Sunday, October 8, 2017

NR or NMN – Robust Life Extension choices

Robust Life Extension has CSM (commonsense semantics) not discussed here. Both violate EBM (evidence based medicine), my epistemology, but are still discussed here. My belief is in EBM proof (CDA does), except when deviating for explicit zed discussable reason, like this, by all EBM believers, extrapolating from known science. Tomes, respected opinions, experience etc. are ignored.
My simplified Model break cellular energy Krebs cycle into three sub cycles – citric acid, ADP-ATP, and NAD+-NADH. ADP-ATP is catalyzed by a coenzyme which is assisted by Q10. Hence exists the coQ10 with known non-toxicity.  NAD+ also declines with age. There is no way to directly increase NADH known. NAD+ increment is the game. If not incremented directly, then do by precursors. There are many including NR, NAM,  NAN, NMN etc. One expensive way is Chromadex monopoly NR. Another way, mildly less expensive is NMN. Chromadex NP averages $1.5-$3.0 per day for 250-500 mg. NMN route is $0.87 for 479 mg/day. It is good to have competition. Of course company{alivebynature} implies but avoids stating superiority over NR. NMN is available starting middle October 2017.
My theory is availability for sane experimentation by extrapolation, strong belief in cutting edge supplementation for father, accept only EBM or experiments are sane if sane  researchers have started human tests.
This is the sales-write-up (like a paper hence at least respectful) I want readers to comment on. Looks safe to try, (recommended by Sinclaire, MIT-PhD, HARVARD-MD/discovered SIRT-1/Reservetrol/sold for 750M$/Can’t be hungry). Also it is said to have anti-diabetes side-effects.
Not recommended or disapproved by FDA. But at worst: a waste of money; at best: robust life extension towards singularity; neutral: expensive anti-diabetic. Note that anti-oxidants reduce the anti-aging properties of metformin in worms due to mitohormosis. But
The administration of metformin (MET), glibenclamide (GLI), and repaglinide (REP) exhibited significant reduction in the malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and considerable improvement in the altered activities of antioxidant enzymes. This establishes the fact that they provide additional antioxidant protection as antidiabetic drugs, thereby protecting the pancreas from oxidative stress-induced damage during diabetic complications.
Moral is when top-level doctors disagree, it may make sense to shoot blindly if safe!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Even before a potentially stupid statement like this, it is important to examine my epistemology! This is an outline of the work. I consider ALL non-scientific evidence utterly stupid and consider anyone believing to be of suspect intelligence. Hence ONLY modern medicine doctors but NOT in chronic care. Question below add to my epistemology.

When is talk above from? June 2017.

When does the doctor present the paper? Dec 2017.

Why is chap trustworthy?

1.       Senior MD professor in top level UK university and relevant consultant to NHS

2.       Extensive relevant paper list

3.       Tested procedure

4.       Long talk in international conference to be attended by top-Brass in NHS, UK.

When do you think reasonable destruction of diabetes, somewhat like small pox? 5 years!

The talk does not hint at how! No it does not and deliberate to prevent expose before the paper!

But you smelled it? Yes, based on name and university of the doctor, found who he is and read his papers!

What does he do? By Two month 800 cal/day semi-starvation diet. Recover to normal diet over next two months, free of diabetes then!

How can it work? Fat in body is stored and released by liver. Control via insulin from pancreas. Too much fat means too much release, means clogging pancreas cells. The semi-starvation diet clears up liver in 3 days, hunger pangs within a week and defat of pancreas in months. The rejuvenated pancreatic cells return to normal production. They never died, just shut off from fat! With pancreas normal, diabetes dies! Too bad for 100,000 diabetes specialists!

Is it similar to some practices in India? Absolutely, it is how nature-cure people act! The professor can collect good empirical data on cures and psychological problems! Strictly speaking, Naturopathy is a fraud, as is most alternate  medicine! One must however never shy away using and reinterpreting fraudulent evidence, easy for me with no respect for proponents or victims of aburd other preaching, also applied to modern medicine with total epistemolgical respect for acute care and criticism of chronic care!

Things will not improve without action! And development means disaster for my people!

From the narrative above can be answered these

1.       Does diabetes have rebound effect – not unless patient splurges again! Not normal rebound!
2.       External support can be provided by a nurse handling 240 patients a month. Very cost effective.
3.       Patient family has a vital role to play!

Epistemology of East and west combined medicine

Latest Link

All my work implies a definite epistemology that defines evidence and truth. One must have a reasonably consistent epistemology that is shared, both to indicate joint acceptance, as well as differences derived from the epistemology. My father dismisses doctor opinions not relevant to his acute care based on the fact of contradictory changing advice. It helps to label disclosed facts with a year, which indicates that the subject believed it as fact and generalized shared opinion, called common sense of that time. Most facts are assumed believed from common-sense, differences from doctor opinion, friend, more believable etc. of the period, even though distinct from prevailing common-sense.


One very important contribution to derived facts is from common-sense prevailing. The prevailing common sense is greatly affected by opinions of the celebrities of the period. So important that is that it is the advertisement target. But that ignores hidden persuaders of the period, in politics and law. It is utterly shameful that the real culprit behind diabetes and heart problems was wrongly and knowingly considered to saturated fat, instead of sugary substances. Even more shameful is the legal action on stevia that delayed it by forty years (Japan admitted it in 1970’s versus Europe and US in 2010’s). That excess of calories, in whatever form, is bad was never stressed. Obesity epidemic in US is a fact. Even worse is India, where obesity is a fundamental vice of all that escape poverty and get delivered to doctors instead! Here, obesity is neither non-vegetarian nor fat-based, but from excess of carbohydrate calories from breads and sweets.


In other words, best that can be done is exercise. But above 60, it is silly to even walk long, for you get tired and discover all kinds of internal excuses for a very stupid behavior, including why it is not sane to exercise! Having faced the decline in motivation and suppressing ALL the stupid excuses, I belived four things a few years back.


1.       Assume that physicians are narrow experts, hence read up extensively, never take their word blindly. A doctor I wonderful in acute care, but just normal guesser in chronic management.
2.       Consider old age a magnifying disease very much like diabetes is – perhaps even causing the new disease processes.
3.       Decide on exercise as the solution and investigate what was causing my un-motivation and how to re-motivate using supplements. Supplements don’t give me life, just motivation for exercise.
4.       Physicians do not understand all the cycles effected by chemicals or old useful natural body chemicals. Glucose becomes an enemy in old age. Metformin causes cell densification apart from just reducing sugar release.
I can report on personal success, controlling diabetes caused (but NEVER convinced of, small vessel blood flow problems) eye cataract pair, sugars, loss of upper jaw teeth, heart bypasses, liver and kidney, legs and soles. I still control them by diet and exercise except the heart.

Even in the nineties, I will be lifting weights and be on the tread-mill. Walking or tread-mill, both fast, are aerobic. But you start progressive loss of muscle strength and some weight lifting anaerobic exercise is a must! I do 30 min morning, 30 min night six days a week and fast the skip day. Starting sixty makes me feel BETTER than 40! I will be fit when Singularity comes. Even my mind has improved some. No matter if I distrust everyone but the very close, or think sometimes of ending it all. I extrapolate that I will have many centuries to work on my brain!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

East and west combined medicine

Dr. Arun Kumar Arya and Manaswini Mittal

It is possible to advance medicine, awaiting tough scientific tests to establish by strict empiricism, certain plausible hypothesis that are good enough to be used as established science while the tougher empirical tests are carried out in required time. For this to happen, very conservative analysis of risks are done such that no known even plausible contraindications are signaled, safety is established in mice and humans, stay within 10% of first injurious dose by weight in test animals. Separate analysis is done on component basic for mixed side-effects and pregnant or newly milking people are NEVER allowed!

This is to admit nutraceuticals on a rational basis when they are hard to analyze based on hard-science alone, either because the measurement of the goal variable is not conclusive (what does age extension  measurement mean) or the tests would take too long and be useless to the beneficiaries. Their safety is a plain rational hypothesis, awaiting conclusive scientific studies.

Latter is quite common in modern medicine when the patient has no more effective modern medicine available and the consulting physician allows ridiculous treatments. If nothing else, they provide relief to the patient p and loved ones of p who all believe that something is being done! In most cases, money is spent foolishly with little hope, even on irrational cures!

Absent conclusive results for or against, without evidence based statistical certainty, what counts most is the opinion weight for products and opinion weight against the person making the recommendation. Ad hominem attacks make sense! However incomplete information produces very evil results and both sides to such attacks must be given equal space. Note that conclusive empirical tests for and against are assumed missing. A rational patient management system can be defined over nutraceuticals and over-the-counter medicine that is patient centric rather than current seller-centric systems. In fact, even more rigorous tests can be conducted through customer responses and reported experiences to testable hypotheses despite the paucity of hard evidence. I call them rational hypothesis in between anecdotal and evidence based anything.

Evey deviation from current orthodoxy into Aaquantum-rational hypothesis requires very clear epistemology i.e. of what is considered evidence and conditions when the current evidence based orthodoxy is to be avoided. For Aaquantum-rationality, the following summarizes my extensive experience-

1.       Even lower ranked doctors of modern-medicine (henceforth mm) licensed by law; are always superior to any alternative system for every episode.

2.       Mm systems are not not necessarily ideal forchronic diseases.

3.       These including diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson etc. Most important, missin g from list so far, is aging, which is also considered a disease, not a natural condition.

4.       Our work is hence limited to essential treatmnts that do not normally lead to contra-indicated behavior and leads to the proven goal of robust life extension.

After arduous research over many years, one of the authors has concluded that only 4 items at this point relevant to the disease of aging. There is nothing positive that can be done beyond instructions of normal doctor for heart disease and stroke. Nothing short of densification of cells and extending life time of cell division by transfection will work against cancers. There are 4 things possible but diet for agig, I am a convert, not just a preacher, have positive anecdotal stories affirming, there is plenty of non-conclusive evidence, conclusive studies are in progress, there is no point in waiting for better degree of evidence.

1.       Cell processes have three important energy cycles ADp-ATP, NADH-NAD+ and citric acid, Last is not major any way. First cycle can be improved by CoQ10. Middle by Niagen.

2.       General circulation, even heart occlusions can be improved with ECP (external counter pulsation)which effectively wraps a flexible elastic membrane on the legs that is pneumatically pumped in  the quiet period of the heart, while he patient is lying comfortably. This is done for 1 hour every day for 2 months.

3.       The diabetic medicine metformin effects pathways there other than the prescribed sugar-control pathway and leads to densification of cells. Comparative studies from NIH database over 12 years have shown that mild diabetic live 5 years longer than equivalent non-diabetics who in urn outlive the insulin treated patents by 5 years. Moment you believe this data

a.       Why can’t metformin be eaten by people suffering from aging disease
b.      If you are already diabetic, all insulin based interventions are counterproductive up to the highest prescribed concentration of 2.5 gm per day
c.       Despite ancient orthodoxy, most up to-date literature pooh-poohs the lactosis fear and recommends metformin with kidney-disease patients.

In the medium  term, within my lifetime, turbine pumps will be ready and perfected for the heart. Transfection with stem metamorphosis of skin cells will advance to the point of densification and error free division.

Extra metmorhin has not hurt me any way, benefits are theoretically there. CoQ10 has breathed life into gym exercises – I do not escape exercises on the grounds internal to me of feeling tired. The following 2 tricks have been tried successfully on myself and is the hajor theme of this note – theoretically plausible mixtures of east (Ayurveda) and west (niagen, coQ10 and metmorfin).
Theoretical justification

There are two kinds of statistics – the popular one for over 80 years and the Bayesian statistics. The fundamental difference is on testing – the popular version eliminates past experiences and deals only with the history in the test. The Bayesian model deals with increase or decrease of the probabilities established from past practices in light of the test. One can view Ayurveda as providing historical probabilities. Unless contra-indicated (ALL bhasams), it is wasteful to deny ALL of the past!

Many antioxidants (curcumin etc) and antiseptics (Neem) await discovery by west. Even better is careful analysis of east and medicines of the west. As per simple rules, two enhancers of digestion with mild taste and no very-careful contra-indications exist that help any Ayurvedic medicine. These are triphala and trikuta. Triphala, being fruit product is contraindicated to one author. However trikuta can be used and is being used with CoQ10, Niagen and metformin. IOt is very unlikely that any of the three ingredients interact with any west medicine.

Supporting weakly is the fact that CoQ10 with bioperine (patented) is available and gets favorable reviews. What is bioperine but highly effective form of tikuta! One can consider small amounts of greatly effective bioperine with larger amount of less-effective, but still cheaper trikuta, applicable with all medicine that do. A sane add in Bayesian statistics!

2. Second test tried on self by raw feelings alone is to take double dose of Niasin and alternate that with much cheaper Niacinamide, both being B3. The raise in NAD+ by niacinamide is glacial, not so for riboside, hence a market for it. At 250 mg, the dose is half of recommended 250-500.The rise in nad+ iks very quick – few hours after the first dose. While no good for NAD+ raise, anecdotally, it does seem to keep the levels high!

3. There is another weak evidence for trikatu. Our theory has identified here barriers any medication must cross. Through each barrier, only a fraction can go through. These are stomach-blood barrier, cell-blood barrier and cell-fluid-mitochondria barrier. The are two ways to breach the stomach-blood barrier –

1. Trikatu/triphala improvement in absorption
2. Direct IV into blood

It turns out Glutathione is effective largely through IV route. Reservetrol and PQQ etc are too delicate, good only for  fresh ingestion by IV route! All greatly increases the cost and motivation. Mitoq is a very effective form of CoQ10 which beaches all the walls! Hence partial breach of 1 wall is useful.


Trikuta mediated coq10, niagen and metformin were discussed. There is strong anecdotal evidence and theoretical justification. Time to test the hypothesis on a group scientifically.

Old age = disease! Following are Good, useful and important,barring accidents for 115 year life (obviously not accepted by FDA or) any one demanding proof first, all recommendations must be approved by health care provider) to first Singularity. It helps to simplify complex Krebs cell energy cycle to 3 subcycles – citric acid, ATP-ADP, NAD+-NADH. Joint improvements are ignored.

Exercise - MUST, but you should doubt self, override internal voice, do 1 hr/day eventually, even in nineties, half aerobic! Stupid self doubts are really clever cover for no strength. All supplements below will ENABLE. Then do it, building up as just 15 min, 3 month 30, 6 month 45, 9 month 1 hr.

ECP - External counter-pulsation: 2 months/5 years, not just cardio.

East + West medicine: Proper statics Bayesian, wrong history=0, use trikatu/ triphala-(non-diabetic) from Ayurveda to enhance western medicine absorption
Citric acid – ignored for now.

ATP-ADP: Trikatu coQ10 400 mg/day, divided 2 doses, with food

NAD+-NADH: Trikatu Niagen 500 mg alternate day 500 mg Trikatu Niacin, empty stomach ½ hour before. Both are vitamin B3, alternate because Niacin very cheap but only Niagen raises NAD+ within hours.

Beneficial pathways: 1500 mg/day Trikatu metformin even if non-diabetic or even with kidney disease

D3: Trikatu sachet 60000 IU twice/month or equivalent pills

Calcium: any Trikatu generic

Omega-3: Trikatu flax seed if strict vegetarian or Trikatu w3 1000 mg/day from fish

Vitamin B12 = Trikatu 1000 mg/day Alpha-lipoic acid

Trikatu is general purpose enhancer, was purchased as churan and supplements pill/capsule with 2 gm per quaff, or proportionally larger with more medicine.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Diagnoses and prognosis

Diagnosis is about past. My life can be divided based on decades. Prognosis is about the future. Existentialism is about present only, famously saying “why worry about future, it will come as present”. That is a stupid subhuman philosophy that equates pointful worries with pointless worries, a faith driven worst kind of advice. Given an ensemble, some will suffer and some will not. To point to the lucky and say that could be you is criminally foolish. Faith is criminal compared to extrapolation and probabilistic accounting of the future!

Roughly, my detailed study shows external powers proceeding against heart attacks, strokes, cancers Parkinson and Alzheimer. That leaves Aging as a disease and it is only that, from accumulation of cellular damage. East+West medicine is superior, particularly Ayurveda enhanced western supplements of CoQ10, Nicotanmide Riboside and Metformin with (ECP=) Enhanced counter-pulsation far more than I nternal heart flow, also improved. It is not that I consider western anti-aging generally proper; in fact I consider advertisement and packaging to be criminal.

 In particular, I consider therapies using Resveratrol, GlutathionePyrroloquinoline quinone PQQ, Alpha-Lipoic Acid etc to be sheer waste of money because

2.       In some cases, the promised improvements are better handled by prescription drugs / supplements that are unnecessarily augmented pointlessly with supplements. If your doctor d fails to prescribe a drug with these when needed; change d. Example is about eyes of diabetics too dry.

3.       In some cases, the stomach-blood barrier is too much and the drug must be given IV route

This is my opinion, to be balanced against seller promises and I declare NO known conflict-of-interest. The eastern medicine enhancementsof western supplements praised in the linked paper arise from Bayesian statisticsepistemology of evidence.

East-West medicine for longevity

Dr. Arun Kumar Arya and  Manisvani Mittal

It is possible to advance medicine, awaiting tough scientific tests to establish by strict empiricism, certain plausible hypothesis that are good enough to be used as established science while the tougher empirical tests are carried out in required time. For this to happen, very conservative analysis of risks are done such that no known even plausible contraindications are signaled, safety is established in mice and humans stay within 10% dose by weight.

This is to admit nutraceuticals on a rational basis whenthey are hard to analyze based on hard-science alone, either because themeasurement of the goal variable is not conclusive (what does age extension  measurement mean) or the tests would take toolong and be useless to the beneficiaries. Latter is quite common in modern medicine when the patient has no more effective modern medicine available and the consulting physician allows ridiculous treatments. If nothing else, they provide relief to the patient p and loved ones of p who all believe that something is being done! In most cases, money is spent foolishly with little hope.

Absent conclusive results for or against, without evidence based statistical certainty, what counts most is the opinion weight for products and opinion weight against the person making the recommendation. Ad hominem attacks make sense! However incomplete information produces very evil results and both sides to such attacks must be given equal space. Note that conclusive empirical tests for and against are assumed missing. A rational patient management system can be defined over nutraceuticals and over-the-counter medicine that is patient centric rather than current seller-centric systems. In fact, even more rigorous tests can be conducted through customer responses and reported experiences to testable hypotheses despite the paucity of hard evidence. I call them rational hypothesis in between anecdotal and evidence based anything.
Evey deviation from current orthodoxy into Aaquantum-rational hypothesis requires very clear epistemology i.e. of what is considered evidence and conditions when the current evidence based orthodoxy is to be avoided. For Aaquantum-rationality, the following summarizes my extensive experience-

1.       Even lower ranked doctors of modern-medicine (henceforth mm) licensed by law; are always superior to any alternative system for every episode.

2.       Mm systems are not not necessarily ideal for chronic diseases.

3.       These including diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson etc. Most important, missin g from list so far, is aging, which is also considered a disease, not a natural condition.

4.       Our work is hence limited to essential treatmnts that do not normally lead to contra-indicated behavior and leads to the proven goal of robust life extension.

After arduous research over many years, one of the authors has concluded that only 4 items at this point relevant to the disease of aging. There is nothing positive that can be done beyond instructions of normal doctor for heart disease and stroke. Nothing short of densification of cells and extending life time of cell division by transfection will work against cancers. There are 4 things possible but diet for agig, I am a convert, not just a preacher, have positive anecdotal stories affirming, there is plenty of non-conclusive evidence, conclusive studies are in progress, there is no point in waiting for better degree of evidence.

1.       Cell processes have three important energy cycles ADp-ATP, NADH-NAD+ and citric acid, Last is not major any way. First cycle can be improved by CoQ10. Middle by Niagen.

2.       General circulation, even heart occlusions can be improved with ECP (external counter pulsation)which effectively wraps a flexible elastic membrane on the legs that is pneumatically pumped in  the quiet period of the heart, while he patient is lying comfortably. This is done for 1 hour every day for 2 months.

3.       The diabetic medicine metformin effects pathways there other than the prescribed sugar-control pathway and leads to densification of cells. Comparative studies from NIH database over 12 years have shown that mild diabetic live 5 years longer than equivalent non-diabetics who in urn outlive the insulin treated patents by 5 years. Moment you believe this data

a.       Why can’t metformin be eaten by people suffering from aging disease
b.      If you are already diabetic, all insulin based interventions are counterproductive up to the highest prescribed concentration of 2.5 gm per day
c.       Despite ancient orthodoxy, most up to-date literature pooh-poohs the lactosis fear and recommends metformin with kidney-disease patients.

In the medium  term, within my lifetime, turbine pumps will be ready and perfected for the heart. Transfection with stem metamorphosis of skin cells will advance to the point of densification and error free division.

Extra metmorhin has not hurt me any way, benefits are theoretically there. CoQ10 has breathed life into gym exercises – I do not escape exercises on the grounds internal to me of feeling tired. The following 2 tricks have been tried successfully on myself and is the hajor theme of this note – theoretically plausible mixtures of east (Ayurveda) and west (niagen, coQ10 and metmorfin).
Theoretical justification

There are two kinds of statistics – the popular one for over 80 years and the Bayesian statistics. The fundamental difference is on testing – the popular version eliminates past experiences and deals only with the history in the test. The Bayesian model deals with increase or decrease of the probabilities established from past practices in light of the test. One can view Ayurveda as providing historical probabilities. Unless contra-indicated (ALL bhasams), it is wasteful to deny ALL of the past!

Many antioxidants (curcumin etc) and antiseptics (Neem) await discovery by west. Even better is careful analysis of east and medicines of the west. As per simple rules, two enhancers of digestion with mild taste and no very-careful contra-indications exist that help any Ayurvedic medicine. These are triphala and trikuta. Triphala, being fruit product is contraindicated to one author. However trikuta can be used and is being used with CoQ10, Niagen and metformin. IOt is very unlikely that any of the three ingredients interact with any west medicine.

Supporting weakly is the fact that CoQ10 with bioperine (patented) is available and gets favorable reviews. What is bioperine but highly effective form of tikuta! One can consider small amounts of greatly effective bioperine with larger amount of less-effective, but still cheaper trikuta, applicable with all medicine that do. A sane add in Bayesian statistics!

2. Second test tried on self by raw feelings alone is to take double dose of Niasin and alternate that with much cheaper Niacinamide, both being B3. The raise in NAD+ by niacinamide is glacial, not so for riboside, hence a market for it. At 250 mg, the dose is half of recommended 250-500.The rise in nad+ iks very quick – few hours after the first dose. While no good for NAD+ raise, anecdotally, it does seem to keep the levels high!

3. There is another weak evidence for trikatu. Our theory has identified here barriers any medication must cross. Through each barrier, only a fraction can go through. These are stomach-blood barrier, cell-blood barrier and cell-fluid-mitochondria barrier. The are two ways to breach the stomach-blood barrier –

1. Trikatu/triphala improvement in absorption
2. Direct IV into blood
It turns out Glutathione is effective largely through IV route. Reservetrol and PQQ etc are too delicate, good only for  fresh ingestion by IV route! All greatly increases the cost and motivation. Mitoq is a very effective form of CoQ10 which beaches all the walls! Hence partial breach of 1 wall is useful.


Trikuta mediated coq10, niagen and metformin were discussed. There is strong anecdotal evidence and theoretical justification. Time to test the hypothesis on a group scientifically.