Fountain of youth
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Aging Is Reversible--at Least in Human Cells and Live Mice ...
New research suggests it is possible to slow or even reverse aging, at least in mice, by undoing changes in gene activity—the same kinds of changes that are caused by decades of life in humans.Arun Arya View
No point reading for entertainment, documents MY plan, available for free for Cathedral and the Bazar reasons.
It is not sci-fi. The path to Bhishma-like wish-death is open to me and I will probably not die , but will a huge number aged of today since they will not do the right precondition to aging singularity and not realize it when it comes. It will not be celebrated as an event, but will simply mark a timeline event in 2050 histories and later. Prior to details, diabnetes drugs extend life of patients and non-patients. It is likely strange consequence of coincidences of two common drugs metrformin and acarbose, which have lack of age benefits from their counterpart drugs. Every one praises metformin, 1/2 gm twice a day.
Belief triage on aging?
are three Doctor units only listened to, for own skeptical aging analysis
to TRS. Each one of them have acquaintance in me to their work in 2000 to 2010. Every other opinion is likely rejected outright, not even submitting to other intellectual opinion that requires acceptable proof of accomplishment. Unless endorsed
by them. These are Dr de Grey of SENS and "apigenin + quercetin" fame, Dr. Sinclair
at Harvard after MIT, (nmn+pterostilbene) and massive journalist of USA
fame, and Drs. Conboy at UCB of parbiosis and "Diluting blood plasma rejuvenates tissue, reverses aging in mice" fame. There are only 4 methods they advocate that are in my powers today and 2 require medical help. The singularity I await is medical professionals or bio-hackers like me, reaching that point that one extra year of life is expected in every calendar year for 20 years known. My prediction is 2030. For all steps, Dr de Gey predicts 2036. I consider age extension to then be possible with fewer extensions mentioned here.
By massive confusion I learned that Irine Conboy is no longer in UCB medical school, but now the vice-president of UCB!
The works that established these doctors as great scientists is based on pioneering work in the decade of 2000-2010 and great work done since. Dr. de Grey mentioned senolytic drugs and outlined mouse-extension challenge (2000 decade). He funded the Drs. Conboy study. He has since advocated startups and medical tourism in 2010 decade. Drs. Conboy proved experimentally by parbiosys that young mice become old by getting old partners and old become younger. Last decade, they experimentally showed that direct transfer of blood ages the young but gives minute benefits to the old. Another painffully slow but exquisite experiment showed that blood dilution was enough! Dr. Sinclair discovered resveratrol in 2004 and nmn in the decade of 2010. The decade also saw the emergence of Dr. Horvath and the Horvath bioage clock that establishes a great magic link between bioage from genetics and calendar age, also predicted remainder of life to death, the grim age! Starting the decade of 2021, the bioage tables were shown to be valid in all eutherians! New young doctors like my niece are still taught that telomere length dictates age!
Arun Arya Methods of age improvement by self decided interventions?
So far careful hypothesis formation. Based on my epistemology, conclusive scientific results by pre and post Horvath bio-age. Either it works as expected, or failure refines the next try. Getting ready for small try, welcome any one interested in own empirical try with me (own costs but none of mine either, likely to become historical, no effects beyond failure, expected small improvement in worst case).
First is aping evolution and experiments of past 50 years. These are ONLY 2 methods that guarantee healthy extension, proper fasting and exercise to all eutherians (proper is crucial since improper fasting may weaken immune nsystem). This kingdom of eutherians is invoked by me for these reasons
0. Proper is judged only by registered medical scientists in responsible situations.
1. Eutherians have similar DNA. Regardless of skeptical motherfuckers, aging, says my 20-year study, is a genetic consequence, with DNA editing basic. Proof: Horvath bio-clock works in all of them. Establishes Dr. Sinclair's aging theory solidly in me and seems to apply to all cellular life, even stars. It requires development of one way surround of DNA to prevent total hijack and of mRNA distinct from DNA to allow protein synthesis, but to reduce infections by immune adaptation.
2. Humans and mice are both eutherians, so are yeasts. Hence, many experiments can be done on yeasts/mice, and possible failure in human is possible but unusual, defined by proper prefix, often elided but always there. The sequence 1) (mice/.. works)|(human-cells works) 2) (First-few-volunteers works) 3) (large-number volunteers works) will work. For danger-love people, they can volunteer after 2-steps. Deliberately and knowledgeably I mention 3 sequential steps, applicable to applied chemicals, medicine and vaccines. Only FDA-2 is elided for speed reasons.
3. Theoretical derivations may suggest some results, excellent hypothesis, but my epistemology requires confirmation experiments, only allowing interpolations on continuous differential functions polynomially interpolatively. People might volunteer but can not adopt any but interpolations, and never extrapolations. Almost all Eutheria health functions known to me are interpolating able.
These principles I state as minimum required by me to accept any claims to aging cure. It is possible I miss out on some miracles, but sticking to them will certainly save me valuable time.
Second, I use NMN and Pterostilbene (instead of Sinclair recommended resveratrol, a much less bioavailable stilbene). NMN will become mib-626 to benefit from nitric oxide etc. NMN only with TNG.
Third from Dr. de Grey, I get quercetin/dhaniya combination, quercetin because it is senolytic and dhaniya because it approximates apigenin well.
Fourth from Drs. Conboy and the possibility beyond even-fix Allopathy, the long term cure for diabetes and heart problems. I am ecstatic that my osteoarthritis is lessened significantly 1 year after Allopathy fix estimated 3-5 years! I should have undergone an extensive bone check X-ray, once per life at age 60, rather than wait to be hit at 65.
The precise kind of blood dilution for me is to decide by 2030. That gives Drs. Conboy and Dr. Kirpov to develop dilution further. The hope of medical break through for Singularity and also cancers is great strides in immunotherapy in conjunction with training immune cells by command and development of virtual thymus. Three medical conclusions from my 30-year study are
1. virtual thymus to fix white cells and reprogram them is what will solve aging and cancers
2. cancers and aging are strongly related problems of senescent cells doing nothing to becoming infinite-life tumor cells
3. YAMANAKA FACTORS CAN, and are being used to generate drug and supplements, as intermittent pulsing low concentration of all but M form are possible in vivo.
New genetic medicine or cell focussed micro-surgery will allow genetic update in live beings.
Central to medical interventions beyond virtual thymus will be Yamanaka factors based drugs and supplements, different from immunotherapy attacks for eliminating cancer like component of aging.
3hour read based on slow clicks. It caught me in 2001, courtesy Aubrey, and has kept me going for 20 years. What has been done since is to launch all ideas and a polished version of the ideas today. Essential month long reading by clicking. See you then. My experience says
1. Life details and plot to defeat aging is as absorbing as the best Sherlock Holmes.
2. Biology can be very interesting
3. Defeat of aging happens if all area below were done
4. They are not needed at once
5. Cancers are only a sub-part of aging! DNA molecules end in slowly shortening telomere per copy-rebirth. Cancerous cells all learn how to become infinite lives by telomerase or ALT means, from chromosomes in all cells.
One can fix cancers by anti-telomerase drugs (after a while all cancerous cells die), except that good stem cells badly need it too. What now? Turns out stem-cells have a decade worth of reserves. So must be reinserted every decade if genetic drugs were used to remove telomerase genes in all cells! There are good analogies, suggestive of clever solutions, but all good solutions cause problems and the process happens repeatedly. Cancers are fascinating senescent genetic trouble because they mutate all the time. Patients go into remission, but evolution is milked by cancers, and cancer is back, now unhurt by the working drug!
Collectively, fixing these 7 things is needed in a thousand years, not all at once, giving me Bhishm opportunity. Colored are all clickable. Dr de Grey has used this table since 2001 without needing a change!
| Immunotherapeutic clearance | | |
| | | |
| AGE-breaking molecules; tissue engineering | Extracellular matrix stiffening | |
| Novel lysosomal hydro lases | | |
| Allotropic expression of 13 proteins | | |
| Removal of telomere-lengthening machinery | | |
| Stem cells and tissue engineering | Cell loss, tissue atrophy | |
Dr. Aubrey de Grey launches vitaDAO, capable of decentralized evolution, that I expect to the devastation of existing governments, markets, economics and motivations, and basis of all enterprise within a century, What happens after the first 1000 years is fictional by necessity and is likely migration to nano life on diamonds after brain transfer!
Immediate Future work
I have a colored
view of partiality for my motherland and current host. The following
are not just ideas of the Conboys and their laments, which must be
considered as an opportunity for medical tourism to India.
To 2021,
strongly established as improvement in the condition of aged all over
world with blood exchange or MRNA drugs and vaccines,within oversight of GOI, disbursed to
states. The mechanism is very easy to waste using Inspector-raj and
decentralization means state funding, which will severely hurt non-BJP
nearly everywhere, and unfixable democratic return post all electorate defats from <same party tiredness>.
Note the lament, NIH funds everyone but us. says Irina! She
misses the fact that FDA-equivalent clinical trials will cost 10% in
India. Greatness of India as provider will follow from extensive
required patient-specific data, generated for free in patient cure,
in blood exchange that has to follow a narrow path henceforth
becoming like dialysis. US free compiteion delivers a long-term incentive to hide data, at least of failures in massive company searches. Intrinsic feature of free competetion and IP value system!
The idea is to extract patient blood, filter
it to remove CD38 or TGF-beta1, either by filter or mRNA drugs or a few more, Blood filter needed for cancers! Blood fix of cancer return the filtered
tit-rated blood back to the patient! No one else enters the picture,
hence guaranteed free of any rejection. By how should the
concentrations reduce? Patient centric with golden data to be
generated. I do assume that our scientist can develop concentration-meters fast. The list at CD38 etc will grow, 20 years inprovement expected from first 2! Self-funded exponential growth, I will invest in PPP model company! Try form one if possible.
Open Doubts
Unlike a paper, there is still possibility from my ignorance or future research. That is how ndoubts happen. I suspect my type of mRNA vaccines can be done for small sets of similarly tainted Cancers. Few hundred year program there. I also suspect that hibernation will also require cancer-fix-like return medicine.
Concentration meters for measuring proteins to be filtered out wll be needed. List of bad proteins beyond CD38 and TGF-BETA1. Life-line gains expected. All this data is vital for smart diagnosis and will be generated for free from medical tourist patients, attracted by much lower costs, even if lower quality. Two third world aged are potential beneficiaries who will not be able to pay American costs, even decade gain in life matters.