[?] [I] [!] [x] [i]
[?] help to this page
[!] you will no longer be (?privacy/safety), Direct reference to external author
[i] considered safe by me
[I] My write-up, as safe as Google
[x] link for credit only, (?privacy/safety)
A hyperlink book joins a number of pages with distinguishable content hyperlinks where the top page has text that has, embedded in it, a number of hyperlinks, each is expected to be perused by a novice reader, far more than references which Link to word meaning or the first empiricist who talked about the concept. It is not as wide as a survey paper, instead presents a number of subtopics, arranged top-down for management or tutorial purposes, not research which is always bottom-up. Proper context is considered by me to be very difficult way of teaching presentation, considered essential to doing a class by a research professor who must be ready for intelligent questions abut related directions, anticipation of next materials, why so and not else, and references to empirical discoverers of the implicit truths.
What problem are you trying to solve?
Papers I see are two kinds - reference every one, mother, wife, Gardner etc; or reference almost no one. Biography alone in hyperlink epoch is unpa4rdonable explicit violation. But if were done, is not enough! Which links are bibliographic tribute to the empiricist worker and which should be followed by a novice, and which by anyone; is left off. Enter Sir emfubar Moron, the stupidifier. All must be properly refere3nced, according to stupidifier. Smarter reader will not press any link. Some stupidifier editors require the name of the first author and a qualifying integer, such is the power of editors who probably listened to Sir Commie or Sir socialist!
Is that a general problem?
It is in all credit situations, the default rule is "must list credits even if no one bothers", like credits in end of movie and stupider paper from CERN LHC where the list of authors is 1000 long! Only because of some past stupidifier then legacy. The stupidifier-legacy applies to all emfubars of left or liberal kinds! Even conservatives! Every one bows to legacy, sounds liberal-sensible to cheap credit, the worker is happy, and only I consider that worker/liberal behavior stupid and actionable crime of the union (if any)!
What else?
Front credits in movie and top few authors are okay. Every credit-worthy author gets a reference to another technical report with a full list. The author can link the report with the say send author name, as reference to next paper! For movies, the credits in each case are shot separately. Any credited-worthy can order any cinema to play it in any show. That will project the credit in credit-worthies context (like his town) in isolation, where the credit will make sense, not forgotten in all places. All credits beyond 2 will benefit by this set of ideas and save me from required acid for commie and liberal morons.
How can hyperlinks be differentiated?
The First is by use of color. Secondly by well-known icons which are inserted and represent non-overlapping classes. Multiple such icons may be inserted whenever several apply. Standard methods can be upgraded in direct editors. In all my future writings, only one link color is used, all others hyperlink bracketed of one letter. [?] lists the letter meaning. [x] is for credit reason.
What are more problems of hyperlink?
If one assumes links are holy, then none. If one assumes sprinkled criminals sometime, then must never click a link, unless target reliable! The stupidest possible advice, morons delivering it must be lined up and shot! Failing that, don't click outside the current author environment and every author is responsible for sounding a warning! I haven't so far! From this day forward, Every safe link I find (self, google, safe reputation) will be accessible as always (click) but will also have [I] suffix by default (sometimes clickable to full list). Every other link will have and be non-[I] suffix. Easy as author. Easy for a project to parse all such links and replace them once with a warn macro file and target link and auto-convert such links to warn first links.
Some proper default method is needed to be built-in, failing which I declare current internet faulty in use. Either it is fixed or tools to build sites forbid bad clicks (those forbidden to warn but do not prevent) and the sites are auditable, then display an auto-verified signature and passed icon granted for that signature. Hard but doable, must be implemented by law, I do it as a project. You will know that I am done when I lay out a browser add and auto-tools for site files.!
Every letter, despite being easily modifiable electronic, must be unalterable honest trustworthy undeniable non-spyable perfect forward secrecy, and dated signatured such that can not be denied. To get all the properties at once, despite quantum computers, in always detected proven violations, efficiently which means compared to competing encryption has been done and is the basis of my company.
Unalterable is done by appending a digest that can be proven to generate by any modifier. For this purpose, a reader can attach any small figure of choosing to any inward mail and is attached to any mail that fails the expected constraints. Because the image is user chosen. There is no reasonable method to forge the picture no matter how good the criminal is! This I call perfect presentation of testing of the mail.
NIST digests exist that change at random, half the bits in check bits, on random bit change in the message. Such digests can have embedded check bits that certify some part. The Sender will be able to change these sub-signatures only with probability allowed by the sub-signatures. This is crucial to detection of perfidy of the sender! There is no additional reason to doubt information contained in the letter signed separately. No further communication is needed beyond the public check functions of the signer and are done silently, denying the entire letter with even one failure. Whether a letter will fail in the reader can be accurately tested by the sender! Any unsigned claim in the sender should not be believed by the reader! To make it more transparent, parts of the letter may be enclosed in < and > and each such inclusion expects a signature. Exact syntax allowed in the angles depend on the signer. For example, I might say <M. Tech, computer science, IIT Kanpur, 77> and <department topper, IIT Kanpur 75> and both these can be signed once by IIT Kanpur and signatures saved with me for use in any letter or certificate. This is a disruptive change to usual email, improving it to certificate level! My email changes all with reliable job applications to sold services! No extra communication is needed!
AES-384 is used. Its decryption can only be speeded by square-root using Quantum computers.
To ensure correctness of dates, what is done is the intersection of two half open time intervals of after that yield only one common date. One interval is some random number published by me (which could not be picked before) with me, or some story in the newspaper. Another is registration of the letter with me (Not the letter, My-SHA-512 on email is enough). Two, My-SHA-512 and My random are enough for date.
How else was the signature of the entire letter computed?
Local trust?
Instead of digest, what is appended is the AES-384 encryption of it in the reverse encryption of the user. Encryption of the signature yields the digest and then the signature is verified, the process need not be exact inverse needs to generate the code of digest on encryption and be as hard to invert. It can be done using a different system!
Perfect forward secrecy?
Perfect forward secrecy means even if every thing about the system becomes known, every past message is still undecidable. It looks like a tall order but is very easy. Essentially every message is sent by a new system, forgotten every round. That is done by a separate system that generates random integers sent with every message to be used by the receiver for reading, sender for writing for the next message! The random number can be read off a quantum system! No way can any breach expose the past, not saved or creatable.
Freely develop able but still controlled?
If one understands Jules Verne and how his characters reached the moon, once the basic trick is mastered (anti-gravity), all his magic invention become scientific! Alas, there is no anti-gravity, even in anti-matter! I say because a lot of my developments will be controlled by my company even if the developments are done by other people. That is because square root encryption using huge integers is an unsolved problem for humans but doable by me, and I am no longer an academic. As I imagine, other developers will be forced to use the api of my company. Like all good NP-complete problems, finding the root is hard, but checking is trivial - simply square any answer.
I am requesting an apheresis to extend my health span using TPE, an unusual procedure for India, even the world for this purpose, although Drs. Conboy will be attempting it for FDA clinical experience, where TPE is routinely done for autoimmune diseases using an FDA approved procedure for these problems. It implies safety within rationality. The safety profile can be judged from this, from which I conclude low probability (4%) of adverse effects, none leading to death. Even that low risk is not to be taken but for strong belief in efficacy, admittedly a question mark, but my effort can lead to a proper FDA acceptable trial in India and more important is a genuine alternative for mother and doctor uncle.
Google big shot Kurzweil thinks that1-year-gain-healthspan-per-year singularity happens in 2025. Given the lack of sophistication of my prediction tools, I predict 2030. The essential point is that in either case, the 5-10 year life needed is under 10 years that is within the estimated gains from TPE. However, it also seems possible with iv-NMN, in which case TPE becomes a valuable procedure in reserve, and highly probable is its FDA approval by 2030. But then how do I convince M+U to go for unapproved FDA procedure of NMN, which I believe is better than NR. One way is to find some way to convince them to take Basis FDA approved medicine. It is better than nothing but the costs scare them/me - true service not believed, Even convincing mother to take K2 is hard. Even approved means no risk but no one talks wish-death-accident life past the singularity! Of course, I am the romantic Wolkenkuckucksheim moron brainwashed to believe wish-theories!
The singularity will not be universally accepted for many years. Nothing visible will happen to the beneficiaries. One can safely predict world-wide dangerous admixtures with unpredictable spans. Every moronic criminal will sell/advise a theocratic version of the procedure! After 10 years, the genuines will win but might not! In fact, the reasonable way is to shield true beneficiaries from accidents, required shared equitable military risk and leave the non-trusting population to its fate.
The Best destruction of all religions is choice is between hormesis and temperance, stupid if always temperance (every religion!), most normal humans have never heard of hormesis and even consider it as a possibility.
The thesis I advocate (only for developed) is that hormesis applies too often and usual politics of both liberal and conservatives is demonstrably stupid, only horrnetic ideology I propose will fly. A liberal follows LNT (linear no threshold) policy as default when not aware, A conservative follows the flat step method when not aware. Note that we have not specified subject! When that is introduced, both sides present their ideological good statements, evil for the other side! I propose that both are stupid!
Car speed: Liberal :all speed kills, not enough safety gear. Conservative: all accidents are driver faults or bad conditions. Hormetic: decide on required safety gear beyond which driver fault. Hormetic: Insurance never pays beyond limits, unless self-insured.
Radiation: Liberal : all radiation kills or bad, not enough safety gear. Conservative: all accidents are patient faults or bad conditions., all radiation kills or bad. Hormetic: not all bad, decide on required safety intercept;r beyond which driver fault. Insurance never pays beyond limits, unless self-insured.
Disease: All bad, doctor decides ever a bean counter, medical advice on all injuries, all pay equally IE proportionally to income, equitable costing. Conservative: freedom to pay and choose, no transfer of costs. Hormetic: No care to a limit. Universal up to a second limit. Government pools for some with cost control. Profit rates for not limited population.
The Stupidest treatment system I know is homeopathy, in it, you make a drug stronger by fractionizing its strength! It works with low dose (hormesis region min) when the benefit really increases with lowering concentration! Stupidity is from generalizing a very small region. In fact, the hormesis region is likely small, except in some cases, and may not exist! It all de3pends on scientific analysis of the stressors, any arbitrary claims are stupid.
An example of large hormesis region is weight lifting, stressors of weights, beneficiary muscle. Jerky snatches are better than slow raising of weights. Any good LNT is an example of zero sized hormesis region.
The very big critic of wall-street (and not an anti-capitalist) is Talib who has attacked stupid use of statics in all money matters in the extreme by finding out empirically that extreme of distributions has fat IE extreme even happen with much greater probability than that predicted by normal distribution! For example, so-called 100-year floods happen much more often than 100 years. Markets have 2008 like crisis much more frequently than assumptions in option pricing (because of normal distribution assumption). Fractal distributions are wide spread in nature, far more than normal! Talib introduced the black swan as an example of supposed infrequent events happening far more often.
He has shown that black swan events are basic to human progress, no one can predict the future and its timing. I have taken it to heart, identify black swan events as those with paradigm shift, and can even explain the farmer agitation in India in those terms. Arrival of Modi in 2014 is also a black swan or paradigm shift moment for India.
At my center is not RS, rational stoicism or skepticism, both derived from Socrates. My efforts at Aging amelioration are better described by Rational Estimated Risk, where risk is taken because no one knows the future, even the scientist who can simplify and model hard systems and is a true skeptic. Such a person is always lost, truly stupid in investing (like Sir father), product markets, psychology etc, the quintessential absent-minded professor. Every intelligent decision in my life is RER if future is involved, even winning the world bridge championship once in Las Vegas in 1984!
Every future event satisfies a dynamic probability! Philosophically choice is between hormesis and temperance, stupid if always temperance (every religion!), most normal humans have never heard of hormesis and even consider it as a possibility. Only empiricism can decide. Science is RS and can not decide the future of complex systems. All usual statistics is screwed because it fails to allow back swan events (fatter tails of real world distributions), wrongly assumes normal distribution, can't explain fractals like shape of coastline or future of markets or unknown risks.!
Why risk in aging amelioration?
Rationality screams don't risk it, But otherwise, don't see how I can fix inherited diabetes, heart and essential tremors past 80, which is when walking itself is hard! All my aunts and uncles are dead, my father suffered least but did, after 80, damaged late despite lifelong yoga till 80, 45 min daily. Why? In the end of 8 years, walking 250 m per day was a hard chore for him, let alone yoga! True sadness descended on him every time once, acquaintances reminded him to do yoga to eliminate aging troubles. Don't ever act a doctor to a sick! I walk 3 km/day but how long? My stamina is 1.5 km, so need two sessions!
My estimation of aging risks?
My uncles were dead about 75, suffered 8-10 years, starting 64 which I am! My father, uncles and aunts on both side, shared my genetics. End of life 8-10 years debilitation seems to be the rule. My father aggregated 13 more years from Yoga but had similar end of life health span IE bad! I will try aging to escape the end of life debilitation. I did not practice physical exercise in adult young adult life, did last 15 years and must do better! I intend to pass the 1yr-extension-per-year singularity and all my sins will matter not since aging is genetic, not medical, and nature preserves the birth DNA under the epi-genome!
So rationality part
in me says do I risk avoiding 3 years of potential debilitation, 3
years hence, FDA gives a result or does not result by then, formation of medical
tourism company, how one decide on wait time? The whole thing may
become irrelevant with Yamanaka factor medicines and supplements, the best if operating company by then. Undo the age-methyl and reverses age.
Option that looks best now is NMN only, TPE later. NMN/Pterostilbene/metformin/acarbose/betaine alone can perhaps let me exercise! IF it fails, can always do TPE after 1 year.
How does one decide on delivery method of NMN (eat, sublingual, nasal drip, intravenous) and how much, scientifically IE empirically? Clear answer is 'howsoever the doctor tells'. But what if a supplement, too early to have experience in, be interpreted empirically! Suddenly, the answer can only be 'as the conversation starter', factored for how smart that person is. But what if the starter says don't know or ASK ME IN 3 YEARS! That starter is me, and the best way then is to ape the big shot, then look at the image and Horvath results reported by Dr. Sinclair, the big shot, looks 40, bioage 40 at 50! Smarter than other solutions. Dr. Sinclair mentioned name of buying company and recommended amount and dosage, and got in to very hot legal matters. He now tells his amounts and never discloses his supplier. Complicates my life but that is how the cookie crumbles. To avoid problems, I have a nice disclaimer and mention what I do! It is reporting by self with my rationality, the answer I give may change and your troubles, then on, are yours!
The delivery method chosen me, after sublingual methods, is intravenous. Any iv solution must be inserted by properly accredited nurse and only be done in extension of doctor office! Totality of my aging ingredient are (sirtuin 1-9), parp and parp are aging targets, mtor not)
sirtuin: 1gm of NMN/day (start with 500mg/day of iv), 1gm/day of resveratrol (finish before pterostilbene 200 mg kicks in) [endothelial cells lining blood path)
parp: 2gm metformin (have diabetes, 1gm of healthspan extension I hope), 3*day acarbose some for healthspanm extension too),
mtor (Nothing yet)
The stupidest thing doable is greatly manipulate amounts since under amounts will not have right response (even appreciable) and way over can be very hurtful! Mind you, much larger doses of NMN will not hurt but is way expensive.
That being the case, the Pharmacokinetics of NMN is important, all the others are noise. Rest of this note is for those competent to understand and derive better dosing schedule.
Why NAD+?
Strict Age decline, know not why, effects all cells (every body in human and even mammals).
Liver Function?
Key enzymes in NAD+ signaling pathways are known to protect the liver from fat accumulation, fibrosis, and insulin resistance, which are related to the development of fatty liver diseases, such as NAFLD and NASH.Raising NAD+ levels back to those of young or lean mice has been particularly effective at preventing and treating obesity, alcoholic steatohepatitis, and NASH, while improving glucose homeostasis and mitochondrial dysfunction. NAD+ boosting appears to not only improve the health of the liver, but also increase its capacity for regeneration and protect it against hepatotoxicity.
Kidney Function?
Several lines of evidence indicate that reduced levels of NAD+ in aged kidneys are largely responsible for reduced kidney function and resilience with age
Skeletal Muscle Function?
Treatment with NAD+ dramatically improves muscle function, reverses detrimental age-associated changes in muscle by increasing mitochondrial function, increasing ATP production, reducing inflammation, and switching glycolytic type II muscle to a more oxidative fiber type (Gomes et al., 2013).
Cardiac Function?
NAD+ levels are critical for normal heart function and recovery from injury. NMN treatment either 30 min before ischemia (500 mg/kg, i.p.) or repetitive administration just before and during reperfusion provides marked protection against pres- sure overload and ischemia-reperfusion injury, reducing infarct size by as much as 44% (Hsu et al., 2009; Karamanlidis et al., 2013; Pillai et al., 2005; Yamamoto et al., 2014).
Endothelial and Vascular Function?
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases contribute to the greatest decline in quality of life after 65 and are directly responsible for about one-third of all deaths (Nichols et al., 2014; Ungvari et al., 2010). Treatment of mice with NMN (500 mg/kg/day in water for 28 days) improves bloodflow and increases endurance in elderly mice by promoting SIRT1-dependent increases in capillary den- sity (D.A.S., unpublished data). Thus repleting NAD+ levels in the vascular endothelium is an attractive approach to increasing mobility in the elderly and treating conditions exacerbated by decreased blood flow, such as ischemia-reperfusion injury, slow wound healing, liver dysfunction, and muscle myopathies.
Immunity and Inmation?
There is a growing body of evidence that NAD+ precursors can have anti-inflammatory effects. Treatment of 24-month-old mice with NMN for 1 week reduced the expression of inflamma- tion markers such as TNF-a and IL-6 in skeletal muscle (Gomes et al., 2013). Similarly, NR significantly reduced inflammation in a mouse model of ataxia telangiectasia (AT) autoimmunity (Fang et al., 2016) and in the muscular dystrophy MDX mouse model. NAM has been effective in the treatment of various inflammatory skin conditions (Niren, 2006), reduces the area of infiltration and demyelination in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse models (Kaneko et al., 2006), and prevents photo-immunosuppression and photo-carcinogenesis (Damian et al., 2008; Gensler, 1997; Yiasemides et al., 2009).
Neuronal Function?
Numerous studies have reinforced the view that NAD+ levels are key to neuronal function and survival. In addition to protecting damaged neurons, NAD+ precursors have shown promise in delaying the effects of several neurodegenerative diseases. In models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), NAD treatment improved cognition and synaptic plasticity in mice and rats (Gong et al., 2013; Hou et al., 2018; Long et al., 2015; Sorrentino et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2016). NAM increases cell viability in a Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease (PD) (Jia et al., 2008), and several studies have also suggested that an NA-rich diet both reduces the risk of developing PD and improves the physical functioning of individuals with PD (Alisky, 2005; Fall et al., 1999; Hellenbrand et al., 1996).NAD-boosting regimens prevent and in some cases can reverse neuronal degeneration associated with hearing loss, prion toxicity, retinal damage, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and periph- eral neuropathy (Brown et al., 2014; Dutca et al., 2014; Hamity et al., 2017; Lin et al., 2016; Vaur et al., 2017; Yin et al., 2014; Zhou et al., 2015).
Aging and Longevity?
Total NAD+ levels were once considered extremely stable. Recently, however, it has become clear that a steady decline in total NAD+ levels over time is a natural part of life for all species, from yeast to humans (Balan et al., 2008; Belenky et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2004; Massudi et al., 2012; Mouchiroud et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2015). This decline, along with the decreased activity of NAD+ signaling proteins, is believed to be one of the major reasons organisms, including humans, age.
Why or why not NR?
Key enzymes in NAD+ signaling pathways are known to protect the liver from fat accumulation, fibrosis, and insulin resistance, which are related to the development of fatty liver diseases, such as NAD and NASH. Raising NAD+ levels back to those of young or lean mice has been particularly effective at preventing and treating obesity, alcoholic steatohepatitis, and NAD, while improving glucose homeostasis and mitochondrial dysfunction. NAD+ boosting appears to not only improve the health of the liver, but also increase its capacity for neural regeneration and protect it against hepatotoxicity.
Kidney Function?
Several lines of evidence indicate that reduced levels of NAD+ in aged kidneys are largely responsible for reduced kidney function and resilience with age
Skeletal Muscle Function?
Treatment with NAD+ dramatically improves muscle function, reverses detrimental age-associated changes in muscle by increasing mitochondrial function, increasing ATP production, reducing inflammation, and switching glycolytic type II muscle to a more oxidative fiber type (Gomes et al., 2013).
Cardiac Function?
NAD+ levels are critical for normal heart function and recovery from injury. NMN treatment either 30 min before ischemia (500 mg/kg, i.p.) or repetitive administration just before and during reperfusion provides marked protection against pres- sure overload and ischemia-reperfusion injury, reducing infarct size by as much as 44% (Hsu et al., 2009; Karamanlidis et al., 2013; Pillai et al., 2005; Yamamoto et al., 2014).
Endothelial and Vascular Function?
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases contribute to the greatest decline in quality of life after 65 and are directly responsible for about one-third of all deaths (Nichols et al., 2014; Ungvari et al., 2010). Treatment of mice with NMN (500 mg/kg/day in water for 28 days) improves bloodflow and increases endurance in elderly mice by promoting SIRT1-dependent increases in capillary den- sity (D.A.S., unpublished data). Thus repleting NAD+ levels in the vascular endothelium is an attractive approach to increasing mobility in the elderly and treating conditions exacerbated by decreased blood flow, such as ischemia-reperfusion injury, slow wound healing, liver dysfunction, and muscle myopathies.
Immunity and Inmation?
There is a growing body of evidence that NAD+ precursors can have anti-inflammatory effects. Treatment of 24-month-old mice with NMN for 1 week reduced the expression of inflamma- tion markers such as TNF-a and IL-6 in skeletal muscle (Gomes et al., 2013). Similarly, NR significantly reduced inflammation in a mouse model of ataxia telangiectasia (AT) autoimmunity (Fang et al., 2016) and in the muscular dystrophy MDX mouse model. NAM has been effective in the treatment of various inflammatory skin conditions (Niren, 2006), reduces the area of infiltration and demyelination in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse models (Kaneko et al., 2006), and prevents photo-immunosuppression and photo-carcinogenesis (Damian et al., 2008; Gensler, 1997; Yiasemides et al., 2009).
Neuronal Function?
Numerous studies have reinforced the view that NAD+ levels are key to neuronal function and survival. In addition to protecting damaged neurons, NAD+ precursors have shown promise in delaying the effects of several neurodegenerative diseases. In models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), NAD treatment improved cognition and synaptic plasticity in mice and rats (Gong et al., 2013; Hou et al., 2018; Long et al., 2015; Sorrentino et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2016). NAM increases cell viability in a Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease (PD) (Jia et al., 2008), and several studies have also suggested that an NA-rich diet both reduces the risk of developing PD and improves the physical functioning of individuals with PD (Alisky, 2005; Fall et al., 1999; Hellenbrand et al., 1996).NAD-boosting regimens prevent and in some cases can reverse neuronal degeneration associated with hearing loss, prion toxicity, retinal damage, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and periph- eral neuropathy (Brown et al., 2014; Dutca et al., 2014; Hamity et al., 2017; Lin et al., 2016; Vaur et al., 2017; Yin et al., 2014; Zhou et al., 2015).
Aging and Longevity?
Total NAD+ levels were once considered extremely stable. Recently, however, it has become clear that a steady decline in total NAD+ levels over time is a natural part of life for all species, from yeast to humans (Balan et al., 2008; Belenky et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2004; Massudi et al., 2012; Mouchiroud et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2015). This decline, along with the decreased activity of NAD+ signaling proteins, is believed to be one of the major reasons organisms, including humans, age.
Taking any B3 supplement without betaine is likely stupid. All of them, otherwise consume methyl, which is what betaine gives.
Why or why not NR?
Why is many factors - better control, better quality and guaranteed quality as patent owned and manufactured only by chromadex.
Why not: 2 away from NAD+ hence way slower, not 1 away as NMN, seems to enter cells without cleaving etc, seems to be better than NAD+ direct or NMN but less effective on crossing BBB although rest of body derived NAD+ does cross.
Why or why not NAD+ or NaDH direct?
Why is that they are
Why not because appears to be worse for iv. Tried and unsatisfied with sublingual. NAD+ requires daily, not weekly infusion like NMN ! This empirical fact is that NAD+ is direct in use while NMN is 1 away and may be converted slowly and weekly is fine. One user claims that iv NMN forces raised energy level feeling that continues full week! Assuming that happens, NMN or better, by iv is going to be my weekly iv for rest of life, unless MIB-626. I believe the healthspan comes from exercise except that is a tall order for any one without brimming energy.
Why risking self, rather than wait FDA NMN orlisten to Conboy re TPE?