Three views permeate the blessed event
1. It was the non-support of Congress and its “Quit India” movement.
2. It was the fear of disloyal soldiers and some events staged in some services by returning soldiers
3. Some combination of 1 & 2 above
Based on my work of slow reading and some notion of British psychology after the war, it appears that a fourth reason is the real reason, distinct from above
I can see enormous disagreement from historians, whose bread is buttered by 1 to 3. I believe that American independence war is really distant skirmishes between England and France in late 17th century! Anther expectation of historian pooh-pooh expected. Negative consequences of historian sub humans is not just folly against truth but
1. Provide justification to congress or BJP
2. Fully stupid view of British Psychology. The 37b$, major part of cost, to Britain was paid by US loan (soft). All further wars were unthinkable. Post-war viceroy Wavell reported India was “ungovernable”. Means cost to labour government. Costs, not fears, drove govt. think. British gains were largely private. Enormous number of demobilized soldiers, upkeep would be ruinous! Labour, their way, would have to be uncivilized, unlike Churchill the ass, who was a true real politician without morals.
3. “History repeats”, the true mantra of morons advancing absurd interpretations. I call upon aaquantum-history which ONLY deals with economics and technology. Movements have morals, individuals are ALWAYS stupid. My outlines to myself have predictive powers, impossible in individual based history. Predictive narration is true definition of history. Only cost and technology have predictive power. Since 18thcentury, organizations, not individuals, matter except as leaders of groups. Gandhi is irrelevant but to get votes.
4. Value of history is near zero, except to movie-producers who MUST be forced, thru law, to be accurate. Like designation like “India”, cities etc. are “owned” by legal owners, the whole concept of “free-speech” is ABSURD when using it. It should also the case for historical figures and dates and public display of historical revisionism behind ANY freedom is punishable. It is also true for imaginary characters like Sherlock Holmes on which “canonical” sword can be used. Note that aaquantum allows any speech, even lies, if cryptography is used and anything cryptographic is required to carry up to equal length opposing position sharing the key, key getting itself recordable by legal identities , such multimedia can be blatant lies never edited!