second one even more than the first. Delay to riches can wait. I am the first customer of the second. If I fail in 2, success in 1 does not excite me.


Where are we?


Traditional doctors know little about molecular chemistry and biology, genetics and immunology, and my cure to chronic aging diseases and aging, They are doomed to a new sub-specialty.  They were taught wrong in medical school about telomere length versus age!

The AKG addition to Sinclair+deGrey=Arya+Lipo

AKG is available in CaAKG which has GRAS Status, makes brown fat and reduces white fat, appears in Krebs cycles, is not made by the human body, has 10-15% health span gain, only boosted by keto diet and CR, no gains to male mice, not worth my need now, but kept as a possible health span chemical. AKG trial on humans in Singapore.


Politics ideology?


Already EU is at destruction edge, A court in Poland has just declared a Brussel. (ie EU) law constitutionally impermissible in Poland! If Poland gets away then so will everyone. But how to force Poland? Polexit after Brexit? 80% of poles love EU! The big lesson to me and my belief in SAARC-wide economic union!


What happens if Pakistan wants one way? Or Punjab wants it another way. What does want mean? Court judgments? Government? Citizen majority – voting or non-voting also?


First contrary opinion to Dr. Sinclair?


Aging is here, we can not wait to change the law when it arrives. We have to consider its impact before it arrives, when it does, there will be no philosophical views, just ideologies, and trending cases. India cannot push the inevitable as the USA can.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

SASP : What is it, why important

The latest link


My sister reports that my brother-in-law self-experimented, in the USA, with enhanced Haldi and black pepper, and then got ill with an allergic reaction. Now me, self experimenting with great concentrations! What FDA test data do I have and why do I believe there is no interaction between so many chemicals?

SASP stands for Senescence-associated secretory phenotype, beyond lingo means set of chemicals released by senescent cells. It has a hormesis effect of tumor cell suppression but devastates by reducing NAD+ by many chemicals in it, continuously. It has an evolution-based positive effect just after adulthood of prolonging life, say at 30, but only decrepitude effects past 35. Without virus/bacteria control, the human lifespan for most recorded history was 40 years and 80+ age is very modern, last 100 years developed and age 60 age undeveloped. Three major factors in long-age are medicine, cleanliness, and vaccines, enemies of vaccination are meta-moron since they believe in some stupid ideology that allows this stupid derivation or listen to news from meta-morons, possibly pseudo-journalist.

The aging model, generally not useful to know for patients, is by error correction failures in DNA break. People have three sets of enzymes that control cells. These are further sets of sets, SIRT series SIRT1 through SIRT7,  mTOR, and PARP series. All useful chemicals must be absorbed by one before useful things happen. NAD+ and SASP are a distinct higher model that considers only the Krebs cycle and SASP produced by senescent cells. PARP plays a central role and enables the repair of DNA damage caused by alkylating agents and chemotherapeutic drugs.  mTOR is the mammalian target of rapamycin. These should be known to understand why and how the chemicals recommended here operate.

Part of aging is a decline in strength, Eutheria-wide which means a continuous decline in NAD+ necessary in the ATP-ADP cycle for strength. Why does it decline? Aged senescent cells ignore apoptosis and generate SASP. SASP (inflammation+) kill NAD+. That is simplified Aging and an attempt is made to do undo aging by boosting NAD+ and reducing SASP by analyzing main constituents and opposing them.  Many ways exist for raising and reducing. One can boost in many ways and reduce in many ways, I recommend top3 raising and reducing top3. Also, osteoarthritis/osteopenia are fixed by K2/D3 liposome and the heart is boosted by coq10 liposome. What makes me distinct from all professional doctors is eliminating them and their medicine by using only known safe pharmaceutical grade supplements in liposome form, sometimes by sublingual use. The mm doctors are recommended for all treatments, but not for aging and incurable chronic diseases. Naturopathy, Yoga, and my style cell medicine (orthomolecular medicine if applicable) are recommended then.

The opposition to the use of injections only applies to supplements for aging, vitamins, phytochemicals, or GRAS (Generally recognized as safe, FDA designation) pharmaceutical quality chemicals. Where liposomes, particularly sublingual types, are superior to injections (solve the cell entry problem too) and solve the problem of trained interventionists with cost and timing benefits. This novel drug delivery system approach is motivated by devastating scientific attacks on Dr. Linus Pauling, unfairly targetted, by being compared results of oral medications and Dr, Pauling injections of Vitamin C. The unfairness is evident in maximum blood concentrations of vitamin C in differing drug delivery systems, considered wrongly the same by mm doctors despite contrary blood concentration results! Orthomolecular medicine is being revived in my cell medicine, sublingual liposomal supplements are fair comparisons against injections or oral, but not injected liposomes. I believe and self-test liposomal coQ10 on me for heart and other benefits including extended immunity from cancers.


Aged cells post adult stage are characterized by senescent cells that do 3 big things, ignore apoptosis chemical orders, make neighbor cells senescent,  and generate SASP which helps some by being tumor suppressant, anticancer, but quickly becomes a major problem since NAD+ is targeted, inflammation occurs with different effects in organs and muscles, and total drain of energy.


Surprizing to starters is the fact that telomerase that extends telomeres is part of human DNA and cells can discover its use and become infinite lived as cancers. An Israeli company lengthens telomere but is of marginal help in healthspan!


You have to do both, Dr. Sinclair did boost only, and Dr. de Grey only recommended senolytes for reduction! Drop a leg of intervention and aging reappears after a delay, say I, Dr. Arya. SENS claims 5 difficulties in longevity research and difficulty in conjoining separate therapies intelligently (they might not be exclusive) is one of them. Liposome strengthens them both.

The big three boosts for me are Resveratrol, NMN, and NAD+ direct. Why NMN, not NAD+ is based on reported experience with injections, NAD+ every day and NMN only every week. Why NAD+ directs at all – it crosses BBB. Resveratrol is different path from NMN. Safe as found in red grapes. NAD+ occurs in many Krebs cycle reactions. NMN becomes nothing else – it and NAD+ are vitamin B3 forms. Effective because Dr. Sinclair recommends and takes by him, his father, and his brother.


The big three reduction chemicals are phytochemical being Apigenin (parsley, celery, onion, orange), Fisetin (strawberries, apples, mangoes), and quercetin (elderberries, onions, apple peels). They are safe because 30+ years of use, they occur in small amounts in fruits and vegetables, I use liposome supplements to have real dosage. Effectiveness as recommended by Dr. de Grey.


Link is informative Dr. Sinclair (believe me he is 50).

So what is your belief in human life, Dr. Arya?

For simplicity, I break healthy human life into 20-year portions, age regions accurate only within +/- 5 years based on extensive current reading. First, to age 20 is growing human says evolution. The next 20 years is reproductive stage to 40. Then slow degrade to 60. Then fast degrade of the immune system to 80. Then slow degrade to 100. Then no systematic degrade but a constant probability of death. That is what evolution presented me. I stand ready to challenge evolution.

What is your goal, Dr. Arya?

I think that two things have already happened - medicine to extend life 8+ years and at least 1 reset i.e. another interval of extension by retake of that medicine. That gives me 16 years after that medicine hits the market in 2 to 5 years. My mix will likely, but only self-test will tell, give me freedom from chronic incurable diseases and 5 years. That E5 will pass FDA, I believe, from my trust in, and sayings of Dr. Horvath and Dr. Sinclair and lack of opposition by Dr. de Grey or Drs. Conboy. The chances of another reset research in the next 21 years are overwhelming. There are many works in progress like MIB-626, Yamanaka factors, etc and no acti0onable technology in the next 20 years is unlikely.

My method is a composition of two theories of Aging undo, by Dr. Sinclair and Dr de Grey. Keep in mind this research (challenge #2). I also demand liposomes.

My extortion is quite conservative, imagines cancers, uncontrollable animal marketers, and scientific provided that single-digit greats set is free from self-contradiction. The long experience as food means no known interaction effects. Larger quantities are likely safe as none of the chemicals are sharp and will be likely excreted if, in excess, there is still a risk, for example from direct cell entry, solubility, etc, but that is considered as if I started living on fruits and vegetables, stop on recognized bad effects, daily blood reading, monthly blood tests. I may still be hurt, but then will become a lesson on what not to do. The risk is small, had lovely 65 years, aging will kill me anyway, I have a way to possibly cheat death with no known dangers and so take it after a long analysis.

The key difference to orthomolecular medicine is that huge concentrations are not being claimed to have therapeutic effects on diseases, it is enough to sharpen effects of the normal kind, within normal injected supplements, except the claim is liposomes can be utilized for better or equal effects than injections with many positive effects. (other place details)

Where do Dr. Arya Dual-fix and Dr. Katcher E5 stand?

Gerontology is perhaps the biological discipline that has given rise to the largest number and variety of theories even before the development of modern science. Most theories aimed not only at elucidating the mechanism of aging but also at providing effective interventions to slow aging down. In the late 1950s, the focus of research attention moved to DNA as the likely driver of aging either by expressing a program of aging or by being the target of endogenous and external insults that accumulated damage on the molecule during the lifetime of an organism. Up to this stage, aging was considered as an essentially irreversible process. However, with the discovery of cell reprogramming, early in this century, a view began to emerge that considers aging as a reversible epigenetic process.

The hypothesis proposing the epigenome as the driver of aging was significantly strengthened by the converging discovery that DNA methylation at specific CpG sites could be used as a highly accurate biomarker of age defined by the Horvath clock. The strong correlation between the dynamics of DNA methylation profiles and the rate of biological aging leads to the idea that the epigenetic clock may in fact be the pacemaker of aging or at least a component of it. And it is at this point where epigenetic rejuvenation comes into play as a strategy to reveal to what extent biological age can be set back by making the clock tick backward.

The few initial results already documented seem to suggest that when the clock is forced to tick backward in vivo, it is only able to drag the phenotype to a partially rejuvenated condition. Nevertheless, it would be premature to draw firm conclusions from the scanty experimental results so far documented. What seems to be clear is that epigenetic rejuvenation by cyclic partial reprogramming or alternative non-reprogramming strategies holds the key to both understanding the mechanism by which the epigenome drives the aging process and arresting or even reversing organismal aging.

The key point is a clever synthesis of cumulative damage (in the epigenome only) and reprogrammability using the intact DNA!

CAR T-cell Therapy

The latest link

As you go along, you must develop pre-undergraduate level knowledge of molecular biology, cell medicine, immunology, and genetics. I advocate a full course to all once in 11 or 12 grade on modern medicine and modern markets about economics and advertisement. I expect the government to force citizens on providing resources to clear 12 standards before being granted citizenship. For my purpose, I assume that every unfamiliar (even unsure) word is looked up with wiki <word> search in the browser.


The principal reason I want you to know CAR T therapy is my belief that it is a cancer therapy part around therapy which all medicine in next 10 years will be built and CAR part is specialized for tough cancers and not crucial to know by non-doctors, but there is an unnamed part (T cell therapy) which is what modern medicine will become, unfortunately devastating all senior clinicians. In other words, avoid doctors without experience in use, in ten years. I call it DDS (Drug Delivery System) therapy for now. T cells are immunological enemies that will attack any molecule like virus-sized or bigger object that has an antigen that matches their slot.


Here is why. The DDS part is to extract part of blood or organ cells by scraping, extract portion or just add some chemical, and replace it at withdrawing site. Currently, that is how works. You can think of it as two-line iv, one for extracting blood for a curing machine which is then returned at other iv like a dialysis machine. The main massive benefit is no fear of rejection. The machine draws T cells in CAR T. They are processed off-line in a lab, and reintroduced later. For some diseases, like aging, or chronic aging-induced, the machine can operate inline. All insertion medicines can be done with a single iv, which means injections or sublingual liposomes. Two iv line with processing head clearly encompasses all critical modalities and is thus universal medicine machine beyond surgeries.


CAR stands for chimeric antigen receptor. It is a chemical of patient-specific cancer. The idea is to extract T cells of the immune system, train them to attack any supermolecule that expresses that antigen, and restore these T cells. Thereafter they will only attack cancer cells and in fact, teach other T cells to recognize the expressed antigen cells as foreign.


You are not a doctor! How can you know what clinicians will encounter!


Fundamentally this speech of a meta-moron is stupid! One can gain massive benefits from USA experience tailored to India's situation. Every meta-decision in a democracy is taken by elected people who even have elected doctors to advise! This is the weak pointless statement of an under-human abuser of personal specialty!


what clinicians will encounter?

Once enough CAR T cells have been made, they will be given back to the patient. A few days before the CAR T-cell infusion, the patient might be given chemotherapy to help lower the number of other immune cells. This gives the CAR T cells a better chance to get activated to fight cancer. This chemotherapy is usually not very strong because CAR T cells work best when there are some cancer cells to attack. Once the CAR T cells start binding with cancer cells, they start to increase in number and can help destroy even more cancer cells.

As CAR T cells multiply, they can release large amounts of chemicals called cytokines into the blood, which can ramp up the immune system. Serious side effects from this release can include:

  • High fever and chills
  • Trouble breathing
  • Severe nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
  • Headaches
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Feeling very tired
  • Muscle and/or joint pain

This treatment can sometimes have serious effects on the nervous system, which can result in symptoms such as:

  • Headaches
  • Changes in consciousness
  • Confusion or agitation
  • Seizures
  • Shaking or twitching (tremors)
  • Trouble speaking and understanding
  • Loss of balance

Scared? If not, you understand USA law and lawyers.


The way law works, absence of mention of side-effects or insufficient proof of delivery causes malpractice. Same works for products and tools. No one is required to compute likelihood – if doctors use, then they know, how I do not know. The chance of all for non-cancer will be under 5%, my threshold for unknown medicine. No wonder, top professions, earning wise, are lawyers and doctors.


Your warnings?


Other possible serious side effects of CAR T-cell therapy can include:

  • Allergic reactions during the infusion
  • Abnormal levels of minerals in the blood, such as low potassium, sodium, or phosphorous levels
  • A weakened immune system, with an increased risk of serious infections
  • Low blood cell counts, which can increase the risk of infections, fatigue, and bruising or bleeding


What a thinking waste If this fails?


I live even after the Massachusetts government's brutal treatment of a TBI because of the USA federal law of Roosevelt for disability victims. My time is owned by Social security. I seek no charges. It is not a waste. I will feel honored if someone uses it, even without credit.


It gives me a strong idea to do the very difficult discrimination between jihadi meta-morons and honored Muslims by subjecting any suspect to a sequence of questions, discrimination machines sharpened by AI! Both alpha and beta errors can happen, though further investigation can suppress both errors.