Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Old age = disease! Following are Good, useful and important,barring accidents for 115 year life (obviously not accepted by FDA or) any one demanding proof first, all recommendations must be approved by health care provider) to first Singularity. It helps to simplify complex Krebs cell energy cycle to 3 subcycles – citric acid, ATP-ADP, NAD+-NADH. Joint improvements are ignored.

Exercise - MUST, but you should doubt self, override internal voice, do 1 hr/day eventually, even in nineties, half aerobic! Stupid self doubts are really clever cover for no strength. All supplements below will ENABLE. Then do it, building up as just 15 min, 3 month 30, 6 month 45, 9 month 1 hr.

ECP - External counter-pulsation: 2 months/5 years, not just cardio.

East + West medicine: Proper statics Bayesian, wrong history=0, use trikatu/ triphala-(non-diabetic) from Ayurveda to enhance western medicine absorption
Citric acid – ignored for now.

ATP-ADP: Trikatu coQ10 400 mg/day, divided 2 doses, with food

NAD+-NADH: Trikatu Niagen 500 mg alternate day 500 mg Trikatu Niacin, empty stomach ½ hour before. Both are vitamin B3, alternate because Niacin very cheap but only Niagen raises NAD+ within hours.

Beneficial pathways: 1500 mg/day Trikatu metformin even if non-diabetic or even with kidney disease

D3: Trikatu sachet 60000 IU twice/month or equivalent pills

Calcium: any Trikatu generic

Omega-3: Trikatu flax seed if strict vegetarian or Trikatu w3 1000 mg/day from fish

Vitamin B12 = Trikatu 1000 mg/day Alpha-lipoic acid

Trikatu is general purpose enhancer, was purchased as churan and supplements pill/capsule with 2 gm per quaff, or proportionally larger with more medicine.

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