Saturday, August 18, 2018

Aaquantum view on Indian Independence, 194

Three views permeate the blessed event
1.       It was the non-support of Congress and its “Quit India” movement.
2.       It was the fear of disloyal soldiers and some events staged in some services by returning soldiers
3.     Some combination of 1 & 2 above  
Based on my work of slow reading and some notion of British psychology after the war, it appears that a fourth reason is the real reason, distinct from above
. Labour won, rich supporting Tories lost and independence followed. The ravages of partition were local events with no strong feeling in Britain either way. The mood of the British people and the British Army had also changed. After the Second World War, most of them were no longer willing to support the British ruling class in India. That position was now clear to the leaders of the United Kingdom. By early 1946, those leaders set free all the political prisoners held in India and opened independence discussions

I can see enormous disagreement from historians, whose bread is buttered by 1 to 3. I believe that American independence war is really distant skirmishes between England and France in late 17th century! Anther expectation of historian pooh-pooh expected. Negative consequences of historian sub humans is not just folly against truth but
1.       Provide justification to congress or BJP
2.       Fully stupid view of British Psychology. The 37b$, major part of cost, to Britain was paid by US loan (soft). All further wars were unthinkable. Post-war viceroy Wavell reported India was “ungovernable”. Means cost to labour government. Costs, not fears, drove govt. think. British gains were largely private. Enormous number of demobilized soldiers, upkeep would be ruinous! Labour, their way, would have to be uncivilized, unlike Churchill the ass, who was a true real politician without morals.
3.       “History repeats”, the true mantra of morons advancing absurd interpretations. I call upon aaquantum-history which ONLY deals with economics and technology. Movements have morals, individuals are ALWAYS stupid. My outlines to myself have predictive powers, impossible in individual based history. Predictive narration is true definition of history. Only cost and technology have predictive power. Since 18thcentury, organizations, not individuals, matter except as leaders of groups. Gandhi is irrelevant but to get votes.
4.       Value of history is near zero, except to movie-producers who MUST be forced, thru law, to be accurate. Like designation like “India”, cities etc. are “owned” by legal owners, the whole concept of “free-speech” is ABSURD when using it. It should also the case for historical figures and dates and public display of historical revisionism behind ANY freedom is punishable. It is also true for imaginary characters like Sherlock Holmes on which “canonical” sword can be used. Note that aaquantum allows any speech, even lies, if cryptography is used and anything cryptographic is required to carry up to equal length opposing position sharing the key, key getting itself recordable by legal identities , such multimedia can be blatant lies never edited!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

SKQ1 vs MitoQ+C60

SKQ1's (greatly recommend read) anti-aging cousins are the antioxidants MitoQ and C60 (also sometimes called C60oo and other silly names) which is derived from olive oil.

MitoQ and SKQ1 deliver to the Mitochondria chemical foot soldiers that fight ROS, MitoQ delivers CoQ10,  and SKQ1 delivers Plastoquinone.
C60 is a little different, it's an antioxidant molecule that your mitochondria absorbs by osmosis.
Why is SKQ1 worth your attention when C60 and MitoQ are highly accessible?

SKQ1 directly targets the mitochondrial membrane, MitoQ is also targeted to the mitochondria, C60 is not, your Mitochondria absorb it by osmosis (hopefully!)

MitoQ cannot be regarded as a mitochondria-targeted form CoQ or CoQ precursor since it cannot replace CoQ in its master function...
The big problem that MitoQ has is that VERY little of the CoQ10 actually gets delivered to the inside of the mitochondria, perhaps as low as 1% - 2% according to a 2014 paper out of the University of Toronto:
CoQ10 has low oral bioavailability due to its lipophilic nature, large molecular weight, regional differences in its gastrointestinal permeability and involvement of multitransporters. Intracellular delivery and mitochondrial target ability issues pose additional hurdles. To maximize CoQ10 delivery to its biopharmaceutical target, numerous approaches have been undertaken.

Whereas SKQ1 delivers Plastoquinone directly to the interior of the Mitochondria. To quote author and doctor Josh Mitteldorf
But no animal study has ever succeeded in extending life span with CoQ10. Perhaps its value is limited by bioavailability. Only a small portion of ingested CoQ10 makes its way from the stomach into the bloodstream, and a much tinier portion actually reaches the mitochondria where it is needed. This is the issue that Skulachev has addressed in such an innovative way with his molecule, which his friends and students have affectionately dubbed SkQ.

Plastoquinone is better than CoQ10. Skulachev initially used CoQ10 but A/B testing it with Plastoquinone in animal experiments discovered that Plastoquinone is a more effective antioxidant.

Regarding C60, one of the masterminds behind the anti-aging forum Longecity clarified C60 is NOT currently theorized to promote rejuvenation, only to slow aging

I would not say that MitoQ and C60 are useless, there's significant anecdotal evidence and some clinical evidence that they are very helpful in restoring and maintaining health but SkQ1 is the clear leader in terms of safety and economics thanks to the tiny dose of it needed to achieve the kind of effect that the others might have. The tiny dosage also makes it highly non-toxic, which is a concern with the other Mitochondrial antioxidants.


SKQ1 is very potent. A 2008 study reported

These results suggest that under the conditions used SkQ1 protects mitochondria from oxidative damage as an antioxidant when added at extremely low concentrations.

...extremely low, nanomolar concentrations of the mitochondria-targeted plastoquinone derivative SkQ1... were shown to prolong the lifespan of male and female Drosophila melanogaster by about 10%...

SKQ1 as a Nootropic (improves cramming/cognition/focus)?

A lot of Biohackers are at this point wondering if SKQ1 would work as a performance enhancing Nootropic or smart drug for otherwise healthy people that just want more energy or motivation.

It's hard to say at this point, there have been no human trials conducted demonstrating an effect on cognition. I could find no meaningful or credible anecdotal reports from Biohackers who tried it and experienced classic Nootropic effects.

However, the Mitochondria are the fundamental energy generation system of the body; optimizing your Mitochondria is quintessential performance enhancement; more energy, better mood, memory, immunity, resilience or hotter sex. Anything that improves your Mitochondria will make you better but we are probably a few years off from real SKQ1 Nootropics, for the time being at least SKQ1 is quite expensive, if you're interested in hacking your Mitochondria for performance enhancement, you'll want to use the Mitochondrial supplements I list here.

Skq1 Antibiotic

A 2017 in vitro study out of Lomonosov Moscow State University observed that SKQ1's targeting made it a highly effective antibiotic:

Mitochondria-targeted antioxidants are known to alleviate mitochondrial oxidative damage that is associated with a variety of diseases...
Therefore, SkQ1 may be effective in protection of the infected mammals by killing invading bacteria.

Skq1 Parkinson/ Alzheimer's

Neuro-protective for Parkinson - No results found for neuroproteoctive skq1 

Monday, August 13, 2018

Arun investigation into safety of c60

I love and respect SENS. They like “Immortality Institute” and Longecity. Last even has an Indian chapter.

Exploring life extension

Medicinal applications of fullerenes - NCBI - NIH

1                     The fullerene C60 is used in consumer products such as cosmetics owing to its antioxidative effects and is being developed for nanomedical applications. However, knowledge regarding the safety of fullerene C60, especially after oral administration, is sparse. Here, we examined the safety of fullerene C60 in mice after 7 d of exposure to orally administered polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-wrapped fullerene C60 (PVP-fullerene C60). Mice treated with PVP-fullerene C60 showed few changes in the plasma levels of various markers of kidney and liver injury and experienced no significant hematologic effects. Furthermore, the histology of the colon of PVP-fullerene C60-treated mice was indistinguishable from that of control mice. These results suggest that PVP-fullerene C60 lacks toxicity after high-dose oral administration and indicate that PVPfullerene C60 can be considered safe for oral medication. These data provide basic information that likely will facilitate the production of safe and effective forms of fullerene C60.

Epistemological note: Refereed in prestigious journal. Dated 2012, way before business-types got into act. Also from Japan, with low business-abuse of academic scientists.
            2.  Water-soluble form of fullerene C60 is a promising tool for the control of ROS-dependent inflammation including allergic diseases. Anti-inflammatory effects of C60 (nC60) aqueous dispersion were evaluated in the mouse models of atopic dermatitis using subcutaneous (SC) and epicutaneous (EC) applications during 50 days period. A highly stable nC60 was prepared by exhaustive dialysis of water-organic C60 solution against water, where the size and ζ-potential of fullerene nanoparticles are about 100 nm and −30 mV, respectively.


To induce skin inflammation, female BALB/c mice were EC sensitized with ovalbumin three times during one-weekly exposures. The nC60 solution was administrated in mice subcutaneously (SC) (0.1 mg/kg) and epicutaneously (EC) (1 mg/kg). Significant suppression of IgE and Th2 cytokines production and a concomitant rise in concentrations of Th1 cytokines were observed in nC60-treated groups. In addition, a significant increase in the levels of Foxp3+ and filaggrin mRNA expression was observed at EC application. Histological examination of skin samples indicated that therapeutic effect was achieved by both EC and SC treatment, but it was more effective with EC. Pronounced reduction of the eosinophil and leukocyte infiltration in treated skin samples was observed.


We suppose that nC60 treatment shifts immune response from Th2 to Th1 and restores to some extent the function of the skin barrier. This approach can be a good alternative to the treatment of allergic and other inflammatory diseases.
Epistemological note ncbi paper which is refereed and no evident conflict of interest.

                3. The fullerene C60 is used in consumer products such as cosmetics owing to its antioxidative effects and is being developed for nanomedical applications. However, knowledge regarding the safety of fullerene C60, especially after oral administration, is sparse. Here, we examined the safety of fullerene C60 in mice after 7 d of exposure to orally administered polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-wrapped fullerene C60 (PVP-fullerene C60). Mice treated with PVP-fullerene C60 showed few changes in the plasma levels of various markers of kidney and liver injury and experienced no significant hematologic effects. Furthermore, the histology of the colon of PVP-fullerene C60-treated mice was indistinguishable from that of control mice. These results suggest that PVP-fullerene C60 lacks toxicity after high-dose oral administration and indicate that PVPfullerene C60 can be considered safe for oral medication. These data provide basic information that likely will facilitate the production of safe and effective forms of fullerene C60.

Epistemological note Refereed in prestigious journal. Dated 2012, way before business-types got into act. Also from Japan, with low business-abuse of academic scientists.

It means that if needed, will start on C60 therapy, much by epistemological filters, not by any MD advice. I think my problems, Aging and Parkinson, have no mm solutions.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Arun on Aging/Parkinson: c60 buckyballs

So far I have explained

2.      The rationale behind my choice of Metformin/mitoq/NMN – just these. More research on SKQ1,c60 and rapamycin.

2.       Reasons for irrelevance of modern medicine (awake allopathy), let alone discounted Ayurveda or criminal Homeopathy. Very few mm have any interest in rational life-extension (if possible), very new things (reasonable NMN is 2018, never human tested but anecdotal, only mice). Perhaps all my notes are destined to waste paper in best of worst case (worst of worst case means lots of money too).

3.       Mice make reasonable human model. This means that safety and dosage (mg per kg wt.)can be extrapolated. Reason why for me is belief in anecdotal pronouncements by Dr. Sinclair! Note that it does not apply to 99.99% human MD, institute, experience etc. The reason why this Doc satisfies my rational scepticism is

a.       He became a billionaire by past efforts (invention) of resveratrol, abandoned on account of bio-availability
b.      He claims to have been on it when unreasonable expensive ($2000 Per month)
c.       Claims to feed his father too
d.      Claims benefits
e.      Mice verified
f.        Has developed the idea of Sirtuins (1-7) that explain the anti-aging

Point is that it is unlikely he suffers judgment lapses from benefits – the Elysium recommendations are different and latter is staffed even better reputation! Alas, all of them are regular research professors who COULD (no reason to doubt their word) be bought by conflict of interest. No amount of proof by them can convince, my simple response is “Show and pass Dr. Sinclair filter first”! NASA has chosen him for health of its astronauts to Mars and not only is he likely without conflict of interest but likely to follow genuine developments in aging!

4.       Not only does above satisfy my urge to extreme caution in difficult areas like aging, when most of my friends are advised to await empirical studies (phase 2 have started, take 2 years). Not followed by me after Parkinson damage is ongoing, NMN likely to help as it can cross blood-brain).

5.       I am a chicken when it comes to C60! It is known that quantum dots can cross the blood-brain barrier and destroy unholy protein clumps (Parkinson and Alzheimer’s). However the dots are not available in mg quantities! One can use C-60 that is Buckminster fullerene from C. It is also nano-medicine form of C that also crosses blood-brain barrier. Here I will wait for others because we have no mice results on safety of C60.

Why does mitoq work?

Mitoq is wittigified version of coQ10. It allows coQ10 molecule to tunnel through mitochondrial wall without losses. It is explained by greatly positive form of the molecule and negatively charged mitochondria! Adding the alkene group through wittig ,makes coQ10 very positive. Same can be done to c60, Let us add a COOH group. The new form has some better properties

The proposed mechanism indicates that C60 has the ability to acquire positive charge by absorbing protons (positively charged hydrogen atoms) and this complex could enter the mitochondria, leading to a decrease in reactive oxygen species production.

Computer simulations have shown that C60 has the ability the pass through lipid membranes, enter the cell, and alter its functions.

FDA Compliance: The consumption of C60 and the above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to treat any disease.

6.       Note that FDA does not prevent self-tests. I will go to c60 if and when my condition deteriorates. It may turn out that c60 products are better used in early stages. That is a risk I knowingly take. Better mice safety studies will unchicken me.

Sunday, August 5, 2018


Philosophically, I am not satisfied by the doctor saying, no Parkinson yet, pointless to worry about a disease with no medicine, only symptomatic medicine! I am not like 99.9% who take it lying down! At the same time, I chase only philosophically valid (have untested but possible rationale) wind mills and never mills that defy current medicine. In other words, attribute innovations filling completeness only. Parkinson is better than similar Alzheimer’s being more visible, even then an elderly disease.
Why believe US MRI and MRA?
Taking sections of my brain images, specially the substia-nigra part, normal people have dopamine cells appearing black. These are progressively reduced. That is what has happened to me, even though current symptoms are not debilitating. Why? Don’t care yet!
How do doctors handle it?
Symptomatic. There are 3 steps on any disease.
1.      Stop the damage.
2.      Restore the chemicals not being produced.
3.      Restore the damaged part.
The doctors are helpless in 1 and 3. L-dopa is given for 2. It works for 5 years. By then the body gets used and low effective even as disease progresses. Switch to others for another 5 years. By then the patient has progressed to dementia!
So how do you expect to be different?
Parkinson’s disease involves gradually worsening tremors and movement problems. It is thought to be caused by a protein called synuclein found in nerve cells folding into the wrong shape, which triggers a chain reaction of misfolding in nearby synuclein molecules. This leads to a build-up of long strands or “fibrils” of the protein, killing neurons.

By nature I consider homeopathy criminal, Ayurveda rarely applicable, allopathy dumb half the time. The applicable part is modern medicine, mm. Most doctors don’t educate themselves in modern practices and are routinely dumb, especially against diseases on elderly and aging. Not surprisingly, Parkinson and Alzheimers resemble Aging, may have common solutions outside the comprehension of mm doctors. I believe we have discovered anti-aging in nmn, anti-debilitation in Mitoq and metformin for pseudo-diabetes from aging. Time will tell. I do believe that my anti-aging program will make me first human to attack Parkinson and Alzheimer’s and make survival to age 150 worthwhile, awaiting transfaction based extension to tghousands of years!
What differences in your routine?
Parkinson is basically mitochondria based disease. For it to be helped, you must essentially do to brain-cells what is done for anti-aging outside, namely nmn. That crosses the blood-brain barrier. Neither ECP or HOT will help. How can one do ECP on brain fluids?One great opportunity is in quantum dots in brain, possible in 5 years! Note that elderly diseases of Alzheimer's (amyloids)and Parkinson's (synclein) are both caused by protein aggegates, attacked by the quantum dots.
Nature Nanotechnology (2018) 
Though emerging evidence indicates that the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease is strongly correlated to the accumulation1,2 and transmission3,4 of α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregates in the midbrain, no anti-aggregation agents have been successful at treating the disease in the clinic. Here, we show that graphene quantum dots (GQDs) inhibit fibrillization of α-syn and interact directly with mature fibrils, triggering their disaggregation. Moreover, GQDs can rescue neuronal death and synaptic loss, reduce Lewy body and Lewy neurite formation, ameliorate mitochondrial dysfunctions, and prevent neuron-to-neuron transmission of α-syn pathology provoked by α-syn preformed fibrils5,6. We observe, in vivo, that GQDs penetrate the blood–brain barrier and protect against dopamine neuron loss induced by α-syn preformed fibrils, Lewy body/Lewy neurite pathology and behavioural deficits.