Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Diagnoses and prognosis

Diagnosis is about past. My life can be divided based on decades. Prognosis is about the future. Existentialism is about present only, famously saying “why worry about future, it will come as present”. That is a stupid subhuman philosophy that equates pointful worries with pointless worries, a faith driven worst kind of advice. Given an ensemble, some will suffer and some will not. To point to the lucky and say that could be you is criminally foolish. Faith is criminal compared to extrapolation and probabilistic accounting of the future!

Roughly, my detailed study shows external powers proceeding against heart attacks, strokes, cancers Parkinson and Alzheimer. That leaves Aging as a disease and it is only that, from accumulation of cellular damage. East+West medicine is superior, particularly Ayurveda enhanced western supplements of CoQ10, Nicotanmide Riboside and Metformin with (ECP=) Enhanced counter-pulsation far more than I nternal heart flow, also improved. It is not that I consider western anti-aging generally proper; in fact I consider advertisement and packaging to be criminal.

 In particular, I consider therapies using Resveratrol, GlutathionePyrroloquinoline quinone PQQ, Alpha-Lipoic Acid etc to be sheer waste of money because

2.       In some cases, the promised improvements are better handled by prescription drugs / supplements that are unnecessarily augmented pointlessly with supplements. If your doctor d fails to prescribe a drug with these when needed; change d. Example is about eyes of diabetics too dry.

3.       In some cases, the stomach-blood barrier is too much and the drug must be given IV route

This is my opinion, to be balanced against seller promises and I declare NO known conflict-of-interest. The eastern medicine enhancementsof western supplements praised in the linked paper arise from Bayesian statisticsepistemology of evidence.

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